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    1. #1
      Nomad of the Night WaaayOutThere's Avatar
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      While I already have at least two paperbound journals... maybe more than that... I have decided to go electronic with some of my dreamings.

      Sept. 17. 06

      I was riding in a truck with my husband, down the road we live on, when we came upon a hilly area, and off the side of the road I saw a group of young people working in the fields of a new self-sustaining farming community. As I looked closer, I saw that three of the young people I recognized from the Harry Potter movies - Daniel, Rupert & Emma were among the young people working. Rupert looked up from his work and smiled. I smiled back as we drove past. Once we got into town, I saw my oldest step-daughter and had to tell her all about seeing Rupert, since she has a crush on him. But she didn't want to believe that I'd really seen him on the side of the road farming!
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    2. #2
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      Sept. 20. 06

      A rather distressing dream this morning! I dreamed that my oldest step-daughter had died from choking to death on something she was eating. I got the phone call at work was very shocked and distraught. I tried to keep working, but it was all too much, so I left work and went home. Home was not where I live now, but a beautiful house my grandparents owned. Once home, I remembered that I had a lady coming by on business that afternoon. The lady that came turned out to be an old friend of mine, Ms. T. I was really glad to see her. Her presence was very comforting. I was especially upset due to the fact that my step-daughter and I had had words the last time we were together. I felt so bad for things to have ended that way, and I cried and cried. I knew her little sister must be devastated. Oddly enough, there was even conflict as to whether my husband and I would be allowed at the funeral. And that's where the dream ended.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    3. #3
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      Sept. 21. 06

      Last night's and this morning's dreams were a jumble of work-related items. I fell asleep on the couch and came to at 1am. I tried to remember what I'd just been dreaming, but it faded too quickly. It's okay I'm 99% sure it was boring. So I went to bed and dreamed in the wee hours of the morning of conducting business with an old boss of mine. He was interested in some property in an area the city was trying to revitalize with new businesses. I went to look at the place on my lunch break. As I'm sitting in my car, looking around, I realized the neighborhood was really gone. It didn't appear safe, and I started to get a bad feeling. So I started my car and left. When I got back to the office, another old boss of mine asked where I'd been, so I told him. He thought that was strange and asked if I shared business particulars with just anyone. I answered that I shared details with whoever I did business with regularly. And that was when I woke up. How exciting...
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    4. #4
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      Sept. 23. 06

      Okay this is full of weirdness...
      In this dream I saw my aunt, uncle and at least one cousin. We were all at this large and beautiful house in the country. We were outside in the yard, which was large and beautiful as well, with a tree-swing and garden, and we were having a picnic. Everything was leafy and green and in bloom. It was good to see my family again, as it had been a long time.
      Then the dream shifted and I was keeping three little girls (who I do not know in real life). We went to a house where my mother supposedly lived. While there, my mom got upset with me and passed out into the floor. The girls were frightened and upset. Apparently they knew and cared for my mother for some unknown reason. The oldest was crying very hard, the younger two were hugging each other and sniffling. The oldest girl wouldn't stop crying, and I became very angry. I knew how my mother really was, and the girls were being ridiculous. I grabbed the oldest girl by the ear and hair and drug her outside to the car. The other two followed and I put them all in the car. On the way home, we stopped at a fast food place to eat. I was hoping to find a place where I could have a beer, but oh well... I had to drive the rest of the way home, so no alcohol anyway. (I don't drink anymore in real life.)
      Then everything changed, and I found myself at a wildlife refuge. There was a nice pool there, so I jumped in. The water was great and I had a good time swimming. The pool went really deep too. As I got out of the pool, the assistant wildlife warden said he was looking for some stray wildlife. So I helped him for awhile. Then I went to take a shower. In the shower I found these strange little packets. They were fake hair, so you could shave your real curlies off, and use this fake hair, which was suspposed to be so much better? So of course, I had to try it. And then I left the refuge.
      Then the dream shifted again. I went to a concert of some friends of mine. There was a small crowd there. I saw one of my friends and walked over to talk. I took the long way around, careful not to disturb anyone, and said hi. My friend wouldn't speak to me and I wondered what I'd done wrong.
      Then I found myself in a department store. They had lots of knick knacks for sale in this department. I picked up two pretty baubles and headed for the cash register. One was a light blue glass ball in a golden fixture. On the way there, I noticed that one was marked paid. I took it to the counter to put it back. In the meantime, the second bauble, which was like a small glass bead keychain, had come unravelled and was destroyed. I left the store thinking about the future. I was going to buy birth control, but I thought I might like to have a child, I knew someone I wouldn't mind having a child with even though I never wanted one before, so I didn't. So I headed for the exit and left the store.
      Once outside, I wanted to go back to the concert. My husband said we could go, but then he started driving somewhere else. I got mad and got out of the car at a stoplight. I walked home, and decided to take his truck. As I got in it, he showed up to stop me. Some friends of his lifted the hood to disable it. I was trying to get the key in the ignition. I finally did, but it was the wrong key. At last I got out and decided to walk. My husband and I had a horrible argument, and I said all kinds of terrible things to him. By this time, two of my friends had shown up (who I don't know in real life), and they were going to go to the concert with me. Unfortunately, neither one of them had a car. So we had to walk. My legs got really tired, but I kept going. My husband followed us a little way, but we lost him at some bends in the road. My friends and I came to a building and decided to check it out. Inside was not the taxi service I had hoped, but a clown who did parties. At this point, I just sort of hoped that maybe he could cheer me up. And that was where the dream ended.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    5. #5
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      Sept. 30. 06

      While I had a few dreams during the week, practically none of which I remember, nor feel it necessary at this time to record the bits I do, I tend to do most of my dreaming on the weekends. I guess because I have more time to dream. So here's today's installment... dreams of kidnap!

      I had a most intense dream of having been kidnapped by an exboyfriend. He and his friends were holding me hostage for days on end. They took me with them different places, but I could never seem to get away. My first opportunity came in a clothing store. When all the guys seemed preoccupied, I bolted and ran. I made it through a doorway and headed down the stairs. Unfortunately, one of his friends saw me and gave chase. He was really fast too. He caught me in the stairwell and took me back upstairs to my exboyfriend, who shook his finger at me and kept shopping. But I wasn't giving up. This was a big store. I made a second attempt and started running through the aisles looking for my purse, which had been set down on a rack of clothes and purses and stuff. I found it and kept running. The guys were chasing me. I pushed racks of clothes in front of them. I turned over boxes and trash cans to trip them up. But I was stopped again. I didn't understand why the other shoppers and employees couldn't see my predicament. Finally, when the guys went to visit some friends I seized my chance and ran into the darkness outside. I got away and was able to start my life over again.
      I had realized that this exboyfriend was obsessed. So I decided to move and to buy a new vehicle. Then, when I was out one day, I noticed the guys following me. They had found me. I was in a neighborhood, and I saw a lady sitting on her porch. She had a van in her front yard. I asked if she would mind driving me to where my jeep was parked, so the guys following me couldn't see. She said she'd like to help, but her van was broken down. I looked and could see it was being worked on and was damaged at the back. So I tried to walk back to my jeep. I was being careful, hiding behind houses, and climbing through people's backyards. As I got closer, the guys were closing in. So I had to leave my jeep, and I ran down a street that led to town. Along the way, a bus came by, a big yellow school bus, but it was being used for public transportation. It had stopped and then began moving again. I jumped up on it by the door, and the driver let me in. I had my purse, so I paid my fare. The driver was a crazy, hippy lady with wild frizzy hair, and wearing a long floral dress. She wore big, thick glasses, and as we drove into town, I told her about my situation. She was very sympathetic and wanted to help. The town was having a fair, and she brought the bus to a stop. We were downtown at this point, and I decided to get off the bus there. As I started down the steps, I saw my kidnappers had followed me in their vehicles and were waiting. My exboyfriend pulled a gun and shot into the bus hitting the driver. I ran toward a restaurant. I tried to get inside, but was stopped by one of my exboyfriend's henchmen. I offered to take him on right there in front of everyone. He tried to grab and hit me, but I ducked and planted a few good licks on him. The people in the restaurant were watching. The teenaged boys really enjoyed the show. At this point, I took off running again, but I was caught and dragged to a house. They were keeping me inside this strange house. I climbed out a bedroom window and over a fence, climbed up a vine and over to the neighbor's house. There was no one home, but I found a window that was left open. I climbed inside and went to the phone. I called 911, but kept misdialing the number!! Finally, about the fifth try, I dialed it. Someone answered and said hello. I thought, oh no, it's a wrong number! I asked if I had called 911, and they said I had reached the EMS unit. I explained my kidnapping to them and asked for help. About this time, I saw the neighbor walking up her driveway. I didn't want to frighten her. But then I saw my exboyfriend, totally naked, coming over to the house as well. So chances were, I wouldn't be the one who frightened her. And that's where the dream ended.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    6. #6
      Nomad of the Night WaaayOutThere's Avatar
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      Sept. 30. 06

      Another one today... and this one is a gem!!!
      I dreamed I was in Washington DC at a concert of some sort. There were lots of people there. It was outdoors at the place with the big reflecting pool, and I wanted to go wading out in it yelling "Forest! Forest!" just for a laugh. Instead, I stayed in my spot for the show. There was a nice young girl (who I don't know in real life) and her friends next to me. It was a great party atmosphere. Food, drinks, smokes etc. Everything was very relaxed, and pretty much anything goes, so I took off my pants for some strange reason. I had on a long hot pink tee shirt, but somehow dancing in just my tee shirt looked weird to me, so I put on a pair of shorts.
      About this time, I saw Sir Elton John had come out into the audience. He was completely trashed and wearing a silk paisley-print shirt, dress pants and fancy shoes, and he wandered over to where I was and struck up a conversation. He was leaning on his elbow, telling me that he had a ton of money, and that yes, it was very great to have so much money! But that in fact, money could not buy every single thing a man could want. (No kidding?) And right about then, Korean dictator Kim Jong Il walked up looking for cigars. He had a friend with him in the states that he wanted to show a good time. In fact, he had found some cigars, but needed a cutter and a rubber band for his friend. I asked the girl next to me if she had any 'cigar bands' for Mr. Il, but she said no, she didn't. He kept searching though and found some prepackaged cigars with the cutters and bands included. And unfortunately, this is where the stupid phone rang and woke me up.
      *Rozeram (or whatever that sleep medication is with the cool commercials) got nothing on my dreams!
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

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      Oct. 19. 06

      Finally something memorable, but yuk!!!
      I dreamed I was at work and we were apparently having a rodent problem in the office. I caught a rat with a contraption I had made using a paperclip. As I looked at it trapped there, I felt sorry for it and didn't want it to die, so decided to let it go. As I unwound the paperclip to set it free, the little bugger bit my left hand, then turned and bit my right hand! I started screaming and jumping around and yelling for help. The rat hit the floor and took off running. Then I felt bad because I let it get away back into the office. Plus, I was then worried what diseases I might contract from the nasty rat bites. I went and washed my hands and cleaned the wounds as best I could. But I couldn't wait to get home and take some medicine to hopefully prevent me getting sick.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    8. #8
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      Nov. 18. 06

      Dream #1
      For whatever reason, I was living back at home with my family. I had gotten off of work late and gone home, but I wanted to go out and do something. I had recently met an attractive young man working at the supermarket. (In real life he's a friend, but he doesn't work at the supermarket.) He had given me his number, and so I decided to give him a call and see if he wanted to go out. I used my cellphone and dialed. He answered, and I explained that even though it was kind of late in the evening, I still hoped he might like to go for coffee or something. The phone started to cut out at this point, and then it dropped the call. My mom walked into my room and saw where I'd been getting out clothes to wear. She asked me where I was going so late - it was after 9pm already! Wow! I couldn't possibly be going out when I needed to get my sleep for work! I told her I was meeting a friend for coffee, and that I had made up my mind about it. She left the room and I called the young man back. I asked if he still wanted to to meet, and he said yes. So I continued getting ready, picking out a nice outfit with leather pants.

      Dream #2
      I was going into business (never found out what kind) with some friends (people I don't know in waking life) in an area of town that was part of a revitalization project. We had found a fairly nice building and were all excited about the new business. I had bought a beautiful climbing rosebush and was going to plant it right out in front of the building. My friends agreed it would be great, and so later on I went back to the building to plant the rosebush. When I got there, I went inside and discovered a dog. My business partners had decided to get an office dog and gone to the local shop/shelter to get one. It was a cute dog, kind of cream/white in color, medium size. They felt like since I was the animal lover, I would care for it, and therefore I should get to name it. I decided to call her Cokie. Everything was going so well. Then all of a sudden, a group of people came inside the building. They saw Cokie and started calling her to them, calling her Boomer. She got up and went over to them like she knew them. They said that Cokie was their dog. They were from out of town, and she had wandered off and gotten lost. They were so glad to find her again. I thought the whole thing sounded strange. I had no idea how much my friends had paid for the dog either, so I wasn't just going to give her away. I explained my side of the situation and asked if the lady would be kind enough to come back to the shop/shelter and tell them what had happened so I at least could get another dog. She agreed, but I had a funny feeling about it all. We went to the shop and myself and the lady went inside. Her family and Cokie waited outside in their car. The shop/shelter was busy, and we had to wait awhile. Before anyone had come to wait on us, the lady took off out the door saying she had to go, and jumped in the car, which sped away. The salespeople saw her leave, and I was trying to explain that she had just taken my dog claiming it was hers. The dream ended before I could determine if they would give me another dog.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    9. #9
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      After a long bout of having little or nothing to record, FINALLY some dreams have started coming thru!!! :yumdumdoodledum:

      Feb. 24. 07

      Finally, some bright and happily memorable dreams...

      In the first, I dreamed I went to a gothic club one evening. (This is something I do in waking life.) It was a really nice place, there were lots of people there, and inside was a great bar. While sitting at the bar, I spotted an old friend from a job I worked years ago. (He had gotten fired in real life and always blamed me, though it was someone else who ratted him out.) In my dream, I said Hi and waved at my friend. He returned the salutation, but he didn't didn't appear pleased or interested in seeing me. It was like he was still holding that same old grudge from years ago! Sheesh...

      In the second dream, I had a new job! I was parking cars for a detail shop/car storage type place. I liked working there. On this particular day, someone brought in an older model and rather large car. I was going to park it, but I was training a new guy, and he wanted to park it. I said okay, but told him to be careful of the bright red Corvette in the next parking space. The guy was young and must have been inexperienced because he pulled too close to the Vette and smashed the front quarter panel. I was stunned wondering how much that bill would be. The next thing I know, I am approached by an old friend of mine from elementary school. I was so happy to see her! It had been years, and she looked really well. She wanted me to come with her to try some ice cream at a new shop that had opened. So we went and had the most delicious caramel cream brulee'. Yum!
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

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      MAR. 03. 07

      Another rather colorful and funny one, if not just weird.

      I dreamed I was working at a new place, though I have no idea what we did there, it was kind of industrial (have since forgotten). I had a boyfriend at this new job. He was tall and had long, blond hair and wore denim. He was really nice and I liked him a lot. Suddenly a new guy came on the scene. He was shorter and had lots of curly brown hair. He wanted me to go out with him, but I hardly knew him, and wasn't about to give up my boyfriend.
      Then the dream switched and I was in a department store. I ended up in the boys clothes area, and overheard a young boy talking about great drummers. I asked him had he heard of Def Leppard, and told him he needed to listen to them because Rick Allen is one of the greatest drummers ever.
      Then the dream switched again, and I was with my boyfriend once more. It turned out the new guy had a secret. He was a fighter pilot! While my boyfriend and I were getting it on outside that afternoon, the new guy flew over us in his jet. I found his spying on us quite disturbing.
      Then another switch, and I was walking through a rose garden. The new guy had another hidden talent... he was also a master rose gardener. He had grown tons of roses in all different colors, deep reds, purples, almost black, and even green roses - which were weird because the petals were the same color as the stem & leaves. And that's where this dream ended.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

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      In this dream, I was at a friend's house (though no one I know in real life). Outside was a loud crash, and we all went running to discover an accident involving three motorcycles and a car. The motorcycle riders were lying all over the pavement obviously hurt. I yelled for someone to call 911 and went to check on the injured riders. One of them was lying face down in front of the wreck. It was Shane West from ER. I rolled him over, but unfortunately the car had run over him. He was horribly disfigured and dead. Another guy was further away and seemed to be okay at least until the ambulance could arrive. The third guy was the least injured. His leg was hurt, but otherwise he seemed to be all right. While I was kneeling down talking to him, his mother came walking up. She wanted to know what I was doing with her son. I tried to explain that I was only assisting him. His mom seemed really overbearing, and the guy acted like he didn't want her there. Finally, he asked me to help him up and to get him out of there. So I helped him stand on his good leg and he hobbled to my car. I put him in and asked where he wanted to go. We ended up at a mall-type of building, and he wanted to go inside. So I helped him hobble in. In the meantime, his mom knew we had left without her, and she was chasing us as well as a bunch of guys she had helping her keep track of her son.
      So the injured guy and I found an elevator and got in. He was sitting on the floor, and I watched the cameras installed inside of the elevator. His mom boarded another elevator. We went up as far as the elevator would go. While riding up, the guy asked my name, so I told him. His mom had called him Tony. He said his name was Anthony Roger Helms. Though he thought the Roger bit was a little lame. I told him Roger was a fine name and alluded to the guy in Duran Duran named Roger - he was the drummer, wasn't he? (What is it with me and drummers?)
      After we reached the top floor, we exited and ran for it as best we could. He held onto me and limped along. There was no one on this floor, and it didn't look like it was meant for commercial traffic. Soon, however, the other elevator landed and we just narrowly escaped the goons chasing us. We headed down the stairwell, though it didn't make good sense, and came out on a floor full of customers. I saw a friend at the snack stand that I knew, Geraldo Rivera! (I don't know him in real life though.) I asked him what was going on, and explained that my friend and I needed help. He let us hide behind the big umbrella at the snack stand. After the goons had gone, and Tony's mom, we went back out to my car and got in, and Tony and I drove away - hopefully to hospital this time!
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 08-06-2008 at 06:07 PM.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    12. #12
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      Something Fresh...


      Can't complain about waking up this morning! In dreamworld, I woke up on a beach with Paul Walker (Joy Ride, Too Fast Too Furious). We were both lying facedown, and I came to wondering where in the heck I was. Paul was still asleep and wearing a blue and white checked shirt. We had sand stuck to our faces. (Must have had fun at some point, too bad I couldn't remember.) I got up quietly and made my way back to where I was staying. I wondered why I couldn't live near the beach all the time. Then I wondered what in the world I could do for a living on the coast.

      Then I had to wake up for real and come to work....
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 04-21-2008 at 07:56 PM.
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    13. #13
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      Thumbs up Fun In The Sun!


      I was able to sleep just a tad longer this morning and had a really nice dream!!!
      It started with my husband and I driving down to the coast. (In reality I haven't been in the longest and would love to go! I have had lots of dreams about being at the beach this year.)
      Anyways, we were driving down the interstate and came to a huge back up of traffic. Since my husband has no patience (in dreamworld or reality for that matter) he decided to jump off the interstate and turn around by using one of the gravel turn-arounds that the cops and ambulances normally use. Of course, this is illegal for the average joe, so I'm keeping my eyes peeled for cops. My husband drives into the turn-around and cannot get into traffic because it's coming too fast. There is a weigh-station or a rest stop or something nearby that people keep pulling out of. There is a sherriff's car parked outside, but it is apparently unoccupied.
      Finally, a young girl is nice enough to stop traffic. The funny thing was, she was just walking down the interstate, not driving a car, but nobody hit her or ran over her, and the traffic stopped when she stopped!
      I was very grateful, and so my husband and I pulled off into the rest stop to thank the girl. Also at the rest stop was a truck pulling a large yellow boat very much like my husband's sailboat. I tell the girl that we have a boat like that one. An older lady is outside the truck and apparently is the owner of the boat. I talk to the girl some more and find out she is from the coast and headed home. Her name is Renee, but people call her Ellie.
      When my husband and I arrive at the coast, we meet up with Ellie again. Oddly enough, I find her in a hotel room with the older lady that owns the boat. They invite me in and Ellie and I talk some more. I take a moment to look out the window at the ocean - it's beautiful - and I can't wait to get down there and get in the water.
      When I turn back around, the older lady and Ellie are on the sofa kissing. I thought that was weird, but to each his own. The older lady looks up at me with a displeased look on her face. Apparently she felt I was paying a lot of attention to Ellie and none to her.
      I walk with Ellie down to the boardwalk and tell her that I want to live at the coast, and I hope to be able to move there soon, that way I can see her on the beach and in the grocery store too! (how stupid is that?)
      So then I head for beach. It is lovely! The day is warm, the water is emerald green, and the waves are just right! I simply cannot wait a moment longer and run for the water. I see Heath Ledger is at the beach too with some other people. (I have had several dreams about Heath, and three of them have been at the beach.) I run into the surf and jump into the water! It is awesome!!
      As I plunge beneath the waves, Heath comes running and jumps in too. While we are underwater he kisses me. I come up for air quickly, laughing and trying not to inhale any water. This is the best vacation!!! :bravo:
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 08-06-2008 at 06:40 PM. Reason: I can't spell!
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    14. #14
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      Question Ooops!

      For some reason, when I type a lot and the system times out, thus logging me off, it cause my posts to duplicate when I try to post and log back in. Anybody else have this problem?
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 08-06-2008 at 06:42 PM. Reason: Duplicate Post

    15. #15
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      Talking I Musta Been Trippin


      Okay, this one is so weird I hardly know what to make of it...

      In the wee hours of this morning, I dreamed that I was at home (though the house was different, not mine) and I had a problem with little 3" - 4" tall people coming out of the walls and attacking me. The little people were dressed in silver armor, and they had red hair and beards. They would shoot little bows and arrows, throw little spears or shoot little cannons at me. Although the little folks were small, these attacks were still quite painful.
      Several other relatives lived in the house with me, one of them my younger step-daughter. But so far, the attacks had only occured to me, and only when everyone else was away.
      Finally one day, the little people came out while everyone was at home. I had gone outside to water the plants, and they attacked. Their little arrows hurt my ankles. I swatted at them, screamed, threw things, but the little people did not back down. The other relatives came outside to see what was wrong with me. I yelled at them to stomp the little people. Then I ran inside and called 911. I told the dispatcher that I needed help, someone was in my house attacking me. She said she would send the police.
      I gathered my wits and headed back outside to help the others. Only when I got outside, there was no more attack going on. The little people were gone. I asked what had happened, and that's when my relatives told me that they wanted an explanation from me. I asked them if they didn't believe me? Hadn't they just seen the attack in progress?
      They answered that they saw no one attacking me. They had seen no little people. I was stunned. Even my own step-daughter said that she had seen no little people. I wondered if I was going crazy. Or maybe I had been crazy all along, and they were just putting up with me?
      But no, I knew what I had seen. I knew what I had felt. Oh, and I had called 911 too. The police would be coming soon. There were no attackers present. How could I explain this to them? Could I actually tell a policeman I had seen little 3" - 4" people running around and shooting arrows at me?
      My relatives said they would explain. Yeah, I thought. They'll just tell the police that I'm nuts! And that's where the dream ended.

      Guess I need a dream cat in this dream house, like in the "Cat's Eye" movie.
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 11-21-2008 at 06:34 PM.
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    16. #16
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      Wink Ever dream about someone and wish they were a real person?


      A kind of strange one, but also strangely entertaining.
      I dreamed I was feeling down. I remember telling someone that I would always call a crisis hotline before doing anything extreme. I don't recall anything bad happening, but for whatever reason, I was feeling so depressed I guess I thought I might do something, so I did call a crisis hotline.
      A really nice guy answered. Of course he knew why I was calling. We talked for awhile, and he asked me why I felt like taking my own life. I told him about some bad experiences I'd had in the past. He decided that instead of just doing counseling over the phone, he would rather that we meet in person.
      The dream switched to some kind of community center or library or something, and I got to meet the guy I'd been talking to. He was average height with dark, wavy hair, dark eyes and was dressed in a black leather jacket (like one I wear), jeans and a t-shirt. We talked some more, and the guy decided that my problems were stemming from the fact that I did not have a solid, stable, loving relationship in my life. I kind of doubted that was the sum total of my problems, but I continued to listen.
      We got up and went for a walk, still talking. He seemed so kind and understanding; there was something very likeable about him. After awhile we stopped in a room with windows. He took me in his arms and kissed me. At this point, (since I was single in the dream) I was seriously thinking of keeping up with this fella and maybe not killing myself after all. (Gosh, was he right?)

      (If I'd been thinking I would've asked this dream character's name. Most of the time when I meet someone interesting, I do ask them. That's how I've met Carlos, Cuantame and others. Then later, when back in dreamworld I may run into them again or I can try to look them up.)
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    17. #17
      Nomad of the Night WaaayOutThere's Avatar
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      Smile A Dream Recipe


      While I had many entertaining dreams early this morning, particularly one where it was snowing in July (I must've gotten cold). But really, it was pretty and green outside with trees in full leaf, flowers and all, and snow was falling! Big, fat flakes of snow. Too much fun!

      But later on, I dreamed of a new recipe!
      Banana's Flambe
      Take 3 or 4 ripe bananas and peel them. Place in a pan with enough good rum to cover them. Let soak 3 - 4 hours or overnight. When ready, remove bananas from pan and set aside. Add 2 tablespoons of vanilla and a couple shakes of cinnamon to the leftover rum. Add eagle brand milk to help thicken (or wouldn't corn starch work?). Stir ingredients in pan together on low heat. When liquid is thick enough, coat bananas all over. I suppose one could "light" the bananas for the flambe part - or eat as is.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."

    18. #18
      Nomad of the Night WaaayOutThere's Avatar
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      Wink Cap'n Jack... Adventures on the High Seas, sort of...

      Arrrrgh, Mateys!


      This morning I dreamed that I was Captain Jack Sparrow. A strange transition for me, as I'm not ususally male in my dreams, but nevertheless it was fun! I had the tricorn hat, long braids, rings, vest etc. I was standing on a pier, the seas were raging! Someone was adrift in the water! I leapt in, and immediately realized that the raging water effects in movies require very little water disturbance around the actors. I swam over to my paddling costar and then a boat sailed up from nowhere. I reached and as the bow came down with the waves, I grabbed the railing and held on. The boat pitched back, and I was gloriously lifted from the water, and with great effort pulled myself on deck. (I guess I left my costar to rot. No more thought of them.) The boat took me to a lovely shore where I disembarked in a quaint coastal town. I walked until I came upon a children's summer camp. My boots were getting dusty, but I entered the cheerfully decorated lodge and began strolling through the camper's rooms. Most were out for the day, but I found one little boy who seemed pleased to meet Cap'n Jack. His room was at the end of the lodge, and I opened the door looking out into a dense forest. Lovely. Onward I strode to... pity, that's the end of the dream.
      Last edited by WaaayOutThere; 07-10-2009 at 08:01 PM.
      "Before you slip into unconsciousness..."


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