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    Thread: Brain Explosion!!!!!

    1. #1
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      Brain Explosion!!!!!

      The Carlos Castaneda books are really interesting so far



      I have been actively trying to LD for about 2 and a half weeks so far and I just thought I would start an online dream journal of my own. Lately my dreams have been kind of dull and pointless but I do manage to get an exciting one every once in awhile. Lucid parts are in blue.


      Ill start off with a dream I had a while back before I started my dream journal.

      I was driving up a mountain road, I had no idea where I was going and that frightened me a bit. When I got to the mountain town It was not like your average looking town. There was a giant lake with trees all around it. There were mid sized condos made of cut down trees. It looked like a giant log cabin city. When I got up to my cabin I was inside this large room with a couch in the middle a few chairs and a giant tv on the wall. I walked upstairs into a fairly large bedroom with a king size bed with 4 poles going up to the ceiling and ornate drapes came down on all 4 sides, I pulled the cord to bring the drapes up and suddenly came face to face with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, she seemed to have a white aura around her, anyway we start doing the deed but as soon as we were done I knew something bad was going to from this. I have recall failure as to exactly what happened next but I found myself running down the sidewalk in front of the cabins being chased by some people who are all dressed in suits and carrying an assortment of firearms. I think one of them had a tommy gun and I remember seeing an ak47, and m16 carbine, and a couple desert eagles. I recognize one of the cabins I am about to pass as mine and I go in. I am met by 4 more gangsters or hitmen or whatever they are. By this time I remember just feeling sick to my stomach at how I could be running from these assholes. The next thing I knew I was doing a meditation technique I do in the waking world. I usually imagine white energy coming up from my stomach and cleansing my chakras one at a time. However this time it was a red energy, it flowed to my hands like fire and I started grabbing the heads of the hitmen one after the other burning them from the inside out. I woke up feeling pure rage but I cooled down after realizing I was sitting up in my bed.
      Last edited by Neeros; 11-08-2008 at 12:14 AM.
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    2. #2
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      erroneous root
      Do you excersize a lot?

    3. #3
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Cryptic View Post
      Do you excersize a lot?
      I practice kickboxing three times a week and I go to the gym to lift weights twice a week.
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    4. #4
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      Last night I managed to gain lucidity twice, this is the first time I have ever TRIED to become lucid.
      I was in what looked like New York City, I was standing on a huge skyscraper. Under my feet was a stack of crates and boxes boosting me about 20 feet above the roof. Something pushed me forward, I tried to keep my balance but the stack of crates collapsed from underneath me and I ended up falling off the edge of the skyscraper. I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I tried to fly away or at least stop but I just ended up waking up.

      I woke up for a second but remembered to DEILD

      I found myself in some desert. I knew I was fighting in WWII.
      Me and my team were walking along when suddenly one of them gets domed by a sniper. He fell to the ground with half of his head missing. I knew I was the only one who could stop this guy. I made my way to the base of the cliff. I looked up and knew that the person who killed my friend was right at the top of that cliff. “I AM DREAMING!” I suddenly exclaimed. I got up from my prone position and raised my hands to the sky intending to bring the whole cliff down. I felt a tearing sensation and I saw a bright flash of light then streaks of color across my vision before waking up.
      Last edited by Neeros; 09-09-2008 at 11:40 PM.
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    5. #5
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      I was in some kind of cabin with a few other people. A fire alarm went off and I got to looking around. I quickly noticed a rope was tied above the outside of the door and it lead off into the night like a zip cord. “Everyone have a belt?” I said. I took mine off and threw one end of it over the rope. Holding on for dear life I started sliding down it into the darkness of night.

      Me and my best friend were in a store. He was trying to steal something. I remember chasing him around the store trying to get him to stop.
      I also remember fighting someone but my punches were slow and powerless.
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    6. #6
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      erroneous root
      Quote Originally Posted by Neeros View Post

      Last night I managed to gain lucidity twice, this is the first time I have ever TRIED to become lucid.
      I was in what looked like New York City, I was standing on a huge skyscraper. Under my feet was a stack of crates and boxes boosting me about 20 feet above the roof. Something pushed me forward, I tried to keep my balance but the stack of crates collapsed from underneath me and I ended up falling off the edge of the skyscraper. I suddenly realized I was dreaming. I tried to fly away or at least stop but I just ended up waking up.

      I woke up for a second but remembered to DEILD

      I found myself in some desert. I knew I was fighting in WWII.
      Me and my team were walking along when suddenly one of them gets domed by a sniper. He fell to the ground with half of his head missing. I knew I was the only one who could stop this guy. I made my way to the base of the cliff. I looked up and knew that the person who killed my friend was right at the top of that cliff. “I AM DREAMING!” I suddenly exclaimed. I got up from my prone position and raised my hands to the sky intending to bring the whole cliff down. I felt a tearing sensation and I saw a bright flash of light then streaks of color across my vision before waking up.
      LOL you ran into a computation failure

    7. #7
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      I found myself standing in a parking lot facing a huge movie theatre. I knew the President was in there.
      I walked up to the doors, there was one to the left with a long line of people, and one to the right with no line at all. Of course I walked into the door with no line but was quickly grabbed by a large security guard. “You never would of made it” He said. I let him carry me out the door. I said to him “Hello, how are you?” He gave me a weird look and dropped me at the other door. “Everything checks out, you can go in.” he said to me.

      I was at my grandparent’s house sitting in the family room. Across the room sitting on the couch was a little boy I knew as the President’s son. He was sitting there talking about playing with toy guns on the white house lawn.

      I was standing on a freeway in Los Angeles. As a truck passed by I grabbed onto the back of it. I was flopping in the wind as it carried me down the freeway. The truck got off the freeway into a really bad part of the city. As I walked down the street I noticed run down apartment complexes and warehouses everywhere. I remember being afraid of getting shot by some random punk. I don’t remember what compelled me to go into one of the warehouses but as soon as I went in I was face to face with 5 guys with guns pointed right at my head. They told me I had to dispose of a body for them, eager to do anything to get myself out of this precarious situation I agreed. (I think this part of the dream was inspired by the episode of heroes I just watched when Nikki had to get rid of the corpses in her trunk.) Anyway I loaded up the body in the trunk of an old car. As I drove out of the warehouse I had a dream change.

      I was in my grandparents driveway. Sitting in the back of a medium sized fishing boat on a trailer. I knew in my mind that I was being held captive by someone I could only describe at the time as “immortal” Most likely a vampire because I remember it being nighttime the whole dream. When the immortal came back and I got a good look at her I noticed she was very beautiful. The only other things that I remember about this dream are that I felt love and sympathy for her for some reason, and right before I woke up the boat was in the water speeding off somewhere.
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    8. #8
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      Minimal recall
      I was at my old highschool roaming around the campus at night. All the students were there like it was daytime.

      No recall
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    9. #9
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      I was at my grandparents house in my room. My next door neighbor Kate whom I have known since I was born was hanging out with me. She ended up staying the night but she got into a lot of trouble with her dad the next day. I tried to explain to him that we didn’t do anything but he didn’t believe me.

      Heroes inspired dream!
      (I just had a Heroes marathon btw)

      I have only fragments of memories of a fight between me and Sylar. I seemed to take the role of Peter Patrelli because I know I had an assortment of powers. In one fragment I remember levitating around 10 or 20 feet above Sylar throwing fireballs at him.

      In the scene that I remember the most I was walking into a train yard with a few others from the cast. Our cloths were burned and torn like we had just been fighting. I had the urge to find a restroom(wtf) When I found one I did a RC by plugging my nose to see if I could breath. AND I COULD! I tried to stay calm and breath but I ended up waking up anyway.
      Last edited by Neeros; 11-08-2008 at 08:51 PM.
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    10. #10
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      I was out in the ocean maybe 20 miles off shore. For some reason I was dispatching a droid carrier to the bottom of the ocean to attack the shore maybe? Anyway something on the carrier broke and I had to swim to the bottom of the ocean to get to it. I quickly realized I could breath underwater and became lucid. It was a low level of lucidity because my next thought was "I have to show my dad." So I ended up in an apartment, my dad was sitting on a chair and had on a necklace with many chimes on it, I walked up to him and told him I managed to hold onto my lucid dream for once. He was proud and said something about the necklace taking away his powers. I walked up to him and ran my finger across his chime necklace and it made a pretty sound. Next I told him I wanted to show him my dream powers, I made a quarter levitate. But when I tried to push it up into the air from beneath it, it stopped working. I think I concentrated to hard and woke up. I quickly wrote my LD down before I forgot it in my DJ. Alas my first false awakening. after writing a few paragraphs I woke up for real only to find my pen was missing from my journal! I had to find a pen before I could write this down so I forgot all my other dreams
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    11. #11
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      I was in a parking lot outside a restaurant, it was nighttime. I remember sitting on a curb waiting for someone to show up. I felt a presence above me and I looked up, it was Janette, an attractive vampire from Forever Knight. Almost immediately we started kissing passionately, after a moment we both vamped out and sank our fangs into each other. I remember feeling as if someone was watching me during this with disapproval.

      I was riding a bicycle through a basketball court with a crowd of people on it. When went out the back gate I realized I was lost. After walking around the corner I saw one of my best friends standing on the sidewalk throwing a baseball back and forth with someone on a balcony across the street. I quickly forgot about being lost. I woke up soon after.
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    12. #12
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      I went over to my friend Scotts house to hang out. He his grandma and I were passing a spliff in the kitchen. The next thing I know I am passed out on his couch. I woke up in the middle of the night and left.

      A weird dream about my cat

      I was at my grandparents house. I was sitting the living room. For some reason my cat was here sitting on the bricks in front of the fireplace. There was also a much larger cat, almost like a tiger but not the right color. It kept snapping at my cat, and I kept throwing things at it trying to make it go away. The tiger licked my cat in the face and I knew she was ganna be alright.
      There was a party going on in the back yard. I went out to find my dad to tell him to take my cat home when he left. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles were at the party. I remember seeing my dad ride a skateboard into a flowerpot breaking it.(lol)
      I remembered about my cat and I ran back into the house. One of my cousins grabbed me by the arm trying to get me to stay but I broke away from her and ran into the house.

      I was walking across a park, there were a lot of people around all in groups and every group had a different uniform. I recognized a guy from a previous dream that had pointed a gun at me. I grabbed him in a choke hold and tried to break his neck. I don’t know what happened next but I was walking out of the park feeling pissed off. I sprinted 10 feet or so to catch up with some of my friends who were wearing the same uniform as me.
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      My first memory is of me driving my car down a residential street, there is a girl whom I do not recognize in the passenger seat. When we get half way down the street she asks to be let out. I stop and ask her if she is sure she wants to be let off here. She walks away without looking back. (ouch) I sit there for a moment pondering which way is out. I turn right go down the block and find myself on a main road.
      Scene change
      I am in my moms front yard. I am riding my mountain bike around. I notice a weird car sitting in the corner of the property. Just as I am about to go take a look.
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    14. #14
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      I smoked a bit too much pot yesterday but I still remember a few good details. Most of my dreams last night were Heroes inspired


      Right before I woke up for my wbtb I was having a dream I was Sylar, all I remember was cornering some guy up against a trash truck using telekinesis to hold him against the grill and raising my finger up to take his head off. I said something to him but I do not remember it.


      I had another weird dream where my cat was at my grandparents house! Damn I am afraid of loosing that cat or something.


      Me and my friend Scott were on a Spec ops mission to assassinate someone. Probably Linderman the main bad guy on heroes or something. We started on the roof, I pressed the elevator button down. When it opened there was two security guards. I killed one and Scott killed the other, we left the bodies in the elevator and took the stairs down. We found the right apartment, he went in a second before me and the door closed behind him. When I opened the door I was greeted by some mean looking fat guy. I woke up here never knowing what happened to Scott. (lol)


      I was some kind of demon hunter. I remember walking up to some possessed guy grabbing his head and shouting all kinds of mumbo jumbo to get the demon to come out. I remember feeling so into this dream, my emotions while exorcizing the demons were very powerful. The only words I said that I remember were “I banish you from this body, I banish you from this world!”


      There was a gathering of some special forces soldiers in my house. They were getting ready to go on a mission. I wanted to follow them. Next thing I knew I was watching them rappelling down a cliff. (I have rappelled before btw) I tried to follow them but I realized I didn’t have any of the equipment on so I just grabbed a rope and tried lowering myself down. About half way down I got stuck some how. I was stuck there for a bit but I just let myself drop. The ground was only a few feet below me! Weird.


      The crappy part about this dream is that it was so long I cant even remember a quarter of the details.

      I was at my grandparents house in the garage. I was facing down the Haitian and some other guy, they both had futuristic looking spears. They both threw them at me at the same time. I dodged both, grabbed one from the ground and drove it into the guys stomach. Needless to say he didn’t bother me the rest of the dream.
      The Haitian was another story however, I just got done watching matrix reloaded a couple days ago and this asshole had the power to let things go through them like the twins. I remember shouting “Linderman will pay” and “I will destroy the company once and for all” at different parts of this encounter.
      The only other part I remember I had a katana and was using some really slick moves trying to kill that Haitian but the sword kept going through him.

      All but the first dream took place at or around my grandparents house, this is turning into a real good dreamsign for me, now I just have to figure out how to realize it’s a dreamsign when I am dreaming and I could get lucid nightly. =D
      Last edited by Neeros; 09-11-2008 at 09:34 PM.
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    15. #15
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      I was in a dark castle. The walls were made of stone. I was making m way to a dark corridor, At the end of the corridor was a single room. I knew whatever was in the room was pure evil. Once I got to the room I summoned a light in midair. Whatever was hiding in the far corner would be kept at bay by the light. When my light started to grow dim I rushed out of the room as fast as I could.



      I was in the grounds of a big medical school. I remember skateboarding around up and down the sidewalks. I was watching a female doctor who I identified as “Me” for some reason. She was talking to another doctor about her ex husband stealing a lot of money from her.

      Attempted WILD


      This dream was pretty weird. It started in my room at my grandparents house. There was an FBI agent there. He had two people with him. Scott my friend irl and a pretty blonde girl. The agent was explaining to me that I was different, an anomaly in evolution, apparently the two people with him were different as well. He asked me to show him my marks. Without thinking I raised my left hand and there were 3 verticle lines across my thumb knuckle.
      Next scene we were surrounded by a group of people. I was explaining to them that me and others like me were the next step in evolution for mankind.
      We were in a car driving on the freeway. I was in the back seat and I fell asleep. (I always fall sleep unless I am driving.)
      Next scene we were at a small hotel. The FBI agent could only get us two of there smallest rooms.
      I remember leaning up against a wall next to the bathroom arguing with the agent about why we were actually here. I told him that I hated him and he pretty much said the same. I was tempted to throw him across the room with TK but I held back knowing that he was the only person who could help me understand what I was. After the argument I grabbed a towel and started to get into the shower when my alarm went off and I woke up.

      Last night I remember having other dreams but I have no recall of any of the details. I think I did have a false awakening some time during the night though.
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    16. #16
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      eek! I'm already falling behind on my journaling


      I only remember one boring dream last night.

      I was in my friend Scott's back yard. I was holding a really old realistic toy cap shooting musket I used to own when I was a kid.

      I was aiming it at one of his trees firing off caps. I usually hold rifles right handed but for some reason I couldn't hold it steady and I switched to aiming left handed.

      I also noticed the very top of the tree was bare of leaves and the wood was gnarled to look like a creepy face.
      Last edited by Neeros; 09-17-2008 at 11:04 PM.
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    17. #17
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      Too many dreams, not enough recall

      1. Something to do with a car going off a cliff.

      2. I was walking in the middle of the street in Mexico I think. On both sides of the street there were market stands. I noticed a boy maybe 15 years old walking in front of me, I sense that he is an apprentice to a Shaman in the area. I stop him and ask him about his teacher. He says “I cannot reveal the location of my teacher.” I tell him that I know that and ask him to tell his teacher that I want to learn. The boy tells me to find him again and I wake up.

      3. Lucid false awakening

      I felt myself waking up, I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed. At that moment I realized that this is without a doubt a false awakening, I stand up and sure enough I am not in my room but in my grandparents house guest room. I plugged my nose to do a reality check to confirm my idea but as soon as I started breathing I got the feeling of standing up to fast and I slowly blacked out and woke up for real.
      Last edited by Neeros; 09-20-2008 at 10:57 PM.
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    18. #18
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      I have been in a rut with my dreaming lately.

      I'm getting myself together and I will have bunch more dreams up soon.
      Last edited by Neeros; 11-07-2008 at 04:07 AM.
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    19. #19
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      Last night I was determined to atlteast remember my dreams.

      I took 1mg of melatonin and 50mg of b6 before bed.

      I went to sleep at 11pm and woke up at 3:30am for a wbtb.

      I was to tired to keep my mind awake but I slipped into a dream about my grandparents neighborhood. I was walking down a street at night. The streetlamps were flickering on and off. I felt as though something was about to happen, no sooner than I thought it when a group of nasty looking fellows walked out from a shadow. I knew they meant me harm and I felt empowered to defend myself. Instinct made me summon a scary looking dude out of my t-shirt. It glided towards the villians and swept them away.

      Here's a pic of the guy on my shirt.

      Overall the dream was very vivid. I am so surprised I did not become lucid
      Last edited by Neeros; 11-08-2008 at 12:08 AM.
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    20. #20
      BRAIN EXPLOSION!! Neeros's Avatar
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      11-8-08 EPIC

      Last night I had a dream I was commanding a Battlestar.

      I was on the bridge coordinating our next battle plan with Col. Tigh.

      Tigh was listing our remaining munitions when three basestars jump in right on top of us.

      I ask him how many nukes we have left. He said 3, "Perfect" I thought. I was excited I knew that I had the upper hand for some reason. I ordered all vipers to launch to keep the basestars distracted

      The basestars launched multiple salvos of missiles at us, I order us to head straight for them and unlease everything we have on them. We got pounded on hard, Someone yelled out "hull breach levels 7-10." I yelled out "Damage controls!"
      I knew we couldn't take much more but for my plan to work we had to be within 500 meters of them to hit there "Soft spots."
      As we were getting in range I had one of the crew spin up the FTL drive. Around 30 seconds passed before we got in range, The Pegasus was pretty messed up but we were still fighting.

      I ordered all vipers to do an emergency landing. When all reported docked I had Tigh launch all nukes. As soon as they were launched I had us do a FTL jump to 5 Kilometers away from the fight. We landed just in time to see all three basestars erupt in flames.

      Everyone on the bridge cheered and Col. Tigh slapped me on the shoulder. I woke up feeling rather proud of myself.
      Last edited by Neeros; 11-09-2008 at 04:33 PM.
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    21. #21
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      I set my alarm for 4:15am to do a WILD attempt. Went to sleep at 10:00pm

      Before I woke up for it I was having a dream about Vampires. (Another Forever Knight themed dream.)

      I was standing outside, the sun was just peaking out over the horizon. "Daylight will be here very soon, what is taking her so long" I remember thinking.

      The sunlight swept over the ground towards me, I turned around and dashed through the door of (what was in my dream) my three story house. Right as I was slamming the door shut, Janette swept through the doorway smoking slightly from contact with the sun. "What the hell do you think your doing? You could of died out there." I yelled at her. She stared at me for a moment then said "I was walking along when I suddenly found myself many many miles from here" She finally replied. I shook my head and said "Are you sure you wern't flying?"

      My alarm went off here for my WILD attempt, unfortunately no matter what I tried I could not go back to sleep so I ended up just waking up for the day! CRAP this is ganna be a long day next time I am setting my alarm for 2:30, I guess 6 hours and 15mins is enough sleep for my body not to want any more.
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