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    1. #1
      Exploring Dream Time Golden Son's Avatar
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      Mar 2008

      Discovering the Oneness: Meditation, Astral Projection, and Lucid Dreaming

      Discovering the Oneness: Meditation, Astral Projection, and Lucid Dreaming

      I. Intro
      I seem to have gotten myself in a pickle. Upon finding these forums, I initially had only spirtual experiences through meditation. That was why I was here, or at least why I thought so at the time. Now, I've discovered and decided to take on Lucid Dreaming. I've come to the conclusion that meditation and lucid dreaming are interconnected. Astral Projection too. You can do the research yourself, practice of meditation aids in not only lucid dreaming, but even more in AP(my Out of body experience from AP occurred when just doing a normal meditation session).

      II. Purpose
      This will serve as a log for all of my lucid dreams, meditations, and astral projections. I believe that the more I experience these, the clearer it becomes in my mind how they are all interconnected. I hope to share my experiences with others, and have others do the same, so that we all can come to an understanding of this connection and our natural, innate abilities as spiritual beings.

      III. Procedure
      This hasn't fully been worked out yet but here it goes. I will aim to preform a WBTB - go to sleep at night at 10 or 11pm, depending on the day, latest 12. I will then wake up 5 hours from then, go to the bathroom, get a drink, and then attempt Wake Induce Lucid Dreaming. This is where majority of my LD's will occur from, despite a few DILD where I recognize I'm dreaming and do my recalls.

      I intend to first try out incorporating Nap Induced Astral Projection in the afternoon after a nap. I'm hoping it will go as planned and this will become my time to practice Astral Projection.

      Meditation sessions will not be limited to a certain time of the day, as one can never meditate at a wrong time, whenever it's needed. However, I will probably aim to fit meditation in during the morning/night(before going to bed).

      I'm excited and look forward to experiencing this world to the fullest.
      Last edited by Golden Son; 05-16-2008 at 08:38 PM.

    2. #2
      Member Jdeadevil's Avatar
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      Can't remember
      Lancashire, England
      Nice start, really inspiring, I like it.

      "He who is the cause of someone else becoming powerful is the agent of his own destruction" - Ezio Auditore da Firenze (1459 - 1524)

      Dream Journal l Facebook

    3. #3
      Exploring Dream Time Golden Son's Avatar
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      Mar 2008
      NOTE***for all my journals. If ever I don't achieve the results I want, I'm making it the habit to re frame it as "I chose not to". For example if I don't recall, its because my mind just chose not to. If I didn't enter a lucid dream, its because I chose not to. Pretty soon I will choose to. It is my choice, its not that I "Wasn't able to". I'm perfectly able, its just getting to a point where I'm competent.
      ~WILDing Sessions~

      I'm still seeing what works best for me so I've been trying different approaches. For now I will be using Adams WILDing technique. Basically after doing a Wake Back To Bed, you lie down, relax, and start focusing on the sensation that your back is sinking into your bed. At the same time your feeling this, your imagining the darkness your eye sees getting further and further away from you, even more so giving you a sinking feeling. What this does is induce Sleep Paralysis. You then focus on the sensations of SP and make the transfer to lucid dream.


      Practicing BILD(breathing induced lucid dreaming)
      So I stumbled upon Malac's BILD technique. How it works is after a WBTB, you induce heavy breathing until you receive that high awake feeling. This allows you to enter into SP and LD's super fast because you are ultra aware, and the sensations come quicker.

      Well I decided to play around with this idea. Instead of hyperventilation to induce high, I instead tried this with a small amount of thc on my brain. Just noticeable. I then proceeded to use Adam's WILD technique(described above). However, I did not do a WBTB so I wasn't expecting LD entry, it was just kinda "practice". Well it worked. Upon laying down I was immediately aware of my body. I ran through my blue meditation technique in seconds(usually takes like 10 mins) and was fully relaxed. Sensations easily came quick and I achieved some level of sleep paralysis as I expierenced really odd sensations. No Ld entry though, not the right REM stage. Closest I've ever been though. Btw the thc only made it easier, I can get the same sensations without it, it just takes more time/practice/concentration.


      1st WILD attempt

      In this session I was aiming for WBTB time of 5 hours. Its important to note I did not go to sleep till past 1am(it might have been even later) due to something I couldn't prevent. Just before falling off to sleep, I called upon my guides and asked them, as well as my subconscious, to help me in recalling my dreams/becoming lucid..etc all those good things.

      About 3 out of 5 hours into it, I suddenly woke up. I was not expecting this. My logical side took over from here: "Why did I wake up? How much time is left on the timer? How long have I been sleeping? Should I try and WILD now, or have I only been sleeping for an hour and need to use the bathroom?" I guess I decided to try it anyways(which is what I should have done in the 1st place, instead of asking all those questions lol). Needless to say, all those questions killed my recall. I don't even think I kept my eyes closed, or remained still upon waking. So I skipped recall and moved on.

      I get up and look at the meditation timer and noticed I still had 2 hours left. DOH! Whatever, before finishing the other 2 hours I decide to try to use Adam's WILD tech. I started by just breathing and relaxing, trying to come back down as close to the sleep stage as I could. I then started to focus on the sinking sensation in my back, but to no luck. If I did feel my back sinking it was very little/not drastic. I specifically remember how difficult it was to push my vision away from me to aid in the sinking sensation, I just couldn't visualize the blackness going away from me, it just remained flat and near. I just couldn't enter SP. I decided to finish off the 2 hours.

      I'm pretty sure I woke up randomly AGAIN in those 2 hours, not sure though, if I did it was just to shift and move, but I fell asleep right after. My meditation timer goes off and I wake. Once again I don't believe I remained still/kept my thoughts off the day/kept my eyes closed. However, I did start to see a dim(meaning not vivid) scene in the dream I had had. All I can remember is that I think it was with my best friend. But then BAM, as if someone closed the door to my dreaming world, I lost the recall. All that matters though, is I was at least able to remember more then I did at 1st attempt. If one could just improve a little each time, they will become a master. I move on past recall towards WILDING

      Get up, go to the bathroom, get a quick drink, back in bed. Once again could not achieve the "sensations" from adam's WILD tech, or even enter sleep paralysis. Go back to sleep.

      Overall, I'm not surprised at the results of this. One, I didn't get to sleep at a reasonable time. Two, random wake ups combined with not knowing my new system took me off my path pretty good. Overall I just chose not to focus on the sensations that lead to SP. If I could have gotten those sensations, the transfer to Lucid Dream might have taken place. I really think it was the mental blocks stopping me here (unreasonable sleep time, random wake ups, tiredness). I believe next time if I go to sleep at 10 or 11pm, WBTB for 5 hours, get up, go to bathroom, lay back down, relax, I should be able to feel the sensations and make the transfer to SP.
      Last edited by Golden Son; 05-17-2008 at 07:51 PM.

    4. #4
      Exploring Dream Time Golden Son's Avatar
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      Mar 2008
      Gonna make this quick as I have to go to work.

      This occured last night, although it was 2am so technically it was the 18th =P. Anyways yea, didn't get to sleep till 2, got home from work late sore and tired, put a very small amount of thc on my brain. Laid down, relaxed, practiced autosuggestion before I feel asleep. Set my WBTB to 5 hours on my meditation clock. Fade to black. I wake up at about 6 something and start to recall.

      This time I see a man. He is making a "no I didn't/ or no thanks" type jesture. I believe this dream was about my job.

      Then I move on from recall to WILDing after a bathroom break and my dream journal. I chose not to get the sensations. I believe I'm not getting relaxed enough to enter SP and my competence level isn't there yet but will be soon. I just found this in depth WILDING transitions page which should help me out some. http://www.dreamviews.com/community/...ead.php?t=9806

      I went back asleep then woke up again. Recall time again. Now I'm actually seeing a full scene!! Progress! I'm in a Block buster video, we're sitting on the floor for some reason with a bunch of other teenagers/people. I observe 1 younger kid complaining about wanting to leave to a girl he is with. Another teen near him comments "I'll take you in a little, don't worry, only you though(not her)". Apparently the kid who wanted to leave left his car somewhere, and the other kid was gonna take him and drop him off at his car.

      All in all, I'm excited as I see the progression. I'm off to work, will format this later

    5. #5
      Exploring Dream Time Golden Son's Avatar
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      Mar 2008
      I have finally managed to work out my schedule and continue this project I started last year. Will update everything with new goals

      Attempted a WILD during my nap session today. Body was not tired enough to fall asleep so therefore no WILD, just deep relaxation and laid there in The Silence for 1-2 hours. It was quite peaceful, I spend a lot of the time in The Silence these days. Will make sure I'm more sleepy next time.

      An old Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson asked him: "Which wolf wins?" He simply replied, "The one you feed."

    6. #6
      Exploring Dream Time Golden Son's Avatar
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      Mar 2008
      1/15/09 - First Lucid!

      Ok so after grabbing the air several times and sending my body from nearly sleeping to wide awake the night before last with Malac's Grab induction technique, I decided FILD would be easier to try because of its more subtle physical movements.

      I awoke after my first random dream of the night and the first thing on my mind was using the restroom(1st mistake, but you gotta go when you gotta go)......it's just not the same as waking from a dream and immediately attempting FILD(how do I know this if this is my first time? Because I read well and know my own body).

      After getting back in bed and trying to relax, I gave FILD a go, failed the nose RC. Relaxed even more than before, attempted FILD, and failed the nose RC. I knew I would have had success had I not woken up and gone to the bathroom, so I decided to try again later. I'm tired and want to fall asleep immediately so I can attempt FILD again, and I know if I try and think myself to sleep I will only stay awake, so I just focus all intent on relaxing as much as possible, possibly focusing a little on breathing. My body becomes heavy/fully relaxed and all of the sudden I am hit with SP sensations, what I was doing allowed me to consciously fall asleep(WILD)! First time I felt them so clearly and suddenly.

      I feel like my bed has tilted to the left and my arm slides off and dangles from it. This is where the falling sensations kick in. Immediately after that my legs give way and feel like they are falling hundreds of feet sinking right through my bed. Then my upper body begins to plummet, and then I feel as if my full body is in the same place, and possibly a quick lifting feeling and some strange noises. It is done.

      I instantly realize "This is it! I must be dreaming". I lift my left hand from under my covers and plug my nose, "I can breath! I am dreaming. I am lucid." I force my eyes open and get up from my bed but dizzily teeter over. Instantly I assert that I am dreaming, I can control this, and I slap my hands together hard and rub them all in a matter of split seconds, this works like a charm and I am walking around my room in my newly discovered dream body in no time. I decide I want some light because it is dim. I try and flick the bathroom light switch on but of course it does nothing(at the time I had forgotten that this is one of my reality checks), so I step over and try the ceiling fan(this is habit in action guys lol). I pull the cord to the ceiling fan, and it complies, but does nothing. I realize that I pulled the fan string instead of the light string, but when attempting to pull the light string it does nothing but sound a peaceful deep wind chime bell noise. I thought "wtf? I pull the light string and I hear bells??" I then remembered that light switches often don't work properly in dreams and because of that people use them as reality checks. So I go over to my bedroom sliding glass door and slide it open and step out, surveying my house. It is quite dim as well. I then quickly decide what I want to do with the rest of the lucid. I decide I want to enter a bright peaceful garden with a fountain in the middle, sounds good to me. I walk forth into my room and look around and notice a flashlight beam hovering above my bed following my movement(well, I got my light I wanted, but it's kind late for that - I want to enter the garden now). "Doh!", I remembered something about having to close doors and open them, walking in expecting to be where you want to be for it to work. So I step out of my room, close the sliding glass door, think, and open/walk in. It is still my room. I decide to try it on my regular bathroom door in my room, but still no luck. I am puzzled, and then feel myself returning from dream body to physical body, wake up and record this log.

      I am reminded of a prose from my favorite author of Astral Project who talks about the differences between experiencing AP and LD in very close proximity.
      After only a few seconds, I popped directly into the dream I'd left earlier. The transition was
      breathtaking. There was a full continuance of waking consciousness. I did not fall asleep and then
      wake up within the dream, but projected directly into it from the full waking state.
      Everything looked and felt real, stable, and
      solid. It was simply mind-blowing! I jumped up and down few times to feel the weight of my body, then
      pinched myself, "Ouch!" This hurt just as it would in real life, and my body weight felt normal. I was
      fully dressed and could even feel the texture of my socks when I wiggled my toes inside my shoes. I glanced at my hands. They looked normal and did not melt(AP). I tried creating an apple in my
      hand, but nothing happened. The dreamscape I was in did not waver in the slightest. Curious, I
      thought, in a normal lucid dream the environment can be altered and anything can be created by
      imagining it. Regardless, I was fully aware that I was dreaming.
      I give my thanks to you guys for showing me this community and allowing me to have my first of many lucids to come!

      PS: In my initial LD if I would have just closed my eyes/thought about the garden being on the other side, THEN opened the door, walked in, closed it, and THEN opened my eyes it probably would have worked. Originally I just closed the door with eyes open, thought in my head that I would be in the garden upon opening it and walking through, but I just walked into my room/bathroom(depending on door used). I think the whole eyes open thing made it hard for me to accept the change in scenery, since that kinda stuff doesn't happen in the waking world. But I could be wrong

      An old Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, "My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, truth, compassion and faith." The grandson asked him: "Which wolf wins?" He simply replied, "The one you feed."


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