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    Thread: Dream Journal

    1. #1
      Join Date
      Oct 2008

      Dream Journal

      This dream was kind of semi-lucid. Of course I didn't realize it was a dream until after I woke up. But I remember more of it then usual and it was a vivid dream. Perhaps I knew deeep deep deep very deep down or very faintly that this was a dream.

      Maybe I didn't want to change it or didn't want to know, because if you know it's a dream it kind of makes it lame. Sometimes if you go with a dream it could be better, if you slightly believe it. Maybe not I don't know.

      I remember from the middle of the dream:

      I was in a small tightly packed room, whose boundaries were not well defined. It was slightly grey or white. I was in the room with one of my best friends and some teacher or a judge who auditions people. He was asking me to show my breakdancing skills he said he wanted me to do a 5 step to a freeze or something and a 5 step I can't remember. I remember I was going through the steps of the 5 step or maybe it was the 2 step while he was talking to me. He looked like this guy I think they call Elmo, who had a yellow shirt and a white artsy hat like the one that Evan Sharpay wears in High School Musical. He had white pants (the auditioner) I think my friend was judging me or was doing better or thought he was better than me I can't remember. Maybe he did something, maybe he didn't.

      Anyways it kind of went into another dream where there was a war which was a pointless war fought over farmland or large turf. It was kind of fought over a sea/farmland. So it was partly watery in some places and partly watery in others. Kind of marshy. The vehicles that were fighting were (perhaps tanks and soldiers on dry brown soil ground, but then became) those 4 legged walking robots from Star Wars they were walking around and fighting. And there were many different plateaus and hills and some farmers were shooting or fighting on foot. Anyways the scene zoomed in from above (maybe I added this later, but a) and a commentators voice was saying in a kind of Radio 60s voice about the war and the boys in the front line were doing or how long the war was and some speculations as to what it was about, or when it would end, or maybe how long it was. Anyways when it zoomed it became boats and these small asian boats we were floating on and were floating on water, maybe all the land became ocean, maybe not. I think it might have become ocean. We were on these boats that had like a house in the middle and I was sitting on the side with my leg dangling off. Another boat from the same army but different platoon or something (I don't know) came along, they had a girl and a smart alec tall thin man with glasses. The girl looked like she was the mechanic girl from Disney's The Lost Land of Atlantis and the thin smart alec guy with glasses looked like or (was) the main character from Disney's The Lost Land of Atlantis.

      Oy maybe the girl was on my boat, doubtable. In the distance was a sunset (maybe). So the crews from the boats, (maybe I was the captain from my boat, I don't know) started talking and we got into a lively conversation about the war. We were sad, it was such a sad feeling because I was from the futute and knew the war had already ended. We talked about this breakdancer called Bboy Storm who allegedly was going to release a new dvd on how to teach breakdancing, but in the future it had already come out a long time ago and I had already seen it. So I set out in the course of this conversation to convince them I was from the future and that this war would end soon or end at a certain time and that I had seen the dvd and that maybe this was all not real.

      All the while it was a very sad atmosphere, especially with the sunset in all. I was peeling these oranges which were like mandarins with translucent orange skin. I would peel the skin and throw it in the water and the girls and people would use it for something, I think it was for making juice. Then I'd take the mandarin fruits and de-seed them and throw the seeds into the water maybe I ate the fruits or maybe I threw them into the water. The girl wanting to have some skins ask the smart alec guy how to get them, he said to show me (me as in the dreamer) to show me your id and then I'd give them to you. So she took out her ID but was reluctant (I think to throw it to me) so she threw it in the water where it floated and I guess I just believed it was real or verified it. I then started tossing the peels and skins to her. Some how along the way the stores of oranges becames hard nuts, brown, with really hard casings, maybe they were peanuts, doubtable. The girl came up to my ship which became metallic and more high tech the other ship kind of became insignificant in the dream but maybe it was still there or maybe not. The guy came up to my ship and started talking or just watching me (maybe watching) on the side of my (maybe mine) ship at a close distance while the girl somehow got on the ship and in between my crotch.

      So my legs were spread wide open at this point the legs were on the ship, but before I think one was dangling off. In between my legs are this pile of nuts and the girl is sitting behind the nuts. The guy is watching or talking on the side and he maybe is leaning over the edge of the ship. We have a 3-way conversation, I like the girl.

      The girl kind of reminds of this girl in 9th grade whose called Julia who I like.
      I tell them the war will be over at a certain time, 1993. I ask them how long they've been here, one says 4 years, the girl says she doesn't know. I ask her when she was born she says June 15th, I ask her how many Junes she's been here, she says she's been here her entire life. And then it gets romantic and then I wake up.

      There's so much more I wanted to say, but the sadness was so great in the last paragraph. When I woke up I was disbelieving that I was a part of something like that. Much of the stuff in the last paragraph is blurry so I can't remember exactly or much of what happened. It was a beautiful sadness, I enjoyed it. Maybe I wanted to cry when I woke up, doubt it. I want to see that girl again and talk to them, become part of the war again.

      I just don't remember exactly what happened.

      So much to say.

      What a beautiful dream, so epic, so grand, I had been part of something.

      Larger then life, what a beautiful sadness, maybe this is true somewhere.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Oct 2008
      Weird Dream:

      I paraphrase mostly as I write this dream because I lose the feeling of what I was dreaming as I write. This was a few days ago.

      With a gang of other people we were running away from a stereotypical bunch of gangsters in black suits trying to hunt us down. Like the FBI, the streets were barren but like orange colored, like italy, playful like a large playground.

      Nobody was around and the streets curved in massive steep heights like San Francisco and moved around unpredictably, it was impossible to lose anyone in this situation.

      At first it was night time and one the bounty hunters confronted me. Somehow I avoided him and my gang followed.

      We split and ran quickly, it was day time, I ran into a conjunction between buildings, it's a curve behind a building. I hide there and others join me while other gets caught, not so fortunate. Strangely speaking the most idiotic of our group comes and loudly shouts in joy that we are hiding and safe.

      I believe we are captured. Many months later I work in a prison sort of like environment, large and grey and rectangular, a friend of mine who I hate is a colleague, I bring lunch and he complains. Saying that I forgot the sauce.

      Another dream I had was a little stranger. Living in a sort of summer camp for delinquent children with orphans I was generally running around the dump of the place causing mischief and messing up the trash.

      Somehow in the beginning Jackie Chan was wronged. He died apparently from not receiving a certain surgery. What wasn't known was that he chose not too.

      At the very end of the dream it is found he is lying on top of a storage shipping crate, with a great fire burning below it melting the metal and putting Jackie Chan in agony.

      But it's his choice, Jackie Chan chooses to do this. To destroy himself, to train and become immune to pain. In a large underground barren room, a government training facilities, football fields high and wide.

      Tere is a large strange ladder with stick jutting out, Jackie Chan begins at the top and falls catching himself to stop himself from falling and falling a pro way. He lands and says "HA" for the government officials who are chinese to acknowledge he finished the course. He then jumps over a bunch of storage crates, in a very precarious obstacle course and climbs these certain tracks or roads jutting out of the walls.

      He then makes his way to the top, he falls againand finishes the course.

      The course takes an infinitely long time to finish and when he finishes he starts again.

      He is dressed a large type of armour, like a lot of pillows and cloth but at the same time hard and chitinous, black and grey colored too, charred from the fire. Lots and lots of stuffed cotton and cloth.

      Then the dream ends, I was also playing around te course, jumping on the storage crates, of course I couldn't finish it.

      Another strange dream I had involved my desire to commit suicide, telling a girl I liked from my previous school called Kristi, she said that I was wrong where suicide was a selfish act. And then I argued with her in a certain hospital or clinic, with my friends from my new school and everyone said I was correct. Shamed by her defeat she laughed and deviously told me to ask my aunt who was also the owner and doctor of the clinic, she told me to "ask for a zorro massage" or something I like that. My aunt called herself Doctor. Zorro, I was terrified as I had no idea what it meant, what would happen to me if I did and the embarassment that I'd feel, later I found out what it meant but I forget now. I was terrified that it was something sexual.

      There are many other dreams that I now recall, but I'll leave with the final one.

      Living in a strange house which boundaries as to what is not the house and what is are not clearly defined. It's a rich and well off house though, very fancy. Running outside I see a person in a costume, a black cape, orange hair and a mask, it's halloweeen.

      THIEF I say, chasing her believing she is in my house, thrilled finally by the opportunity to catch someone and beat them up, but I realize this isn't my house, Im outside and in my pajamas and I realize that she's just trick or treating, it's snowing.

      and raining.

      I chase her in an amazingly long chase, I run like Ninja Gaiden, no loss of endurance, she's so terribly afraid, I feel all powerful like a psychopath and narrate my chase on how to catch teenagers. I wear her out and could have caught her and terrorized her like a great predator or hisoka.

      Then I was going to show how to run away from teenagers.

      But the dream ended, at one point I also jump over a stream of water.

      That's about it.


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