I don't post much since I never have anything to contribute someone else hasn't said, but maybe you will get some enjoyment out of reading my dreams, and it gives me a small incentive to keep my DJ updated. I've already noticed that most of my dreams relate to school in one way or another, probably because it's the most dreaded place in my life right now.

I'll just dump what I have so far in one post.

Text in black is a regular dream, text in a random color is lucid.

Several dreams as always.

I was in a room that looked like a factory with moving floors, doing something I can't remember. The room was mostly orange.

I was in school and everybody was upset with me for some reason.
Then Noell asked me out and I told her, "No, I have a girlfriend." She then cried and was depressed the rest of my dream. The bulletin board flyers were weird.

I was getting food at the Garden of Eatin' with Gage, and he was being a jerk for some reason. I kept helping clean up his mess and told the lady working there I would never bring him back. There were a lot of cardboard boxes. I was embarrassed and angry, but mostly angry.
Then a Fedex guy came in and gave me a short, heavy package, again in cardboard but with no opening. I was happy and disappointed and thought about how hard it would be to cut through it to get what was inside, which I never did.

I was then walking home. I had bought four Mountain Dews, two for each of us, and a candy bar. As I was munching away I started climbing a steep road and saw Mrs. Soule walking down it, looking sad, but she didn't seem to notice me. I was afraid because if she saw me walking she wouldn't think I was sick and I have a doctors appointment to go to today, so I'm missing school. She was wearing an oversized navy-blue jacket.

I had some long dreams tonight.

I was at my home and everybody was having an Airsoft war. There was a little Mexican boy with cracked skin playing and I felt bad for him. Everyone was sweaty and kept trying to touch me and they all spoke like gangstas, kept calling me their "homie" and such. They all seemed to like me a lot for no reason which made me happy but they were kind of annoying. I missed a ball that flew down a hill and was caught in the branches of a tree. I refused to go get it but then I had to wash my hands in a pool, because a sweaty guy touched me.
I went next door and my neighbors were all dead, but I didn't feel afraid or morbid at all. I just tried to wake them up. A man and women were watching TV with a wall that folded out and a girl was sitting upstairs, looking out a window. I think she was fat. The wall was a light brown.

I have been lazy in my dream recording, I need to be more regular.

I had a dream I was in a cabin supended in on the edge of a cliff in a Saw-like situation, where I had to escape or die. I escaped somehow and fell down in to the woods which looked like something out of Oblivion. It was cold and rocky, with a few trees.
That's all I remember

I was in art class and I was very tired. The teacher gave us the instructions to take two protractors, measure something in the room and then cut a slice off, which I didn't understand at all and was very frustrating. I also had a green fuzzy blanket and was in my underwear. Joey was laughing at a worm as he cut it in half with the protractors, and there were two high school kids, one of them with a very holier-than-thou attitude and another who seemed good natured. I told a joke and one of them laughed and the other just looked at me, which was annoying to me. I was resting my way through most of the dream (Literally laying across tables and sleeping) and near the end when class was going to get out (AKA, I was going to switch dreams) I cried out at Mr. Orth, "I don't understand this!" and he gave me a look. He said "What have you done this class?" and I showed him a scribbled drawing I think. He just said "I'll explain it to you next class," and that was the end of that.

I was on the area near Swan Island and there was going to be a race to it. So for no reason I jumped in the water and off I went, swimming at a dolphin-like speed alongside three little girls who swam with coordination. Once I got there it was one giant beach with people sunbathing and everything, no trees at all. As I was standing on the shore a small, very powerful wave crashed in to my leg, causing me intense pain and making me fall over, and down I went laughing and swearing. Someone helped me up and I noticed the water went out past where I could see, so I screamed "Tsunami!" and ran back across where the river would have been, all the way across the Catterpillar playground that was there for some reason and past that in about 5 seconds. Once I cleared it I was standing behind the fence on the road leading to the baseball field. Joey was there and said "Ah, darn, we're gonna die anyway." and at that point I woke up.