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    Thread: My WILD log

    1. #1
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      In front of my PC

      My WILD log

      This is where I will be posting my progress in regard to WILDing.
      Currently I've had only one successful WILD so far, which is why I am doing this journal.
      So What I'll do is wrtie my approaches every night and well, we'll se how it goes
      I'll also write my DILDs here in blue
      WILDs will be written in red
      Last edited by baronbrocoli; 07-28-2009 at 06:09 PM.
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    2. #2
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      Apr 2006
      In front of my PC
      Okay so last night I went to bed at around 12 and I set my alarm at 5. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep (the heat was too much damn...). So I think I managed to get some sleep and I got up at 5:10 after the alarm woke me up. What I did was, I sat up in my bed and I listened to music until 6, where I switched beds with my brother.

      At this point, I was lying down on my back and the I got really still. I started to concentrate on my breathing as I counted on my mind. I remember to have counted from 1 to 40. At this point I decided to start counting again. Apparently I was having trouble concentrating after this because I don't remember getting as far as 10 xD. So after a while I began to feel my body really heavy. I think I stayed on this stage for a while but it seemed to me that it was too long so I just turned around and went to sleep because the sun was already rising.

      I don't remember getting any strong hypnagogic imagery, but ant one point I don't remember if it was an itch or a strong urge to move my body, but after this passed, I felt my body sinking and get heavy. However as i said I couldn't get past this.

      Anyways after I went to sleep i did have a lucid dream

      I was in my bed and when I opened my eyes it was placed like in some kind of party or something so I became lucid obviously. What happened next is that some girl came up into my bed and started to kiss my neck, but I pushed her away and said no not you (she was kinda ugly lol). She tried to climb back into the bed (and she looked even more hideous) but I just grabbed her by the next and then pointed to another girl in the party. I told her to come closer and I noticed she was Megan Fox (danm she's so hot!) She was kinda I son't know what to do so I just thought about her going down there and well you know what happened

      So after a while I think I started to lose lucidity and I started to rub my hands vigorously. I remember everything went dark and I could only feel my hands. Anyways I lost the dream right there because I don't remember anything else except I woke up a while later
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    3. #3
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      So last night was a failure xD.
      I went to bed but I couldn't sleep because of the heat. I was drenched in sweat and I think I spend around 3 hours turning around in bed. So the alarm was set to 6am. It rang and I turned it off, didn't even get out of bed (I felt so tired) and tried to WILD there. Of course I just fell asleep lol. Well, I will try again tomorrow I hope the heat is not so bad tonight.
      Back in black!

    4. #4
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      This is last night's routine:
      I went to bed at 12 and set the alarm to 5. So at 5 the alarm rang and I snoozed it, got up at 5 10. So I got up and went to have a glass of water, ate three cookies and the sat on a couch for like 15 minutes. Then at 5 30, i got back into my room and sat on the floor to do some meditation. I think I did it for like 10 minutes and then decided to get in bed.

      Once in bed i just lied on my back, and started to relax more deeply. I started to count in my mind with every breath so I would just inhale, exhale and say one in my mind, then two and like this. I don't remember counting to a high number but I do remember like this feeling of electricity jolting through my body early on. After this I think I began to have more hypnagogic imagery but after a while I might have gotten this urge to move but I moved involuntarily and I don't even remember the urge to move. It was kind of like jumping in bed lol. So after this I just decided to sleep because i had restarted my clock.
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    5. #5
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      Last night, I went to bed at around 3am, woke up at 6 and stayed up for an hour surfing DV, watching art and stuff. Then I went to lie down, got very still and started by relaxing my body. I was thinking my arms feel relaxed, my arms feel heavy. My face is relaxed. Stuff like that for maybe ten minutes until my mind started to calm down. So I was lying there on my back, feeling quite relaxed but suddenly my ear started to itch like a bitch (lol it rhymes). I waited for maybe two minutes but the damn itch wouldn´t go away so I had to scratch the damned and then I decided to sleep. Half an hour had passed ( I checked the clock).

      Well it was my first attempt at autosuggestion I will try again tonight.
      Back in black!

    6. #6
      Little Dreamer baronbrocoli's Avatar
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      I've left this thread die, so its time to bring it back to life. So a few nights ago I had an LD. It was a DILD but I'll write it here anyway. I also attempted to WILD a few times last week. I think I was pretty close to SP but we'll see how it keeps going. Here's the LD:

      I remember I was sitting at my desk, with my laptop on. I was trying to call Kelly my friend to tell him something when I realized I was dreaming. I was actually using a phone that doesn't work anymore and all I could hear was interference. So when I realized I was dreaming I did a reality check just to make sure. I plugged my nose with my fingers and breathed naturally. After this, I thought I wanted to have sex with this girl from my school. So I just turned around and tried to will her into my bed. This didn't work lol so I started spinning around to make her appear.

      However this only brought into my room my japanese friend (zyunzo) but I didn't want to fuck him lol. I kept spinning and he went away, but then his brother came into the room. I think I grabbed his cheek and the made him go away by spinning some more. However now his sister came into the dream but I made her go away the same way and finally this girl was in my bed. She was only wearing her underwear but sadly I woke up.

      I must also mention that I could feel my dream body as well as my body lying in my bed. This is such a strange feeling!
      Back in black!


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