This is my journal of dreams, some new and some old. Dreams or parts of dreams of importance to me are in green.When the dreams become startling or horrifying, it is in red.My interpretation of the dream's meaning is in orange. I hope you enjoy.

Cliff's New World

[COLOR="Black"]A good friend of mine named Cliff passed away a few weeks ago unexpectedly. About a week later, i had a dream about him in a strange place. We were in a neighborhood i had never seen before, standing on a hill. Everything besides the two of us seemed blurry as if it didnt exist. I asked Cliff if he liked it here, he said it was straight as if it were not strange at all. All of a sudden i was in a room with a few people, sitting on couches. The man next to me was black with strange tattoos, and his dreadlocks covered his face. I couldn't see the faces of anyone else in the room either, except for Cliff. He said he had found a secret cave, with tons of leaves in it. Cliff stood up and a leather pouch fell out of his pocket, spilling dark blue stones on the floor. He said that he could throw them at people to hurt them, which reminded me of the power objects of the native american religion. A girl next to Cliff reached toward the ground and started moving her hand shyly as if petting a dog that was not there. She seemed apprehensive but obligated to pet this "dog". I could hear its nails scratch the carpet as it danced around, but i couldn't see anything. I had a pan of cookies in front of my feet for some reason, and the invisible thing went over and picked one up. I slammed the cookie down with my foot and growled, even though it was frightening. Everyone got scared and jumped back. They said "OH NO!" and "What has he done?" with fear in their voices. The guy with the dreads next to me said not to worry, because this was my first experience with "him". But whatever it was, it seemed to feed off of my hostility, and violently jumped back and forth, smashing my cookies. One of them flew up in the air and pinned my hand to the couch, burning it somehow. I freaked out and closed my eyes, and i prayed for this thing to leave me alone and for my safety. When my eyes opened, i saw my hand with no cookie on it, and i was awake in my bed.

I think that the place where i was represented the afterlife, in a way that my mind could understand. I was happy to see that Cliff was doing ok, but the end of the dream puzzled me. With the way i think that everything happens for a reason, i wondered what it was trying to tell me. Today i woke up pissed, because my back aching had forced me awake. I got out of bed and made my hostile living environment much worse by starting trouble with my dad's evil girlfriend. I thought about the dream all of a sudden, and it became clear to me that the invisible thing was a demon, or the devil. It was like my dad's girlfriend, and she had me ready to get kicked out for freaking out on her, just as the "demon" had me pinned. It seemed like nothing could make the situation better, and that i was screwed, so i prayed just like i did in the dream. When i went home, i actually kept my dad from being angry, which is unusual. I followed the lucid part of my dream, and it fixed my problem for the time being. If that dream had not happened, i would have gone with my instinct and i would have been looking for a place to live.

Oh yeah, my girlfriend made me add this.
Sorry im stoned, the blue part at the end is the explaination.