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      ZzzZZzzZZZZzzzzzZz Remoh's Avatar
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      Jun 2008
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      Remoh's dream journal.

      Well now that I've started school again, I'm on a more steady sleep schedule so I'm going to attempt to get into lucid dreaming. I would say my recall is decent, I can remember usually at least 2 dreams a night. My dreams have been very vivid lately. I'll leave a little commentary at the end of my dream every time, leaving my feelings about it.

      I'll start posting my dreams here starting with the one I had last night.

      Night of October 21:

      I was in my brother's room down the hallway from mine, and I was either playing xbox or watching tv, I'm not sure which. I can always hear when someone is coming down the hallway towards the room, our hallway seems to be very loud when someone is walking on them. Anyway, I was feeling pretty weird and decided to lay down on the bed. A sudden feeling came over me and I knew I was being possessed by the devil (Don't ask me how I knew, i just did ). He didn't make me do anything very bad or scream or anything, I just got up and walked around the room. I did, however, try to scream out for help but I couldn't. I remember screaming as loud as I could but no sound would come out. I walked near the door, still possessed, and then I heard my moms footsteps coming down the hallway. My mom opened the door and I was free. I told her about what happened, but of course she didn't believe me. I just shook it off and went back to lying down. It happened again. I started to walk around like before. Still not being able to scream, I walked around the room pretty normally. Then, the footsteps came again. I started screaming at my mom telling her that it had happened again. She didn't believe me.

      This is really all I can remember about this dream. It was very vivid, especially me trying to scream out for help. It wasn't that scary when I was in the dream, but after I woke up in the middle of the night I was afraid to go back to bed because I didn't want to be possessed again. It's kinda funny now that I think about it.

      Second Dream from that night:

      I was at school. We have a circular stage in the middle of our rally court, and there were a bunch of kids circled around it. I went up in the middle of the group to see what the commotion was about, and they were all staring at a blank stage. I thought that it was kind of weird (I should have RC'd at that point, ugh!). I then saw them pulling in my dad in a wheelchair towards the rally court. They held a pitchfork up to his neck and began questioning him. My dad didn't want to answer any of them, so they rolled him onto the stage and everyone was watching him. I ran around the school really really fast, and collected people to come help me fight off these bad men. Once back at the rally court I ran around the circle in the middle and flew up into the air (I am kind of amazed that I was able to do this actually. I know I wasn't lucid, but I can remember making myself fly by just telling myself to do it). While in the air a little above the crowd of students, I made a speech about how treating this man this was was horrible, and that someone needed to do something about this. While doing this I felt really proud of myself. Almost as if I wanted people to praise me for doing this. People cheered for me, and I started to fly around some more. I can't remember what happened to my dad but I know he got away fine.

      This dream was also pretty weird...the whole flying part was pretty cool. I can remember the feeling of flying, and making myself fly very well. Hopefully this means when I do get a LD I will be able to fly pretty well. There is something about the dream that troubles me though. The part where I made my speech because I wanted people to cheer for me, and I expected them to cheer for me. I should have been doing it just because my dad was being treated badly. Well, this dream made me think a little bit.. that's it for my first dream journal entry!
      Last edited by Remoh; 10-23-2008 at 12:05 AM.


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