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    1. #1
      Member Misbijoux's Avatar
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      Apr 2008
      Right outside Dallas

      Misbijoux's Maze of Dreams

      I have been LD'ing from a very young age, and like many, didn't know it was known as lucid dreaming until stumbling upon DreamViews. Within the last several months I have become very good at WILDing, although I can't see to get them to last very long. Most of my LD's are DILDs or DEILDs.

      I dream a lot, but only remember fragments of dreams. I will remember one or two long dreams a night, but they're usually choppy.

      My goal is to try to recall more detail in my dreams. I have good dream recall, but not enough detail to explain my dream. I am hoping that by keeping a dream journal, it will help.

      Regular dreams will be in black, lucid dreams in blue, and any comments I throw in will be italicized.

      July 18, 2008
      I intended to go to sleep at around 11pm, but I tossed and turned for two hours. When I finally got out of bed to use the bathroom, I looked over at the clock. It was 1:02 am. I was really hoping to become lucid, but I thought about it too much, and had too much caffeine, earlier that afternoon.

      I went back to bed, and must have fallen asleep right away.

      Dream 1-Throwdown with Bobby Flay

      I’m in my room looking down at what appears to be two skillets on the end of my bed.
      Smoke is rising from the skillets; the aroma is that of chocolate. The wall that separates my room and the living room is gone. I can see the glass door that leads to my backyard. I see a moving shadow outside in the light, but I can’t make out who it is. I turn back to skillets and stir what appears to be fish nuggets and cut up pancakes in one skillet. I stir the contents of the other skillet, strips of steak?

      The glass door opens, and Bobby Flay walks in. He has a frustrated look on his face. He quickly walks up to my bed and looks at the skillets. He tastes the food. He doesn’t like it. He complains about the spices, and how the food is bland. He rants about how competitive he is, and how he needs to be the best.

      I look up at him and say “Dude, you’re throwing down yourself, what’s the big deal? There’s no one else to compete with you.” He says “I am my worst competitor”. He tells me to taste the fish nugget/pancake combo. It tastes like chocolate.

      I hear the doorbell, so I walk over to the front door and open it. A black lady with a bag full of mail smiles at me and tells me she’s got a letter for me. As she stumbles for the letter, she drops the bag. I see a letter addressed to my son, so I pick it up and try to read it. It has a bunch of numbers on it, and I assume it has something to do with school. I go back to my room where the food is cooking, and Bobby Flay asks me to taste the food…

      Dream Fragment

      The car I am in hits a bump on the road. My brother is driving the car. He drives off the road, and onto a grassy hill. From a distance I see the highway. I think “Oh crap, I better put my seat belt on”.

      Dream Fragment

      I ask my Mom if she fed her. I look over at an old woman who is sitting on a chair. She’s trying to brush her hair, but the arthritis in her hand in making it difficult. I get this sad feeling, a feeling of regret, some sort of feeling like I should do something to make the old woman feel loved.

      Dream Fragment

      I’m inside what I think is a plane. I’m trying to find a place to land so my class of children can see the statue we’ve been talking about. When I look to the floor, I realize we are on a flying piece of cardboard. I land the piece of cardboard, but have to quickly turn it because a school bus is coming at us. The school bus turns into a tornado.

      Dream 2- Murder in the 5th

      The house lies on a foundation which is not very sturdy. As I look out the window and watch the grey clouds swiftly roll by, I notice I am on the top floor of what appears to be an apartment building, and not a house, after all.

      I turn around and see a closet full of dirty clothes, and ripped up black trash bags. The bed is unmade, and the nightstand next to the bed holds a clock reading 987:03. The room is the same room I used to have when I lived at Villa Serena’s, only that when I walk out the door, instead of being met by the second bedroom and bathroom, I am outside looking down at spiral stairs.

      The people at the bottom are yelling. I get scared because all of the sudden the realization that Trisha is down there comes to me. I forget I have kids, but I remember Trisha being one of them. As I tentatively go one step down at a time, I realize something is wrong with Trisha. A girl of about my height with brown scraggly hair and a baseball shirt with the number 32 flies up the stairs and grabs my shoulders. Her name is Vanessa, she says, and the tornado is about to hit. I look over her shoulder and see clouds forming in the distance.

      I’m overcome by a sudden fear that I am going to die. A man and a fat blonde boy walk up the stairs toward me. The fat boy leans against the railing, and the man comes at me with a knife. The building begins to sway, as if being lifted by the tornado. I hear loud screams, piercing crashes and watch as the dark sky turns red, then green, then black…

      I wake up naked in a bed, and see Vanessa brushing her hair in the bathroom. I’m dreaming, I think to myself, so I look at my hands to do a reality check, and they are translucent. I become lucid. Vanessa is wearing her #32 baseball jersey, and is saying something about Ken. I get up from the bed and look for my clothes. I can’t find them. I walk toward the window and think “When I reach the window, I will have clothes on”. I walk up to the window to try and fly out of it, but I still don’t have clothes. At this point, I know I am dreaming and am confused as to why I cannot summon clothes onto myself. I want to fly to the outer space, but I cannot get clothes on.

      I look out the window and see Isaac’s Bug, only it’s green, and Charity, Ishmael and Isaac are sleeping inside of it. I’m still naked, and walk out of the room into the living room where I see Ken sitting on a recliner watching TV. I’m embarrassed and am trying to find something to cover up, when he looks over and says “It’s not like I’ve never seen naked bodies before”. He turns back to the TV.

      The house is familiar. The front door flies open, and Charity, Ishmael, Isaac and Vanessa appear. The house seems very familiar, maybe a combination of houses I’ve lived in and of my Mom’s. My level of lucidity is very low. I know I am dreaming, but am doubting myself after numerous reality checks. I walk over to the kitchen island, and Wendy comes into the room. Wendy. I haven’t seen her in a long time, and she doesn’t really look like herself. She looks like Jessica, her daughter. She is wearing two small braids in her hair, and blue eye shadow on. She talks to me like if we’re good friends. I’m naked. Corey walks in. But it doesn’t really look like Corey. But it’s Corey. I lose lucidity, at this point, and find that my surroundings are very odd.

      I cannot find my phone. I just got a new one because mine had broken, and I cannot find it. I think, Jared is going t kill me because I lost it. I own a Blackberry. A small silver one. Ken walks up to the kitchen island and hands me a Blackberry phone. “Corey was playing with it”, he says. I’m still naked, and still embarrassed. Where is Vanessa? Wendy looks at me, and tells me she likes my hair. She’s a freaky Wendy. She looks like Jessica. Where is Jessica? I can hear her small voice, but can’t hear her. She says she’s in the room playing the XBox with Liam. Who’s Liam?

      I run to the front door. I look outside, and see it is dark. The clouds are black. The sun isn’t shining. I run out onto the road and look east. I count the houses. We’re the 5th house down the street from the main road. I see Vanessa’s #32 jersey hanging out of a dumpster. Vanessa! I yell out her name, but she doesn’t answer. Ken! He doesn’t answer. Wendy! She doesn’t answer.

      I walk back into the house. It is very messy. The kitchen is dirty, and Corey is eating raw hot dogs and wearing ripped clothes. Where’s Renee? I ask him. He says, “She’s there”. I look over at the TV, and see it’s on the Lifetime channel. I run out the door and yell for Jared. Jared. Who the hell is Jared, and why am I yelling for him? I look over to my right, and see my Aunt Ester’s old driveway with piles of bones.

      I walk toward them and Jessica walks up to me. She says, “That’s them, they’re all dead, they’ve all been murdered”. I scream for Trisha. I run back into the house and it is empty, deserted, and dirty. I hear Jessica say “You didn’t do it. It just happened. You thought they were alive, but they were all dead. They thought they were alive, they thought you were dead, and that they were alive, but they were really dead. Mom lies, Dad tries, Renee cries, and you fly.” I want to hug her, but something pulls at me. I try to hug her, but she disintegrates into sand. I’m still naked. I look at my hand, hoping I am dreaming, I hear a loud crash, and then I wake up.

    2. #2
      Member Misbijoux's Avatar
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      Right outside Dallas
      July 18, 2008 10:30pm

      I put the kids to bed early tonight because I was tired. At around 9pm, I fell asleep.

      I think I played too much Hulk Smash and the Hulk Operation game with my kids, today.

      Operation Hulk

      I can't get my sliding glass door to close. I am panicking and trying to get the damn thing to lock, but it won't. I yell to my kids to hide under their beds because the Hulk is coming. I look out the window and see dowtown Dallas. I can see the Hulk. He is small from a distance, but very angry. I watch as the buildings fall, and keep yelling at my kids to hide. The Hulk seems to be getting closer.

      I give up on trying to get the door to lock, and go and make sure my kids are hiding. My 7yr old is in the bathroom brushing her hair. I yell at her to hide under the bed. She tells me she wants to look nice for when she dies. I tell her she's not going to die, to hide, now.

      I can hear loud crashes outside, and I know the Hulk is getting closer. I am under the bed with my children. My fear is intense. The only thing on my mind is to protect my children. I can hear the Hulk's angry cries, as if he is right outside our backyard. The floor beneath me is shaking, and my 9yr old yells "Hulk Smash! I smooshed your car, mama!". I close my eyes, and then I wake up.

    3. #3
      Member Misbijoux's Avatar
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      Right outside Dallas
      July 19, 2008

      Morphing Tiger

      The sounds are loud. Someone is on my roof. Or is it something? It doesn't sound like human footsteps. I get out of bed and peek out the window. It is dark. Too dark. The footsteps are loud. I look over to my bed where my husband is sleeping and wonder if he can hear them. Obviously, he can't. He is sound asleep.

      I unlock the sliding glass door, and walk outside to see what or who is on my roof. I can see a tiger on my roof. The tiger looks cartoonish, like it shouldn't belong there, like it's a figment of my imagination. I hear someone wisper to me. "Look, he's changing," the small voice says. I look down, and it's my neighbor, only he's shrunk about a foot, and looks like an Ewok.

      The tiger morphs into a crane, and its eyes stare at me. I stand there and wonder if it will turn into a dragon. it reminds me of the martial arts class I toook back when I was younger. Each belt symbolized a different animal.

      The crane turns into a flamingo. "Oh yeah," I say to the Ewok, "I remember when I got my pink belt." After watching it turn into a serpent, I think "There was no pink belt when I was taking karate..." I look around, and the grill in my backyard is gone. "Damn, I think I'm dreaming, "I tell the Ewok neighbor of mine. He looks at me and says "Dream this, you freak!" and stabs me with a knife. It doesn't hurt. I'm dreaming.

      I pull out the knife, but it's a skewer. I call out "Earth Medicine Man, where are you?" He doesn't answer. I turn to the morphing tiger, who has jumped off my roof, and now looks like a blood thirsty creature hungering to tear me to pieces. He runs toward me, but I shoot my hand out with the skewer as if to stab it. The creature slams into an invisble wall I have created, and shrieks. I am no longer afraid, and decide to let the creature come before me. Again, it jumps toward me and knocks me down. I stab the skewer in its eye, and it disappears.

      "Earth Medicine Man?" but no one answers. I levitate a little. I am floating near a tree looking for Earth Medicine Man, but I can't find him. Everything starts fading and I yell "Increase lucidity..." but I wake up.

      Dream Fragment

      Stephanie March from SVU asks me where I was when Jon Davis was murdered. I tell her I was eating Sushi at Phil$Frank's, downtown NY. She doesn't believe me. She pushes me toward a door, and I yell.

      Dream Fragment

      I can't find my brush. My hair is messy, and I have to get to my Psychology class. My professor is going to give me a D if I don't brush my hair, I think.
      Last edited by Misbijoux; 07-20-2008 at 02:29 AM.


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