hey guys. this is my dream journal . thx.

o and first long lucid dream - i hardly ever remmebr my dreams... this was my first dream with slight lucidity.... It all "started" - i cant really remmeber if there was a start.. or an end.... but i remember being on a platform... a dock of sorts.. not a modern dock but a square platform raised farely high.. it was yellow.. in fact i was in a city... of yellow.... it was not a modern city it was very abstract.. all a tinge of yellow... very tall buildings.. or what seemed to be buildings... so me and some friends.. noone i actually know but for some reason i knew they were my friends were standing on this "dock" it was farely square... but we kept jumping into this water of this dock... and after awile ofscrewin around and swiming.. we discovered hundreds of large air pockets under the "dock" akltho they couldnt possibly all fit under there... but we eventually discovered they were all portals... we would swim up to diffrent pockets and would be transported to these other psychadelic, sexual and colorful places... ... places in which sheer extacy was an understatement..... it seemed as if it taken an infinit amount of lsd... every portal was VERY new and diffrent.. in some i had control .. verbal control over some of these very attractive female companions that were exploreing these portals with me. i explored these new places for what seemed like hours. eventually in the middle of a sort of a lucid intercoure on a floating pole a awakened... but forced myself back to sleep wanting to explore some more.. and to my hope i was back on the "dock." but this time for a moment my vision was zoomed in on one of the male friends that was with me.. his eye... outside of the iris.. the one side of his eye that was white flickered with this cloud that revealed another city.. very odd... then my vision zoomed out again and he pushed me into the water.. this time i was instantly transported to my next location without useing the air pocket portals.. and i was sitting in my school.. it didnt look like my school.. but i knew it was some how. i was in class. listening to a lecture.. when suddenly a portal opened in the wall of the room.. and a man stepped through.. the rportal somehow had the same vibrations of the portals i went through in the airpockets.. somehow i knew he was from the city i was previously in. as soon as he entered the classroom somehow i knew every adult in the close 100 miles or so was dead... i rejected to this at first and they kept reappearing and then dissapering again until eventually i was defeated.. and then i was hooked up to this machine.. an orgasm machine per say.. an instant one.. why idk... but i was.. i was at the mercy of this man as were everyone in the classroom... but eventually i was allowed to leave as thouzands of people flooded in through the portals... all of them were evil somehow.. i knew. but on fleeing hte school somehow i had recruited a sort of rebellion? the rest of the dream is very hazy.. but i remember searching the schools drug cabinet finding it empty and being sad about it hopeing i could take some mushrooms with me as i fleed the school. as i reached the exit a VERY VERY attractive woman pulled me aside.. i could tell she was with the evil forces.. but she was SOO DAMN HOT .. i eventually ran lout of the school just evading my tmeptation... i awakened again... and again i forced myself back into the dream.. this time i awaked just as i was going trhrough another portal and i was in a field. a very very large field with a barn attached to a roller coaster and hundreds of acres of flat gorund. suddenly the girl appereared agaiun accept she was EXTREMLY scary. her body and skin was demeneted. and somehow i knew the world was infected with this .. virus she had.. and she was shooting someting at me.. deffintelty trying ot kill me... but i kept jumping behind the rollercoaster and holding onto the cars.. flying behind it like a ribbon in the wind to avoid her shots.... .. then somehow i found myself in a forest with the last surviror of this .. virus.. and we were running from this machine... that looked like an atat from star wars.. not the big 4 legged oines. the 2 legged ones... and idk if he survied or not.. but i had to run trough a fenced in area of infected animals.. it was the scarriest expirence ive ever felt.. but eventuallt i found a large rock and hid under it.. in which the girl arived again in her original form.. and i couldnt help myself.. and all i remember is during intercourse.. and lucid thingking i was taken over by this eveil force and somehow i had known i had failed.... and then i awaked for good... i have never recalected more then fragments of dreams... i have always wished for a d ream like this and im very glad it happened.. what does this mean and how can i dream like this again?