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    1. #1
      Tripping on pumpking pie Dimethyltrip's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2008

      DMT's Psychedelic Travellings...

      Soo yeaaaah... finally getting one of these going.

      17th Dember 2008

      Poisoned Rodents and Drowning Mice

      So basically, I was sitting in front of the table in my kitchen with both a dear family friend (old lady who's basically family) and my parents. I had two tanks in front of me, each containing one albino lab mouse. Geneviève (the family friend) was leaning over me watching them and ended up putting in one box into each mouses cage. The box had a hole in it with something poisonous inside, both mice ended up crawling in eating the poison and dying. I was infuriated with her for killing the mice, but I was alone. They all disappeared except for me and the dead mice.

      I had a mug of liquid next to me, presumably soup or coffee, something like that. I realized that there were tons of baby mice in the cage and they all jumped out of the cages and into my mug of soup. So they were drowning and there were at least twenty of them, I scooped them all up and put them down on the table. Some of them were so young they had no fur, some of them were bigger and had white fur, and they were all gasping for air, half dead. Eventually they seemed to be fine and returned back into the cages (where the dead mice somehow were long gone) and pranced around all happy and full of life.


      I think the poison Geneviève gives the mice is not a literal thing... she can be rather sharp with words and in a way... intoxicating (not in a literally poisonous way but rather personality-wise if you catch my drift). So I think the two mice represent my parents and over the past little while their annoyingness (rodent-like chewing nagging burrying kind of behaviours) has seemed to die out like the mice do in this dream.

      Then we have the little mice who represent me, their kid. All of them jump into the soup nearly drowning themselves and doing something quite stupid; putting themselves at risk. I did this constantly last year and I feel like the mice being saved and finally catching their breath and doing much better kind of represents the positive changes I've been going through: with my boyfriend, in school, at home...

      That's basically it!
      Last edited by Dimethyltrip; 12-17-2008 at 10:14 PM.
      Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken...-Tyler Durden

    2. #2
      Tripping on pumpking pie Dimethyltrip's Avatar
      Join Date
      Dec 2008
      The Drugged up Metal Party


      So I woke up this morning at 8 after falling asleep around midnight, got up, actually took a bath and went straight back to sleep. I went straight into a very vivid dream. I was in a very large park and there were lots of people, mainly metal-heads chilling and putting their boots and coats down on the benches. It seemed like nobody thought anything would be stolen, so I did the same.

      There was a giant mansion in the middle of this vast space of open land. I went inside, somebody asked me: "Hey, you a musician?" and I replied with yes. So this person leads me up what seems like an endless staircase (note I'm still not lucid at this point) and then I'm lead into a room. This "guide" tells me that the band is in here. So there's this beautiful blond girl with curly long hair, wearing a long black robe and tripping out on a bed. I sit down next to her and pretty much all I can remember from this scene is that this girl was fahzucked out! She was murmuring to herself, dancing around the room and singing nonsense.

      Next thing I know, some guy comes in, apparently the guitarist of the band and says we should have a "singing competition" so they put on some random song and ask me to sing to it. I can't because I don't know it, so I ask her to put on some Therion. The girl seems happy at this suggestion and obliges, and I begin to sing the song. Though I don't know all the lyrics, I at least manage to sing mainly in tune.

      The rest is a haze, but I remember when I got lucid. The girl has a small test tube full of bright yellow liquid. She offers me some after drinking half of it and I take a little sip. I ask her what it is and she tells me it's DMT. The liquid tastes bitter and a bit like citrus... almost with a lemon-like taste. This is for some reason what made me realise I'm dreaming, isn't that sad? XD
      DMT would never come in a form like this. Looks like I might have found a new dream sign!

      I stuck my finger through my hand as a reality check and then continued talking to this chick for what seemed like a long time. The conversation went a bit like this:

      DC: -"My druglove makes the world go round."

      Me-"You've got some issues, babe and your druglove is fucked up."

      DC-"Feel the pretty!"

      Me-"Wow, this stuff's pretty good actually."

      At this point I feel fluffy, hazy, dizzy, I'm seeing shapes.

      Me-"Your druglove is fucked, but it's pretty nice."

      DC-"Told you so, told you so, my druglove is the prettiest!"

      Anyway, I can't remember it exactly but it was around these lines.

      At this point I'm getting kind of bored of this crazy chick and I smash out the window and fly across this park. It is HUUUUGE. After what seems like hours of flying over trees and grass and lakes I see bright flashing lights, hear music and see a lot of people dancing. I land and dance for a while, mind you I still feel like I'm in some kind of weird psychedelic trip. It feels AMAZING... absolutely fantastic. I can taste the music, feel the music, live the music and it's kind of psytrance-ish. I end up dancing with this really gorgeous girl, with crazy multicolored eyes and a tight red dress. I kiss her and it feels so great, really warm like I'm melting into her mouth.

      I can feel the heat in this room, I can even smell the sweat. It's strange because there's no DJ and it's just outside in this park, a bunch of people dancing barefoot in the grass. The music seems to be conjured out of the air. The bright fluorescent lights are just beaming down from the sky, flashing and alternating.

      Anyways, it's strange but after a while my lucid dream fades into a non-lucid one again ¬_¬

      I still remember it vividly though; my phone rang and my parents were waiting for me in the center of Geneva. So I take the tram back to the train station and remember walking through the extremely empty streets of Geneva until I run into my cousin who's also supposed to be getting a ride from my folks. We walk down to a bank or something because he needs to take out some cash and I remember talking to him about the party and how I took DMT and I ask him if my pupils are really dilated. He tells me I look high as a kite. So I don't remember a thing past being in the bank, I'm pretty sure I woke up straight after...

      Wow what a looooong dream... and a great lucid right in the middle!
      Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken...-Tyler Durden


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