I've come to the conclusion more and more that WILD is, ultimately, something you must figure out for yourself. Everyone is different and though possible for everyone, each perhaps has a way that simply "works".

So I'm going to try a new way of learning to WILD. I'm going to attempt WILD every morning for a month, trying stuff and building on what works, and report my results. In the interim, anyone is welcome to offer up commentary on my individual attempts (i.e. "You got up too early, try getting up a bit later") In this thread, I will also keep track of the dreams I have with WILD as well.

I welcome others who wish to get serious about WILDing to do the same. WILD is essentially, with experience, the method with the lowest failure rate. Getting it down pat can get you many LDs, but it takes diligence. Hopefully keeping this up to date will keep me at it this time.