• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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      Mickeys_Elbow's Dreams.

      I'm reposting my dream journal since it disappeared into oblivion after the hack. Hopefully it will have a chance to remain alive long enough to get read by a few people. Some of these dates may also be wrong, but those aren't really the important thing.


      This dream starts out with me and a friend of mine named Alex going on a school field trip to somewhere, I don't remember where if there even was a destination in mind. There wasn't anyone else from my school on the bus except for Alex and the bus had tracks on the floor where the seats could be re-arranged. Partway into the trip the bus driver decided to kidnap everyone on the bus. The driver put the bus on auto-drive (???) and was watching all of us from the front with a pistol in his hand. Alex and I decided that something needed to be done about this so after a hard stop I pretended to slide forward on the tracks and started talking to the driver. He soon started to take a liking to me and I got on his good side. I then went to the back of the bus and started collaborating with Alex. I found a bone on the floor and the driver became suspicious and asked what I was doing with it, so I started to chew on it and offered it to the driver saying it tasted good (which it did) but he declined. I remember feeling really clever about this . I gave the bone to Alex and knew that he would know what to do with it then I went back to the front and on the way I found a small blue plastic case on the floor with a hard round object in it. I didn't bother to see what it was I just put it in my pocket. As I got to the front we began to come into my hometown and Alex started breaking windows and screaming to the people outside. This got the drivers attention and he ran to the back while I took over the controls and then jack-knifed (I find this particularly funny) the bus in the middle of the street. The cops were there waiting for us and they quickly apprehended the driver. I reached in my pocket and pulled out the case to find out they were hand-cuffs which I handed to an officer and said they might need these. Alex and I got some reward money for the rescue but we gave it back because we said it was so much fun anyway. I remember feeling bad for the driver though because I assumed at the time he was going to pay for the rest of his life for one bad decision he made, but then I shrugged it off because it was his decision after all.

    2. #2
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      This dream was in 3rd person which is something I don't think I do very often. Jim Carrey and Jennifer Aniston were playing their characters from Bruce Almighty but instead of being a reporter Bruce was a cake decorator in a small cake shop. It starts out with him fighting a bat (the fluttering shrieking kind) in the back yard of this place swinging some kind of rod (a broom, a bat, a racket ?? I can't remember) at it but not having much luck. The sceen then cut to him working on a cake in the kitchen and having a very difficult time leveling the top of it so he could do a multi level and he was getting really frustrated and it was quite funny but I can't remember the exact things he was doing to make it so funny. Then the sceen cuts again to one of Bruce's co-workers coming in and seeing the cakes he has finished and then complains that he's going to make her lose her job if he keeps on making her look bad. One of the cakes was of a woman sitting on a toilet in the thinkers position and it was about 3-4 feet tall and the other I can't remember what it looked like. Jennifer then comes in and sees him sleeping in a chair and looks at all the cakes he's made too. She then goes to the back room and finds the bat hanging from the ceiling with wire and it has also been neatly frosted. I then woke up laughing, I found this dream to be hilarious and it left me with a great feeling for the rest of the day.

    3. #3
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      I was talking to a man at a desk sitting in front of a computer. I remember feeling like I was at a hospital getting checked out. He told me I needed to watch my diet and get better nourishment and while he was telling me this I was think about how I hadn't eaten breakfast that morning (it was afternoon in the dream) but I still wasn't hungry.

    4. #4
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      The only thing I can remember from this dream is being online reading posts from dreamviews. I can only remember one post and it was made by someone with the screen name WaterOnTheKnee and they were complaining about not being able to remember lucid dreams.

      EDIT Rearranged order according to date.

    5. #5
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      1st Dream

      I was in a cafeteria type place and I saw a friend of mine named Catie and sat next to her and started talking. I hadn't seen her in a while so we started telling eachother about the things we've been up to over the last while. After a bit we were looking through my literature book for info on Oingo-Boingo (which isn't in my Lit. book) and Catie kept saying that Danny Elfman was black, which I knew he wasn't but didn't say anything about it.

      2nd Dream

      In this one I was talking to a woman who was getting ready to go study with monks in a Tibetan temple. After a few moments of talking we were at the temple where we met Joey from Friends. Him and the woman knew eachother and I asked how they met and they just said "Joey knows everybody" simultaneously. After a short while the rest of the cast came and I can't remember how it came up but they also said that "Joey knows everybody" a couple of times. That seemed to be the main focal point of the dream...

    6. #6
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      1st Dream (almost lucid)

      I was at my friend Roberts house, which looked nothing like his house actually does, watching movies. I can't remember what we watched but I do remember seeing indy cars. We just shot the breeze etc. and then he pulled out a pipe and offered it to me. I refused and explained that it would effect my recall... I had to laugh at myself after I woke up.

      2nd Dream

      This one took place at another friend's house which also looked nothing like his. We started outside where I saw his room-mate who was a friendly giant dressed in flannel and he had an orange cat with a sack on its back. He was digging in a trash can pulling out apples and putting them in the cat's sack. He smiled and waved as he pulled a sock out of the trash and we left and went somewhere but I can't remember where. We came back a short time later and I saw the sock on a table by the trash and remembered the giant and asked Josh (my friend) where the giant went. I don't remember his answer and we went upstairs to his place. When we got in there I found a laminated piece of paper that the giant left lying around the house (there were several more but I only read one) which said "Nothing given Nothing gained, Nothing tried Nothing trained." This made me feel really good and I liked the giant a lot after that.

    7. #7
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      I'm back in MT for this one and classes have just restarted. I'm on my way to a drawing class with Alex; there's snow on the ground and people everywhere. We get inside and I run into someone I havn't seen since junior high. Her name is Susan and we begin to talk about our old art class we were in together back then and various other things. A girl comes into the class, stands at center and starts to give some sort of a speech. I can tell she isn't the instructor but she acts as though she has been a part of this class for a long time. At this point Alex has completely vanished, not sure where he went, he just ceases to be there. The girl who spoke in front of everyone then comes over and sits next to us, her and Susan apparently are friends and she asks to see my sketchbook. I open it and show her a ton of sketches that I have never made, mostly just portraits of a girl in different colors and designs but they are all of the same subject. She see's one particular page of just scribbles over the top half of it and acts as though I did something completely evil and says "You should never do this to a sketchbook!" She chides me and asks when I'm going to start making serious drawings instead of these "little kiddish things" that I've got in my book. I tell her drawing isn't really my thing and that I'm more into 3d and she just laughs then asks, "So, you're just waiting for someone to recognize your talent?" and I reply "No, I'm waiting for the talent to get recognized." This gives here another laugh and she pats me on the back and says "You've already got it." Shortly after that the class ends with no instruction from a teacher whatsoever. Susan and I are walking out and I run into an old friend of mine's older sister and I'm polite but not forthcoming with conversation. I'm more interested in getting out of there. We finally get outside and there are crownds everywhere and in order to avoid them we climb over rails and trudge through snow to get to where we are going but I wake up before we get there.

    8. #8
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      I used the MILD technique last night and it worked quite well. Even got a lucid out of it.

      1st Dream

      I was with my step-mother and my little brothers walking through a parking lot to a large church. We got inside and they went into an auditorium with a priest giving a sermon. I kept going down the hall to a smaller room with only a few poeple in it and they were all in front of computers. I can't remember what was on the computers or who was in the room or even why we were there but soon after my family came into the room and sat down as well. I woke up soon after that.

      2nd Dream

      This one I can't remember at all but I woke up right after it. It leads into the 3rd one.

      3rd Dream

      I was at a large bar party with a band in the next room and I was carrying around my dream journal (I think I fell asleep with it in my hands) and I was trying to remember my last dream. A friend of mine named Jason came up to me and started talking to me but I told him to please not bother me right now because I was trying to remember my last dream. I then woke up again.

      4th Dream (Lucid)

      This one starts out with me standing in my driveway with my little brother getting on a bus to go to military school. I knew I was dreaming when I started to jog after the bus and corn kept growing in my path and along the sides of the road at an amazing rate. I had my first issues with control (every other lucid I've had things came very easily) and I couldn't keep myself flying very easily. I kept having to make noises like a bottle rocket every time I wanted to keep going up. In hindsite I realize I should have just stopped for a moment to get my grips but I was too set on what I was doing and I woke up pretty quickly after that. I remember getting really annoyed because I kept getting tripped by rooftops and almost falling. But hey, there's always next time!

    9. #9
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Okey dokey, last night was a weird night of dreaming for me. I only had one rememberable dream but it was quite strange.

      I don't remember how it started but I was a warrior in a very elite group of ninja's. Our trademark piece of clothing was a stretchy shawl type of thing that we would wrap around any place on our bodies we saw fit. I wore mine on my face. I remember being a part of many meetings and missions (this dream seemed to last for months) and I made several friends in our group. As the dream went on I slowly began to grow suspiscous of my superiors, and then I finally learned that they were trying to take over something or other by employing the greatest warriors in the land in their clan and then kill them... using the trade mark shawls, which happened to be unbreakable, and they would use their stretchy nature to tie up and incapacitate members while they weren't expecting it. There were little clasps on each end of them that hooked together in such a way that prevented them from ever coming apart again. Since I knew what was coming I warned those closest to me of the treachery and as we were planning our escape and possible later revenge we were ambushed. We started to fight and then the dream faded. After this I had a false awakening and there was a giraffe outside of my window but strangely I just ignored it and went back to sleep. I can't remember any more dreams after that.

    10. #10
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      Wow... another really weird night of dreaming and also only one remembered.

      I can't remember how this one started either (similar to last night). I was a cowboy watching a herd of cows and buffalo at my grandmothers house. It was just like her place except there was a pasture and a bunch of stock buildings etc. At the earliest in the dream that I can remember I was in one of these buildings with another man about twice my age (I'm 21) who was bald and had a mustache and glasses. He was chasing the same woman I was (her name was Blue and I don't think I ever met her in the dream, that was just the idea I had toward this man) and I felt a really powerful evil eminating from him. He was known to have killed many people and I knew he would only be bad for Blue. As we worked in this building another man came in and the evil cowboy killed him.I think he gutted him with a knife. I knew that this mad had to be stopped before he hurt Blue so I went to the body of the deceased and took a powder pistol out of his holster. I then walked up to the evil cowboy and shot him right between the eyes just above the nose. The powder ball was imbedded in his face but he just looked at me for a moment and without saying anything started to come after me. He drew a knife and threw it. I caught the knife and threw it back. It penetrated his temple about 1/2 way (it was about an 8 in. knife) then I kicked the knife in deeper, all while he is still coming after me. He never paused of faltered, just kept coming. This kind of startled me but I don't remember being afraid just confused. I picked up a file that had a sharp end on it and threw it at him which also stuck into his head and after this failed to stop him as well I just decided to get the hell out of there. So I took off running and a song started to play. It was and old west folkey song that was slow and a little sad. I took off through the pasture and in my haste I scared up the buffalo and they stampeded out of the pasture with me down my grandmother's driveway. As I was leaving her property the song was ending and the last line was "He didn't want to lose his Blue." I think the song was talking about the evil cowboy and not me... But anyway I kept running and started to head down the highway toward the local gas station and started to run on all fours. I remember thinking of myself as a dog and a werewolf at different times but I never changed from human form, I just ran on all fours. I would also lick the ground every now and then as I ran (not sure why... I just did it ). I got up to the top of a hill then stood and looked back. No one was following me and I relaxed. Then I noticed through one of the windows in a building back the way I came there was a bunch of people gathered around a pool table with a bunch of smoke in the air. I went to the house and walked in where I found a lot of people I know and sat down. I didn't talk to any of them because I was still worried that the evil cowboy would show up so I just watched the game and the smoke circulate. I woke up a few moments later.

      I really find this dream to be very strange...

    11. #11
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      1st Dream

      The earliest I can remember in this dream is being on an indoor basketball court with my friend Josh (the one with the friendly giant), my little sister Jordan, and some other guy. Josh and this guy are playing 1 on 1 and as a practical joke Jordan and I trip the other guy. He gets EXTREMELY angry with me and doesn't get violent but he complains a whole heck of a lot and this goes on for most of the rest of the dream. The basketball court turns into a large Mcdonalds type playground thing complete with a ball room and all just like 3 times larger than normal. Not as in the playground is huge, just the scale of it is larger so it can fit big people. My little sister starts throwing balls at this guy and telling him to quite whining like a baby which only makes him madder and he kind of goes crazy for a minute or two jumping around and spitting on himself while yelling and screaming. People I know and some that I don't start to come in and sit around the room which slowly shrinks and the playground disappears and couches start to show up all around and people start to kick back and talk. This guy is still complaining about me but not to me just to everyone else there. It turns into a party type of thing and I have a couple of drinks getting a little buzz and my little sister is running around telling stories to all my friends and they all seem to think the things she's saying are really funny. The guy thats been complaing turns into a guy I know named Jeremy and he is still complaining. Finally I say something like "Dude, just give it up. I'm sorry already ok, it won't happen again!" and he stops. He says "Yeah you're alright Mikey" and then drinks a little more and shows me his bracelet. I then show him mine which is a bracelet I've never seen in real life but I know I've worn it in dreams before.

      2nd Dream

      I'm still a little buzzed from the last dream and I'm at a family gathering with all of my mothers local family there. I don't remember anything that happened while we were there but someone came and picked me up and on my way out I wouldn't leave until I gave every person there a hug and said goodbye.

    12. #12
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      1st Dream

      This dream took place at some roadside type bar & grill with a stage for performers and a Birdman pinball machine in the room. The guy on stage asked the pinball machine how life was and it told us all that life was pretty good and if the kids didn't regularly pump quarters in him from 6-9 that he might have to get up and find something to do or come and enjoy the special sometime. I then woke up.

      I stayed up for around 3 hours and then went back to sleep and had this amazing dream. Satan eat your heart out!

      2nd Dream

      This dream took place at a fancy hotel with bellhops and all the works. I think I was a guest but I may have also been an employee, I'm unsure on this point, though I never remember wearing a uniform. I met quite a few people but I remember only a few in particular. The first I remember meeting was a golf maniac who also worked at the hotel. He said he was on the golf plan which meant he got to golf as much as he wanted for working there. He had a friend that wore a nice black zoot suit and hat with a cleanly shaven face except for a sleek black mustache. I found I liked this guy when I met him and we started to hang out around the hotel. He was rich and bought fancy things for me as we traversed the hotel and he kept pointing to women and asking if I wanted them. I asked him what he planned on doing if I said yes laughing at him a little so he snapped his fingers and the two we were looking at walked over and introduced themselves. I started to get suspicious and told him to come to the bathroom with me. I asked who he was and he said "who do ya think?" I just knew it so I said "You're Satan." and he said "In the flesh!" and as he did this his suit turned shiny bright red. He told me I couldn't get away from him now that he had me and this kind of bothered me (as you can imagine it would) so I washed my hands and we went back out to the gals who were watching a movie. I couldn't quit thinking about how Satan was only 3 feet away from me and was threating me with eternal damnation etc. and I knew I had to get away from him. I was certain that he could read my thoughts and grew paranoid that he would do something right there, and then I thought "so be it." If Satan wants to make something of it let him try. I dared him to try to kill me and steal my soul. He stood up and pointed at me and I laughed in his face and said "Just try it! You can't touch me!" He knew he couldn't and I could see the frustration on his face so I kept laughing. After this I had a false awakening and reached for my dream journal. When it wasn't in the right place I had left it and I found it under the covers I was a little suspicious. I started to write the dream down but realized I wasn't awake. I didn't want to lose this dream so I forced myself awake rather than staying lucid. I don't remember even considering staying lucid, it just wasn't an option I guess. 8)

    13. #13
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      1st Dream

      I was in a large house that looked a lot like Lucidnina's Dream Lounge just smaller and it had no pool. I was sharing it with 3 other poeple whom I don't remember in the slightest and we all had seperate in house email accounts that we could use to send messages to only eachother. I sent a message to one of my room-mates and I can't remember the message. I then somehow hacked into that persons account and was reading the message I sent them only it wasn't what I wrote and then I got a pop-up saying that the person who's account I hacked was now logging on and I got really paranoid that I would get caught. Then I woke up.

      2nd Dream

      I hardly remember anything from this dream. I can only recall smoking pot with my friend Zack and a couple of others.

      3rd Dream

      This one starts at a restaurant type place that doubled as a center for troubled teens. They worked there etc. sort of like a Job Corp. type of facility. I was there with several friends of mine just hanging out. I looked out the window and a car drives up. The driver and the passenger are people I recognized from previous dreams, but in the dream I just associated them as real life characters, and I told my friends some people I know just showed up. Another friend of mine (Matt) happened to be with them and they all came inside and bought a huge amount of gas that they filled in 5 gallon buckets and such. Why they could buy gas at a restaurant I don't know but they did it. We all made a plan to go back to Matt's house and took off in our seperate cars. I drove my friend Yannicks car which wasn't his but a car that I got into a really bad accident in a couple of years ago. We took off and headed to his house and when we got there the whole place was a complete inferno! The flames looked really cool licking around the doorway all the way to the roof, and there was a car driving past that caught flame and all the people jumped out with flames all over them, so we decided to get back a little and I turned the car around while Matt & his crew were careening around the corner coming toward us spilling all of their gas on the road in front of us (not purposefully on their part it just happened). Our car caught fire and I rolled it out of the major part of the flames and yelled at everyone to get out. I said to just forget about whatever you have in there it doesn't matter let it burn. We all got out and I asked if everyone was alright; no one was burned but we were all smoking slightly. We start to watch the fire now just hanging around and the flames just completely go out. I tell everyone not to go near because it could easily go up again and then a flaming man walks out of the door and it all goes up again. We decide to just get the hell out of there and walk back to the restaurant. We get there but it's not the same and the man behind the counter tells us we are in Texas. This guy tells us this is some kind of a journey we were chosen to make and that he will help us along the way when we need him. This really annoys us because now we dont have a car and we have to walk all the way back to Montana. We head out and walk toward some big snowy mountains (in Texas!?!?) and see a man on a baseball diamond and I ask him if we are walking North. He says yes and I say "Good so we're headed to MT" and he looks at me like I'm crazy. We keep going and climb the mountain which is really steep and snowy. I'm wearing my Dads big snow packs and am having a really tough time at the last few feet of the hike to the summit and ask my friend Yannick for a hand. He pulls me up to the top and I look over the other side. It's all white clouds up to the summits of all the mountains around the valley. It was absolutely gorgeous!!! At this point we all became children and they were no longer my friends just other kids and we slided down the valley like we were sledding but without sleds. We get to the bottom and there is a big house there and no one is in it so we decide to be squaters and take a break then head out in the morning to continue our trek to MT. As we're exploring the house having a really jolly and fun time, laughing and being merry, one of the kids with us becomes my Dad and he gets really angry with us because were all having so much fun during such a serious endeavor. This really annoys me so I leave the room and head to the bathroom and on the way there I go back to my normal grown self. I get to the bathroom and begin to worry that the guide guy at the resaurant is going to show up and everyone might leave without me. I then hear the guy say my name and I wake up a few moments later.

      Jeepers that was a really long dream!

    14. #14
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      WOOHOO Another Lucid last night and 5 remembered dreams! I'm so jazzed!

      1st Dream

      My Dad my stepmother and I are guests at a large fancy hotel. We are staying there as guests of another couple but I don't know who they were, just random dream characters I guess. The hotel was immense! It had a dock, which I had a lot of fun walking around on it and checking out other people’s boats. The coolest part in this hotel was its deli type food stop. It was always packed with guests from the hotel and bellhops picking up orders for other guests in their rooms. The food was so incredibly good, and it all looked so fancy you didn't want to spoil it by eating. There were also girls that worked at the hotel wearing really sexy low cut ballet style outfits without tutu's holding trays with really good candies. At one point in the dream a bellhop came and told me I needed to follow him to go see my dad. He was walking incredibly fast and I couldn't keep up, but I didn't care because it was his job to take me where I needed to go so I just walked casually. I caught up with him at the deli and he was ordering food for a guest and that's where I started to talk to one of the girls handing out candy. I woke up while I was talking to her.

      2nd Dream

      In this dream I was with my friend Alex again and we went into a barbershop/pizza joint. I sat in the barbers chair ordered a haircut and a pizza and they cooked the pie while I got my haircut. There were two girls sitting at a table drinking sodas and I started talking to them. I asked what they were up to and if they wanted to share our pizza with us. They said yes and then the barber was done with my head. I sat at the table and they brought out the pizza. While eating it I began to get really thirsty and ordered a small soda for 69 cents. I was really happy with it too because I could get unlimited refills. We kept talking to the girls until we finished the pizza, then Alex and I took off because we had plans to go on a binge of 20 plays throughout the course of the night. I woke up when we got to the stage of the first play.

      3rd Dream

      This one starts out with me and a couple of friends of mine walking at my campus. I saw a sign that showed a picture of a guy on a skateboard wearing a flannel suit and the caption said "Yes, I am wearing flannel on a skateboard!" and for some reason it reminded me of a kid from highschool that neither wore flannel nor skateboarded. But it reminded me of him anyway and *Boom* there he was skating down the sidewalk wearing a flannel. I laughed at this, waved, and said hello, then I started to walk really funny. I was bobbing up and down as I went, flailing my arms around and just being fricken crazy. I kept doing this as I went past a group of girls that I know and they all started laughing at me. One of them then said, "Uh oh, I can see Mikey's buttcrack" (I was bent over at the time walking with my knees bent really low to the ground) and then I twisted my upper body around to look. I said, "I can't!" and kept walking the way I was. One of the girls then laughed and said "Oh my god, that was soo cute!" and I just kept on going and woke up a few moments later.

      4th Dream (Lucid, but not at first)

      After all the dreams I'd been having and the clear recall from them I just KNEW I was going to be lucid in the next one. I dreamed quite a bit before I became lucid though. It started out with me going to class where I met a friend of mine named Michael who is in jail right now. I hadn't seen him since he got arrested so I gave him a good handshake and a hug then we blah blah blahed for a few minutes about what he's been doing since he got out. Class starts and is over in just a few moments then we leave the school and go to his place. There are a few people there I don't know and Michael leaves. Michael asks us to be quiet before he goes and I'm out on the porch with some other guy he knows and he is being really loud. I keep telling him to be quiet but he doesn't so I get in his face and say he better shut the hell up or I'll kick his ass (Right here I'm hoping he believes the threat because there's no way I would back it up ) and he stays quiet. He then keeps explaining to me how he's actually a really quiet guy and I should just give him a chance so I apologize and Michael comes back. We then go over to some other people’s house where we meet two other guys. When they come out I realize I'm dreaming. The funny thing is I thought that I had been hanging out with these guys in real life then we went to sleep somewhere and then I became lucid. So in the dream I got excited and told them that they were dreaming too. They didn't believe it until I showed them the breathing with nose closed thing and they got excited too. I thought we were in a shared dream! But anyway, right after that we decided to go somewhere else and the way we traveled there was as some kind of side scroll video game and we were each a different character on the screen flying really fast. I was the green one and the others were red yellow and blue. We ended up in a hallway with a bunch of dream characters in it. I walked up to a girl and started to tell her she wasn't real, but thought better of it and asked her if she was. She laughed and said, "what kind of question is that?" So I explained that I was dreaming and she said, "well just because you're dreaming doesn't mean I am" and we kept talking but I don't remember the rest of the conversation. I then remembered that I wanted to meet my dream guide so me and her started asking people if they knew where I could find mine. The first people we asked were a group of girls standing in a doorway. The one I asked pointed to the girl standing next to her and said, "That's her." I looked at her and said, "are you" and she said yes. I then said "Are you serious?" I just didn't believe it. She said yes again and I asked one more time "Are you sure your serious?" and she seemed a little annoyed and told me yes once more. Then after that I don't remember anything at all for what I'm sure is quite some time in the dream. The next thing I remember is being on a bus with my so called dream guide (I'm still really unsure mostly because I don't remember what we did together ) and I see this large tower thing built from logs and it has gigantic bananas growing on it. They were like the size of people. As we past the tower my DG said she needed to get something and would catch up later then darted off of the bus. I saw her pick up what looked like a rotting banana peel from one of the giant bananas. As I'm watching her I lose lucidity and get off of the bus at the next stop. I remember going down the street after this and seeing 3 kids fighting over a pink icee that they found on the ground then one of them gulps it down. I get to some apartment that belongs to someone I know in the dream (but not in real life) and wonder when my sister will be there to pick me up. I also start to think about my friend Brian. Then I wake up.

      5th Dream

      I went back to bed after the last dream to try to incubate another lucid but I just got a regular old dream. I'm at my dad's house out here in North Dakota and my friend Philip from Montana is here. We get in my dads old 72 Chevy pickup (Which isn't running right now) and head to town to buy some beer. We get a couple of tallies and head back. When we pull in and my dad has this huge generator sitting in the driveway running and tells me he needs to check out the truck. He starts to pull the dash apart and says I must have done something to it because nothing is where it should be. Philip and I argue that there'd be no way we could take the dash apart and rearrange everything in the time it took us to get to town and my dad agrees then starts to look for some other way that it happened. I wake up shortly after that.

    15. #15
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...

      Last night was a pretty haphazard night for dreaming. I had trouble falling asleep and I kept getting woken up, so I only remembered one...

      I was back at my house in Montana hanging out with my mom and my friend Josh. My mom was watching T.V., kept saying that we were being too loud, and complained that we were eating all the food in the house. A few moments after she said this a Schwans man (for anyone that doesn't know what this is, it is a guy that drives around in a freezer truck selling Ice Cream and frozen dinners and stuff) came to the door and Josh and I bought some food off of him. I got some kind of food in a toothpaste tube that was blue but wasn't toothpaste, it was actually food. I ate it but don't remember the taste and started to throw it in the trash. My friend Josh said that he wanted to try it and squeezed the last little bit out of it and then put the empty container in the fridge. I looked at him funny and he just said, "What?" and then I started to rummage in the fridge to find it so I could throw it away but it was nowhere to be found. I asked him where he put it and he moved the milk that I looked behind 3-4 times with no luck and pulled out the tube and threw it away. We then left the house and went to some place I didn't recognize and met a girl we know named Jill, who was with some other girl that I didn't recognize. She started to talk about the place Josh cooked at (Josh isn't a cook in real life) and how she only will eat there if Josh is cooking. I was woken up by my family a few moments after this.

    16. #16
      Member Van Dego's Avatar
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      Mikey, its Alex

      Whats up man. This is my third time on this site and I love it. I just cant believe the amazing posibilities of dreaming I (and so many others) have never known about. Ive been working on my dream recall wich is actually harder than I thought. I started a dream journal but its all in bits and peices, unlike your incredibly complete descriptions. I started looking through others journals and just about made a load in my pants when yours was right there. I was hoping I would be able to find a way to get in touch with you through this site. I didnt know your user name but thought it might be easy to figure out, which it was. But dude, thank you for opening my eyes to the magic of lucid dreaming. I picked up the Stephen Laberge book that they pimp so often on this site and its awesome. Read it if you havent yet. I loved reading through your dreams. I felt like an internet star when I saw my name in a couple of them. Also knowing many of the other dream characters and places throughout was cool as hell. Ive been too broke for a phone card but have wanted to talk to you for the past couple weeks. I have not become lucid yet, but just trying, dream journal, relaxation exercises, etc. has seemed to change my life. I seriosly feel like a better person. Ive not only worked on becoming aware of everything in dreams, but I am working on becoming fully aware of everything while awake. I take more in and enjoy everything much more. I cannot thank you enough for telling me about this site. Hope to talk to you soon. Later.

    17. #17
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...

      Last night I was only allowed to sleep for four hours or so and hardly remembered any of the dream I was having.

      I was watching the movie Night Shift before I went to bed and I think my dream had a lot to do with that movie so if you are familiar with it that may help you visualize the dream more...

      I was in a large city that looked an awful lot like New York and I was driving around with a man. He said he could start selling something for me, but I can't remember what it was, and turn a large profit on it. I think I drove around with him for quite a while in a taxi-cab, he was driving, and eventually we met a large group of women (who I think were the prostitutes from Night Shift) and they convinced me that they could make me so much more money if I let them sell this stuff instead of him. I agreed and the next and last thing I remember is them pouncing on this man kicking and beating him with their purses and such.

      Hopefully tonight I'll be able to get a complete nights rest.

    18. #18
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      Always changes...

      My mind must be getting ready to go back home because all of these dreams took place in Darby. Hopefully someday I'll be able to notice these changes in scenery and realize I'm dreaming, just takes time I guess.

      1st Dream

      This dream took place in a trailer house by a pond on Water St. that I've never been to before. I was hired to clean it by my friend Brian's mother (who lives in Missoula ) and it was horribly cluttered and disgusting. Before we started cleaning I was wearing clothes that I didn't want to get dirty so I stripped them off (here I remember being naked for a few minutes ) and put on some old rags I had with me then started picking shit up and throwing it away, moving tables and couches around while Mr. Mackey (Brian's Mom's husband) used an old fashioned floor vac (the ones with the floor unit and the long tube etc.) to pick up the obscene amount of garbage, sand, and other stuff all over the floor. Mr. Mackey kept threatening Brian with making him start cleaning whenever he stopped working on whatever he was working on to comment, laugh at, or ridicule us and his mother sat there and smoked. I remeber waking up as I was picking up a table to move it outside.

      2nd Dream

      Yesterday I went to an aviation museum in Fargo that had old WWII aircraft like Corsairs and such (Including the only flying super Corsair left in the world!) and I was thinking about those trying to induce a dream about flying them and it worked!

      I was in pilot's school and my old boss Randy was our instructor. The street in front of my house was what we used as a runway and I took off from there and landed on a street by a house we used to live in that isn't more than 40 feet long (now that's superb flying!) and I went into my old house thinking that it was mine in the dream. I don't remember what I was getting or why I went there but I do remember thinking about Joey (from Friends. I don't know why I keep having dreams about him cause I don't even watch T.V.) and him telling a bunch of kids about the basic food groups and the food pyramid. Weird. When I left the house I couldn't remember where I left my plane! After waking up I know that I left it in front of the house but in the dream I was thinking that I'd just misplaced it. I started to worry a little about what Randy would say when I showed up back at the "runway" without my plane! It made me laugh a little in the dream because I couldn't believe I could forget where I put a plane! I woke up while looking for it.

      3rd Dream

      Before I fell asleep after the last dream I was thinking about how strange it was for my boss to be a flight school instructor and that induced another dream about him.

      I was with my dad doing something or other and I was missing work to do whatever we did. My dad took me to the jobsite (just down the street from my house, we were building a garage for the Sullivans down the street I guess. I remember saying hi to the girl who lives there named Sara as we alked up) and Randy was awfully mad that I had been absent all day. I said, "You know what Randy, you need to chill out a little bit. This is something that HAD to be done! You gotta do what you gotta do!" or something like that. Then he asked what it was that was so important that I had to miss work. For the life of me I could not remember what we had done (Now I realize it's because in the dream we hadn't really done anything!) so my dad answered saying we did something but I don't remember what. I kept arguing with Randy after that and my dad kept cutting in until it was just him and Randy arguing. Eventually I wasn't even part of the conversation anymore and they moved to the back of the garage and kept getting louder and louder. The anger began to subside as they settled the argument and then they started getting along really well talking about whatever and they kept talking through the rest of the dream. My mother showed up with my little sister and a few others and we all were hanging out in this half finished garage until I woke up.

      4th Dream

      This dream was fun! It was halloween in Darby and I was at my friend Matt's old house during a party. I can't remember anyone else that was there except for Matt and I was wearing only my boxers that I was sleeping in and the blanket from my bed. It started to get kind of lame so I decided to take off and I walked downtown past the bars then up the street by the Baptists church where I ran into a group of kids and one of them was a kid I know named John. They started to follow me around then a cop drove by and they all scattered and hid because it was past curfew. After the cop passed they came out and I told them to get lost because I didn't want to get blamed for them being out past curfew. I went into someone's yard and started to go into their house. I opened the door and there was a little girl standing there. All the kids that were following my ran into the house and I asked the girl what the best way to cut through the yard was and she said to just jump the fence on the other side of the house. I did then went down the street about a block or so where i came to a house party. I recognized the house as a place I'd been to before (Now I realize I've only been there before in a previous dream) and for some reason it belongs to a guy I know named Zack (who lives no where even close to there). As I was walking up to the house I saw a sign posted on an empty keg sitting outside with prices on it for drinking. They were outragous! Like $26 bucks for a cup or something! I went inside and had clothes on now losing my blanket somewhere in the doorway and only saw about 2-3 people I knew. I started talking to Zack about the outragous prices and he gave me some excuse then I walked around the house to try to spot anyone else I knew and saw a kid named Luke doing a beer bong filled with a blue liquid of some sort. I giggled and went back to the front feeling a little out of sorts around so many strangers. A silver snack platter was being carried around by a server in a black suit and I snagged some sort of dessert off of it and an absolutely stunning girl in a black dress grabbed one too. I'll get back to the girl in a moment but for now I will describe the dessert. It was some kind of crunchy chocolate cookie stuff shaped like a mushroom with a really long stem and was fulled with marshmellow cream and caramel then dipped in chocolate. It was sooooo fucking good! I can't explain enough how good this thing tasted! But to get back to the girl... we both grabbed the same dessert and she started talking to me about how good it tasted. We kept talking about things and she started to use her mushroom cap to scoop marshmellow cream from mine and flirting and such while we were getting all giggly and stuff. I thought about how I wanted to keep hanging out with this girl but while I was thinking it I woke up .

      I went back to bed after this dream trying to go back to the point I left off at, but I was woken up by my dad maybe 20 minutes after I fell back to sleep and couldn't remember what I was dreaming about. So I don't know if I went back or not...

    19. #19
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...

      I took a nap today and had a pretty wacked out dream that I think might make a halfway decent story if I ever wrote it.

      It starts out in third person and my view is from the back seat of a car that is being driven by Samuel L. Jackson and some guy is in the passenger's seat. The job these two men have is strange. There is some type of terrorist group or something that has an entire building filled with people rigged to explode, or they are all going to be infected with a virus, or someother really bad thing was going to happen to them all. The terrorist group sends an email message to one normal everyday person before each hit they make explaining what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. The message then gives this person the option to either ignore it and let these people die letting this single person go on with their normal lives, or the choice of putting themselves in harms way and sparing all of the people. The email explains that if they choose to take it on themselves they will be visited and injected with a dangerous substance that will kill them in a certain amount of time if they are not able to decifer a problem. If they figure it out they are given the antidote. I didn't read all of this email in the dream, I just knew what it said (I'm sure you all can understand how this works). The job these two men had was to be the ones who did the visiting. My view cut back and forth between the email reader (who was a man in his office at work) and the car until the man decided to take the problem upon himself. Here Samuel L. Jackson sighs and says, "Everyone's gotta be a hero." then my view cuts to them busting into the office. I quit seeing this in 3rd person here and became the guy. They open my mouth and inject this stuff into my bottom lip, which hurt quite a lot! Something goes wrong, they have to take off, and in their haste drop the antedote. I pick it up and start to inject it into my lip and (in real life) my dad yells my name from the other room to wake me up which startles me and I shoot the antedote all over my chest. I panic and try to inject what's left into my lip and he shouts again actually waking me up. I almost didn't remember the dream but the way real life and the dream transitioned together made it fairly easy to backtrack.

    20. #20
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      Always changes...

      I had a terrible time falling asleep last night and was woken up around 3 hours into my sleep cycle and couldn't remember my first dream (So Annoying!) so I'll start with #2

      2nd Dream

      I was talking with a group of friends outside somewhere.It was bright and sunny and we were all sitting at a couple of picnic tables chatting about school and what classes we took and how we liked them. My friend Teresa asked about the Latin course I took (she was in the same course, different instructor) and I told her how I became horribly disgusted of it by the end and how I have no plans on following up on it any time with in the next few years. Another person there who I didn't know explained how they took the same course and wanted to give their input on it but Teresa told them to shutup and let me talk. They got offended and asked why their opinion wasn't as important as mine and she told them, "Because this is Mikey, and you are (insert name here). Go away!" He scoffed and walked away. I finished whatever I was saying and then my friend Robert came over and we walked to his car, which was a 72 Camaro that my dad owns, and we leaned on it to talk. He started to explain something about someone eating a skate with scat on it. I don't remember the exact way he said it but however he did I remember it being fricken weird, and having him repeat it several times to understand. I was woken up again after this but thankfully didn't lose the dream.

      3rd Dream

      This dream started with me sitting in my room in Darby playing The Legend of Zelda on the SNES but for some reason the system I was playing it on was an original Nintendo. I played it for some time and then my friend Jake came over and I left my room to talk with him in the living room. My little sister was playing the game Eternal Darkness for Game Cube in the living room and doing a horrible job fighting some large undead thing. She kept dying and dying while Jake and I were laughing at her expense and poking fun at her. Finally she asked me to beat it for her which I did then Jake and I kept talking. Soon after I had to take a leak but the bathroom was occupied so I had the strange notion to do it in my bedroom. When I went in there I realized how absurd that would be and waited in the hall until my sister came out. I woke up in the bathroom because I really did have to go...

      I went back to bed after this but never fell back to sleep. Got out of bed about 20 minutes later.

    21. #21
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      Always changes...

      1st Dream

      I remember very little of this dream because I couldn't remember it until I had a reminder happen in one of my later dreams. I was at my house in Darby with my friend Jarrett and we were messing with my computer. I don't remember very many details other than trying to hack into my Shrek 2 watch that I got out of a cereal box and then installing a Microsoft OS on it. We succeded and it was pretty cool in the dream. It worked just like a miniature laptop though I can't recall how I operated it since there is no keyboard and it has only 2 buttons but go figure!

      2nd Dream

      I was in Darby again driving around with my friend Nick in my cousin Joe's van. Nick was driving and we needed to pick up some tables and chairs from my grandmother's house and deliver them to the church. We dropped them off then drove out to the highway where Nick made a right turn by the local Hotel without using the breaks. We squeeled around the corner and I noticed Nick's old car in the parking lot then a cop saw us and turned on his flashers. I had a cigarette in my fingers but I wasn't smoking it so I handed it to Nick as we stopped. He put in in his teeth and said, "lemme handle this." then jumped out and sauntered back to where the cop was. I started laughing and woke up.

      3rd Dream

      In this dream, I don't know where I was but wherever there was, my old music teacher from high school, Mrs. Morton, was there and so was my friend Lorianne with a whole bunch of random dream characters from various European countries. Most of them were wearing black or grey and a lot of them had trench coats. They all smoked a lot of cigarettes. It started out with us in some kind of a house with a large living room and a bar in between that and the kitchen. We were gathered in there listening to the Rolling Stones give us a lecture on something or other to do with their career. They were young and in black and white. Might have something to do with me reading a Rolling Stone mag before bed. After their speech we all gathered out in the front yard while the majority of the group was smoking. It was twilight out and there was a large hedge surrounding the yard and the neighbors yard. I had my guitar and was playing a song for Lorianne and Mrs. Morton but something was the matter with the way my fingers were making chords, they weren't quite working like I expected them to. What's kind of funny is that I expected to have 5 of them to make chords with (I don't play with my thumb)... then I realized that was absurd and shrugged it off. I kept having the problem though so I just put the guitar away. Some of the others broke into the house next door and were messing around inside. I went in and there was no furniture and no sign of anyone having lived there recently. Mrs. Morton smirked at them and called the ones that busted in immature so they left the house alone after that. It started to get dark and everyone was taking turns in the bathroom, changing into PJ's, brushing their teeth, and getting ready for bed. I woke up after this.

      4th Dream

      I stayed up for around an hour after the last one. After I woke up again I lied there and thought about the dream for a few moments and remember it being a really good one that I liked a lot. When my thoughts left the dream and I started thinking about grabbing my dream journal to write it down, *POOF*, it was gone. The entire dream just vanished from my mind! I started talking to myself in my head asking why I wasn't allowed to remember it anymore and after I didn't get an answer and fumed for a few minutes I went back to sleep. I'm still really annoyed with my subconcious over this!

      5th Dream

      After this dream I had a false awakening. I tried and tried to reach for my dream journal to write it down but I couldn't move. (SP, I wish I'd made that connection!) I finally managed to grab it though my arms felt incredibly heavy and I could barely get the pen to move across the paper. I remember writing the word "Diarhea" down but it didn't remind me at all of the dream I was having before this, so I don't think it had anything to do with it. I checked my watch to see what time it was but I couldn't see the clock because the screen saver (this is what reminded me of the first dream) was blocking my view and I couldn't get it to go away. I forgot about being heavy and not being able to move and got out of bed then I woke up for real.

    22. #22
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...

      1st Dream

      I was visiting my sister at her house in Missoula. Her and her room-mate Bonnie had to leave to go do something and they seemed really annoyed that I was there. When they left I got out a large cookpot about 3 feet tall and filled it with water and veggies with a nice stock bone in it and set it to boil. It only took a few minutes to turn into stock in the dream and I strained it and started making soup. I was just reaching into the fridge, grabbing stuff, and slicing it up over the pot. I can't remember all that I put into it but I do remember that after the fridge was empty of useful stuff I got another knife out and sliced up the knife that I was using and put that into the pot too. The soup was pretty good!

      2nd Dream

      This was a very long dream and some of the details are quite blurred. I didn't wake up after the last dream and I don't know what happened in between that one and this one. The earliest I remember in this one is being in California and my cousin's husband's mother's house. I rode a bike over there and started talking to everyone there and explaining how I planned to go to the lake. I thought about Felix (my cousin's husband's uncle) and how I hadn't seen him in a while. I felt bad because in my head I had only been running around town getting drunk and having fun and hadn't seen him since I'd been back to Cali. I looked for him to see if he wanted to go to the lake with me but I couldn't find him, so I just left. I biked through some streets and alleys and stopped in a yard with Christmas lights up (can't remember what I did there but it must have been somewhat important) and then left. I biked a little further and got to a convenient store with some kids outside. I talked to the kids and told them I was going to the lake and they thought that was the coolest thing ever. They asked if I would buy them a porno mag and I told them no. I went into the store and laughed while I told the clerk what the kids asked me to buy them and he said, "Why not? Send em in I'll sell it to them." So I went back out but they weren't there. I went back in and started talking to the clerk about the Beatles and he gave me a copy of the white album and told me I could listen to it in the rooms next door. They were apartments connected to the store and there was a large boom box in the hallway which I put the CD in and cranked it up. With the music blaring I went into the room the clerk told me I could use and did something for what seemed like at least an hour... (wish I could remember what it was) then I went out into the hallway to put in the second disc and saw my little brother down the hall in another room with the door open. He was watching T.V. so I didn't bother him. I didn't even say hi, just smiled when he looked my way. I walked past his room and around the hallway to go use the restroom at the end. I walked past one persons room hearing the music still very loudly and then realized other people here may not like having it cranked up so loud. I listened at their door, which was cracked slightly, and heard them watching T.V. and I saw the flash of the light from it through the crack. I decided that I would turn the volume down after I finished with the restroom, but I woke up in the bathroom as I always do! I'm glad my subconsious wakes me up this way and doesn't just let me piss while I'm alseep, how considerate of it!

    23. #23
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...

      1st Dream (Lucid)

      As I was falling asleep lastnight right before I was out there was a loud "Tap Tap Tap!" sound that came from the chair in my room. It startled me making me think "WTF was that, was I dreaming?" A reality check made me realize I was awake and I sat up im bed for a few minutes just to make sure. The sound freaked me out and as I lay back down I kept opening my eyes and looking at the chair. After doing this for maybe 5 minutes I opened my eyes and noticed a difference in how the shadows were on the chair and did a RC. I was dreaming! I can't believe I accidentally did a WILD! I was still freaked out by the noise I heard and couldn't shake off that feeling in the dream. I had trouble talking and couldn't hardly speak when I started to say "increased lucidity" and such but after getting out a few hoarse whispers my voice came and I woke up a little bit more. I got out of bed and started to walk around my house looking for my dream guide. I was calling out like I was playing hide and seek saying stuff like, "Where are you dream guide??? I'm gonna find you!" I got out into the living room and started to lose lucidity but I caught it then laughed and thought "ohhhh you can't get away that easily." and I think to spite me... I woke up.

      2nd Dream

      I was at a school that I wasn't enrolled in but just visiting and it was the last day before summer vacation. I was using a computer by the office to write up some poetry and read some online that others had written. I was on it for 3 hours dream time and a lady in the office got mad at me for tying up the computer when there was a line of others waiting to use it. I gave up the computer and walked down the hallway to a humongous computer room with at least a thousand of them for anyone to use. I wondered why the hell those people didn't just come here and do their shit then sat down at one of them next to this kid I know named Trent. he was really excited (as he always is) about something he was doing on the computer and telling me how cool it was. I started to play Diablo 2 but got bored of it quickly and left. As I was walking out of the lab I noticed there were hundreds of people in there playing Diablo 2 and I thought this a little odd for them to be doing it at school. But then I remembered it was the last day and shrugged it off.

      3rd Dream

      I didn't wake up from the last one so these kind of tied together in a sense. I was in a multi-floored mall. It was after hours and all the lights were off except the ones that let the cameras still see so it was only slightly lit up. There was a K.B.'s Toys store at the top of the stairs I was coming up and as I got to the top I saw a couple of thieves bust through the front of the store carrying sacks. They took off running up the stairs above where I was but didn't see me so I followed. The stairs lad to a wide open landing with a ceiling at least 60 feet tall and the landing circled around a large indoor garden. The thieves kept running up the stairs around the other side and then a security gaurd came up the stairs that I just went up behind me. He told me that they had no where to run up those stairs and that they just led back to a door on the landing we were at. It was a big door made of steel with chains on it. After a few moments I started to hear them banging on it trying to break it open, so I climbed into the garden to hide and I woke up as they busted in.

      4th Dream

      All I can remember from this dream is telling someone about what it means to be a Samarai.

      5th Dream

      I this one I was sitting on a floor in someone's living room naked with my head on the couch cushions trying to sleep. There were four other people there that I knew and they were talking and being kind of loud making it difficult for me to sleep. I finally did and the dream I had inside of this dream was on some Pokemon trying to break into a cave. While I was having this dream I could hear the converasation going on in the other one and they were talking about working at Applebee's and how horrible it is. One of the poeple there (Coty) was complaining about some gaurantee that Applebee's has and how he hated having to fulfill it whenever it wasn't met. They woke me up and I realized everyone else there was naked too and I walked to the bathroom then woke up for real.

      6th Dream

      I remember having this one and I had a FA where I wrote it down in my dream journal, but since I didn't do it in real life the whole thing was lost.

    24. #24
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      Always changes...

      1st Dream

      It starts out with me at some night-time party up in the woods at a big open area between two houses with ponderosa pines strewn about all over the place and there are a ton of people there hanging out in the houses and outside as well. Most of my friends are there but the details are pretty blurry as to which ones were not. There is a pack of dogs roaming around outside and I have a run in with them and chase them off to a distance but they stop and just look back, eyes glowing, about a hundred yards away or so. I forget about them and go back into one of the houses for a while. When I come back out again they are back and I start fighting with them. There are four to five of them and they are darting around me while I toss them around, bite them, claw them, etc. basically fighting like a dog myself. They finally have enough and run off and I have blood all over me. There’s blood covering my hands too and I wipe it on my face and turn to a girl that was walking with me before the dogs attack and ask how it looks. She just laughs and then we go back to one of the houses and everyone is talking about how I fought the dogs and got all bloody. My friend Robert walks over and leads me to a mirror. I look garish to say the least, torn clothes all stained with dirt, blood, and gore. I thought it was pretty cool while making faces in the mirror and then I woke up.

      2nd Dream

      This one was in third person. There was some kind of a seminar with Jack from that show, Will and Grace I think is the name, as the speaker. He’s going on about how good veal is etc. and that one dark haired lady from Sex and the City is in the audience and gets really offended and shouts out that he should be ashamed for eating baby cows in skin land. I can’t quite remember what skin land referred to but I seem to remember it having to do with people who ate animals. A couple of other men come out on stage and Jack holds hands with them and then says, “Tony Danza banished us all to skin land for… (Dramatic pause) being female.” The dark haired lady then gets up, walks out, and I wake up.

      3rd Dream

      I can’t remember this one but I’ll write down what I wrote in my journal when I woke up. It says, “Board of Morons. I change, they stay the same.” Apparently I thought that would be enough to remember it, but I guess not.

      4th Dream

      I’m with my family in Darby out by the old football field by the highschool and we are having Sunday Mass out there for some reason. I leave to do something that I don’t remember and come back, then I need to leave again so I can use the restroom. I walk over to the highschool and go inside through the gym. I see a girl named Carrie I used to go to school with and walk past her and into the restroom. As I go in a friend of mine, Jim, is walking out. He walks past as we make eye contact and leaves, then as if he didn’t recognize me at first comes back in and says hi. He then holds out a pack of cigarettes and I take two. I wasn’t carrying anything before but now I am and I’m having terrible trouble unbuttoning my pants with my hands full so I hand the cigs back wondering why I took them to begin with and wake up.

      5th Dream

      Hehehe, ok now for the weird. I’m a student at Hogwarts and professor Snape is my father. I go to his quarters and my mother is there who is a flesh and blood copy of Ms. Crabapple from The Simpsons. They are in bed and I talk to them for a few minutes, give my mother a hug, then Snape and I walk out of the room. Snape hands me a photograph of part of my room here in North Dakota and it has the top of a toilet showing at the bottom left of it. He explains that it was taken before the toilet was removed, and I should study the toilet’s significance because it will be important someday. Then he does one of those flourishes he does in the movies turning around and walking away with his cape flying out behind him and I wake up.

    25. #25
      Member Mickeys_Elbow's Avatar
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      Always changes...
      I was on a bus the night of the 15th and only slept for about 4-6 hours of very interrupted sleep, so I don't have any entries at all.


      1st Dream

      I was working on some sort of project which required a lot of glueing. There was some woman and my friend T.J. watching me work and I was using super glue and kept getting it all over the place, glueing my fingers together and them to the project etc. Then I got a glue gun and got the glue everywhere with big strings of glue hanging from on thing to another all over the place. It cracked me up and I couldn't stop doing it, the gun was just oozing so much.

      2nd Dream

      I was hanging out in Missoula with my friends Drew and Devon and there were several other poeple there as well. I Had some tallies of PBR and Drew said he had something better for me to drink and pulled out a big champagne bottle of beer and said Merry Christmas. The dream gets fuzzy here and the next thing I remember is waking up on their couch because I had passed out and Devon comes out of his room and is really mad at me because I did something really bad I guess but couldn't remember it. He told me I had to leave immediately then Drew came out of his room. Drew pulled a piece of paper off of the wall which said something about me in a real mocking sort of way which made me feel bad. I look at Drew and he smiles and says he doesn't want it to have to be this way and says I should come hang out sometime when Devon isn't around and I say I will.

      3rd Dream

      I'm in a large mall and am just browsing around and I see these racks out in the walking area outside of a store and they are called anal (don't remember the second word)s on the sign. They were made of leather and elastic cord and came in many different colors. I thought they were kind of gross and walked away. I get about 10 feet away and there is a T.V. screen and the inventor of these things is on it explaining his product and he was mentally handicapped and wearing flannel with a black stocking cap on. I couldn't understand a thing he was saying and then I woke up.

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