this is the start af my dream journal. i am still a noob so bear with me.
i still haven't mastered RCing in my dreams so most of my dreams now are just regular ones that i want to remember. and i'm stll working on remembering more of my dreams then just a few scattered images.
Regular Dreams
Lucid Dreams

Last night i had a pretty vivid dream that i was swimming in some lake or ocean. i remember being able to swim faster than normal and being able to stay under longer but it didn't seem important at the time. what i remember most was swimming straight down and looking out across the under water landscape and seeing the sun shine through the water. the beauty of where i was stunned me completely. i remember the colors where unusally vivid for a dream. after a few minutes of just looking at everything i wanted to take a picture for some reason and wondering where a camera was woke me up.