I just started and heard this was a good way to help me out. So ill keep posting of my dreams, starting with this morning.

Tuesday Nov 2, 2004 - Morning, 9:30

It started out that our band was playing that night for an audience at a school type stage. I started out there and i was given some music which i had never seen before which i had to study right then. I pulled out my drumstick and they were cracked, right down the center, as if there were 4 drum heads. (later on they returned to normal) so i took out my music and started studying it before we went on stage. There was a band that went before us. I went in to the audience area to watch them. They sang the song "Happy Birthday to You". There was a regae man with them who was the lead singer. It then looked like a movie, where just theyre heads were in a picture surrounded by colors, all the colors, twisted into each other. Then it went back the the stage setting. One of the band members threw an object towards the audience. the object went through a flaming hoola hoop. I jumped for it, grabbed it in the air, and fell into a chair beside a good friend who was in the band. I gave the object to him. He looked at it and asked me why i didnt want it? I noticed it and it was a dvd of The Matrix. I thought i didnt need it since i already owned a copy, but i didnt tell him that, and he threw it back on stage. I woke up in real life. I saw the clock and it was right(8:00 alarm woke me up), i said to myself, i will have a lucid dream. I fell back asleep and the dream continued. I noticed my drumsticks were back together and normal. (i knew i was in a dream but didnt care to know it, or something) The performance from earlier had ended. I went back to studying and i thought i knew the stuff. I played as if on the drums but not, and i could feel the drumsticks hitting the music sheets(which i was using as my snare). i then went to my drumset and we were about to start our performance. i woke up a second time. I then realised i dont have a band, but i do play the drums. I also realised i do not own the movie, The Matrix. (9:30 am)