Today was one odd hell of a dream...

It started off somewhat normal. I and my family were going somewhere, perhaps a concert of some sort- but we were driving a tank. My mother was somehow now Amelia Earnheart and it went to a first person view of a cockpit, flying it...

There's a lapse of time, I think. It's worth noting that I had a book, very thick, with the cover of one of the Seek books. I remember an argument about the thing having no pictures and my brother wanting to read it- in actuality, it had several comics in it- Order of the Stick and several which I don't know. There may have been a few editorials by Joe Peacock in the book, so I fooled my brother into thinking it didn't have pictures...


Anyways, the next thing I remember is drivign in a normal car to some place, an amusement park, it seemed. It was flanked by a large gate, with the words 'Universal Studios' so I suppose that's what they were for... I exclaimed, "Universal Studios!", as if I wanted to go there. My mother said, "You know we can't afford that." I feel crushed, but all the same, I say that I know we can't. It's as if the thing in front of me, a large pool, is free or something. When you get on it-and I went first- it swings you around, then tosses you... I think only my father went before we got out, walking towards a back gate...

That's a general overview of the area. Afterwards, we left the pool area for another place- unbarred, strangely. My mother and father went there... I don't exactly know what it was, but it seemed like a car park. Then they took some strange implement and somehow began to unlock a car, as if they were stealing it. They wanted to get us in there one way or another... I stepped out side for a second, seeing the huge amount of armament behind the fence next to this entrance, I walked back in- only to see a security guard instead of my brother, mother, and father.

I went crazy, asking her where my parents were- she said the sixth floor, strange since this, from what I saw, was a one story establishment... I thought nothing of it, and continued, picking up some weapons on the way, like a baseball bat.. I don't much remember for a little while, but they weren't on the sixth floor.. I ran into what seemed like the same DC, a look and voice like Ripley from Aliens. I started crying, telling her how my mother wanted to reward us but didn't have the money, and all that... I escaped, only to be caught later on- my sob story being said again.


This dream involved the guy from America's Funniest Home Videos... He's a washed up comedian on some talk show. Anyways, a few of us are crowded around a television. It's rather mundane. There's a penguin with glasses, mostly talking animals.. We realize the key to life is Spongebob. Oh boy.


This was all rather interesting... It's obvious I'm missing my mom, or I don't trust her, or perhaps she'd do a bit too much for me. I can't make sense of the first- what was it about...? The last? My childlike innocence turning into cold, hard, philosophy.