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      Bob Loblaw's Law Blogs!!! Bob Loblaw's Avatar
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      Bob Loblaw's Dream Blogs

      I am a noob here and I have always had interesting dreams/experiences that I can't explain. I am attempting to LD at the present and I'm really excited! I never actually knew what LD was until recently, and I was so fascinated to know that I've had these before, I just didn't know what they were at the time. Anywho, this is the start of my Dream Journal!! I am going to start this journal off by reminding myself of dreams/experiences that I've had before and hopefully I'll be able to add to it soon

      1.) I remember a dream where I was at a cabin with Mike Jenna and someone else.
      They were all doing cocaine and I watched them do it. They asked if I wanted to do any and I said no
      I woke up and I felt sooooooooooooo good because I had said no to the coca in my dream!!! (Long struggle trying to quit…finally did after 2 years and have been clean for 4 years.)

      2.) I remember a dream that I had after a good friend of mine from High School died. In my dream, I was in the hallway at my locker. I was dressed in a 50's sock-hop outfit (as the school was having a dance). I closed my locker and walked down the hall on the way to the gym where the dance was to be held. I could see people dancing and having fun as I approached the open double doors to the gym. There was a table at the door where you had to sign your name and the person you brought with you
      to the dance. As I was in line, I saw Serrell. I looked at him in a shocking way I suppose (he has JUST recently passed) and he just looked at me and smiled and said "I'm okay". I personally believe that he was answering my question that I was pondering in my head when I heard the news, and that was if he suffered a horrible death. But I think he came to me in my dream to let me know he was okay and not to worry about him. This was the most vivid dream I have had regarding someone who has passed away. My uncle passed away last year and I never even had a dream like that in reference to him. I can
      remember waking up from this dream crying...that’s how real it was.

      3.) One time while I was in high school, I came home and was watching TV on my parents bed and I must've passed out...or something. I still can't fully explain this "dream" I had. In my "dream" I was in a wide open field in the summertime...tall grass, beautiful flowers and trees all around, and it was very bright and warm. The "dream" also had this foggy "look" to it, as if you were looking through a dirty glass or something. But in the "dream" I was with a friend and we were smoking a blunt. I remember smoking the blunt and then all of a sudden my friend and I joined hands and started spinning in a circle REALLY fast while laughing and still smoking, and then I woke up. When I woke up, I remember feeling disoriented. I forgot where I was and I also had the feeling in my body like I had just gotten off of a really rocky boat ride. To my surprise, I was HIGH when I came to. At the time, I was smoking weed almost everyday with my friends but that day I DID NOT smoke any weed. This high that I got from the dream was so awesome and I still felt it hours after I had woken up from this "dream".

    2. #2
      Bob Loblaw's Law Blogs!!! Bob Loblaw's Avatar
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      Raleigh, NC
      4.) Another dream (really, it was a fucking nightmare) I have remembered since I was younger because it was so fucking terrifying. At least to a 7 year old. This was back around 1991-92 when my dad was in Saudi Arabia for the Gulf War. I decided to sleep with my mom one night because I thought she was lonely without my dad. I soon drifted off to sleep and into a fucking nightmare. I remember the setting...it was a red sky with black clouds and there was a castle on top of a hill with a winding dirt path
      that lead up to it. I remember in the dream that I was scared and wanted to leave, but there was a witch in my dream that was trying to coax me up to the castle with some damn cheese crackers (You know, the kind your mom used to put in your lunchbox with the Keebler Elves on the package). And I used to love my cheese crackers. So in the dream I am approaching the front of the castle and I can see the witch smiling and holding the last cheese cracker but I didn't take it because I was scared to go
      inside that dark castle. This must've made the witch mad because she quickly turned into an evil bitch and started chasing me. I remember running away from the castle and this is when I woke up...on the floor. I had somehow rolled off the bed during this shitty nightmare. Scarred for life is all I can say! And I don't eat cheese crackers anymore because of this. Seriously.

      5.) On to another nightmare I had. The only part of this nightmare I remember is what I'm about to type, and thats it. I was in my bed, and my bed started floating. I could see myself floating on the bed in my dresser mirror. All of a sudden my bed started spinning around out of control lifting higher off the ground with each spin. And every time I saw this in the mirror there was a demon underneath my bed that was showing his ugly red face, laughing at me. This was so real that it fucking freaked me out. Thats all I remember, I don't even remember waking up.

      6.) Now what I'm about to describe is so weird I don't even understand what happened. I was at home a couple of weekends ago and my boyfriend and I were trying to get some sleep. My boyfriend and I eventually fell asleep to the TV. Suddenly I woke up and I immediately had the feeling like someone was watching me. I quickly rolled over to see the shape of a TALL man standing in the door.
      I sat up to get a closer look and this man was still there, just watching me. At first I thought it was my boyfriend until I realized he was sleeping right next to me (I was closest to the door). I was so freaked out that I grabbed his arm and just starting yanking on it to wake up. By the time he was awake the man had disappeared. I was so scared that night but sleep came pretty easily to me after that happened.

    3. #3
      Bob Loblaw's Law Blogs!!! Bob Loblaw's Avatar
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      7.) The last experience I have recently had with OBE was a couple of months ago. Background story: I recently started a Massage Therapy class and we were learning about eastern modalities, which I found to be pretty interesting. We learned all about the chakras, how to cleanse them, and we also learned about our astral bodies. ANYWAY. One day I had come home from class and I was extremely tired from lack of sleep the night before. I laid down on the bed and my boyfriend said he was going to take a shower real quick. I figured I'd just lie down to get some rest, I wasn't expecting to fall asleep, just
      wanted to rest my body. I don't even remember falling asleep. All of a sudden I am floating above my body. I floated up to the ceiling VERY fast and I remember looking down at myself lying on the bed. I remember thinking "oh my God what's going on" and I kept thinking I was going to hit the ceiling fan for some reason. I KNOW this wasn't a dream because the setting was exactly the same as when I had laid down. The lights and ceiling fan in the bedroom were on. So was the bathroom light and I could also hear the shower water running while my boyfriend was showering. I remember feeling VERY light and "floaty" and upon waking up I felt like my body was rocking from side to side. When my boyfriend got out of the shower I told him what had just happened to me and he laughed and said it was probably just a dream, but I knew it wasn't.

      8.) I have had a lot of weird stuff happen to me too, like visions. One vision I remember clearly was when I was on the way to my local community college for class. It was a nice day out and I was sitting at a red light when I got a vision of a cop car coming from the opposite way at the next light..but I didn't think anything of it since I'm always paranoid about the 5-0. Well, the light turned green and I proceeded up and around this really crucial curve that I have since learned to master from driving to class everyday. Anyway, after the hill, the road evens out and you can see the next light...and WHADDAYA know, there was a fucking cop car coming from the opposite way, EXACTLY as I had seen in my vision. Now there is NO WAY that I would've seen this cop car coming while I was at the red light, NO WAY. This event really freaked me out and I remember sitting in class the whole time thinking about what had just
      happened to me.

      9.) I have had some experiences with Deja Vu..one that I will never forget was when I was dating my first serious boyfriend in High School. He lived in another part of town that I hadn't been to because I didn't have my license yet, and it was a part of town where the upper class families lived, so I didn't really go around that part of town. Well, one day after school he said he was going to take me to his house for the first time to meet his parents. On the way to his house we were passing the open fields with the windows down and music thumping and assoon as I saw a white picket fence I immediately felt as if I had done this before. No mistake/doubt about it. I was sure of it. It felt so familiar to me. I think this was also probably my first déjà vu as well.

    4. #4
      Bob Loblaw's Law Blogs!!! Bob Loblaw's Avatar
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      Raleigh, NC
      10.) Some weird things have happened to me in my house as well. One night I was laying down, not really trying to go to sleep, just laying there with my head on the pillow thinking about things. I all of a sudden heard someone in a female voice whisper my name. It wasn't like it was asking "Vivian? are u there??" It just said my name plain and simple "Vivian". VERY creepy. I was so fucking scared that I pulled the blankets over my head for a good 10 minutes; heart pounding and everything. I finally got the guts to turn on the lamp attached to my bedpost and left it on for the rest of the night. SCARED SHITLESS.

      11.) The last and final experience I recall with "something" was when I was at home on the family computer in the living room. I was being a dumbass and wanted sugar toast so I put sugar on bread and since I didn't have a toaster oven I decided to take a shortcut and turn the toaster sideways (I KNOW I'M A DUMBASS..I was young too. There, that makes me feel better and make my sugar bread that way so the sugar would stay on the bread. I put the toaster on its side and left the kitchen to getback to the computer. I turned around because I had a feeling like someone was watching me and I SWEAR when I turned my head I saw a VERY young girl with blonde hair that was about 3 and a half feet tall and when I turned to look at her I saw her hand gripping the edge of the doorway. I was so scared that I turned back to the computer trying to convince myself this was not real, that I didn't just see a blonde haired girl in my house. Not that I have anything against blonde haired people!! My dad is black and my mom is Korean so there are no blonde haired people in my house..that’s why this was weird to me not to mention the fact that I was the only one home. Well anyway, I was so scared that the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, NO LIE!! And I had goose bumps all over. I think I sat there for 5 minutes before getting the courage to get up and actually see if anyone was around the corner in the kitchen.
      Well, I finally got up to check this shit out and as soon as I peeked around the corner I saw that the toaster was on FIRE and right above the tall flame was the paper towel dispenser (screwed into the wall) inches away from being set aflame! To this day I KNOW that if I didn't see that little girl, my house would've burnt to the ground. That’s my story and I'm sticking to it.

      *These are dreams/experiences that I can easily recall. I know I’ve had more strange things happen (like waking up and then going back to sleep and continuing the dream where I left off) but I don’t remember details like I do with these dreams. I hope to add more to this Dream Journal when I can attain the ability to lucid dream.


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