Star Date, er- Long Entry: 10-28-2008 (Hit the sack AFTER midnight)

I dreamed that I was with my parents. This is so odd because this is the first time they've ever been in my dreams, the part that so hilarious in a way is that in the dream I was trying to go to sleep while practicing lucid dream induction although the dream itself wasn't. It's so weird though because I mentioned on the forum last night regarding not dreaming about friends of family and that was nearly all I did dream about.

I was traveling for some reason but the reason itself is not clear anymore. What I remember is being in a parking lot surrounded by woods, it's hard to describe but I know that one scene was triggered by a location from one of my old homes. There were oddly several pairs of scissors that I saw laying on the ground, and I picked up the pair that were mine and put it in my pocket. I also met this young girl in passing who was roller skating, I then ended up with a skateboard in hand, though I never used it that I recall, and I have no waking knowledge of who the girl looked like. This area led down to another wooded area and I wading through a stream because for some reason or another it was the fastest way to get where I was going. I was fairly annoyed by the fact that to my knowledge I'd been through the stream several times, but this one time it was usually swollen and very deep in sections, someone on the bank was nice enough to hold my wallet for me while I waded there after I threw it to them, though a friend of his did go through the wallet, but oddly didn't take anything, just looked at stuff.

When I did get to where I was going it turned out to be my home in Georgia where I lived with my parents prior to moving out, and there were a lot of people there. My best friend's girlfriend, I think there was some family there, and my parents, which is odd because I never had a dream about them before. This is where I dreamed about trying to induce a lucid dream of all things. Another thing I remember is one of my parent's dogs had tracked mud all over the living room carpet.

There's another section of my dream I can only remember in pieces which is odd because I think it was unrelated, at least to my waking knowledge it was. It involved this woman sitting on a bench outside and couldn't figure out it was her looks that caused two car accidents (hottie!!!!!!!), even though for some reason she was wearing a hideous outfit, dark green flanel pants with a red sweater, no idea why. Then the scene switched to her and her boyfriend inside a motel room and a conversation about how she though her but was huge. At the time she was naked and turned partially away from my view with her hands over her chest. I could see her butt, which I didn't think was huge, but there was no sex involved in the scene.