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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      myspotlessmind's dream journal

      I'm just starting, but i've had experiences with LDing before trying and i've just decided to begin trying, so here we go!

      Battling the party goers

      First dream, i don't remember much, but I knew that soon I was going to be having a big party at my house when i accidentally bumped my tooth with my finger and realized it was loose. So i wiggled it a couple times and it just popped out. I started freaking out and looked in the mirror and the first time that i looked, instead of my front left tooth being out, my two front teeth were just chipped off almost to the gums. Then I looked again and there was just one big hole where my front left tooth was supposed to be again.

      i think i switched to a completely different dream here

      I was in a room at a camp with a lot of bunk beds. There were a lot of girls there that i didn't know but one of my friends was also there that i know in reality also. A hefty, brunnette, freckly girl started hassling me. She kept trying to push me around and it was making me furious. I had a lot of pint up anger inside me that had nothing to do with the girl or the camp, but because she wouldn't leave me alone i took it out on her. I started to fight her and ended up beating her down pretty bad. Then my friend maci came over actin big and tough and sticking up for the girl and i just kind of went crazy on her. Hitting her and then I threw her on the ground, but about halfway into the throw, i realized what i was doing and slowly just lowered her to the ground. I realized what i did and walked away.

      Suddenly i was driving through an intersection in the town i live in and my best friend abby called me. She asked me what my problem was and why i had fought those girls, especially maci. I yelled nothing at her and i just had so much anger inside of me. Then she said, " Listen Meg, I know that you've got alot of stuff going on right now. You can't take it out on other people. I'm sorry you feel like this, but it's not their fault. " After this I realized what I had done and I went back to the camp and found Maci. I tried to pull her off to the side but she was very angry with me and wouldn't listen. Eventually I began to cry and begged her to accept my apology, telling her that I made a mistake by taking my problems out on her. Eventually she accepted the apology and I felt better about my mistake.

      New dream, maybe continuing the first?

      I was throwing a birthday party for myself at my house. It was the thing to do and everyone that was anyone in town was there. In my living room there was a big wrestling room and some new kind of score keeper. I watched for awhile but started feeling depressed for some reason, even though the party was going perfectly. I felt myself beginning to fall asleep. Then someone put in a movie and I fell sound asleep. Whenever I woke up, everyone was gone from the party.

      questions....can dream guides be disguised as people i already know in real life? i.e. Abby?--Also what about falling asleep in a dream?

      comments please :]

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      Stuck in the woods

      I don't recall much of this dream at all, but i figured i'd post what i remember anyway..

      Me and two friends of mine are driving an excursion in the mountains running from someone or something. All of the sudden the car stops working including the breaks and it starts careening down the mountain. I remember what my brother told me about going down a hill so I try to go down the mountain diagonally (though I'm not sure if that would be smart in any way in reality) The car finally stops and I know that we have to get it started or whoever or whatever is after us will soon be upon us. My friends try starting the car once or twice and can't do it. I get frustrated and grab the keys and start the key and punch the gas a few times. After about the third try I get the car going and we all jump in again. We started to follow a deer that I knew would help us get away from whatever evil that was after us.

      That's all I remember..

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      Super Hero Jealousy

      welp, none of my dreams have been lucid so far...buuut i'm workin on it

      Strummin on the road trip

      Don't remember this one much, but oh well. Me and my family were on a trip and we were in an R.V. (we actually just took a trip in a rental one about a week ago) The whole dream my brother kept playing my guitar and it made me so mad. I don't really remember the beginning of the dream, but i do remember that that's what it really circulated around. (I play the guitar and it's kind of just my thing. My brother tried to get me to teach him a couple of years ago. I wouldn't teach him cause I had taught myself to play and was just really proud of being to play. Basically immaturity i know.) We're all getting ready to go to sleep in the RV and then my brother starts playing and singing with the guitar. It made me so mad. I was sleeping in the back of the RV and could see everything my family was doing. They had been rude to me all night so I was just kind of ticked at everyone. Then I turned Aladdin on (random) and started to watch that. Eventually I got tired and mad enough at my family that i wanted to go to bed. So I reached back behind me and clicked the button in the back of the toilet so that the t.v. would shut off and went to sleep.

      First Day Jitters

      I walked into school for the first day of school with my best friend Charlie. The school was actually our Middle School building instead of the High School, but in my dream that's where the High School was. I start stressing out because I don't know which class to go to after first hour. Then I realize I forgot to get my schedule so I should just go to the office and get it. I go in the office and ask for my schedule. There's a completely annoying new office aid. (I mean no offense to anyone at all. This is just what he sounded like.) He talked like Ant or something off of Celebrity Fit Club. He rudely tells me to go through the pile of schedules. I go through them and find mine. I let out a breath of relief....and then I look at it. It's blank. So I'm getting a little freaked out at this point and I go find Charlie and she says she doesn't have hers either. Then we see my Vice Principle, Mrs. Bell, standing in the hall. We go tell her what's going on and how no one knows what their classes are. (I think I almost started to lucid here because I remember questioning the way she looked to myself multiple times.) Normally Mrs. Bell has very short brown hair, and she had long blonde hair and said that she got it a few days ago. We ask her what to do and then she starts acting weird like she knows something but won't tell us. She says we have to figure it out ourselves and then disappears into a room where the door locks behind her. I tell Charlie that I think this is all some kind of test. At this point Charlie and I begin to realize that everyone else in the school is facing the same problem.


      Charlie and I are walking around in the school and we get to the auditorium and see all of the new freshmen. We talked about how we couldn't believe how young they were and that we should go look for my little brother cause he'll be a freshman this year. We decide to leave the auditorium and right as we're walking out the door I realise that the dress that I'm wearing is way too short and you can see my underwear so I kinda freak out and then decide oh well it's not too big of a deal.

      The next room we walk in the were a bunch of guys in there. They were all in their showering towels, but they were all praying, like muslim style. (again no offense just what they were doing) Charlie and I realise we're not supposed to be in there and we leave the guys in the room behind us while they're grumbling our whole way out. We get back into the hall and hear the annoying guy in the office come over the monitor and tell everyone that they have to get their social security numbers for their schedules. I tell Charlie how annoyingly rude the intercom will be and then that part of the dream ends.

      Superhero or Bust!

      This dream was weird because I think I was in the body of a guy the whole time...At first it was like I was watching this kid, but i wasn't him. He comes into the woods outside of school singing about how he's leaving school and there's nothing his mom can do about it, but he was just going home to get something. It was autumn, almost winter. It was strange though because the leaves were the color of ash instead of the normal reds and browns and yellows. I remember thinking how's he gonna get all the way home in time. Then he starts getting ready to fly there and I realize he's some kind of super kid. That's when all of the sudden I'm in his body. We start pushing off the ground trying to take off and he realizes (it was weird i could kind of feel his thoughts i guess) that he can't fly. Then I see an animal there who I guess was his friend and he tells the boy that he thinks there's something wrong. And the boy agrees because according to him, we've always been able to fly. Then all of the sudden a huge rat comes out of the ground, then a bear, and then something else that I can't remember. We go into fighting mode and get ready. The rat is the first to strike. He attempts to jump on top of us, but we kick him off. All three of them group up around us and get ready to attack. Then at the last second we see a huge truck like 50's style. Hoping that somehow we can seek refuge on this truck we jump on and that's when the bear comes. He starts biting at our ankles while the oversized rat leaps onto the truck. We think we're done for when suddenly we realize there's a man in the driver's seat of the truck and he starts swinging the crazed animals off.

      Then I woke up..
      Last edited by myspotlessmind; 07-18-2008 at 07:00 PM.

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Jul 2008

      How many times will I die...

      This is by far one of the scariest nightmares I've had lately.

      First thing i remember is being in this castle kind of thing like a camp. I was roller blading in the castle before dinner and I ran into a cooking pan that almost burnt me. Then I went to get some orange juice and the glass was already full but i didn't see that before i poured it. I poured more juice into the cup and it started to overflow. I slipped on my skates on the orange juice and tried to hand the cup to monique (my friend that just got her leg amputated..in real life) I was falling on my skates so mo grabbed the drink and it went everywhere. We were really embarrassed but it was really funny to us too. We started to clean it up, but the councilors told us not to worry about it and to go eat. By the time we got to the table there weren't any spots left. My friend Abby came in on rollerblades too, but by that time I'd already taken mine off.

      Something upset me so I went upstairs to our cabin room and saw this girl there who had been trying to befriend me. (the Indian girl you'll hear about soon) She asked me what time I was going to get up to take showers and I didn't know and then she asked what I was going to wear in the morning and told me to go try some stuff on. She really overwhelmed me because I was fairly upset about something.

      From there somehow I get outside and it's nighttime and I can barely see. I should have been able to see better, but it was like when you open your eyes in the dark right after you've been in a lot of light. My mom was outside and I was upset and trying to talk to her but it was like she wouldn't listen the way I wanted to. Then I commented to her on the stars about how maybe they'll get brighter later because they're beautiful at night but she told me they wouldn't because there was stormy weather.

      From there somehow me and my friends Charlie and someone I don't think I knew were suddenly at this game where you had to beat this lady or you'd basically die. It's difficult to explain. I remember throughout the whole dream I just wanted my mom to come and save me so bad. This game was like a ride kind of. There was a giant orange dragon that went way up into the sky. And there was another little dragon that you could somehow control that would bounce off the dragon and try to get higher up the dragon. You beat it when you reached the top. It was a life or death circumstance. Finally we make it to the top (I remember the lady that was trying to kill us had sent a couple of her cronies to cheat and make us lose but we still beat it and them) The other person that was with me and charlie I'm thinking might have been my younger brother Kobey. Once you got to the top of the dragon it was like a chute with little nets to keep you in the whole way down so you could jump or slide but it was a LONG way down. Kobey decides to jump and does it right away. Eventually Charlie and I decide to go ahead and slide/jump too. Once we get to the bottom we're laughing and having a good time. Then I see the lady who was trying to kill us and all of the sudden I realize she's just an actress. I say to her, "I bet a lot of people hate you." In a 'too bad for you' kind of tone and get out.

      At some point we're getting out of a van or something to get back from the ride and when we stop, about four people ahead of us are pointing guns at us telling us not to do anything stupid and get off the van ( one of them being a friend of mine named katelyn) It freaked us out so we get off the van and go into the mall. Everyone had blown it off but it still bothered me that my VERY sweet-natured friend had done that, so I asked where she was and started to go find her to talk to her when I noticed Charlie and Ethan giving me bad looks and about to leave me and I yelled for them not to leave. I go to look for Katelyn but only spend a couple seconds doing it and I can't find her so I catch back up to them. Ethan says something to me about how I should just leave her alone and I get quiet for a while because it hurt my feelings that Charlie would let him treat me like that.

      Then suddenly I'm in a Wal-mart walking with a couple girls. They were Indian (India) and at first I didn't pay attention to what they were talking about because I noticed that it was getting kind of hard for me to breathe. Like something was blocking my airway. I take my retainer out of my mouth and peel this Gooey gray substance off of it. It grosses me out pretty bad and starts to seem like the more I pick off, the more gets on it. Then I start listening to the girls. *(they were twin sisters) One of them is talking about wishing she could "save them" and the other is telling her, "I know, I know, but there's nothing we can do for them. This is the way it's supposed to be." Somehow I know that they're talking about me and possibly my friends. Then I turn into another aisle (I'd already put my retainer back in) and it's getting hard for me to breathe again. I take my retainer back out and there's chunky red bloody goo on it. I freak out and all of the sudden I'm coughing like I'm 90 years old. Blood and chunky, bloody goo is going everywhere. I'm on my knees and I'm coughing up this stuff and I can't breathe. ( I have asthma and it felt like a terrible, terrible asthma attack.) People start to stop in the store and start freaking out because I'm doing this. I feel myself getting weaker, and I start to realize, I'm about to die. I feel so much pain and weakness and I just can't breathe. Some kind of nurse or something gets there and she's dragging me by my feet across the floor. I'm on my stomach and as I'm passing tile, I'm passing bible verses lined up like this----

      bible verse

      bible verse

      bible verse

      I was being dragged down so that they would go up above me so I could see them. For some reason I knew this was a test from God. I was begging God, telling him I had so much more to do. And asking how I could be what Becky had said. I feel myself blacking out and I start praying harder than I've ever prayed. As I'm praying I can hear my funeral. I hear what the pastor is saying. I'm struggling so hard to stay awake. Finally I pray one last prayer and I black out.

      I wake up and I'm in a room with a couple of guys including my brother James. I realize they've been trying to find and hurt or kill me for a long time. My brother starts talking about things that I've done to him. The other guys are in there just for the fun of hurting me. Then a couple more guys come in, including my friend Dustin (whom I recently had to not talk to for a little while). They all start pulling knives out and particularly one of them was much meaner than the others. I think he had a yellow shirt on...and a kind of crew cut hair cut. He holds me down and starts to cut me with the knife. I scream and am crying begging for them to let me go because I know they're out to kill me. The guy laughs, it's such a cruel laugh too. He slashes at me again and my shoulder has a big cut in it and I'm bleeding. Dustin starts saying all the things I've done to him and he tries to cut me but I think I dodged it. At this point it's about 8 or 9 guys against me locked in this room. One of the guys gets behind me and holds me down so that the mean one can cut me across the stomach. I jerk really hard when he tries and the guy holding me back gets pulled up and the really mean one accidently stabs him in the eye. I reach back and rip it out of his eye and stab the guy in front of me. Then I know that I'm really in trouble. The guys starts coming at me and I'm just slashing as fast as possible to keep him away from me. I get cut a few times in the process and my brother James also jumps in to help them. I'm so terrified the whole time because I know they want me dead. They just want to make me suffer first. I'm just crying and begging them and saying I'm sorry and they're mainly just laughing at me while I just sit and bleed. Finally the really mean one picks me up (I've half given up I'm so weak at this point) and he sits me next to him against a wall. Everyone else seemed pretty preoccupied at the moment. He starts pointing out all of the cuts I gave him. Then he shows me scars on his wrists and other places saying I'm lucky I didn't give him those. Then suddenly he whips his hand out and grabs my wrist. He gets his knife out and I start begging and crying and he just laughs but he's really really angry. Finally I tell him I'll let him do it to get me back, just please let it end and let me go. Then he agrees and covers my eyes....In a second he's on top of me. He's trying to rip my clothes off and just laughing crazily and all the guys are watching and laughing. I just scream and try to shake him off and I'm crying and I just can't get him off. I don't know what happened after that.

      I thought I'd woken up and I found my mom and was clinging to her at this weird airport type place. I was terrified and crying and I'd thought that I'd woken up, but I was still afraid of those guys so I was begging for us to leave and for us to find someplace to hide. I was begging her not to leave me. Then we get in a car and I'm like "Mom they're coming!!! Don't let them see me, Don't let them get me!!" And then I look down and realize that I've got cut wounds all over me. Then I really start freaking out because I 'know' that I'm awake, so how do I still have these scars?? Then somewhere along the way I lose my mom and then I finally woke up for real. I checked all over me for those wounds when I woke up and didn't find any.

    5. #5
      h҈e҄'s i҉n th҉e۱m҉e҈ss poliganometry's Avatar
      Join Date
      May 2008
      The dream where you were coughing up blood in the convenience store sounds horrific. You actually experienced one of the stages of grief on death and dying as defined by the kubler ross model that we had to study in my emt class. - bargaining.

      I was begging God, telling him I had so much more to do. And asking how I could be what Becky had said.
      I'm curious as to what happened to you when you felt yourself finally slip away. Did you still feel scared, or did you feel at peace?

      I had a similar experience in a death dream that changed how I look at myself forever. In my dream I was robbing a train with another bandit in the old west, about halfway through our job he put a bullet through my heart. After I was shot, I slumped over against the side of the railcar, looking out at the badlands as they passed by. I kept feeling more and more despair as the blood drained out of my body, I was horrified about what would come next(I was raised a christain, but am not)
      At the moment I passed, I felt sooo at peace. There was nothing left that could hurt me, and I was done caring about everything that I always thought was so important in my life.

      A vivid death dream is something that I, myself, have shared with very few people that I know on a day to day basis, but it seems like those people that do have them come in touch with a part of themselves that, I believe, is infinitely important to make peace with.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Jul 2008
      The dream was really terrible. It's difficult for me to even begin to explain all of the emotions I felt, but when I finally, I guess you could say passed, it actually surprised me what I felt...

      The last thing I heard was the preaching of my funeral..and then I guess I just let in. But it wasn't like giving up. It was more...of an understanding with God I guess you could say?

      I agree with you though. It terrified me, but what I got from it, I'm not really sure how to put into words.


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