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      »something funny« Chrno666's Avatar
      Join Date
      Feb 2008

      I think therefore it is

      Please post your opinions or views on my dreams.

      I've decided to start a dream journal mainly because i forget dreams rather quickly and to help me with lucid dreams. I'm still training dream recall.

      The first dream i remember i was about 4 years old and i was taking a walk with my family at night it was dark lighted only with street light (the orage ones) it was a street with these arches made of some sort of plant and i was flying around my family asking why can't you fly? look at me this is fun the i woke up and started jumping of the bed and couch in my superman pijama trying to fly because the deam was so vivid that i thought it was real.

      This dream i had when i was about 6 years old and i was dreaming that i had a pet elephant and that i was going up the stairs into the apartment and he was following me (a full grown elephant) so when i entered my apartment i asked my mom if i could keep him, the elephant was trying to come in throught the door and the i woke up with my mom dressing me to go to school and i asked her "were's the elephant? were's the elephant?"

      The next dream i had a couple of days ago, i remember looking out the window and seeing a city with a lot of tall buildings and saying " we must've changed something...*" then i open the door (suddenly it's daytime) and see a plane landing on a strip right in front of the house on the other side of the road then i look around and it's all in 3D and for some reason my best friend is a sheep that talks sudenly a pig comes from a hill on my left running (like a person) and ripping the road to pieces, then i see a stump in comic style with red eyes surounded by black it stars to move and it transforms into an evil wooden old lady with red eyes and this snake like pointy tongue then it transforms into a evil old lady with red eyes and i wake up...

      *related to time travel

      Today's dream
      The metro (subway?) doors close and a tiny dog with a red collar stays outside the doors while the owner menaged to get inside and made a coment about it, i look out the window and i see a red jeep standing in the platform with the lights on like it's looking at me, i get out on another station with a cover above it like archs with "y" shaped collumns, i enter a yellow building where there's a woman sitting near the counter drinking something and a guy in the counter cleaning glasses, i went directly to the computer and typed in the address box of ie6 www.???.é.???.???.com (é = is) and the guy in the counter behind who was cleaning a glass says: "do you need help with your password?" and after a while he says:" you are typing it wrong" then i correct it and change "é" for "e" because the browser doesn't accept punctuation after that i wake up with my dog scrating the door

      * the dog looked more or less like the one on the left but with the a black spot over right eye the dog
      Last edited by Chrno666; 02-14-2008 at 03:00 PM. Reason: recalled more details


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