My DJ, a Dream Journal by Thomas Williamsen
Started on monday the 6th of December 2004

In the years before I started a dream journal, I have had many a strange dream.
-Me and some boy from Peru were on a parking lot and we had to run from one or two tiny, yellow snakes. My friend got out, but I got caught by the snakes. Strangely enough, I didn't die.
-All my classmates from fourth grade elementary and me were standing in a row to have our heads cutted off. I was scared, but all of those who had their heads cut off reassured me it was a very good experience.

Regular dreams when I was between 6 and 16 years old.
-Vampire-invasion in my home. Sometimes my family involved. Always ended in me running to the church in our street to get protection form the priest.
-My birthday
-Getting something I really want
-private dreams
-normal dreams
-getting killed in brutal ways

A dream I have had recently
I was in a room with my current classmates and I started yelling at the one I really dislike, but for social reasons, I can't tell that in Real Life(complicated stuff). I yelled everything at that person that I ever wanted to yell at her. I yelled at her boyfriend, one of my own good friends. I finally got to say all that had been bothering me for the past year. It was a truly great dream.

sun 5/12/04 - mon 16/15/04
Hours of sleep : 6 hours

I remember I was walking around in a small city, on a small promenade. Clouded weather. There were TV reporters doing interviews/giving information on World War II. They told us that apperantly, the Canadians were the big heros of the war because al lot of them got killed. Suddenly, I was walking around in Aalst, the city where I go to school. What's more, I was running with one of my favorite music teachers, who suddenly knew everything about World War I.

Dream signs: My music teacher and me RUNNING(we both hate running) in Aalst
My music teacher knows everything about World War I
Some strange "facts" about World War II