• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)

      Exclamation P_s_Y's Dream Journal

      This is going to be my Dream Journal.

      There are almost always people I know in my dreams so i will use thier first and last initials but I will specify thier sex.

      My dreams are often strange but realistic and so here we go....

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Sunday Night/Monday Morning November 1st and 2nd.

      This night is the first I ever tried practiced lucid dreaming. It didn’t work very well but I did have some strange dreams. I also tried to get a nightmare to occur last night(didnt work) but all I got were these two and some other dreams also, but I can’t remember them. I feel like they are right on the edge of my mind but I can’t make any of them out, I hate when its like that…

      Dream 1- In the first dream I remember I was outside, it like a desert-ish area. There were a couple other people with me and we were riding on the edge of a pick up trucks bed. I had some strange little square objects that we were calling C-4 but they were not exactly like that. The person setting next to me was a girl. Resembling that of a girl named K. F. And also setting in the bed of the truck was a male character resembling a guy named J. M and someone else... The girl had 3 ‘C-4’ setting in her lap and as the truck went we were throwing them off the back and they would explode on impact. And then we played around and acted like we were gonna set them off on the truck and then it ended. There was little if any lucidity in it, and I do remember that it was very bright.

      Dream 2- I was on the computer and got a message from J. M. concerning a location. It had a street name and number. The number started with a 17. 17- - . In the Message there was also a mention of two other people. Anita and Christina. Apparently they sell shrooms and weed from what the message said. I remember strange details like Anita was misspelled like ‘Aniita’ and Christina was also like ‘chriistina’. There were also several different numbers like 4 grams, 2 grams and 1/8. It was clearly all about drugs.
      Was very realistic, was not lucid. And was significantly short.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Monday Night/Tuesday Morning November 2nd and 3rd

      Last night was a bad night sleep wise. I had a very chopped up night of sleep. The dreams were all quite short and I'm not able to recall them, though I know I had at least three but I just can't describe them at all.

      I'm new to the whole Lucid Dreaming and Dream recall thing, this is only my second night doing it so hopefully as I go it will get increasingly easy, but the first night was good.

      Since I have no dream to post I'm going to post a nightmare I had about 10 years ago that I still remember. I was quite young at the time so it was pretty horrifying and I still don't understand why I had it but it literally scared me so bad I was afraid to sleep for a week and I woke up sweating and shaking.

      Nightmare 1998

      This dream took place at the house that I was living at, at the time. I remember the house was very cold and it was loud... Very loud... There was a heavy down pour outside, and it sounded much like a storm was going on out side. You could hear the large water droplets bang against the shingled roof of the house.

      And the strange thing is in the dream, I was just waking up. I was in my room when the dream started. I walked out of my room as I would any morning and I heard a scream from the living room which was just down the hall. It was from a woman, she was familiar but I couldn't put a name to her, but she was peering out the window.

      Through the rain you could see this large brown figure with horns, it resembled a bull, but it was much much larger and had very large eyes, completely black, and horrifying beyond belief.

      He was circling the house and continuosly bashing into the walls almost trying to knock the walls down and get to us. Who ever us was, because I couldnt tell you who the other person was.

      From the living room I went to the kitchen and there sat my grandmother and another woman in tears. As I saw them there was a knock at the back door that was connected to the garage. It was a man and his son. The man was holding a soccer ball and was drenched from the rain. They were familiar also but I don't know who they were.

      They told us that a tree had just crashed through thier house and they were wondering if they could stay with us. Some how they managed to not be seen by the beast and were able to get into our garage, but they left the large garage door open and you could hear the rain falling and hitting the cement floor as water slowly ran over the floor of the garage.

      We pulled the man and his son into the house just as the large beast came back around to that side of the house and rushed into the garage and completely destroyed everything in it. We tried to baricade the door so it could not get in.

      Once we had moved all the furniture we could, in front of the garage door I went into the den which was connected to the kitchen. The den had a large picture window that had a view of the backyard. As I walked into it the beast saw me through the glass. It started bashing into the wall and eventually backed up and rushed towards the window. It was just about to make impact into the house, but I passed out in the dream and collapsed on the floor.

      Then it ended.....

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Tuesday November 3rd

      [Second Entry Today. Separate from first]

      Just a bit ago I attempted my first WILD. It took a good bit of time to finally fall into the dream state, and I was slowly able to allow it to come on. Once I was in it, everything was kind of a blur. I couldnt tell what was going on and it all just seemed hazy. Right before I went into the dream state i had a very strange, almost out-of-body feeling but it wasn't exactly like that. Maybe Sleep Paralysis or something of the sort but it was different than anything I felt before.

      I do not know what actually happened in the dream and it was very short, and I wouldnt exactly call it a sucessful WILD so I won't count it until I know for sure that I achieved Lucidity in a WILD.

      Tonight I'am not going to attempt to have a LD im actually going to attempt another nightmare. If I can somehow get my mind to conjure a nightmare maybe I can force it into being a LD, but my main objective is to simply induce a nightmare and to learn from it.

      Ive been reading on another topic I started abotu nightmares, that eating lots of junk food before bed is often what will cause or has the potential to cause a nightmare. And ive also read on other sites that chocolate will give you nightmares but considering that chocolate is kinda soothing I wouldn't understand why that would work. Also some say that sleeping on your back will increase the chance that you have a nightmare because you feel vulerable to your surroundings when you are on your back. And often when people wake up from nightmares they are, of course, laying flat on thier back. This may make some what of a difference for me because i almost always sleep on my stomach or on my side.

      I've also read things about melatonin giving wild or vivid dreams when taken before bed. As have I heard that nicotine patches will create some crazy dreams. I'm willing to try the melatonin first, if that doesn't work I may try a nicotine patch every once in a while just to see if it truly works. I'm sure it does because I have read that many times across the web from lots of sites and forums, but maybe those people were just coincidently blessed with a crazy dream while wearing the nicotine patch to bed. I dont know but its worth a shot. Inducing crazy dreams to practice lucidity on seems to be a pretty good idea, since some nights I dont even have dreams that I can recall at all.

    5. #5
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Tuesday Night/Wednesday Morning November 3rd and 4th
      Dream wise this night completely sucked... I fell asleep around late. I literally slept like a rock. I dont even think I moved in my sleep, I was in the exact same position that I was when I woke up, as when I fell asleep. I don't believe that this was caused because of the early morning hour I fell asleep because that is almost always the time I decide to turn in.

      If I had a dream, there is absolutely no way to recall it. The night went by so fast, and I woke up, and I couldn't even remember what I did the night before. I think this was because I had been drinking a bit before bed but usually its not this bad... I wish I had more to say about the dreams that night but I simply don't.

    6. #6
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Wednesday Night/Thursday Morning November 4th and 5th

      Before I fell alseep last night I had a LOT on my mind. My mind was constantly bouncing from one topic to another until I finally fell asleep. There was one dream that I can recall, and it strangely enough had nothing to do with what I had been thinking about earlier.

      The dream was realistic, and sounded like something that I would do. I was hanging out with a friend of mine and we were kinda just setting on the corner of a back street in thier neighborhood smoking. And it was just really casual. I remember the street was damp like it had just stopped raining and it was kinda sunny. (Like after a thunderstorm when the rays of the sun begin to peek through the clouds.) It was defineatly during late spring or early summer.

      I remember every once in a while a car would pass. The first one was grey, the second a greyish blue and then there was a third one, which was black. We were setting on the curb and there was a tree a couple feet behind us. There was a large two story house across the street from where we were setting and it had two trees in the front yard, one was an oak and one a magnolia.

      The colors of the trees and the cars were very vivid but everything else seemed gray and light.

      It was all very casual and relaxing in a sense.

    7. #7
      Join Date
      Nov 2009
      Norfolk, VA (USA)
      Thursday Night/Friday Morning November 5th and 6th

      Last night I had one dream that I can recall.

      The setting was a large yard with many trees that had a creek that ran along the back. There was a fence that ran right before the water began. It was all very over grown with vines up over the fence and there were leaves everywhere on the ground. There were patches of grass in some spots and other spots it was just dirt.

      In this area there were several different things. There was a pack of 4 wolves that I guess lived here but they were very friendly to the people that came over here. So in the dream me, my mother and my sister decided to go for a walk and take our 3 dogs with us. And in the dream we had a 4th one. He was a very little fluffy dog with bright green fur and it looked alot like a lhaso apso.

      The creek area was about 2 blocks from our house. We got there and my mom fell asleep and my sister left. The wolves began to chase around the little green dog all around the area. Eventually they never made a loop back to where we were at, so i went to check on them and couldnt find him or the wolves.

      Soon after I decided to walk back to our house and make some food. I put the food on the stove and then randomly left the house and ran back to the creek area. By now the sidewalks were full of joggers and pedestrians. When i got back to where my family was the little green dog was sleeping and my other three dogs were over by my moms chair and she was awake. We talked for a minute and then I returned to the house.

      Then it ended....


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