Welcome, I don't have much of an introduction, but please, read and post away.

Well, I have been going to alot of conditioning camps lately, and I think this is the result.

8\4 (The night of 8\3)
This camp was happening in my house, and there were Me, and best friend Connor, and some random kids (all of whom I didn't know). We were just running all around the house, and our coaches were my other best friend Ben's dad, who is never harsh, but was in this dream, and some random guy who was like Forrest Gump. Well, eventually the Forrest Gump guy told us to run three laps because he got mad at us (I cant recall why). Well, for some reason throughout the day he had been inconsistent with where we were to run, the track or the tennis court (neither of which I have in my house). Well, my friend Connor got angry at him, and even as we were running out side of the house, I could hear them arguing in my room.

At no point in this dream did I become lucid , but this is my third night, and I wasn't even trying for lucidity and my dream is that vivid, what do you think.