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    1. #1
      No, not really.... AniaFaery's Avatar
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      Jun 2008
      Chambersburg PA

      AniaFaery's Dream Journal

      because i tend to jump right in head first, i'll skip the introduction and get to the dreamin'...

      i just started really researching lucid dreaming a few nights ago and learned about the reality checks last night...i prefer the time checking method...it did actually work for me last night but i was so excited that the reality check in my dream worked that i woke up...i assume it'll take me a little while to get past that...last night was a WILD...my co-worker called and woke me up and i drifted back into the dream thinking "i should do the time check thing..." and when i did and it worked, i thought "holy crap, it really does work! i've got to call K!" and i woke up instantly to send him a text msg...dork...

      so the dream...utterly strange...

      i was at a car dealership looking for a nice Honda that wouldn't break the bank and i noticed a VW bus...not a VW Bus, the hippy van thing...but a VW BUS...a school bus shrunk down to VW size...it had 3 rows and i could touch the back of the bus and the back of the driver's compartment at the same time standing in the aisle...for some reason, i was ok with the fact that you had to push the brakes from 2 feet above the floor board of the bus...it was painted green...that's not significant, but i really like the color green...

      during the test drive i decided to go pick up my roommates...one of whom was a viking...in full viking gear...that's not strange at all...around this time is when my co-worker calls me and wakes me up...so i drift back to sleep still test driving the car and decide to do the time reality check...it was 10:03 the first time and 10:41 at second glance...which isn't a huge difference, but enough of one that i knew something was up...

      like i said...i was so excited that the reality check behaved the way it was described, i woke up almost instantly...in my further attempts to fall back asleep i almost managed another WILD, but i have a cat who's in heat and she WILL NOT SHUT UP...so just as i'd drift off she'd decide to try and mate with my bedside lamp...stupid cat...

    2. #2
      No, not really.... AniaFaery's Avatar
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      Jun 2008
      Chambersburg PA

      Asparagus and my friend's bad sex...

      i update from work and sometimes i just don't have time...so i skipped yesterday but i do have a dream to relate...

      because my sleep is sketchy and sometimes i wake up and sometimes i don't, i set an alarm for 4 hours after i went to sleep in order to wake myself during REM and hopefully remember what was going on in my head...also, i wanted to try the FILD (Finger Induced Lucid Dream) technique which sounds SUPER dirty but really isn't....

      first off, yesterday's dream...
      i was at work in a supermarket (i work in a hotel and have never worked in a supermarket) and for some reason my coworker's boyfriend wanted to bring me dinner...they were going to Chili's so i told him to bring me some asparagus bites....i HATE asparagus and chili's doesn't have asparagus bites...so i'm not really sure where all that came from...that was the basic gist of the dream...it was longer than a paragraph, but most of it was us arguing over him bringing me dinner...

      the alarm woke me at the tail end of this dream and i laid in my bed and thought about the dream so i could write it in the dream journal and i was just too tired...i stayed awake for about 10 minutes and then as i was drifting back into dreamy land i started the FILD thing...all was going well and it appeared to be working as it should when my cat stepped on my face...that'll take you RIGHT out of the mood...stupid cat...

      this morning...
      i remembered two dreams...i woke from one and the other was one that i was slipping into and doing fairly well at the maintaining lucidity, however, it will become necessary to kill my cat before i'm able to continue with the lucidity attempts...she's a buzzkill...i'll have to off her or spay her...offing her is less expensive...i suppose it's a bit cruel tho...so spaying it is...

      the one that i woke up and remembered....well...it was totally unflattering to my friend...
      i was in a bedroom that i didn't recognize...my friend was there along with a woman who i instinctively knew as his girlfriend because i've never met her and have no idea what she looks like...in the dream i know that neither of them are aware of me but in hindsight it almost seems like she was aware...there were a few times that she looked directly at me and gave me a look that said more than words could...
      so at some point i went from a pov directly over the bed to laying on the floor next to the bed...there wasn't anything blatantly dirty in the dream visually, but there was implied naughty aurally...i heard things no one should ever hear from their friends....and then poof, the naughty was done and he went off to....i dunno, clean the garage or something...that's when she gave me the look...it was that look that all women know...the "guess i have to handle my orgasm myself" look...it was fairly sad...and really really unflattering for my friend...i haven't specifically asked, but i'd like to think he'd worry about her pleasure...asshole...

      the second that i was drifting into i've forgotten because i'm slack and couldn't lift my hands to write it down...isn't that the way it always goes...

      the autosuggestion method for improving dream recall seems to be helping...i'm remembering at least one dream each night and occasionally more that slip away before i write them down...i've just got to get more careful about the actual writing bit...
      My Dream Journal

      Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
      Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
      Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
      I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
      -Edna St. Vincent Millay

    3. #3
      No, not really.... AniaFaery's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Chambersburg PA

      hockey games, bees, apricot brandy and smoke bombs...

      the method that i've been using for dream recall is the autosuggestion/dream journal method...i tell myself before i go to bed that i will wake between dreams and i will remember my dreams...it's been working but i've been super groggy in the periods of wakefulness and haven't been using the dream journal...so last night, i added "and i will write them down" at the end of my auto suggestion...

      Dream 1:
      i woke up this morning with no memory of waking during the night and that made me very sad...when i looked at my dream journal however, it appeared that i had woken up and written a dream down...i have no actual memory of this dream and the words that i managed to get into the dream journal were not really helpful...in fact, only two lines made sense...and it was very apparent that i'd woken up, picked up the pen and written words without actually lifting my head from the pillow...

      line 1: hockey plaerr
      line 2: hit heal
      line 3: friensw
      line 4: k s'on

      so yeah...having no actual memory of the dream, i couldn't tell you who was at the hockey game or who was playing or who got hit in the head or what they got hit in the head with...or what an f s'on is....even tho i have no idea what went on in that dream, i'm excited that it's progress...at least i woke up and wrote something down...

      Dream 2:
      i don't know when in my sleep cycle these particular dreams came, but in my memory this one precedes the next and is more vague so i assume it came first...

      i was at my grandmother's house and we were picking apricots from the tree in the backyard (my grandmother doesn't have an apricot tree, and she lives roughly 400 miles south of me)...for some reason we were making apricot brandy and i remember looking into the refridgerator and seeing a bottle there...it said "apricot brandy" right on the label and had fruit in it altho the fruit wasn't apricots...i think it may have been pears...at one point my uncle (who lives another 400 miles south of my grandmother) and my grandmother were at the sink stuffing fruit into bottles of alcohol...cut to me standing outside in the carport and seeing a ludicrously huge bee...like the size of my pinky...it had the same basic layout as a smaller bee but it was large enough that i could see the stinger moving around on it's tail end and it didn't have a normal face...it was hovering in front of me about 5 ft. away and hadn't noticed me...when it finally looked in my direction it had this super happy bee face...like Thomas The Tank Engine only bright yellow...it freaked me out more than comforted me...it came towards me and i tried to shoo it away without swatting at it but it wouldn't get the hint...i think it wanted to play...cut to me being inside the house and my uncle telling me that it was just a bee to which i replied "just a bee? how about just a bee the size of my pinky!"...

      Dream 3:
      aaaaaahhhh...lucidity at last...i've noticed that alot of my dreams involve people who are in places they shouldn't be, so i've started looking for such things as dreamsigns...this one was a gentleman who i fired about a month ago and haven't seen since...in the dream we were travelling together...i don't remember where we were going, but we were flying...initially we rode to the airport together and had some trouble finding a place to park...the parking deck and facade of the airport was the same as Charlotte/Douglas Int'l in Charlotte, NC which i'm very familiar with because my mom worked there for years before moving elsewhere...once we found a place to park, we got a shopping cart (cuz that's what you do at airports right?) and in the shopping cart was a smoke bomb like we used to play with as kids only much bigger...

      it was at this point i became lucid because E (the former coworker) decided to throw the smoke bomb in his car...i don't know why...but it was such an absurd thing for him to do and then the absurdity of me travelling with him struck me and i thought, "i'm very obviously dreaming."...while i was having this epiphany, E threw the smoke bomb into the car and i held my nose to avoid the smoke...seeing as how i could still breathe, i figured that was all the RC i needed and then i just went with it...the whole time i was living in lucid land, i was also vaguely aware of my bedroom and my cats...

      walking into the airport i noted that the facade had changed and was no longer CLT...it was an airport that i've been to before but i couldn't actually place it and it was suddenly night time even tho moments before it had been bright daylight...we went thru the doors of the airport and as we were checking our bags there was a gentleman complaining to security that his smoke bomb had been stolen and he was angry...he showed them a picture of E's car with smoke pouring out of it and told them that he wanted to know who owned that car because whoever it was had stolen his smoke bomb...i shrugged it off and then the dream cut to actually being on the airplane...it was a puddle jumper or a small jet...it had two seats on either side of the aisles...i was sitting on the right side in the aisle seat and don't know the girl who was sitting next to me...E was sitting behind me at the beginning and at some point moved to the aisle seat across from me...the flight attendant gave us a choice of what we wanted to watch...one of the choices was Shrek The 3rd...the other was some police drama-type television show but it was from the 80s and i don't remember the name of it...Shrek won because of a young child in the back...

      the lights in the cabin dimmed and the movie started...i don't remember much of shrek, just seeing the Shrek character on the screen in sort of a holding pattern...apparently the kid fell asleep and E decided he wanted to watch the police drama...i leaned my seat back and instead of moving 5 inches like the normally do, my seat and the seat next to me laid back into a completely flat futon type waterbed...i snuggled up and the television show came on...it was very obviously filmed in the 80s...it had that quality to the picture where it's kind of washed out...like the colors arean't very vivid...the only image that i remember seeing on the screen is an office with a man sitting behind a desk and an older woman standing off to the left arguing with another man who's standing in front of the desk...instinctively i know that it's a police drama and i think "oooh, i like this show..." and then "oh! i should play attention, this is a lucid task!" at which point i get completely distracted by the fact that i'm laying on a waterbed futon thing with a woman that i don't know...so i started bouncing on the waterbed and seeing if i can pop her off the other side...she's either a super heavy sleeper or she's dead because she's not waking up...

      and then i woke up...and started giggling about the fact that i was trying to pop some random woman off the waterbed....it struck me funny...

      so yeah...3 dreams in one night, one with lucidity...w00t!
      Last edited by AniaFaery; 06-07-2008 at 11:04 PM.
      My Dream Journal

      Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
      Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
      Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
      I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
      -Edna St. Vincent Millay

    4. #4
      Veteran of the DV Wars Man of Steel's Avatar
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      Most interesting dreams. Most interesting...

      The Viking friend had me cracking up. Keep it up, I want to see more lucids!

    5. #5
      No, not really.... AniaFaery's Avatar
      Join Date
      Jun 2008
      Chambersburg PA

      I want Charles in charge of me...

      i've been stressed out the last few days due to the upcoming onset of vacation and having to get all prepared for that...hence, i've only managed to remember one dream in the last 2 days...and it was about Charles In Charge...

      i was in a bowling alley...i could see the lanes thru a window that looked out of the little viewing room i was in...the room was lit like an old '20s movie lounge...candle light and sepia toned colors...there were about 5 people in the lounge/viewing room and we were watching a musical (broadway style) version of the show Charles In Charge...we were watching it thru the giant window so that it looked like it was on television...but the dimensions of that don't seem exactly right because the window was huge but the actors on the other side were disproportionately large since it did actually look like they were on television...

      i'm not sure what role John Waters played in this whole thing...like i don't know if he was directing the show or if he was an actor in the show...i can't actually remember any of the show itself, only seeing John Waters standing center stage arguing with an older gentleman and a brunette, neither of which i recognized...

      thru this whole thing i could see bowlers in the background but i couldn't hear the sound of the bowlers, only the actors' voices...even tho both were on the same side of the window...

      the dream was weird.
      My Dream Journal

      Down, down, down into the darkness of the grave
      Gently they go, the beautiful, the tender, the kind;
      Quietly they go, the intelligent, the witty, the brave.
      I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.
      -Edna St. Vincent Millay


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