• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      May 2008

      Dennis Dreams ...

      For ease of recording, I have set up a Dream Journal account on Livejournal.


      Anyway, I shall be posting some of my weirder dreams here.

      Okay, first up in my 'weird dream' collection.

      Psych Dream

      Dream Type: Lucid - Finally!

      What Happened: One of the coolest dreams I've had in recent times. You'll probably need to watch Psych to fully understand the whole story.

      Basically, I'm in a ballroom with tons of people, who are there celebrating some function. I suddenly notice the actions of one woman, and there's the 'Shawn Vision" effect, as I spot her gaze fall onto a gentleman(who happens to be the boss of the woman's deceased husband) across the room. I realize what happened, and break out into a 'psychic episode', muttering incoherently and spouting gibberish.

      I accusingly point a finger at the woman, stating that she was having an affair with her husband's boss; and that her husband had found out. I start jerking spasmadically, limbs flailing like a crazed baboon. I stop, seemingly exhausted after yet another 'epsiode' . I notice from the corner of my eye Lassiter glaring at me disapprovingly.

      "You were afraid he was going to change the will."

      I utter with feigned suprise.

      This particular moment is extremely vivd, me slumped against the wall, as though the 'episode' had taken a great deal out of me, and uttering that statement accusingly with voice tinged with shock and suprise. Awesome dream moment, and I'm sure it will stick with me for a long long time.

      Anyway, the rest of the dream is unclear, I can't remember exactly how I explained the murder but I do remember having those Psych flashbacks that you see in the show, the body of the husband sprawled on the floor, the whole envisioning of how the murder took place, everything was so Psych-esque it was crazy.
      Last edited by Hitzlsperger; 06-23-2008 at 04:27 PM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      May 2008
      My Dreams are starting to have real structure, and a cinematic, almost movie like feel to it. Lucidity? Not yet, but I'm more than happy with how my dreams have been turning out. My last 2 dreams have bared an uncanny resemblance to the LOTR and Jurasic Park films. Anyway, since I dreamt of the Jurrassic Park one first, I shall start with that one first...

      Jurassic Park Dream:

      Dream Type:Non-Lucid

      What Happened: It starts off at this scenic lake, with lush coniferous trees surrounding a boathouse. I get the impression that this is my family's summer vacaion home, and that my folks are brilliant geneticists working on something big. It appears that I'm an only child, and because my folks are cooped up in their lab, I spend the next few days(dream time) with my dog, a fairly large 'Golden' Retriever - I inverted commaed the Golden because it was actually black in colour. I eventually stumble upon this ferocious Velicoraptor/Dog creature, but nothing of note happened as it was chased off by the forceful growl of my 'Golden' Retriever. When I tell my parents about the creature, they freak out, and tell me that we have to leave. We make it to the city in a mad dash, but as we were driving through the road(which bore an uncanny resemblence to Redhill), I notice a Godzilla-like(but not as big obviously) creature stomping on vehicles and chomping off overhanging traffic lights. Despite the crazy traffic, we finally each our destination, this military facility, whereby on our arrival, we are greeted by the old dude you see in the Jurassic Park films(Richard Attenborough I believe). He explains that we have to insert some electrical neuro disruptor device into the creature to shut it down. I get the impression that the dinosaurs were programmed and that things had obviously went out of control. So the old dude(Richard Attenborough) goes out of the military base, and walks up to the creature, with the electrical neuro thing in his hand. The ersatz Gozilla bends down and eats him. The last thing I see before I wake up is the neuro device thing blinking volitantly.

      LOTR Dream:

      Dream Type: Semi - Lucid

      What Happened: I'm not sure exactly when it starts but I am at this inn, with a group of friends. We appear to be normal humans, not short ugly hobbits. Anyway, a group of black robed people come in and ambush us, arresting most of my friends. I make a dash for it though, and escape with the Ring. The enemy however, still chases me outside, and I only lose them when I run into a fog. My mind's eye flashes back to the enemy general, who says,"Let him go, we can't find him with the fog around, we'll catch him when it clears". Or something to that effect.
      So I'm running like crazy. In my dreams, oddly, I always feel as though I travel much faster when I run on all fours, so in this instance, running away from the enemy, who I somehow know has horses at their disposal, I'm trying to put as much distance between us before the mist clears, so I gallop on all fours.
      I make it to a forest, whereby I spot a lady with a bunch of children, and an anthropomorphic talking Unicorn. I plead the Unicorn to help me on my quest, but it refuses, only complying with my request when he is urged by the lady, who apparently runs an orphanage. So with the help of the unicorn, I make it to a small town, where I obtain a sword and proper clothes. I meet one of my friends from the Inn here, who tells me that he slipped away whilst no one was looking and had followed me here.
      Instead of continuing the journey to Mordor, my friend and I decide to go back to the Inn to rescue our friends. We make it to the dungeon, which is strangely quite bright and airy, almost pleasant in fact, and I start to unshackle my friends.

      Then I wake up.

      Those were some kickass dreams to have over the weekend. Its like watching 2 movies in my head without paying a single cent.
      The weird thing is, when I first started out this Lucid Dreaming experience, I was so annoyed that I couldn't actively control what happens in the dream. I couldn't do all the cool stuff that Lucid Dreaming supposedly brought. But after improving my dream recall, and using various Lucid Dreaming techniques, it appears my dreams are becoming much more vivid, clearer, and are having a much more cinematic feel to it. Like my mind's eye constantly shifts its focus to the antagonists, to show their side of the story. Its quite cool really. And even though I can't control my dreams, or have full consciousness in them, I can control and feel myself as the dream character, really believing that I am in that particular situation, and being able to control my actions as the main protaganist in the dream.
      So its good progress, I would think.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      May 2008
      I had a weird dream the other night, about haunted hotels, crazy dragonboaters, and fighting on a bright yellow schoolbus. I won't bore you with the details, as it was a really cruddy dream, but something happened as I was playing back the dream in my head. As I was piecing together the dragonboat scene in my head - where a ghostly crew of dragonboaters were moving along the coast - I suddenly recalled lucid dreams I've had of the Sea before.Vestiges of dreams past just flooded through my head; I even remembered when those particular lucid dreams occured.

      It was amazing. I even remember being lucid in them, and realized I had quite a few awesome dreams about the sea/ocean. I wonder how many more lucid dreams I've had in the past, that I conveniently forgot and tucked away into the metaphorical closet in my head.

      Having had this epiphany of sorts, makes me even more motivated to achieve FULL lucidity in dreams. I realize I've not taken this dream journal as seriously as I'd wanted to when I started it, and I shall now be charting my progress more fervently.

      Anyway, I just thought I'd mention a few of my 'sea dreams'

      Epic Pirate Tale Sea Dream:

      Dream Type:

      What Happened: I cannot believe I forgot about this lucid dream. I was making it up as I went along. Seriously. This dream, I shaped, I morphed into wherever I wanted it to. Well I didn't exactly control or change the dream world I was in, but I shaped the direction of what happened.

      I started off in this seaside town, which was basically just another reimagined scene my mind made up. That whole seaside town backdrop was actually reimagined from the 1990 computer game Escape from Market Island. Apparently my older sister never got around to completing it, and it has just been stuck in the family since, forgotten until I found it one day and decided to play it. Anyway, I was controlling this virtual character who had to accomplish certain tasks in order to get onto this pirate ship. The 'graphics' of the dream were like that of the 90's game. Pixelated. Large ungainly pixels. But I must admit I did enjoy the game, it had a certain old-fashioned arcade style that I really liked.

      Anyway, the point where I gained lucidity was when I had completed the tasks, and was just about to board the ship. A few things happened when I became lucid, I became aware of my actions, the pixels vanished and I suddenly knew that I had to stop a wedding taking place in a country on the other side of my dream world. It is rather cliched, but still it was the most fun I've had in a dream, as far as I can remember. Who knows what other crazy dreams I've had, that I just can't remember?

      Back to the dream, I had very few people on my crew from the onset, so I docked at this picturesque island, with pristine mountains shrouded with mists. I managed to convince the natives, a group of viking like people to join my crew and help me stop the wedding. I have no idea why they agreed so readily.

      So I make it to the country where the wedding is taking place, and it is also another scenic masterpiece created by my mind. It was basically a small mountainous island, covered entirely by a huge sprawling city. It was a strange but beautiful mountainous forest/architecture hybrid. It was basically stone structures interspersed with lush greenery, and at the very top of the island, was the chapel, where the wedding was taking place. My mind's eye shifts from my point of view to the antagonist, who from his vantage point notices the havoc caused by my crew of viking people.

      Anyway my mind shifts back to my, running up the stairs to the chapel. The antagonist intercepts me, and we battle til a standoff on this very narrow strip of stone, which is many many feet off the ground, its reminiscent of the scene from Star Wars Episode I, where Liam Neeson faced off with Ray Park in Naboo's Reactor Room; except that this was far more scenic, and I could FEEL the wind blowing. I was all so real, fluttering clothes, unruly messes of windswept hair and the weight of the sword in my hand.

      That was just about the most real moment I've had in dreams, as far as I can remember, and although its not full lucidity - people should be able to change the setting of the dreams fairly easily when their dreaming, it's encouraging to know I've done something similar.

      Note: It's not complete lucidity, as I didn't go "Hey, I'm dreaming!" during the dream. It was just being consciously aware of what was happening, consciously aware of what I was doing. I think with better characterization and more subplots, this dream would make one heck of a movie. The imagery was simply topnotch.

      National Day out at Sea dream:

      Dream Type:

      What Happened: This was a rather gloomy dream. It was a remarkably long dream, the longest I can recall having, to be honest . It first started off at a rather dull and grey jetty area, where my younger sister and I mingle with some elderly tourists. We also buy some tacky souvenirs from the gift store. We wait for what seems like ages until our ferry number is called, and when I walk down to the boats, I realise there aren't any, just a pathetic bamboo raft, ferrying people to an offshore island one group at a time. As with the previous dream, I was lucid in the sense that I was consciously aware of my surroundings, but not aware I was dreaming. So, in this case, I really thought I was on a family outing to this island. I remember so clearly, standing on the raft with my family members and reaching the island.

      Upon arrival, I realized the island was only a series of islands that were many many miles apart. The beaches were long and beautiful, miami-esque in terms of the people and the general feel and attitude. There was some jet skiing competition, and I decided to take part. Out in the ocean though, I lost my goggles, and after the tournament swam from island to island, searching for my missing goggles. It was a very frightening experience. Because I had to venture into deep open waters, I kept having this fear that a shark or jellyfish would attack me. Only after hours of searching did I return back to the beach island, and exhausted and nerves shot with anxiety, I crawl up onto the beach despondent, only to see my aunt and my mum come up and tell me they found my goggles.

      Suddenly though, the sky turns a horrid dark purplish/grey, and the winds get very strong, with palm trees swaying at large obtuse angles. There is lightning and I urge my family to seek shelter in the nearby cave, and not risk it driving the car on the open road. It was miserable, the cave, we were cold wet and shivering, and had nothing to keep warm. After the storm finally blew over, my father suddenly says that we could make it back to Singapore for the National Day parade, as it was out at sea, with abovewater and underwater platforms( that could be raised out of the water). Strangely, he was reading this from a newspaper, which I hadn't seen before he entered the cave. Anyway, we got out of the cave, and I noticed that the sky was a dull dull grey. It depressed me. My aunt and parents were happy that the car hasn't been destroyed though, and we drove back to the hotel to get changed.

      We managed to get to the jetty just before it closed. The ferryman agreed to make us his last passengers of the day. However, he said the raft could only hold 6 people, and since my aunt made 7, one of us would have to get to Singapore on his/her own. I don't know why, but I got picked as the unlucky bugger. I remember feeling very angry and annoyed at my aunt for stealing my spot on the raft. She hadn't been part of the family outing, we'd just met her on the Island.

      Despite having swam like a deranged frog only a few hours ago, I was determined not to miss the celebrations, so I started swimming again. Yet another depressing swim into deep open waters, and I continued to have more of those anxiety attacks, fearful of dangerous marine life lurking below.

      I remember swimming past the causeway, glancing up and looking at the severe traffic congestion it suffered. I also remember swimming past the Benjamin Shears bridge, although in the real world, geographically this would be impossible. Eventually, I reach Singapore, but ended up in the midst of the celebrations, in the middle of the floating and underwater platforms on which various dancers performed on. I remember the shocked look of a dancer who was dancing on one of the underwater platforms, with the water reaching up to his knees. He gave the most pompous arrogant look, expressing disdain and annoyance so effectively with just one simple stare. Anyway I was exhausted from my swim, so I just gripped a section of the nearby platform for support.

      I remember being stuck there until the celebration ended, and when the crew was packing up, they failed to notice me. They started submerging the platforms fully, and as I was holding on to them, I began to sink as well. Somehow I couldn't move my legs, my body was paralysed, I couldn't scream or yell or do anything, just slowly sink under the waves with the platforms.

      I think that feeling of intense desperation, that terrifying sensation of drowning woke me up.

      Note: The problem with my form of lucidity I realize, is that I only can feel out what's happening in the story. I can influence by my decisions, but ultimately, I can't change what my mind has created. I guess reality checks will help,

    4. #4
      Join Date
      May 2008
      After a long long hiatus, I've finally posted in my LJ dream journal again.
      I won't post my new post verbatim, but I'm just curious as to how many of you have actually had 'fugitive' dreams like me, and what you felt like. I'll just post the part where I'm talking about such dreams. For the full entry, you can visit the link I provided in my first post.

      Wow, that was a long discourse.

      Moving on, a few nights ago I had a dream of escaping some military facility just before dawn broke. I was a fugitive on the run, and in my mental landscape I zoomed through Telok Blangah way, now illuminated with the very first signs of sunrise, instead of the usual afternoon glare I familiarize it with. It was such an amazing feeling, the satisfaction and excitement of being free and on-the-run.

      This however, is not the first time I've had a 'fugitive' dream. A particularly vivid dream I can recall of my running away from something is one whereby I was in Sentosa, running along the bicycle track, to a resort my mind made up, and hiding behind a potted plant in the swimming pool complex. That part of the dream was most vivid. Of course I got caught, and I jumped off the wooden deck of the pool, and back onto the bicycle path and just continued running and hiding. I've felt first-hand what it's like to be on-the-run in my dreams, and trust me, it is exhilarating. The thrill, the adrenaline, the slight fear as you are just running away. It's phenomenal.

      So that leads me on to my rather embarrassing confession. When Mas Selamat was still hot news, I would fantasize what I would do if I were in his fugitive shoes. My eventual thesis was that trying to get off the Island as fast as possible was unwise, as I risked being recognized, as the people of the state was in high-alert. I concluded that the best course of action was to do the least expected thing - stay in Singapore. Now, why so? Routes off the island would be severely guarded and patrolled by the police and military. Trying to escape would be as stupid as eating citrus fruits when you have an ulcer(trust me, I've done that, it's not fun). My plan was simple. I would just stay in Singapore until the whole thing blew off, until the people weren't on such a state of alert; when other news and things start to garner the interests of the majority, and they won't be so vigilant anymore. Only then would I plot my escape off the Island. Of course, I considered a lot of specifics, like how I was going to survive whilst I waited etc., but I shalln't bore you with the details.


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