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    1. #1
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Xei's Dream Journal

      <div align="center"><span style="font-family:Century Gothic">Xei&#39;s Story</span>

      Oddly enough, I used to have lucid dreams, willfully, pretty much every night. This was back when I was around five years old, and I now understand them to be the phenomena we commonly call VILDs; Visually Induced Lucid Dreams. As I lay down at night, I would conjure up various scenarios in my mind to entertain myself, sometimes in the forms of cartoons. If I did this for long enough, the picture would steadily get clearer and clearer until it looked as real as waking life, at which point I could step into the dream world and manipulate it in any way I wanted.

      However, being far too young to question what exactly it was that I was doing, I just let the matter lie and enjoyed the experience.

      Unfortunately, this practice began to phase out. I would guess that by the age of around seven, I had all but forgotten about it.

      The next time that I stumbled across Lucid Dreaming was a few years on from that. I was reading a book loosley connected with dreams to a kind old teacher of mine; a teacher who I now think could well have been an oneironaut himself. As an aside, he told me that there were some people who had the ability to control their dreams. Now a little wiser, I dwelled upon this for quite some time, wondering if it was a skill available to everybody, and what lengthy processes it might require. However, having pushed them from my memory, I never made the link back to my past lucids, and being so young, I had no way to research the matter.

      Some time passed. Around a year ago, though, whilst thinking about dreams, I suddenly remembered that there were those with the ability to control them. Now fully accustomed to the internet, it was only a short while before I had fully learned about lucidity; and here I am now.

    2. #2
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      30 / 7 / 05

      [list]First person. It's raining buckets. I'm walking down a street with my mum. I think it's cobbled. There may be bollards. I walk into a shop. The man at the counter is in black and white, like a film.
      [*]Talking about chocolate with my brother and sister. First person.
      [*]Stood by a chicken pen. Dad moves a stick with his mind powers.[list]

    3. #3
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      1 / 8 / 05


    4. #4
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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    5. #5
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      [list]Semi-lucid. First ever attempt at WBTB. I wake up, get some milk, and go to bed. I try to WILD, but see no HI. Some time later, and I am dreaming. I am in my parents' bedroom. I see a school friend, and for some strange reason, I scream and fall on to the floor. He finds it funny. I find it embarrasing (why in the name of hell did I just do that?? ). I pretend it was a joke, and go out into the corridor. There are many of my school teachers here. I think there's some kind of party going on. I begin to question why on earth there would be a teachers' party in my house.

      The Lucidity light turns on.

      I do a successful nose RC and hand RC.

      I go downstairs, and try to make an easter egg appear. I fail, and the Lucidity disintegrates. The rest of the dream involves bird-people, I think.[list]

    6. #6
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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    7. #7
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      18 / 12 / 05


    8. #8
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      28 / 01 / 06

      [list]There is a beautiful sky. I cannot find a camera anywhere. I rush into my house (which is on a row of dark houses in the middle of nowhere), where I ask my Mum to get me a camera. She gives me one which is used for films. It's way too large to carry. It has a red lens, which I whack in annoyance. I run outside and up a slight slope. I look out over the row of houses. The sky has faded.

      I wake up in a state of incredible annoyance.[list]

    9. #9
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      30 / 07 / 06
      • Spotaneous lowest-level lucid. I am stood in a room with somebody who I have a vague notion is my sister, and I have a vague notion I am on a beach with a city of skyscrapers some distance inshore. The room appears to be walled with, or at least contains, a black 1980s-fashioned computer, with glowing yellow lights. I suddenly am aware that I am lucid. However, I perform no lucidity or clarity increase tasks, and as such I am quite delirious. I decide to create a couple of superheroes outside, thinking that everybody does this when they become lucid. I think they fly into each other, but the whole dream has been very abstract and as such what little lucidity I had vanishes in an instant.


    10. #10
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      06 / 08 / 06
      • Very odd dream. Not particularly vivid: rather vague in fact; but I managed to recall the bulk of it. The setting of the dream seemed to be as follows: I was wearing a blue outfit (it may have been rather like a boiler suit), and so was another man, who I think was on my &#39;team&#39;. Us two were in some sort of race, to get to somewhere (I can&#39;t recall where, but it was many miles away) before the other team (dressed in orange boiler suits) caught up with us. The &#39;other team&#39; consisted of hundreds of people, however. We&#39;d also been given a headstart.

        At the start of the dream, me and this man were running along the road next to my house, towards the local lake. As I looked back, I could see some orange figures far off in the distance. This was quite scary; I think something bad was going to happen if these people caught up with us. We decided to get off the road by running left, and up into the forest. Running up the slope, I stumbled across a bottle of wine with a ribbon tied to the neck. I picked it up.

        Some time later, I began to notice that the orange men had caught up with us, but nothing much had happened, which I noted as being strange, consider my fearful impulses from earlier. I think I even had a chat with some of them.

        And... that&#39;s all I can remember. I did say it was odd.

    11. #11
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      10 / 08 / 06
      • Most vivid dream I&#39;ve recalled in a very long time; almost lucid, and incredilby exhilerating. I was on the deck of an old ship. The sky was black and stormy, and the sea was looming. Suddenly, some pirates started boarding and causing havoc, killing and the like. I ran over to a rack of swords. There were many different types, but I seemed to be looking for a certain one. I spent a stupidly long time looking for it in fact; the pirates continued fighting oblivious to me. Finally I found one which seemed to satisfy; it was straight, wide and heavy. As soon as I&#39;d picked the sword up, I swung around, and a pirate lunged at me. I was well aware that I&#39;d never used a sword before. He swung his sword at me, and I blocked the blow. It was incredibly forceful, and the feeling that the sword in my hands was the only thing keeping me alive is not one I&#39;ll soon forget. He swung a few more blows: I blocked them again, but I really was pretty poor at this. Suddenly, though, the pirate stopped for the briefest of pauses. I saw my chance, and chopped his head clean off.

        Feeling perhaps a little more confident, I manage to take down another two pirates. However, the third was more problematic. I managed to block all of his swings, but he was constantly forcing me further and further back. Before I knew it, I was pinned to the floor. Completely stunned, I didn&#39;t even have time to think, before he...

        Got sliced from behind by one of my shipmates.

        Next time I get lucid, those pirates are going down.

        This was also the very first dream in which I think I&#39;ve seen violence, yet alone killed somebody myself.

    12. #12
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      8 / 4 / 07

      I got lucid for the first time in ages, but I&#39;ve forgotten almost all of it.

      I kind of remember re-entering dreams several times by keeping still upon waking... and I also recall some kind of WILD attempt. I felt some pretty weird stuff happen really fast, and I have a clear memory of visualising my hands, and then, remembering a piece of advice I&#39;d heard, trying to notice what my environment was around those hands. And... I think this worked, and I entered a dream.

      It lasted for a really long time, if I recall rightly, and I have a lasting impression of having done tonnes of stuff that I&#39;ve wanted to. But... I can&#39;t remember what it was. >_<

      To name the few fragments I have, I remember being amazed by how realistic a certain scene was (I think I was looking at the texture of the skin on the back of my hands), and I decided to &#39;test&#39; some reality checks in this state of high-reality. The &#39;weird hands&#39; one failed, because they were completely normal, and I think even the trusty &#39;nose-RC&#39; failed on the first try. I also remember trying to taste something (a wall..?) and it working, and trying to smell something and it failing.

      Oh, and I had Spiderman webby powers for a long time, and had some kind of... mission, in some kind of... town. Involving... people. I think.

      Yeah, it&#39;s all pretty pathetic, but I&#39;m grateful for the signs of improvement. Hope the trend continues.

    13. #13
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Truly bizarre dream. I was in the living room, on the floor. I noticed a spider some distance away. It suddenly did this weird thing where it flattened into the ground and spread its eight legs out; these legs then turned into more spiders!

      It looked extremely like those weird explosion things you get in Conway's Game of Life, which I was messing around with last week.

      The floor quickly became covered in loads of bugs. I remember thinking about the exponential curve, and being terrified of how quickly the spider population would grow in base 8!

      It strikes me that this dream was a very vivid amalgamate of several recent experiences:

      -The aforementioned Game of Life.
      -Thinking a lot about maths recently.
      -Looking down at my foot after showering in the evening and seeing a weird shape on it; I bent down and discovered it was a little spider. I picked it off with some repulsion and put it in the bin.
      -Later in the evening, in the living room, my brother said that the floor around the aga was covered in bugs.

      Pretty amazing really, how clear the reasons for this dream were.

      Will try to pick up Lucid Dreaming again this holiday. First time in about a year.


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