• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Expert LDer Affirmation!
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      DeerytheDeer's Visual Dream Gallery

      Okay, I'm finally starting an online dream journal, interspersed with some Photoshop and 3DS Max creations to help me recall what takes too long to describe in words.

      Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.

      I'm at least 10 hours late on recalling this dream, but I've been playing it over all day because it's stuck with me:

      I was in the center of a very large football field, empty except for my surrounding family, extended family and some friends. Apparently we were having our own rowdy little party. It was late evening, the sun was virtually gone, and the sky was filled with blue, with some light blue clouds and very strangely patterned stars. I looked up, pointed and commented on how weird and silly looking the stars were positioned, as if a 5 year old child had drawn a picture of a bunch of stars crowded together on a belt. I considered going on Photoshop later and recreating this (which is what I really did just now-- if only I had known then that I was dreaming).

      I have a strong feeling of my mom being present in this moment, I was probably talking to her about it and showing her.

      I looked around at more clouds in the sky, and suddenly noticed that one of them looked a lot like Donkey Kong. I turned to my sister to bring it to her attention, but when I turned back the cloud had inadvertently turned into this strange billboard-like thing:

      We both noticed, to our amusement and shock, that it looked too much like Donkey Kong, with color and everything, and too little like a cloud. For some reason we were zooming around the edge of the football field in a circle, probably in an open top car, which is why we came up at this again and again in a tall perspective view.

      After that the whole field turned into a strange, vivid, action-packed video game with racing, slippery opponents whizzing around the field, including myself, but right now it's too fuzzy to describe it or make a picture about it. Both of the above pictures should have been sure dream signs, but I missed them completely. I may have been somewhat close with the stars, but I was too mentally lazy to question things.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 09-27-2009 at 08:35 PM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    2. #2
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      I got a lucid! The lucid is in blue text.

      Also, this time I've decided that no pictures are needed for now.

      Dream #1:

      I dreamed that I was hiking down a very tall mountain, sloping down mostly dirt terrain with short grass and a narrow trail in front of me, when I noticed that another woman was hiking down in front of me. I think she had a baby or a dog with her, and she was brunette and wearing a a blue, peasant colonial dress (yet I knew she was a modern woman). For some reason she seemed like a jerk, so I was kind of racing her down the mountain, when suddenly there was a huge, tan boulder straight ahead where the little trail curved around, but I lost control and went straight over the boulder, under which there was only a steep, dizzying death below. As I felt the sensation of falling endlessly, I thought, "Oh crap, I'm so dead", when somehow the woman grabbed me and saved me, putting me back on the skinny trail curving around and under the boulder, heading downwards to the left of it.

      As we hiked down together, we talked about her dog, which was a black doberman/lab mix, as we headed down into the shady, flat ground forest at the bottom of the mountain. On the edge of the forest there was a river, which I saw earlier from above that I could have fallen into, and we moved past it and entered the dark forest, which was full of aspens.

      Deep inside the forest there was a dark clearing the size of a room, where a group of her 20-something friends were messing around on a couple small couches against the edge of the clearing and watching a TV that was situated opposite in front of a tangle of crowded aspens. The dog took up most of the attention. I sat on one of the couches as the dog leered around and played with the other people, while friends on the couch laughed and talked about the dog. I seemed to feel unsettled by the dog, who looked a bit hyper and dangerous.

      Dream #2:

      I was working with with a few delinquent 20-something boys in a sort of detention establishment that was very small, had only a few rooms and was mostly underground, with a cement block of an entrance building sitting on a cement platform in the middle of another forest (although this area was full of plants and unobscured by trees, which started back over to the left about 50 yards).

      There was a boy with blond, neck-length hair that I worked most often with who was sarcastic, under-achieving and a lot like Sawyer from Lost. We were packing boxes in one of the yellow lit underground rooms, when some trouble happened with a large jaguar that was trying to get into the underground lair through a square hole in the cement above that acted like a chute.

      Dream #3:

      In a furniture storage/cafeteria area, I suddenly realized I was dreaming, but I had to remind myself to remain calm and not panic about anything. As the visuals faded, I caressed the corner of a picnic table with a table cloth over the top, feeling the wood and the cloth, and then also feeling a sharp pain from the screw bolted in underneath the corner, which I was pleased about because even phantom pain would keep me in the dream. I walked around, feeling other things in the cafeteria, and sights seemed to come back. I listened to a song that was playing in my head, as another way to stabilize my dream. I considered feeling the act of spinning, but decided against it. Spinning usually ends my lucidity as soon as I enter a new dream scene. Then my sex drive took over, and I decided to lay down on my back and masturbate, which always feels more intense and pleasurable than in real life. I didn't get that far with it, though, and as far as I recall I then faded into a new dream scene where I lost lucidity, but continued to have sex and masturbation as a theme.

      (My level of lucidity and especially recall of this dream were a bit dim)
      (this makes #19 on my DILD signature count)

      Dream #4: (skipping a couple other dreams that I have a hard time remembering most of)

      I dreamed about the movie scene at the end of Castaway, where Tom Hanks in the middle of nowhere and brings a package back to the woman's house who has wings in her yard, yet in this scene the woman is not understanding of Tom coming over as a stranger on her property, and is a blond, plump older woman with a pink nightgown. I could tell as she opened her screen door that she was an angry woman, and Tom was trying to get her three kids free from her, who were already running to his pickup truck some yards away near a wooden fence in the gravel. She was clearly not happy about this, but Tom ran back to the pickup truck where the kids were getting in, a teenage girl and a couple of boys probably, and Tom started to put it in ignition and drive away.

      Later, I was present at some homecoming/family reunion get-together somewhere not far away in that same town (if you could call it a town) in the afternoon. I was wearing a tight dress and all made up, making small talk with some of the other relatives even though I had never met them before in my life, when the blond mother came over, also made up, and tried to talk sweet and presentable to me. Then things quickly got ugly and she was fighting me. I tried to take a few swings at her to get her off me, but she was strong, so I called out for Tom, and after some more fighting he finally appeared wearing silly red boxing gloves, while his teenage daughter nearby was wearing black boxing gloves, and he punched her off me.

      That was the final dream I had of the morning, and it was obviously the most vivid and logical. A lot of my dreams last night seemed to have a common pattern of confrontational interactions with people.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-04-2009 at 09:29 PM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    3. #3
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      The night before last (the 28th)....

      Dream #1:

      I dreamed that I was going to a very small drama recital class with only a few other students in it. The actual class was small, cramped and narrow, full of old furniture and kick knacks. I made a big presentation about something apparently smart that caught the teacher's eye and he really liked me, so I was promoted to a huge, roomy, lengthy quarter through a door at the right end of the small classroom. Like the classroom, all the walls were a kind of beige/yellow, yet this huge long room that curved around was clearly high end, post-modern designed for someone rich. There were a couple of big, green couches on one side, and opposite a couple of huge TV screens that played like bright holograms.

      Dream #2:

      I also dreamed of watching a South Park movie in a theater somewhere, only the animation was crude 3d computer animation of the kids and I didn't know otherwise in the dream. Something very vaguely comes to mind of maybe tall inflatable rides in the theater complex and previews of other CG animated films.

      Dream #3:

      I was in a small office in a tall building with a great window view of New York City, and this thin man with dark hair and a mustache, and he had a tape player of Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy "audition", with some interesting voices, including Stewie and old Brian. Just voices, no animation or plot, and the guy playing it was bewildered that he could have such a range.
      DILDs: A Lot

    4. #4
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      Last night I dreamed that I was at Bill Maher's stand-up at the Orleans Casino in Las Vegas (because I did go there to see him a couple years ago), except this time I was alone and I had managed to sneak in there without paying for any tickets. While he was doing his show, I sat on top of a block that was part of the design of the back of the theater, without a seat, and I drew a lot of attention to myself from Bill Maher, who called me out because I was walking around a lot and playing a theremin (even though my "theremin" was some strange golden flute). I felt humiliated because a lot of people seemed to be exasperated with me and they thought I was arrogant. Later, after that experience, I found myself on the couch at my Grandma and Grandpa's house, knowing that I just imagined that whole story in great detail for myself and that it didn't really happen, but it was hard to convince myself because it felt so real in my emotions.

      Dream #2:

      Something about being on a farm and really wanting to ride one of the few horses nearby, but apparently none of them were trained or stable enough for me to ride on them. That didn't stop me from trying later on though. I also vaguely remember something about a huge old tree that was fun to climb and play on, and also one that my mom was painting. My mom painting a huge tree that didn't look quite right feels like a recurring dream to me. She asks me what's wrong with it, and I tell her that it looks weird because there are WAAAAYYYYY too few leaves on it. She needs to bush it up in order for it to look more friendly and natural. She was supposedly painting it, yet it was like a real life gigantic paper mache sculpture, amidst a blueish gray cloudly backdrop with short blue mountains on the horizon.

      Dream #3:

      Yet again, I have a dream where I can bang on things as hard as I can and scream as loudly as I try to in anger, yet only faint sounds come out and this seriously hampers and frustrates me. I think this should be a top dream sign.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 09-29-2009 at 10:05 PM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    5. #5
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      Lucid last night!!! Weeee!

      I was in the passenger seat of the car and my mom was driving us around, when I checked my hand and counted more than five. This couldn't be possible, so I counted a couple more times and noticed that my thumbs were bent in the opposite direction, and I curled them around each other. At this point I was pretty much lucid, but then I really wanted to plug my nose and breathe through it. It was amazing. Probably the most efficient and mind-blowing RC there is.

      My mom was parking the car in a college campus parking lot as this lucidity was taking place, so I opened my door and got out as I was trying to gather myself and remember some key things to stay lucid and try. I first calmly affirmed to myself that I could make this lucid as long as I want and try as many things as I want, and then I said out loud, "Increase lucidity!" and I'm not sure what that did, my my dream visuals stayed clear and I stayed lucid. "Increase vividness! Brighter! Brighter! Brighter!" I yelled, walking up a large, grassy knoll with a tree at the top overlooking the campus, and at the same time yelling it I was a little self-conscious of the other kids sitting on the grass wondering what the heck I was doing. I reminded myself that they weren't real or capable of judgment.

      At the top of the knoll, there were upper level walkways on the outside entrance of the building, cement like the bottom level that led to the main door. I walked on one of these walkways and noticed the pleasant orange afternoon light, and decided to give flying a go. I faced the rail of the walkway overlooking the rest of the campus, and jumped off, soaring up, down and around the cement levels and the grass. I landed back on the opposite walkway. There wasn't much feeling in the flying, more like hyped up imagining than actually experiencing, but instead of focusing on that I decided to go to the bottom level and enter the main doors of the college.

      I reminded myself calmly that I was lucid, while I took in the scenery of the inside of the building, which looked like a big library, with dark wood furniture and a dark brown carpet. At the left of me was a visitor's desk with a woman standing there patiently. I considered listening to my iPod, one of my dream goals, but thought against it and wanted to wait for another time. I walked past the desk to the left hallway, which was small compared to the incredibly high ceilings of the "library" room, and I got a little frustrated wanting to let the dream guide me with some crazy, random, unexpected imagery, yet everything was pretty expected and boring in this building. At the left hallway was a small, white, L-shaped room full of computers and a few nerdy guys sitting in front of them. I saw their computer screens and noticed that they were playing kids computer games.

      At the end of that L-shaped room, there was a door on the left corner leading to some type of dorm/apartment that was especially cramped. It had a green, messy carpet, a gray cat living there, and a few more shabby rooms, including a bedroom with a sloppy bunk bed. I didn't find any people in there. I headed back out and into the computer room, where for some reason I sat at one of the computer chairs and found myself using the only device that wasn't a computer, but just a weird little device with a scroll of text and some big headphones, while the other computer guys laughed at me. At this point I lost lucidity.

      I'm pleased to say that that is by far the longest, most detailed lucid I've ever had so far, and I didn't even eat or drink anything to "induce" it. I just did RCs and acted like I KNEW I would lucid dream last night, not even excited about it, just calm and knowing like it was a usual thing. I really am evolving.

      Dream #2:

      I was at this football game with my family (why any of us would be interested in going to a football game is beyond me), yet we were at the very top, cheap seats. These seats were about a mile high and right above the center of the field in a precarious, tottering, beehive-like seating architecture, where there was a hole a few yards in radius that you could see the action down below, and fall a mile down into. It was like a wacky, over-the-top Tex Avery cartoon, and I was mildly amused but still shocked by this.

      Then somehow it linked to a recurring dream where we were at a Nascar event (again, no RL correspondence), and at the very end of the highest seats was another paved racing track where only we were driving with some guy in this big white truck, and he was driving so fast that I was flying off the handle, because I was hanging out on the outside of the truck near the passenger door. It was more fun and crazy than anything.

      Dream #3:

      A rather obscure, weird dream where I was at my grandparent's house at night, and as I looked outside a bedroom window I saw Dave Gahan of Depeche Mode in the driveway, wearing a black leather jacket and nothing else. He was walking down the sidewalk past the house over to the main street, holding some stiff junk below that was profanely, pornographically huge. I stared in shock and thought to myself, "So that's why he's going to the street corner to flash everyone!"
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 09-30-2009 at 11:13 PM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    6. #6
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      Dream #1:

      An epic where I lived in a small manufactured home next to a few other small manufactured homes in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by only fields, farmland, mountains and a dirt road. In the next house lived a boy my age that I liked and we would hang out a lot. He was tall, had wavy blond hair and was nerdy like me. One very early gray morning, while all the grass in our shared strip of backyard was soaking wet with dew, he whispered to me that we should run through our neighbor's farmland.

      This was no ordinary farmland. Part of it was filled with beautiful, huge yellow roses, other exotic flowers and plants, and also parts with exotic trees where who knows what kind of animals lived. It was like a forbidden Adam and Eve kind of place that made these tending neighbors seem like amazing, mysterious wizards. I hesitantly agreed, so we ran across the small yard that seamlessly became their property, racing through tall, wet grasses, flowers, stalks, hills, trees.... I was worried that we would be caught for doing this, but we ran back a few minutes later, and not a thing had changed.

      Then the dream became a slightly different storyline where I went to a candy/video store, which for some reason my older brother was very angry about trying to control me, and I talked to the overweight, 30-something clerk about getting a certain kind of candy and he told me to wait a minute as he paced back into a small hallway at the back of the store. After waiting for several minutes alone in the store, I sneaked down into the hallway and peered through the white painted door at the end of it. It was like a littered bedroom that this man lived in, day in and day out. After that the details are kind of hazy, but it had something to do with my brother getting mad, me getting mad and then a horrible accident involving me losing limbs or getting them bloodied up.

      I apparently woke up from unconsciousness to find that I was in a large, upstairs bedroom surrounded by my dream family, who tried to reveal to me that my limbs were now actually new limbs from other people they got at the hospital. There were a few small streaks of blood down my arms and legs. Apparently I was in denial and delusional, losing my sanity.

      My boyfriend was mad at me and seemed like he didn't like me anymore when he was arguing with me outside in the little backyard. For some reason he was showing me this piece of paper that had a large picture of the fields and mountains, pointing to certain things like I screwed them up. I didn't want him to stop hanging out with me, so I went for broke and told him to run down the dirt road with me and cross into the neighbor's trees around the backside of their property. Surprisingly, his angry tone melted away and he obliged, forgetting whatever he was scolding me for. We were good friends again.

      I ran down the road wholeheartedly as he was nearly keeping up, and then suddenly I was slowing down a bit because of my weird dream running technique and he was catching up, even getting ahead of me, so I tried to run faster and eventually I did, catching up with him. Then we made a sharp left turn into the trees, and soon enough I couldn't see him anymore, when suddenly a jaguar attacked me. I fought the jaguar and tried spitting in its face, which seemed to work, and I pushed forward on the tiny trail through the thicket.

      At night, I was running through a carnival with a lot of 20-somethings in the dark, scattered by a few bright yellow carney lights and I was worried about getting raped.
      DILDs: A Lot

    7. #7
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      I kind of had a DILD last night, although I'm not sure about how lucid it was since I dreamed that I had it in the middle of a nap, and of course I had a false awakening. I'll count it and highlight it in blue anyway:

      I was getting ready for bed, talking to my mom for a little bit about something while she was watching TV, and then in the living room, I counted how many fingers I have, and I counted ten. This couldn't be possible, I thought, since I hadn't even gone to bed yet. So I plugged my nose and breathed through it, and at first this didn't work, but then it did when I made an effort to breathe wholly. Then I decided to try one of my dream goals and listen to new music on my iPod, but to my disappointment it was only music that was really on my iPod in RL (or so I thought at least).

      Then I was laying on the couch, so I took comfort in believing that I probably laid on the couch there at first while I was getting ready for bed and I just fell asleep without warning.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-03-2009 at 04:05 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    8. #8
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      I was the male main character in an anime-like God/superpower story that closely resembled Aladdin, Jafar and Jasmine, in which I was Aladdin and Jasmine and I were trying to defeat Jafar. We were in this beautiful, huge white marble temple that was kind of a hotel for all three of us while we stayed there in separate rooms that were close to each other in the same hallway. Jasmine was in the left end room, I was in the middle room, and Jafar was in the right end room. While I locked myself in my spacious, round ceiling room with expensive rugs, throw pillows and other furniture, Jasmine came near the door and verbally taunted me with her apparent ability to sense everything that was going on behind closed doors, even someone's thoughts. So instead of thinking slightly sexual thoughts about the Jafar-like character in the next room (he was younger and more attractive than Jafar, but just as evil), I hurried and picked up my iTouch and surfed around the Internet on it trying to be nonchalant. Suddenly my iPod's scroll function was going crazy, flipping all over the place, and this pissed me off (this happened to my computer in real life a few days ago). Jasmine opened the door and came into the room, and I complained to her about my iPod, hoping that she would know what was wrong.
      Throughout this dream, the Jafar character was always trying to build up his ego and find new ways to gain power/screw with people and act tough.
      DILDs: A Lot

    9. #9
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      Dream #1:

      In my part-time job search, I applied to work in a police department for just a menial, inconsequential job, and the lady called me back a few days later and told me they hired me as a police officer. Excited, I also went to Oprah or some show like that with my mom and sister, and I was one of the nominees for some prize, somehow related to my being hired to be an officer, and the nomination pictures were cartoon impressions of the real women, and mine was a whole Family Guy birthday cake drawing with the Griffins and little old me at the bottom center. It was crazy hearing my full name actually being announced at this televised big deal, since I was waiting hopefully for it and telling mom about it, and the winner was announced.... as my name! I don't remember what I won, some kind of large white gift basket that I had to get up on stage for (everyone in the audience was standing up without chairs).

      After getting down from the stage and approaching my family again, I met a woman maybe in her mid 20s, shoulder-length blond streaked hair parted down the middle, and a little bit chubby, and we conversed with each other and she seemed like a lovely, nice person. We got on well. Then for some reason we set up a date, and went walking through some sort of mall. It wasn't just a "friends" date, it was like a "romantic" date. I soon figured out that she was in a hurry to marry someone to take care of her two children, who were only toddlers at the oldest, and she was pregnant. I don't know what this had to do with her dating me, but it was like I had a chance to marry her before some guy did and I missed the opportunity after the date.

      Dream #2:

      Watching news stories about war and terrorism in Iran, including video of some white guy in his 20s whacking another 20-something white guy really hard with a large, rumpled gray sharp sack with a stick through it. Suddenly I was there with them in real life, and they were on some large patio atop a lush green assortment of mountains in South America in the morning. The guy on the receiving end of the stick pretended not to care by pouring and eating cereal, which eventually looked like a bowl full of altoids. Whenever he got hit, you could see a grimace of pain and hurt in his face that was incredibly clear and realistic for a dream, but the rest of the time he tried to show no emotion besides cocky nonchalance.

      Dream #3:

      Me making a commercial from filming places I've been to around the world, saying something like "It's getting hotter around the world, but here you can cool off". I was advertising some scenic natural attraction where you could cool off and escape from the rising worries of the modern world and the future.

      This blended into

      Dream #4:

      Deep jungle obstacle course with blond woman (I was her half the time) in white shirt, dark denim capris and slippery pink flip flops, and a dark haired man in a dark blue shirt, baggy green shorts and hiking shoes. There were bits of prepared food all around the course, like mangoes, papayas, sushi, jell-O etc. This man and woman raced each other in the obstacle course over and over again, and each time at the start it was very slippery with wet logs, rocks and mud puddles that proved to be a huge challenge in flip flops, while the man got ahead easily. The food around the course (like the mangoes and papayas nicely kept on a plate in the middle of the trail at first) was apparently okay to stop, take and eat, but it was hard to believe, even though I was very hungry and had an empty stomach. After the mangoes and papayas was a rounded hallway surrounding the trail with a wall of hole fixtures with cookies and sushi in them that you could take and eat. After that near the finish line there was red jell-O on the floor, with bits of tangerine slices inside them.

      Additional dream memory!

      Showing a guy this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K97zsabN0Fo
      and trying to analyze the facial expressions and how they were effective.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-04-2009 at 09:34 PM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    10. #10
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      I almost had another DILD last night but I was too stupid and stubborn to want to do a RC.

      Dream #1: (from waking up a few hours earlier than usual, low recall)

      Blood gushing from my nose in bathtub, trying to clean myself up

      #2: Deep blue and green cats on a big, fluffy white bed talking in posh British accents about posh things (kind of like the stereotypical old Brits on Family Guy)

      #3: Driving around on some epic road trip with some Mexican guy in a blue or aqua 70s convertible

      Dream #4: (when I went back to sleep after recalling those snippets and had far longer, more detailed late dreams that I recalled)

      Me living in a house in a green valley surrounded by mountains with a few other houses that also had a school and some shops with music gigs in them connected to big homes the store runners owned. I considered playing my theremin there, since some other kid tried to play his electric guitar (not well). In the back of every store was their big empty home, and in one of them I started being able to float wherever I wanted in the narrow bunk bedroom. I considered doing an RC, but I didn't want to, since I justified that I was wearing a floaty tube around my waist and it felt more real than a dream. I considered it especially since sometimes I had trouble floating when I wanted to because of my lack of belief, but I just didn't act on it. I went back into the store, left and walked back down the parking lot past a group of fat chicks, 3 black and 1 white with bleach blond boy short hair, all obese, and they were talking about how they liked their unhealthy diets, which made me think about our evolutionary circumstances like exercise and fat storage. I was also self-conscious coming and going from the place because of my top and gray sweatpants that I wore to bed in RL.

      Dream #5:

      Then fighting off Weta/Pixar monster with orange balls or discs, then using that as my animation presentation, but as far as the other half of my demonstration I had no idea what to do, so I just kind of stalled as I thought about what to do, and when a kid snickered at me because he thought I was dumb (a lot of them did) I lost my cool and threw one of the markers at his back, and from there drowned in a downward spiral, cussing everyone out saying "Fuck you" and "Fuck everyone" and stormed out. A long time old friend of mine was one of the classroom students, for some reason. Needless to say, the teacher was mad at me.

      Dream #6:

      Being at a show where everyone was asked to put their pillows down under their legs and on top of the seats to make it more comfortable, and something about an Obama billboard in two pieces moving together or apart by hands behind an arena wall, and I knew they were just some guys trying to mess with us as we walked by. I showed Heidi how easy it is to type horizontally on my iTouch, and apparently Derek had one of his own that he left in my room at the top of the closet. There was also a dream about Robin Williams doing his usual shtick in a new movie with Jason Alexander, but I thought there would be more chemistry with, say, Billy Crystal, and the movie was about flying a small aircraft.

      Dream #7:

      For some reason, with my iTouch I could play a song that made me rise high up in the air and float for a bit if I jumped, at the shore of this beach that just earlier was raining in the sunlight, and we got there by a small aircraft (before the movie scene, we traveled by car as a family). Then I was worried that my battery would run out and I forgot to bring my recharger, but that was only fleeting, as I kept enjoying jumping and floating like a balloon on the string of my iPod. Heidi joined me as well in a high-ceilinged, large hotel room later on, with strangely large beds, I joked about doing Fred Astaire, and then Heidi and I did a dance together floating in the air and circling, we laughed and had lots of fun, and we told mom to watch as we did it again, me leaping from the dresser and Heidi leaping from the bed opposite. Mom didn't seem to care that much.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-06-2009 at 06:12 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    11. #11
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      I had a job at some rich house in a rich neighborhood (even though it was a neighborhood of small brown ramblers with elevated, hilly yards) and I don't even know why I was there, but it was for something important. Inside the house was dark, no lights were on, and it was early afternoon outside the window above the kitchen sink. There was a big red bowl full of melted chocolate with some almonds in the mix (instead of nuts they were kind of minty and chewy, the highlights of the bowl) and I scooped myself some bites, either with my hands or a spoon. My brother was also there and was angry that I was taking chocolate because he thought he deserved more for his job.

      I looked through a large cabinet full of a collection of old movies with similar red covers, only the title being different, although some were moody black and white gradients with the shady silhouette of a tall man with a 40s hat in them. Apparently, the owner of this house was the lead actor in all these old films. I took a few of them as movies to take home and watch, out of curiosity. Outside, one "rich" neighbor was mowing his lawn, and I was thinking to myself about how all these people in the neighborhood are mean and arrogant.
      DILDs: A Lot

    12. #12
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      I woke up HOURS earlier than usual this morning, so of course my recall was pretty much nothing, but I went with my mom early in the morning to this expensive, huge house we've been going to for a while that my mom's been painting a children's mural in. I was so tired and felt so shitty that I had to take a nap on their furniture, and so I did. Surprisingly, after several weeks, this was the first time I have ever managed to actually fall asleep in their house. What's more, I had another DILD, although a very brief and pathetic one, plus two false awakenings. After the initial DILD I attempted to do a DEILD, but that didn't work out.

      Dream #1: An indie short film about two chairs racing each other in a large construction zone in the middle of a sunny day, with clearly two teenage boys pushing them from behind in some shots. One boy wore a white T-shirt and the other boy wore a black T-shirt. They were more obvious and visibly shown as the film went on, when suddenly the white shirt led the black shirt off a round, construction "cliff". He went free-falling down for some time over an ocean and a strange, floating wooden river ride with running water. He landed on a huge, pink balloon that cushioned his fall, and softly fell on the river ride.

      Dream #2: I woke up from the couch to mom telling me that the rich couple were already here, back home, so I was freaking out trying to put everything back where it was while mom put an entire bed back in here, which seriously confused me. She told me to put a pair of mittens back where I found them, even though I had never seen them there before in my life. I whispered angrily that I didn't know where the mittens went and that she gave them to me, as I stormed downstairs to an uncarpeted room and saw the wife standing around. I changed my tone and said "Hi" and sheepishly walked past her, wondering if she heard me being angry, and I went up a small mini-staircase around to find the two children that they have. The toddler boy was acting very hyper and talkative, and the baby girl had a huge, weird plastic doll girl head. Then we soon saw that it was more transparent and rubbery and the girl took it off, looking like a real version of the doll.

      My mom and I, plus my sister for some reason, and the rich couple were sitting on the couch conversing cheerily and looking at some pictures while mom was abnormally close and friendly to the husband, touching his cheek and smiling at him, who looked more and more like my dad, and I looked at the wife wondering if she was going to react, but she kept smiling and talking as if she either had no idea or didn't care either way.

      Then my sister turned into a very neon orange, fat cat who was trapped in a large plastic cookie box. I bought this for a while, but once we were heading to the car and I thought about how she could suddenly become a cat and our own cat wasn't a human being, I seriously questioned WHY I believed this whole thing, so I plugged my nose and breathed deeply and with that I was lucid. I was completely and utterly blank on what to do with the knowledge that I was dreaming. We were currently in the open garage, so I decided to walk out into the driveway aimlessly, and the dream faded to black very fast. I decided not to panic or give up and just imagine spinning, but it was hard to actually feel my body spinning rather than just laying there on the couch. I at least got a strange rocking back and forth sensation, but that lead nowhere. I gave up and gave in.

      FA#1: My brother and sister woke me up inside the house, there was music and noise all around in the background, and they were yammering for a while, and then it was suddenly dead silent. I knew at that moment that I had really woken up. Yet I fell asleep again.

      FA#2: Mom was watching a small TV near the couch (where there was none in RL) with a game show with celebrity contestants on, and I told mom to tell me the exact times I fell asleep and woke up. They were 2:24 and 2:33 pm, so I wrote those down in a notebook. Then I woke up again. My real, final awakening was 2:59 pm, and the last time I checked the clock before I fell asleep it was 1:24 pm.

      The lesson learned here? Start focusing on what the heck I'm going to DO once I BECOME lucid, which means I should write down my dream goals and repeat them to myself throughout the day, rehearse what I'm going to do once I'm lucid, what will go through my mind, and keep a positive, confident attitude. I had that attitude two lucids ago, and that was the longest lucid I ever had, which proves that I need to stop doubting my ability to stay in the dream and keep it vivid.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-08-2009 at 06:32 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    13. #13
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      Now that I know I can comfortably have at least one lucid a week, I need to move on from trying to 'attain lucidity' and shift my energies towards 'dream control'.

      Dream Goals:

      -explore the dream world around me in the clearest, most realistic detail, taking in sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and touch as if I were exploring reality. First and foremost in my goals, I want to FEEL like I'm really experiencing a world just as vivid and substantial as the real one. And I want to remember it vividly as well.

      -be able to spin and change my dream scene to whatever I want without losing lucidity (the most common problem I have besides having extremely short, dull lucids)

      -compose music

      -dream of art to wake up and recapture immediately

      -have dream sex

      -telepathy and general wizardry

      -change forms to any gender, species, object or force

      Those are broad, but that's all I really need to put down right now. I just need to gain confidence in my mind. In any case, if I want longer, more vivid dreams, I should really try WILDs and more supplement aids.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-08-2009 at 06:46 AM.
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    14. #14
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      Being back in high school, seeing old peers, meeting a very nerdy outcast boy and being just as outcast and awkward. Very unpleasant. Like watching Quasimodo get thrown things at in the Disney Hunchback movie.
      DILDs: A Lot

    15. #15
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      I had very hazy recall last night, and only got to remember a certain dream because I was thinking about something random during the day that reminded me of it.

      Snippet 1: Spraying at a rat with a spray bottle to make it go away, didn't go away as quickly as I would've hoped

      Snippet 2: Seeing a full page internet ad for a 1-dimensional 3d sculpting program that supposedly made character sculpting faster, easier and better. It was a free download, so I eagerly clicked on it.
      DILDs: A Lot

    16. #16
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      Weird.... when I woke up this morning, there was a good 15 minutes where I could not for the life of me remember a single dream. I had all but given up, and then suddenly several dreams came flooding back in all their vivid glory.

      (recalled from the 'Notes' app on my iPod)

      Seth (MacFarlane) and Alex (Borstein) sharing an office and looking
      at the door in the hallway, while Seth goes on and on about something
      then Alex writes down all of because it's funny, and afterwards she yells
      to another writer down the hallway "Hey! He's actually not that bad!"

      Seth standing on a stage in front of tons of people like an outdoor
      concert with Alex, Mike and a couple others with each their own mic
      stands, on a cold open night, and as Seth was doing his Stewie voice,
      Dan Castelleneta got on stage, stole the mic and interrupted him with
      some voices of his own ad-libbing to Seth's voices, and then Chief
      Wiggum was talking down and across the stage. A little rattled, Seth
      continued on the ad-libbing as Stewie to put on good showmanship. He
      also started doing a really twangy, "dumb guy" accent for some reason.

      Me imagining arguing with a round table of TV people (mostly chicks)
      about how the whole Susan Boyle thing is not necessarily about being
      judgemental, it's about sexism, and I went off on a tangent about that.

      I was riding in the passenger seat of a car with some Mexican dude who
      crashed into the edge of the road over quite a fall, twice, perhaps
      three times in one terrible first fall that I really hoped wasn't real.

      Watching my sister out in the yard sitting on the grass happily, even
      while it was snowing and sunny at the same time, holding a rifle that
      seems to be smoking still. I assumed it was nerf or paintballs she was
      having fun with. I watched her where it looked like Grandma's front
      yard outside of my East facing my old bedroom window, mostly empty,
      and when this same scene recurred again, I wondered if I was dreaming,
      and expressed gratitude that I wasn't anymore, even talking to mom
      about this (though in the back of my mind I was still a little unsure).
      Another big missed opportunity, mainly because I'm sick of DILDing
      and constantly doing uncomfortable RCs.

      Something about playing the Super Nintendo in my brother's room
      across from my room.
      DILDs: A Lot

    17. #17
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      Attempted to WILD, couldn't relax and once again gave up. I then fell asleep had a half-lucid dream/nightmare where my whole family was inside the rich house, and I looked out a window. It was midday/early afternoon outside. I checked the alarm clock nearby in the bedroom and it was 9:30 pm. I couldn't believe everyone would stay this late or that it would be so bright outside, so I concluded that I was dreaming.

      As I left the bedroom, I saw my mom sitting on a couch with an extremely distorted, demonic smiling face that looked frozen and paralyzed. Her top teeth were gigantic and stood out over the rest of her mouth, and her eyes also looked uncharacteristically big and frightening. Shocked by such an image, I had a feeling that she was really terrified and ill behind that frozen face, but knowing it was only a dream, I challenged my fear defiantly by walking up close to her and bending over to stare eyeball to eyeball.

      <-only far more real-looking and disturbing

      After that, I turned away and decided to try to fly, but it was like the gravity surrounding me was as heavy as molasses, and so I decided to jump off the staircase into a bright yellow lava-like vortex leading to the center of the Earth, falling head-first. The feelings just weren't very intense, but at least the visuals were vivid. I then landed in a Hellboy 2-esque dungeon (where he had the arrow removed from him) and a large, brutish troll-like man started terrorizing me. His appearance has the same theme of gruesome as my mom. I practically yelled over and over again (for some reason I had a low male's voice) that this was just a dream, because I was terrified that I would forget and pulled into even more horrific situations and not know how to escape (or that I could). Gravity was still as heavy and limiting as ever, so I couldn't get up and run away.

      To distract myself from the evil atmosphere, I decided to grab my iTouch from my pocket and turn it on. It was slow getting it to turn on at first, but I feverishly pushed the 'stop' button and slid the arrow to unlock, praying for the apps to show up, and once it slid open
      I burst up in my bed with a gasp.

      (somehow drawing the crazy picture of my mom as close to how I remembered it soon after made me a lot less freaked out by dark rooms nearby.)
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-22-2009 at 06:29 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    18. #18
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      After reading MILD tutorials, I decided to tell myself as I was falling asleep that I wanted vivid, interesting dreams (because all my dreams these days really do suck compared to what they used to be). And boy, did I get my wish.

      I dreamed that my Dad, my siblings and I were in a huge baseball field, only we were in the elevated "seats" that was actually like a steep grassy slope, and we played games like holding each others' hands in a big circle and then spinning the circle around, and it felt forceful and exhilarating. Later, my sister, Dad and I went into a store to pick up some stuff, and I was hugging Dad off the ground like a baby the whole time. He told us that he only wanted to get a little bit more milk because we already had a lot at home, so at the counter, along with a lot of separate granola bars, he got test tube sized carton of milk that exasperated me, but also made me laugh, and when I handed it to the clerk she smiled and said some comment that I couldn't hear/understand.

      We left to go outside to the parking lot, to get in grandma's mini-van, which was filled with people, and the only seat for me was squeezing in next to mom and grandma. I felt kind of weak and heavy, but I managed to get in, and some blond woman closed the door and we were off.

      (this is an interesting dream because my parents are divorced and my dad doesn't live with us anymore. Most of the time these days I'm kind of ambivalent to him.)

      I also had another dream where the whole family was in our old house in Oregon, and there was a white and silver/bluish owl sitting on the window sill outside of the living room. I have a feeling that he was there before, but this time, behind the red curtains at the end I noticed that the window was open, so I freaked out and sealed off the living room with a door from the kitchen and a sliding door into the hallway, certain that the owl would come inside but I didn't want to touch it or fight it off. I was too scared. I wondered if it could even get in from the mesh screen, but when I looked other times there was no mesh screen, and sure enough, from my expectant fears the owl came in and was in the living room. I could apparently see the room slightly from outside the living room, in the kitchen. I told my sister and some others that there was an owl in the living room.

      Then in Grandma’s house, we were all having a party, and while I was going upstairs to my room, my brother made some rude remark passing me by that threw me into a fit of rage where I closed myself in my room and tried dozens of times to scream, but it was so weak and pathetic that it got me even more frustrated. I could swear I also habitually did RCs but they didn't work. Then I finally woke up with a real, loud scream.

      Next time I should MILD about not only having vivid, interesting dreams, but also get lucid and have excellent dream control, and fly.
      DILDs: A Lot

    19. #19
      Member Tyler's Avatar
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      Wow, that's interesting.
      What's with the owl? Why were you so scared of it?
      This shit never happens to me

    20. #20
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      I don't know why. My dream reactions and emotions were a tad different than usual, and it was just some unusual occurrence with a wild animal that set me off with fear. I had this overriding feeling that it was aggressive and would flap its wings violently around me and attack me, somehow taking control over me. When I sealed off the doors, I was afraid the owl would try to take over the house and attack the family as well.

      By the way, just the night after that I did another MILD attempt (actually, MILD isn't correct, I was using auto-suggestion before bedtime both times), this time thinking to myself about vividness, lucidity and dream control. That night, I had some dream where, once again in the Oregon house, I was floating around over the roof top, and then I got in the car out front and drove up the road when suddenly I simply knew that I was dreaming. I tried to stay calm and tell myself that I had plenty of time to stay lucid, but I didn't really do much because I was afraid that the visuals would fade away too quickly. I just drove back down the road towards the house, and then I forgot about lucidity and carried on with the dreams.

      In another dream that night, I was at a family reunion in a huge, expensive room of a mansion with high ceilings, and I flew around effortlessly, diving down towards the coffee table and gaining speed right up to the edge of the ceiling, showing off to family members. It was pretty fun.

      Recalling that over, I guess I got lucidity and dream control separately.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-17-2009 at 03:09 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    21. #21
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      It may be your subconcious trying to tell you something. I'm not sure. The owl, I mean.

      It sucks you lost lucidity so soon
      This shit never happens to me

    22. #22
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      Let me just catch up and summarize the past few nights of dreams I haven't posted on here...

      (the 14th was the most recent one I described)

      Oct 15: I dreamed about child Spock from the new Star Trek movie being alone in the middle of outer space, with no space suit, swimming around in nothingness when in the infinitely far distance were colorful green nebulas and a few planets. As he swam up quickly, swirling, perfect spiral clouds of yellow and silver glowing space dust trailed around him, kind of like the "Jellyfish" ship in the movie. He seemed to be relatively enjoying himself, though I thought about how creepy it would be to be in the middle of the abyss of space, even though from all the surrounding nebula and the sun it seemed warm and inviting. Then I was swimming in space. It would take more than a lifetime to finally reach a planet, let alone get assistance. I asked my sister, who was apparently an authority on space, where there was intelligent life in the universe that was the best off, and I got no answer. She just said that that one really cool violet and blue nebula at the far edge of the universe smelled like citrus.

      I questioned the logic of that, saying, "How can you smell anything in space?" She sounded crazy, yet I went over there and sure enough, I did smell citrus, like oranges, that seemed to be emanating from those clouds.

      Dream #2: I was at my grandma and grandpa's house, walking around the side of the house to the backyard, all on grass, pondering about Elijah Wood being a guest on Craig Ferguson's show (he never has been so far). As I entered the sunroom, there was a huge beige TV screen with just that- Elijah being interviewed by Craig Ferguson, except it was more like they were both on Oprah's set with a huge audience full of women. More beige was on the set and what the audience wore. I was shocked by how detailed and vivid Elijah's face was, and he looked beautiful.

      Oct 16: I did remember my dreams that night, but I was too lazy (or rather busy) to actually write them down, so by now after last night's dreams I forgot what they were.

      Last night: A dream about the two new Family Guy episodes that are going to air on the same night on Nov 8th, although they were truly bizarre episodes that had mostly to do with Stewie listening to some weird new music and blasting in the living room of the Griffin house.

      A rather disturbing saga about a backyard rat being pursued by a man and his cat, and when the huge white rat finally lays on his back on top of the tin roof in surrender and allows the cat to grab it (practically hugging the rat to trap it down), the rat bursts into a violent frenzy of eating off the cat's face and further devouring the poor cat (although I think earlier the cat also violently devoured another rat).

      After that, the scene changed to the front yard where we were looking at various little holes dug into the grass and covered with assorted objects- one big hole covered by a green apple with a few human bites in it, another hole covered by a small rock, etc. I was wary of these holes and didn't want to pursue this mystery further because of what I saw just earlier. The rat was evil. (wow, I'm having a recurring theme of evil animals lately)

      Dream #2: Being on the side of a street where a taxi came by and delivered me a red backpack that contained a McDonald's cup of coffee and some sweeteners like a container of milk and sugar packets. Apparently, McDonald's gave me this backpack free with the coffee I ordered to keep the coffee warm. I wore the backpack and walked down the city until somehow I was in my grandma's minivan with my mom and sister. I realized that I was squishing the coffee inside the backpack by sitting there still wearing it, so I took off the backpack and laid it in front of me, opening the contents of it. There was no longer a nice big cup of coffee, but a very small, disappointing, cupcake size container of coffee. I was also surprised that there was a Hershey's chocolate bar inside, and that apparently it was there for me to dip it in the small coffee cup and eat it. There was also a bit of honey I could use.

      As we drove around, the whole dream scene had me feeling strange (this was because I was sleeping until 2:40 in the afternoon, don't ask why). It was a bright afternoon and we were talking about was this city was like in the 30s and even before. I also ate a behemoth of a Subway sandwich that was so heavy and long I was holding it in my arms practically like a baby while eating it. I was also trying to masturbate multiple times throughout the different dream scenes (because I did last night before bedtime, but even though I get to a great high point and then plateau, I guess I never really orgasm).
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 10-18-2009 at 12:27 AM.
      DILDs: A Lot

    23. #23
      Member Tyler's Avatar
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      That first dream, about being in space sounded pretty wicked.
      And your sister's logic fails lol
      This shit never happens to me

    24. #24
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      It was a pretty cool dream. I think I'd go back there in a future lucid (that is, whenever I'll ever get good enough at lucids)

      October 18th:

      I was at some kind of carnival at night full of floating rolls of paper crepe streamers of all different colors being unraveled in the wind by people like kites. There were also paper lanterns and other paper decorations, and I remember my dad being there with me. Both of us started playing with the rolls of paper streamers and let them unroll up into the sky, as if there was a magnet pulling them up or gravity didn't apply.

      Then I had a dream that Gwyneth Paltrow and some male celebrity (an Ashton Kutcher type perhaps) were having a shotgun wedding, and they were sitting on a beige leather couch in a spacious room with yellow walls and a huge window or two overlooking the cold, rainy streets of London, most of the outdoor lighting coming into the room. Across from them were Gwyneth's supposed parents (this was a lot like a dumb movie) on a red fabric textured couch, folding their arms and looking sternly at Ashton.

      October 19th:

      I was sitting alone in an empty McDonald's restaurant in the cold morning, having an M&M McFlurry at a white table near the window and in front of the entrance. Then an average, slightly chubby girl with shoulder length, choppy strawberry blond hair in a maroon turtleneck and a long black shoulder bag came in and cheerily greeted me and sat next to me, bubbly as ever. She did the majority of the talking, but she'd always ask, "You want to know something?" or "Do you want to know how I feel today?" before going on, and I always just said "Mhmm" in a nod, because I somehow was actually interested in what she had to say. She then proceeded to tell me that her life was great, sometimes frustrating, and she started babbling about some things going on in her life that I don't remember any details about. In order to actually socialize and not feel like a mute weirdo, I decided to reciprocate her and tell her how I felt and what was going on in my life. I told her I was excited and happy, as a matter of fact, because I'm going to Animation Mentor this January (which is true in RL). I don't remember what happened after I said that, or her reaction. I think it just faded away after that.

      Last night:

      I was at my grandma's house with my sister in the living room. It was at night, and only the tall green lamp was partially lit, so that the living room was a dim yellow and everything else was dark. We were hanging around, except my sister was sitting at one of the chairs and I was sitting a few yards away from her in front of a big, brown retro keyboard. I had the tone set to a kind of whistling, soft organ sound, which didn't provide much for really hearing the song loud and clear, but I didn't change it. I started playing a song in The Phantom of the Opera, the part where the phantom runs away with Christine down to his dungeon being chased by the theater goers. It sounded pretty cool as I was practicing it, and I showed off to my sister, but it was still kind of quiet and airy sounding. Sometimes while practicing, I also put my noise canceling earphones into the headphone jack in the front of the keyboard (why such an old dusty keyboard would have such a convenient modern function I do not know).
      DILDs: A Lot

    25. #25
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      I had a lot of CRAZY dreams last night. Instead of my night being filled with boring, forgettable dreams and one slightly interesting one, almost every dream I could remember from this morning was vivid and fascinating. I also had a couple DILDs, or at least dreaming of DILDs, one of them involving another DV member (I don't know who it was, but he was a blond, skinny adolescent male. Maybe Slayer.) Who knows, maybe someone here who fits that description could tell me if they dreamed of the same thing.

      Dream 1)
      I was at an empty Yanni concert rather close up to Yanni while he was preparing his instruments and equipment with a couple other guys. The auditorium was like one of those weird, futuristic spiral auditoriums in Star Wars or Star Trek. Yanni had a tiny stage near the top, while some seats down near the bottom of this convoluted, seashell-like concert were blocked from the view of him because of the walls deeper in full of blue cushioned seats. Soon enough, everyone came milling in and I moved to my seat.

      I had this view, which was way down at the bottom and far away, but within the space where my view wasn't blocked by the surrounding inside walls. I was also near the end of my aisle, and a few seats near me into the next aisle was where Seth MacFarlane was sitting with his sister and a couple other people. I couldn't believe I was so close to him.

      A little while into the concert, Yanni gets a mic and starts SINGING! This was certainly surprising and a bit unnerving. He was trying to act a little Frank Sinatra in his singing style, when halfway into his song, I hear Seth's voice yell out a heckling protest, something like, "You have no emotional taxes!!" I know that makes no sense, and I'm not sure if that's exactly what it was that I remember, but Seth clearly had a beef with Yanni and his singing. Yanni could hear him loud and clear, everyone could, it was even loud to me. His voice overpowered the music, which stopped. Yanni said something back at him, but Seth continued to argue with him and make a point. He seemed passionate about his protest.

      After that, the concert went to intermission, and the lights went up. I had the urge to go up to Seth and say something, like, "Great way to take Yanni down a peg, LOL, but don't go all Kanye West."

      Dream 2) In some kind of low-functioning DILD, or a dream about a DILD, I was outside in the front of my grandparents' house while there was a bright, starry sky and the moon was huge. I did an RC and was faintly tickled by the abstract idea of a lucid dream. Then somehow I got the feeling that I REALLY was in a dream, and for some reason it was one of those epic, shocking and disturbing revelations that made me scream out in terror for a minute or two, probably more out of pure adrenaline than fear. I could scream loud and shrill, which is a little unusual for my dreams. Then I went inside the front door where I could see my grandma in the kitchen watching TV. I pondered letting the dream scene go black in hopes that I could change to a more exciting dream scene, but I decided to let it go and just enjoy being there in the moment, and whatever happens, happens. I went over and talked to grandma.

      Dream 3) In another so-called DILD, a DV member that I don't know, he was only a blond boy, hung out with me in our backyard in the afternoon and realized he was dreaming, so he held onto me and picked me up as he started floating off the ground. I said, "Higher, higher!" and he went higher, and then I said, "Faster, forward! Go to the mountains!" because here in Salt Lake City, tall mountains can be seen anywhere, and they looked half dark blue and half snowy. But he couldn't, and just slowly fell back down. Laying on the grass, I observed my hand keenly, looking for any extra fingers but there weren't. Then I looked as closely at the details of my hands as I could, and saw pores and little hairs, and I thought to myself I bet those scars on my knuckles aren't there, but sure enough they were. I still knew it was a dream, though.

      The rest of these are just impromptu notes e-mailed from my iPod that I'm not going to describe in any more detail than I already have on it this morning.

      Something about Jessica Alba in the Fantastic Four getting really
      super fat, shaped like a diminutive pear. The other three guys were
      trying to encourage her and cheer her up, saying that she wasn't that
      fat, and she was still a rockin superhero. I felt like a monster for
      looking at her and thinking otherwise, remembering what she used to
      look like.

      Making/animaing ghosts for a Mario game, learning that they don't walk
      and starting over again, making them float along the road ghoulishly.

      Apparently my sister was a brown little cute puppy who growled when you
      broke off the head of a wooden brown puppy silhouette, and put her
      head where the missing head should have been to make a point and kept
      growling. Later we secretly talked about her and her apparent issues
      with the wooden puppy, hoping that the pop star celebrity on the other
      end of the backyard couldn't overhear us talking about her either, so
      we whispered, but we feared even that was too loud and she already
      heard us.

      Weird live-action Beauty and the Beast saga (dead clone of the Beast,
      living imposter, switcheroo happy ending etc)

      Last dream- something about boxes in the sky, or close squares of
      cardboard or paper, when I decided that was limiting and made them
      spread out on their own and twirl their own way in the blue, moon lit
      DILDs: A Lot

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