• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      Hello. I am EVIL JOE. I joined here about a month ago. I have a real dream journal but I thought it would help my dream recal to post my dreams on here.

      Dreams will be in black text. Side notes will be in blue text. And lucid dreams will be in red text.

      Feel free to post.

      6-17-06 - The Invasion

      I was in a car on the highway surrounded by fields. Lightning started striking. I looked up and saw a UFO.

      Then I was at my house (Not my actual house, but in the dream I owned it.) and went into the garage. My friend was sitting on a recliner in the garage watching a TV that wasn't on. He was also wearing a chicken suit. I put on my chicken suit (We only talk to eachother while both of us are wearing our suits.) and sat in the recliner next to him. Then I told him about the UFO. I knew there was going to be an invasion the next day.

      I heard the thunder and left the garage. I went outside and saw lightning everywhere. It wasn't raining. I was sure that the lightning was from the aliens. There was an objext on my lawn that attracted my attention but I don't know what exactly it was.

      The next day I was sitting with the chicken guy and I said, "Maybe we should turn on the news." So I went to the window sill and turned on a black radio. (I find this humorous because when I said we should turn on the news one would assume that I meant the TV but instead I went to the radio. I don't think the TV was ever on in that dream.) All the stations worked. So even though there was an invasion only hours away, the people working at the radio stations still went to work that day. I was confused on why they would go to work that day. Part of me thought that they thought there wouldn't be an invasion.

      After that I went into the house and went on MSN.com. I clicked on something and it went to a page with a map of the United States. It looked like a weather map kind of. The south western tip of Texas was shaded in to show what parts of the US have been invaded.

      I clicked on something else and a window popped up. It looked like something that would show the weather forecast for the upcoming week but it was actually obituaries of the shaded part of Texas. Most of the deceased people's cause of death was "race". (I am assuming they put race because they didn't have anything that said, "Aliens".) There were some that were killed by "sports". One said, "Old age" and another said, "Crackhead". After that I went to another forum that I go to and am an admin of. There I posted that the world was ending.

      Then I went to sit with my chicken friend, waiting for the end of the world to come knowing that there was nothing I could do about it and even if I did, there wasn't enough time to plot any ideas.

      Then I woke up. I was laying in my bed with my eyes open. My radio was on playing music. Even though I was out of the dream I still believed that the world was ending. I layed in my bed deciding if I should do something or if I should just sleep in for the last day of my life. Then I snapped out of it and realized that it was all a dream.

      7-15-06 - The Rebellion

      It was in medieval times. In a giant room. (My view was third person.) The king's throne was at the top of some stairs. A lot of stairs actually. There was some conspiracy against the king and people were trying to kill him.

      Scene cuts to outside the castle. Some chick was walking around and she picked up a shield. Then she left the town and went to the countryside.

      Scene cuts to the countryside. The chick is walking and doesn't have the shield now. Some guy and the king come from the city. It is now in first person and I am the chick. The guy shoots a gun at me and misses. (Actually it might have hit me. I'm not totally sure though. If it did hit me, I didn't feel any pain from it.) I am now aware of his presence. The king walks around the area. I think that the guy with the gun believes that I am part of the rebellion group that tried to kill the king. So he tests me by shooting at me. I dodge the bullets while slowly getting closer to the guy. He almost shot the king one of those times on accident and made an "Oh shit!" face. I eventually got up to him and I guess he accepted me as a trustworthy citizen. Then me, him, and the king go back to the castle.

      7-20-06 - The Hike

      I was out in the forest with a guy and a girl. We were walking on a dirt road. It was day time in summer and it looked like it was in Montana or something. Pine trees were everywhere. I think the people that were with me were people from this forum. We were all talking about our dreams that we have had. I think at one point one of us almost got hit by an old pickup truck going by.

      We got to a big rock hill thing. We wanted to get to the top of the hill. I then realized it was a dream and said, "This is a dream so I am a professional rock-climber." Then I found holes in the rock and started to climb up it with ease. I got to the top and then lost lucidity. (I was only lucid for about five seconds. I was barely lucid at all.) So then we were at the top and we went into the pine tree forest up there.

      Scene cuts to a lake. Me and one of the other people were on a giant dock/bridge that connected to the other side of the lake. The other person was sitting on some floating thing near the dock. We were concerned with the bolts holding the dock together and were contimplating if we should go to the other side or not. Then I woke up.

      Edit: I do not consider this a lucid dream. I think that I just had the feeling that I was dreaming but didn't actually know I was dreaming. If I were lucid, climbing up a rock probably wouldn't be the first thing I would do. I'd probably take it in for a few seconds. Looking back on it now, I don't believe I actually became lucid.
      Last edited by EVIL JOE; 06-29-2007 at 10:36 PM.

    2. #2
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      7-25-06 - The Extinction

      Me and my brother were in a movie theater in a mall and we just watched Jurassic Park IV. Most people have left the theater.

      |---------| |()()()()()()()()()()()-------|<---Movie Screen
      |---------| |()()()()()()()()()()()-------|
      |---ME---| |-----------------------------|
      |---------| |------BOTTOM-------------|
      |---------| |--------PART---------------|

      Dinosaurs started appearing on the bottom part. They got to where we are and surround us. We jump over the railing infront of us onto a wooden board. A couple T-Rexes jumped over the railing and missed the board. One of them got on it and I climbed back through the railing and kicked it over the edge.

      Then we went to look for help in the mall. No one believed that there were dinosaurs in the theater. We got a mall security gueard to come. She was an overweight black woman in a white security guard uniform. We took her to the theater and told her to look down.

      There were less dinosaurs there now and they were all standing still. She didn&#39;t think they were real dinosaurs and she climbed down the railing. We told her not to. Then a T-Rex ate her.

      There was a man in an orange shirt sitting in the theater seats. He found all of this funny and started laughing.

      We went into the mall again to find help. We found a police officer. He came with us into the theater. He didn&#39;t believe they were real either.

      Whenever one would move its eyes of move a little I would say, "Look&#33; He moved&#33;" but the officer never saw it move. Then a T-Rex turned its head to look at us and the cop called for backup.

      There were sirens going off from outside the mall and a bunch of SWAT guys came in.

    3. #3
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      This morning I had some kind of weird dream thing. It wasn&#39;t very vivid so I won&#39;t title it.

      It was kind of like a video game. There were deformed leper guys in one room with some water and stuff and there was another room with some other dudes. So they were all attacking me and some people I was with so I picked up a candle as a weapon and tried to catch them on fire. It didn&#39;t work very well and I had to keep relighting the candle. Then I picked up some pointy, metallic, mini shrine thing. And while I was holding it I had the "option" of using it to heal myself by pressing the right trigger button on the game remote thing I was holding. So I had a lit candle in one hand and a sharp thing in the other hand. I kept stabbing the guys and trying to set them on fire while healing myself. I think I won. Maybe. Eh, whatever. I&#39;m going to bed now.

    4. #4
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      8-1-06 - The Ice Caves

      I had a dream where I was in some ice caverns. Me and my family were there. We were in an abandoned pirate ship inside the ice caves and we were hiding from the other things outside the pirate ship. It was a whole colony of them living in the ice. I don&#39;t know what they were and didn&#39;t actually get a good look at them. We all wore masks so the other things would think that we are one of them. My mom put a mask on me. It was made out of paper and I didn&#39;t see what the front side was.

      Then some other stuff happened and we were now at some drinking fountains outside the pirate ship. One of the other things came up to me and said, "Nice mask." so I looked at the mirror above the sink. The mask was just a picture of my face with holes cut out through the eyes. So I guess the other things thought I was one of them, but wearing a human mask or something. So the things didn&#39;t notice that any of us were human. Then some other stuff might have happened.

      8-1-06 - The Penguins

      So after that dream I went into another dream. I was on top of a glacier and there was water at the bottom. It was a video game. I needed to save a bunch of penguins or something like that. So I think I passed the first level. Then some other stuff happened and I was now on the last level.

      For the last level I had to stop some purple guy from singing. There was a small cave in the ice below me that didn&#39;t go in very far and it had a flat ice balcony sticking out. The purple singing guy was on the balcony thing and there were like fifty penguins in the cave. So I climbed down to one part with more purple guys and I went over to a deeper cave and there were purple blob type things. They didn&#39;t say anything.

      So I went over to the purple guys and read something that was carved into the rock. It said something like, "That guy singing is [his name]. He sings like that once in a while and the only way to get him to stop is to..." and I don&#39;t remember the rest. (As I was reading it I kind of felt like I was writing it. Like whatever I wanted it to say it would say.) So then I think I might have talked to the purple blobs in the deep cave. Then some other stuff happened.

      Then the cave where the purple guy was blew up, sending him flying and killing the penguins. I think that means that I lost the game. Then I think my brother appeared and I think he said something about losing the game.

    5. #5
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      Last night I took 200mg of B6 and had a few different dreams.

      8-4-06 - The Trains

      I was on some train track. I somehow got into a small train. Then I got into a bigger train and there was a party inside the train. It didn&#39;t look like the inside of a train. It looked like a house. (The part of this dream with the trains felt reoccurring or deja vu-like. I&#39;m not quite sure if I had a dream like this before or not.)

      8-4-06 - The Hill

      Me and my friend went to the bottom of a hill. We saw my friend&#39;s othe friend there. He said that there was a town on the other side of the hill. Me and my friend went to the top and saw a small town. Then my friend&#39;s friend came and I can&#39;t remember the rest.

      8-4-06 - The Tomb

      I have recently been addicted to the game, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and I am usually not addicted by games easily. (My friend that climbed the hill in the previous dream is the one that owns that game. So whenever I go to his house I want to play it. Seeing him probably made me want to play it which led me to this dream.)

      So I was in the wilderness and found some ruins. I told some other people about it. After that I was in a tomb-type-place in the ruins. I saw my friend, Patrick, near a door. He said that when everything is over the door will open. There were also a bunch of other people running around inside. Also there was some secret closet in a pillar or something.

      As I looked around more I saw a clock in the tomb. It was counting down. That is why everyone was moving around so much. They want to do whatever they&#39;re doing before the timer runs down. So what are they doing? I went to check it out.

      I found that these people were moving chests of gold from this part of the tomb to a lower level. So I decided to help. I saw my friend, Larry, trying to carry a chest. I got the other side and we moved it down to the other part of the tomb which was lit up by torches on the walls. We put the chest down next to the other chests and headed for the entrance. Larry started to climb over the door part and I looked and saw that there was a small square opening above the door and he was trying to get inside it. (I had dream deja vu again and felt like I have been here before. I remembered that when I was here before, I got up to where he was trying to get but I used an easier way to get up there.) So I went through the door and looked up. There was the part where he was getting to.

      I climbed up there and by the time I got up he already took most of the stuff that was there. There was still some gold coins left in a pile. Also there was some marijuana. I took a handfull and smelled it. It smelled like nothing. That didn&#39;t seem right. I told Larry that it doesn&#39;t smell like weed and he said that it smelled very much like weed. I took a vertical bag thing of weed and stuffed it in my pants. In the dream it felt like it was actualy there in my pants. (In fact, when I woke up I still thought it was there for a second.)

      I then got down and saw that all the gold has been moved and the timer has run down. I remembered my friend, Patrick, and went over to where he was before. The door he was at had been opened now and I went in. He was inside and it looked like there were a bunch of old paper stuff around. He told me to look at one thing. I picked it up. It was in a small plastic bag. There was some writing on it and I read the writing but I can&#39;t remember what it said. I don&#39;t think it had any importance. In the middle was a drawing of a bald guy with an ear on his forehead. That seemed a little strange. And then I think I woke up.

    6. #6
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      8-5-06 - The Semi

      I dreampt that I was at my friend&#39;s house. (The one that I climbed the hill with.) He opened up a cuboard and there was a chunk of raw fish meat inside. It seems that he was going to a fishing tournament. Him, his family, and his friends were all going. Each one was taking a semi truck to wherever we were going. I was left with the important job of transporting that small chunk of fish meat. So then I was in a semi driving down the road. Part of me was thinking that I didn&#39;t have my driver&#39;s licence. The other part had a small suspicion that none of this was real. So I kept driving and realized that there was no stick shift. I got to a point where I was lost. I talked on the CB radio saying that I was lost and other semis appeared showing me where to go.

    7. #7
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      I was camping for the past five or six days and I only remembered my dreams on the last night.

      Dream 1 - The Beach:
      I went over a sand dune and found myself at an ocean beach. The thought in my head was, "Why haven&#39;t I seen any starfish while I was here?" Then I went down the hill and looked in some tidal pools. Sure enough there were a lot of starfish.

      (I was camping at a lake and the beach sand looked very similar to ocean sand. Also I am going to the coast in about a week so I&#39;m sure that had a huge factor on the dream.)

      Dream 2 - Eh?:
      I don&#39;t remember many details from this dream. I might have been a chick. There were some yellow sticky pads and some vent thing. The vent was flooded at one point. I think that&#39;s about all I can remember.

      Dream 3 - The Hotel:
      I got in a limo (Maybe not. I don&#39;t remember.) with my brother and a friend who was also camping with me. We got to a fancy hotel. Well it was kind of just a room. Also there was no door to the room. One of the walls was missing and we just walked in from the highway. Also this was at night time. Anyways, one of us picked up a remote and pressed a button. The middle bed retracted into the bed next to it. I though, "Hey, it might be fun to be under that bed." So I layed down where the bed was and told my friend to press the button. The bed came over me and I suddenly had this emense feeling of claustraphobia and being trapped. I was in total darkness and I saw images with a green tint flash before my eyes. It was quite creepy and I don&#39;t remember the images.

    8. #8
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      This morning I had a dream that I vaguely remember.

      I was in some room. Then I took a bagel (or something) out of some bagel-holding thing and went into another room. There was a huge crowd and some orchestra on stage. I think at one point I went on stage. There was something about original flavoured Goldfish crackers. Then I went back into the first room. I was standing at the bagel thing and saw that there were cookies in it. There was a cop standing behind me. I looked in my pocket and saw that I had quite a few one dollar bills and some change. I took out some change and acted like I put it in the machine and then stole a cookie and went back into the orchestra room. The cop walked past and then I think I woke up.

      I&#39;m planning on taking some B6 tonight so hopefully I&#39;ll have some vivid dreams.

    9. #9
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      8-16-06 - Back to School

      Me and someone else were at school, outside. It was the junior high school I used to go to. We were near the busses and it was before school started. Someone I know named Andy came and said he was going to commit suicide. The other kid was cheering him on kind of. I asked him if he had wrote a suicide note and he said yes. I talked him out of it and we all went accross the highway (which was in the wrong place) to an Oriental resturant. I thought that I could make it back before school started.

      We got there and sat down at a table. An Asian woman was there. There was tea on the table. Andy drank some. There were also menus hanging that say what the tea is supposed to do. I don&#39;t remember the rest.


      I don&#39;t remember much from this one. All I remember is that my brother was trying to stab me with a needle and he eventually stabbed me in the arm.

    10. #10
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      8-23-06 - Party

      Someone I knew from school was at my house. He was moving in next to our house. Then his house appeared. It was huge and there was a party inside. I went inside. I don&#39;t rememeber much after that but I know it went on for a while.

      8-23-06 - School

      I was getting registered at a new school. I had to use the bathroom and I got into a fight with someone and then someone else. I went back to where I my parents were and they were watching some video. I was called down to a classroom.

      I went in there and saw that the guy that I fought with earlier was there and we were friends now. He wanted to show me the classroom. Pink Floyd was playing on the radio and my new friend said one of the fish was dead because it was upside down. The teascher of that room said that it does that sometimes but it isn&#39;t dead.

      8-27-06 - Lost

      I was stranded on a dessert island with other people. There were meercats and a giant skunk badger thing. We got to the second part of the island because the other part was flooding or something. We built houses. They looked like actual houses. We learned that "The Others" were just green tubey alien things that don&#39;t move. There was an elevator and I saw Charlie, Claire, and Michael from the show, Lost. Then I, along with a few other people, were in a helicopter going over a big black rock in the ocean. Someone, maybe a director, said that we were going to use it to film a scene. I might have jumped out of the helicopter onto the rock at that point.

      8-27-06 - I Can&#39;t Think of a Title. This One is Just Weird.

      It was in the 50&#39;s. I don&#39;t remember much from the beginning of the dream. I was at some place and a guy with slick hair and a letterman&#39;s jacket on left the place. I went outside to find him. It was night time. I could see him driving off. I tried to follow on foot. I ended up on the beach. The sun had just come up and there were a lot of people just staring at the ocean.

      Now I was back at the part where he was driving off. It was like a video game. I had failed the mission so I went back to redo it. I sort of went back in time. It&#39;s kind of like the movie Groundhog&#39;s Day. Whatever. Anyways, this time I got in a car to follow him. I don&#39;t remember where it was but sometime around this point I saw a video. It was the jock guy that I was following except that he was in drag and he was in a restuarant. I don&#39;t remember what he said in it.

      I got to the restuarant and sat a few tables away so he wouldn&#39;t notice me. He wasn&#39;t in drag now. Some guy came in and talked to him. Then I think I became the jock guy. I went to the beach. It was still night time. There were a lot of people there. They weren&#39;t on the sand though. They were on some boardwalk thing. I&#39;ll try to draw it.


      .................................................. ....................
      .................................................. ....................
      .................................................. ....................

      ~ = The ocean
      . = Sand
      @ = Tornado
      | = Part where people were walking
      - = Consession stands

      I walked for a while and met up with one of the jock guy&#39;s (my) friends. He was a black kid probably around 14 years old. We were talking while walking and trying to stay away from the tornadoes. I don&#39;t remember what we were talking about. Then I felt a jolt through my body. I then somehow knew that I was going to die in seven minutes. I told my friend. Me and him seperated and I went to find the girl that I was in love with. I don&#39;t know who she is but I am guessing her and the jock guy were together. I was then on the beach running towards her. It was kind of like one of those slow motion scenes where two lovers are running toward eachother in slow motion in a field. I told her I was going to die soon.

      Then I was back on the boardwalk thing. It was different though. People were pushing eachother into the tornadoes. They were acting like it was a game. I tried my best not to get pushed. Then I saw Kenan and Kell near some shirts. Yeah, those guys from Nickelodian. I was afraid that they would push me into a tornado so I acted like I was a huge fan of theirs and then I left. I kept walking and it was past seven minutes by now. I now felt that I wasn&#39;t going to die. I also wondered about the friend of the jock that I was talking to earlier. I was wondering if he was still alive. He could have been pushed into one of the tornadoes.

      I eventually got to the end of the boardwalk. I was now in a forest type area on a dirt road. My brother was in his car and he was going to give me a ride. But even though he was my brother he looked exactly like Hurley from the show Lost. He said, "This thing&#39;s like The Hulk." He was talking about his car. We slowly drove up the steap hill. Now it was in third person view. My brother and I got out of the car but it was still slowly going up the hill. He walked up a less steap hill and waited for his car to get to the top.

      I think I know why I had those last two dreams. Before that I had watched The Stand. The first dream represented the group that was in Colorado. The ones that were trying to rebuild society even though 99% of the world was dead. In our case we were stuck on an island and needed to work together. I think that I was a leader of the group.

      The part of my second dream that night where people were pushing eachother into the tornadoes represented the group that was in Las Vegas in The Stand. Those people didn&#39;t care about killing or commiting crimes. They didn&#39;t value human life.

      And then in the end I got a ride home back to the real world.

    11. #11
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      8-28-06 - Japan

      I took a trip to Japan. I didn&#39;t take a plane though. I took some little train thing. It was kind of like the cars from a roller coaster and they were in an airport. They went straight about fifty feet. Then you are in Japan. I wanted to be in the back row.

      After I got to Japan I went to the ocean to swim. It was daytime and there were other people in the ocean. Then a large wave came and hit a bunch of people but missed me. The wave was only like ten feet tall. After that the waves were large but did not break. We were told to get out of the water. Then I might have taken the airport train back but I remember being in a submarine with some other people.

      8-28-06 - New House

      I moved into a house with someone I know. Maybe my friend Tish from TPC. In this dream I pretty much just explored the house. There were a few other people living there. It was a big house with a lot of rooms. There was a basement and a guy sleeping in the laundry room.

    12. #12
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      I was on a beach near the ocean. After a while of walking we got to a table with food on it. Cooked orca fin to be exact. That&#39;s about all I remember.

      I am beginning to think that my dreamsign is beaches.

    13. #13
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      Me and my brother were in a thrift store in Ocean Shores. We were going to steal stuff. I picked out a crappy wallet to steal and he picked out some other crappy stuff. We brought it to the front desk and I ended up paying for it. Then we left.

    14. #14
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      I just remembered another dream I had.


      I was in some warehouse talking to someone. Then a garter snake came out of a tube thing and I picked it up. It bit me on the finger but it was only a pinch. I could feel it very vividly. Then I think I told someone about it. The rest is hazy.

    15. #15
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      8-31-06 - Mythbusters, Nazis, and A Cave

      My family and I were in a house, Everything was in boxes. I saw a mouse in one box. The people moving the boxes was Adam and Jamie from Mythbusters.

      They went to a dessert-type-place with red rock cliffs. They were spying on a cave in the cliff wass. A green Jeep came out and drove away. They wanted to get into the cave and break into a Nazi camp.

      They went back to the house from earlier. They were on the lawn and blew open a hole in the ground. It was a water-filled cave that went straight down. Jamie said something like, "Pure granite." after observing it.

      8-31-06 - The Big Ass Mountain

      My family, my grandfather, and I were walking on the shore of a giant lake. It was early. Like 5 AM. The shore was rocky. We stopped and looked at a giant mountain. It was the biggest mountain I have ever seen. The top was so high that it seemed to disappear into the sky. Someone said we should climb it. Everyone else aggreed except me. I thought they were crazy. I said that I was going to wait in the car. They started swimming accross the giant lake to the giant mountain. I changed my mind and went with them.

      After that we were in a cabin. I think it was on the mountain somewhere. Some other stuff happened at this point but I don&#39;t remember much of it.

    16. #16
      Member odds's Avatar
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      Cool lucid-5-seconds you had there up at the top&#33; Must&#39;ve felt great to conquer that cliff, rock after rock, like popping M&Ms in your mouth. Which methods of lucid dreaming are you experimenting with?

      Keep us updated&#33;
      Dream Journal

      "Knock on the sky and listen to the sound."

      -Zen Proverb

    17. #17
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      Well with that one, it just happened randomly one night. But right now I am trying WBTB and DILD. I just woke up and I had a small dream so I will post that now.


      There was a pirate guy. Also my friend Tish was there. I don&#39;t remember much from this but when I woke up I had the song War (What is it Good For?) stuck in my head.

      That happens a lot. I wake up and I have a song (that I haven&#39;t heard in a while) stuck in my head. Yesterday it was a song by Boston.

    18. #18
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      9-1-06 - Camping

      I was at the lake that I camp at every year. It was a little different. People didn&#39;t use tents. They used trailors that were parked on docks. The docks went out into the lake about 200 feet. They were very zig-zaggy and they intersect each other a lot. It was the day that everyone was leaving.

      I was then driving a van with other people from the lake in the back. I think I was dropping them off. We were near the Super 1 in my town.

    19. #19
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      I have come to claim my frisbee.

    20. #20
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      Quote Originally Posted by Mark75 View Post
      I have come to claim my frisbee.
      Just print this out and throw it at someone:


      I tried to WILD tonight but I accidentally fell asleep.

      I remember going into some diner. Then I went into a small store. There was a guy there. He melted someone into a lump of plastic with the arm sticking out and put it on the shelves of the store to sell. Then he tried to melt me and we were on some wooden rickety bridge over a pool of lava but we were still in the store. The next thing I remember is him running away outside.

    21. #21
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      Jun 2006
      My mind

      Me and a couple of friends were lowered from some room into a dark room. Then we found a way out. Then we were at the park near my house and were trying to escape. We got to a fence and tried to climb it but it had barbed wire at the top. I got stuck in it. Some vehicle drove by and shot what I assumed was tranquelizing darts at us. Then a different vehicle drove by and shot at us. I didn&#39;t feel any of them hit me but I did feel a little numb afterwards.

      Then we were at some bleachers. I saw a big building off in the distance that isn&#39;t supposed to be there. There were also some guards there. Then a little girl came and said something like, "You poor thing. I bet you&#39;ve never been treated this badly in your life." Then I woke up.

    22. #22
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      Jun 2006
      My mind

      I was in some kind of fancy lumber place. There were logs hanging on chains things and there were some people with me. I found an iPod underneath some logs hanging on chains.

    23. #23
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      Jun 2006
      My mind
      NOTE: From now on I will label how much (if any) B6 I used for each dream. I will put the amount under the date and if I took no B6 then I will not label it.

      200mg B6

      Me and my friend were in a forest. There were three ways we could go. We already went on two of them and found a cave at the end of each one. We decided to go the way we haven&#39;t gone which was the one on the right. We got to a small pond that we had to cross. There was a small island in the middle. I jumped on it and then my friend jumped on it. He slipped and fell in. After he got back up we jumped back onto the path.

      Eventually we got to a thrift store. The staff was a lady in her 50&#39;s and her son in his late 20&#39;s. After me and my friend came in, a lot of other people I know came in. I was going to buy some stuff and the chick&#39;s son couldn&#39;t handle everyone and he quit. I looked on the front of the door and saw that they were hiring. I asked the chick about getting a job. Then I woke up.


      Me and my brother watched Star Trek (neither of us ever watch Star Trek) and I stopped it because I had to do homework. While we were watching it I kept thinking that the computer graphics were really good for being made in the 70&#39;s.


      Me, My brother, and my mom drove to some souther place like Louisiana. We talked to the guy that owned the place and he told us about how there was a flood. There was a giant lake to the left of us and there were three houses in it being held up by beams that are attatched to the lake floor so the house is above the water. Also Adam and Kari from Mythbusters were there and she put ear plugs in Adam&#39;s ears. Then me, my brother and my mom went in the houses. We looked around in them and I got into the water. I remember a boat and I remember thinking that someone could easily live their entire life on a small boat like that and live off of fish (in reality it would be quite hard to do).

      Then my brother and my mom came back (I don&#39;t remember them ever leaving) in the SUV but they were driving on the lake. They asked me if I wated a pretzel. I asked if it was one that they made. They said that it was and since I was hungry I said that I&#39;d have one.

      Jamie came to pick up Kari and Adam (who still had ear plugs in). Jamie was talking to him but he couldn&#39;t hear him. Adam said, "Yeah, just keep staring at me." in a sarcastic way. Kari said, "I hypnotized him." and then there was some holographic chart thing that she showed Jamie.

    24. #24
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      My mind

      I dreampt that it was September 20th and I was at the place that I go to camp every year. (In real life I camp there on the second week of August every year. The same people come back every year and they all grew up together. It is like our own little group. We are probably the only people that ever go there anually.) In the dream there was a different group of people there. I introduced myself and told them that I am with a different group. They were pretty cool people and they let me stay with them.

    25. #25
      Member EVIL JOE's Avatar
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      My mind
      Last night I went to bed around 11:00 PM and I had my alarm clock wake me up at 4:00 AM. When the alarm clock woke me up I remembered the following dream. Also I had four pieces of a large Hershey milk chocolate bar and one piece from a large Hershey dark chocolate bar.


      My family and one of my friends were in the family SUV. We were looking for a parking spot in some neighborhood. I think the car flew at one point. We finally found a place to park. We got out and I took my stuff out of the back and realized that I forgot to bring my megaphone (I don&#39;t have a megaphone). So then I was wondering where I left my walking stick that I had from before. I thought that maybe I left it on the beach. It then occured to me that I was at the lake that I camp at every year (the same place from the last dream). Me and my friend went on the beach to look for something to use as a football. We saw that there was a huge thing for saving animals or something. That&#39;s probably why we were there. So I finally found something to use as a football; two dead turtles. I was about to tie them together and then I saw that there was some text printed on one of their shells. It said that the turtle was government property. I told my friend what it said. Then I woke up and wrote it in my dream journal. Then I really woke up and wrote it in my dream journal.

      That was the first time I&#39;ve ever had a false awakening (that I can remember). It wasn&#39;t very vivid since I wasn&#39;t lucid but I can vaguely remember writing it in my dream journal. So after I wrote that down it was still about 4:00 AM so I took some B6 and went back to bed. I woke up at 7:00 AM and remembered a dream.

      200mg B6

      I was at my house which was a farm in this dream. I decided to take a goat for a walk and my dog that I have in real life followed me. We walked down a hill and eventually got to a grocery store. We were inside and I saw a 12-pack of soda and on the name had the word "ferment". It had the Pepsi logo and the Sprite logo on it. I think the soda was a mix of Pepsi and Sprite. Then a friend of mine (I don&#39;t know who exactly) came by with some painted hard-boiled eggs. He was talking to me and the goat bit off a chunk of one of the eggs. My friend didn&#39;t notice so I froze the egg with cabon dioxide and I guess he didn&#39;t notice.

      The first dream was more vivid than the second one.

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