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    1. #1
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Aug 2004

      ElectroRents Dream Journal

      I am going to keep this jurnal. Feel free to comment on anything.

    2. #2
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Aug 2004
      Dream 1

      Me and my family are at a Red Sox game (or possibly practice). We are at some little league field, however, there are tons of fans. While I am watching the game, a ball comes out of nowhere, toward an outfielder. The guy tries to make a catch, but the ball bounces off his glove into the stands of wild fans.

      Dream 2

      *This happened the same night as Dream 1, and it had the same setting, so it may have been the same dream.*
      I am still at the baseball field from Dream 1. The fans are gone, and it is now the location of Rainbow training.
      *By this I mean the fictional counter-terrorist team from the rainbow six books and games*
      My mom asks, "Is that really them?"
      My dad says, "Yah, see thats you, him, me."
      He is pointing at the different people as if they were assigned to each member of my family. The only one I recognized was that I was assigned to the team leader Chavez.

    3. #3
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Aug 2004
      Dream 3

      I am in my house. Somehow, my parents relationship has changed (not exactly a divorce, but close). They cannot see each other reguraly, but they can by appointment. ("How about 11:00 in New Hampshire", My dad says.)
      *We own a house in New Hampshire, and go up there most weekends.*
      I ask my dad if it is ok that he will be seeing my mom. He says as long as she gets to the house (in NH) first.

      So, we go to NH, but the house is not really my house.
      I dont remember enough to describe it.

      I now have a "spy phone". IT can zoom from a map view to being able to view actual people moving around. I use it to watch some guy walking around, and then to watch two dogs having sex.
      *Lovely, huh? cough...*

      Dream 4
      I am in a car on a freeway. I am somewhat aware that I am dreaming, so this could be called my first LD.

      I push the cars pedal all the way down and drive as fast as I can past other moving vehicles. I hear the engine clicking and I know that it will overheat, but I hold the pedal down anyway. In blows, smoke pours out, and I allow it to repair itself.

      *This is probaly derived from the fact that I was playing the video game Star Wars Racer, where going to fast will overheat the engine, but it can repair itself ovetime*

      I still know that this is a dream so I decide to hit something and see what happens. I hit one of those yellow barrells that always explode with water in movies, and I flip over.

      I am now stuck in a flipped car in the middle of a freeway. I decide to try dream spinning to go back to the beggining of the freeway and drive again, but the image I construct is a ghost-like bridge with pillars coming out of the ground everywhere.

      I then wake up.

    4. #4
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Dream 5

      *Second LD! Kind of*
      I am in a room. I have a strange feeling that I'm dreaming, which I test by holding my nose. Upon relizing that I could still breathe, I woke up. I then relized that I was not in my bed, and did the breathing test again. I was still dreaming. I managed to conjure a wierd ghost version of New York city, which I proceded to fly around. Then, I lost control of the dream and I was back in the room that I started the dream in. Here, my sister was yelling at me for doing drugs.
      *I have never done drugs, btw*
      I panick, knowing that I am still in a dream, but at the same time furious at myself for doing drugs. I try to regain control, mainly by spinning, but I find that I cannot move. So, as a last defense against the nightmare that this dream had become *for some reason, the idea that I had done drugs horrified me* I woke myself up.

    5. #5
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Dream 6

      Im watching TV with my family. I have the remote and I'm flipping through when I find the movie Phone Booth on.

      *Somehow I know what movie it is, although there is no title or anything*
      *I have never seen this movie in real life*

      My dad repeatadly says that he has already seen this, but I leave it. I watch for a while, then go out side to play baseball with some friends in my tiny side yard.
      There are hundreds of people in line to bat, and I think to myself that I'll never get a chance to hit.
      Then game ends, and I never get to hit.
      I go inside and watch the rest of the movie.

    6. #6
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Dream 7

      I am in a baseball field.
      *Baseball is apparently a dream sign for me*
      There are no teams or anything playing baseball, but the dugouts are Hawiian huts. Every so often, a rocket will launch up from one of the huts and disapear into the air.

    7. #7
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Dream 8

      I am in a large mansion with a man. I know that there are Nazis coming, becuase somehow I saw them even though they were far away. Me and the man run, through a double doors, and the man locks the door with a knife.

      Dream 9
      *This dream is pretty funny, actually, when you think about it*

      Its friday, and im coming home from camp. At home, I know that my mom is getting the car ready for us to go to New Hampshire. There is a strange man driving me and my sister home. He is talking about how, after something happened, my family is all of a sudden really rich, and he is jealus.
      "You even own the worms," he says.

      I get home, the driver leaves, and my mom is mad.
      She tells me that she is taking me out of camp, because
      "What do you do there? Nothing!"
      She then says that "I heard you were in the..." I dont remember what word she used but it meant a lower age group in my camp.

      This was obviously a terrible accusation because
      "Bullsh**!" I scream. I guess she believed me, because she appologized.

      *Is this stupid or what? But wait, it gets worse...*

      My mom apparently heard about the jealus driver, because she says to me that instead of paying him, shes "going to throw toilet paper in the road for him."

      You cannot imagine how good this made me feel.

      Dream 10

      Its night time, and i am in my room, lying in my bed, completley in the dark. I am playing GTA3 on PS2, on a TV that is magically floating above my bed.
      *I dont have PS2, GTA3, or a TV in my room*
      Im at a part in the game where some man is driving and I am shooting. I eventually forget that it is a video game and the game becomes my dream. Soon, my dad comes in the room. The game becomes a game again, and my dad asks me to tell my sister, who is having a sleepover with a friend, to go to sleep. He makes a point to tell me that she is watching the movie 50 First Dates. I never get up and continue playing. Dad comes in a number of more times and repeats his instructions.
      *Apparently its too hard for <!--sizeo:9--><span style="font-size:12pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo-->him <!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--> to tell her*

    8. #8
      Member ElectroRent's Avatar
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      Dream 11

      *3rd LD! Really!*

      This dream did not start out as an LD, like my other 2, and is actually pretty epic.

      It starts as such: I am in Switzerland, getting ready to fly back home. Me and my family board the plane.

      *Either the dream, or just my memory of it fast forwards a bit*

      We are in the air. The pilot is either incredibly drunk, or the plane is broken because the plane will randomly pick up speed, slow down, go up, down, flip over, swerve left, right...ect. Nobody really minds, though. My mom makes some comment about "bad turbulence*, but, other than that...

      *Fast forward a bit more*

      We are now in New York, waiting for a connecting flight. My parents are now scared, saying that they bet we wont survive that same plane again. I decide to go outside with a friend, who seems to have appeared from nowhere.

      We go to a construction site, me driving the car. We get out, and find a soda machine that costs 3 franks (the swiss money). I put in two 1 frank bills, but cannot find any more money. I press the coin return button but no money comes out! Stupid machine.

      *Fast forward, back to the plane, wich is now in the air.*

      It is the same plane, we are bouncin up and down like crazy, and yet, no body is scared. The "we wont make it" feeling of when we landed is gone, and everyone is calm again.

      *Maybe they put drugs in the peanuts...hey, just a thought*

      Its almost time to land. I can see the runway, but the plane is too high. It tilts almost straight down and we almost hit the ground, put the plane pulls up to its original hieght. Then, everything went to hell.

      The plane banked hard left. The G-force pushed everyone back into their seats, and there was a screech as the (right) wing of the plane was torn off .

      I look out the window and see that we are about to crash into the city below. We will not survive.

      My last, non-lucid thought is
      "Well, this is the end." Completely calm. No panic.

      Then, something clicked.
      I realized that this cannot be real. I MUST be dreaming. I closed my eyes and envisioned myself in my room.

      I am now in my room.

      *I can add LD teleportation to my list of Things I've Done in an LD *

      I spend a couple of minutes feeling around the room, to see how well I created it, and to see how lucid I actually am. I then SCREAM at the dream to make it more lucid. Hehe. There is a noticeable improvement, the haze clears. Now what to do. I summon a person into my room.

      *Check off that box*

      Satisfied that I can do it. I summon a person to...um...fool around with.


      "Now what?" I think.

      In the intrest of my checklist, i decide to see if I can create an event. Not just summoning a person, but creating an actual event, like a scene in a movie. For some reason, I decide on the following. I create two cars on a black, open road. As I watch, four people get into the first car, and three into the second, leaving the left rear door open. I get in.


      I further intended to make this event into a high speed, James Bond style car chase, guns blazing, the whole nine yards, but, unfortunatley, I woke up soon there after.

      *Oh well. You gotta walk before you can crawl, right? Well, not exactly*


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