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    1. #1
      New Dreamer ColdShock's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2008

      Post ColdShock's Journal

      Just thought i'd start my journal entries now. Since I forget most of my dreams, I need a place like this to quickly write them down. . . or well after an hour or two quickly type them. Anyway hope you enjoy my entries, unless they sound confusing which they usually might be
      Here are some of my goals that i'll check off here in my dream journal:

      Have a Lucid Dream:
      Wake myself from dream or lucid dream:
      Meet the thingy that invades your dreams (forgot name xD):

      Also, my telling of my dream will be black ink.

      My comments about my dream will be lime green

      Lucid dreams will be in Medium Turqouise

      Nightmares will be Red
      Last edited by ColdShock; 04-04-2008 at 02:18 AM.
      Lucid Dream Count- 0
      Nightmares Since Signup- 0

    2. #2
      New Dreamer ColdShock's Avatar
      Join Date
      Mar 2008

      Post The Monster Air-Ship, Dinner with Music, The Lazer Room, ChristianSchool Front, Obama Speech.

      Sunday, March 29, 2008The Monster Air-Ship non or semi-lucid?

      When the dream started I saw what seemed to be a cinematic of a futuristic mechanical air-ship crashing down on a foreign planet. After it crashed I realized I was inside the air-ship, and nothing inside seemed harmed or broken ( The inside looked like a modern day airplane O_o). Inside the ship were six other guys, including me. We all had what seemed to be assault rifles or something. We were at the top of the air-ship and their was a bottom part of this air-ship too. Suddenly a door spawned under one of the guys seats and alienish monsters started to pour out of there. What seemed to be the next 20 minutes of my dream was simply shooting at the aliens that were very monstrous. Near the end of this segment of my dream the aliens conquered both the top and bottom of the airship ( *whimper* )

      Comments: One of my usual crazy dreams, it was pretty long too .
      Dinner with Music non or semi-lucid?

      This one was quite odd. It took place at my school and I just ran away from my home to there (my home was oddly one of the classrooms of the school in real life O_o). A girl was with me but I don't remember her face and just thought through out the dream that I shouldn't be running from home and dining ( huh?). Anyway I arrived their with a group of other people that the girl invited. We all went inside to see another group leave. We all sat down and were served meals (forgot what they were). Then a guy sitting next to me put hand sanitizer inside a ranch bottle, shook it, and poured it onto my hands(WHAT THE!!!!) and then I applied it to my hands not thinking of it. However during the dream I remember vividly it smelling awful. Then suddenly, I heard the host's daughter play a string instrument!(I think violin) It was very nice and I even remembering stretching my arms out and relaxing. Then after we all ate we left the room and went somewhere else. I can't remember what we did next though.

      Comments: One of my odder dreams, the dinner though was quite nice. I had an odd feeling throughout the dinner though.

      The Lazer Room non or semi-lucid?

      After somehow imaging a lazer room (It seemed sort of like the lazer room in Resident Evil, btw I didn't see the movie that night) I spawned inside what seemed to be an amusment park. Their was a structure thats roof was held by poles and was very dark inside. It was sort of like traffic except with people. Sort of like a tunnel that cars go into. Except this one was very short. I (and alot of other people) walked inside the tunnel. Once I reached the middle of the room large metal poles seemed to block the entrance and exit. Their was slight panick in the begging. Suddenly the whole room darkened and a lazer shot across the room at the height of my ankle. I dodged it by jumping into the air (their was gravity I presume). Then it came back and I dodged it again. Suddenly their was a very confusing one coming, it seemed to spin across the floor and people were jumping to avoid it. I thought I could dodge it by moving to the other side of the room. It did go pass me, but then suddenly it lashed out and cleaved a guy's stomach in half. (I won't describe what came out ). When it ended the poles went back into the structure and I walked out. A guy walked next to me and said how he designed it, I think I replied by saying "cool" like it was all just some amusment ride or something. After that I went into a grass area (It seemed like a college I visited once :O) and I saw a few of my classmates their. I drank some water and this segment of my dream ended.

      Comments: Resident Evil anyone? xD. But yeah I like fun dreams like this, I just don't want my head rolling across the floor or else I'll wake up
      Christian School Front non-lucid

      Very short segment. I was outside a halfschool half christian church(Christian school then? xD). Me and my parents were outside the church watching through the doorway at the priest talking. Then some woman walked to us and said the office was that way (across the hall). We walked inside and talked to a receptionist. Applied some hand sanitizer on my hands that was on her desk(this time without ranch ) and this segment ended.

      Comment: The school also sorta reminded me of mines. Except I don't have a church in it, it's not a christian school, and the secretary doesn't have hand sanitizer.
      Obama Speech non-lucid

      Another short segment. I was in what seemed to be a colosseum with people. (I had a front row seat ). Then Obama(guy running for presidency) walked by us and told my dad(my parents were here) that he had similar shoes as him. My dad was like and then Obama gave a speech (it was quick and I don't remember a word he said). Then he held fans hands into the air, walked off the stage, people cheered, end of dream.

      Comment:I really dunno

      Note: ALL OF THESE dreams happend today. Typical me
      Last edited by ColdShock; 03-30-2008 at 01:18 AM.
      Lucid Dream Count- 0
      Nightmares Since Signup- 0


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