• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Student of Lucidity Achievements:
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      Arrow Jakku's Adventures in the Dream Dimension

      Introduction/About Jakku:
      Starting my online Dream Journal tonight, hopefully it'll be full of interesting and inspiring dreams for you to read. I've been LD'ing on and off for a while now, with varied results. When I'm motivated my recall is pretty much sorted, and I can remember my dreams every night (almost), but when I'm not motivated my recall goes down and I lose my drive to LD. I've only had a few LD's so I would no were near call myself a proficent dreamer, but I've had the interest in LD'ing for a while and I'm always reading up on Dream Views. My philosophy in a sense is to believe nothing you hear about someone doing, 10% of what you read about somone doing, and only 50% of what you see someone doing. I believe that learning to LD is a process of trying things for yourself and seeing what works best for you.

      Jakku's Adventures:
      What I hope to achieve from this Dream Journal is the same as most people; an increased recall, and better LD's! I also hope to inspire others to Lucid Dream, and to keep my journal interesting and fun. I'll be recording all my dreams, lucid or not, and accompanying them with relevent aids like pictures etc.

    2. #2
      Student of Lucidity Achievements:
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      Post Testing my Dream Journal

      Testing the Dream Views, Dream Journal (Non-lucid)


      Just testing if the Dream Views, Dream Journal will post to my Online Dream Journal. Non-Dream text will be this color. Dream text will be this color. Lucid Dream text will be this color.

    3. #3
      Student of Lucidity Achievements:
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      Red face Night One

      Night One - Bug & Teachers (Non-lucid)


      Well, this wasn't the great start I was hoping for to be honest. Tonight I tried to use a WILD technique, but I failed . When I woke, about 5:00am, I just couldn't clear my mind and kept having random thoughts. Thankfully though I could recall parts of a dream I'd had, so I wrote it down:

      It started off in my room, and it's a dream I've had more than a few times, I know there's a bug in my room and I'm really scared. I never normally see the bug, but I know I'm trying to find/get away from it and not being able to find it scares me. The next thing I knew I was in a car with my partner's brother, we were both scared because there was a black bug that looked like a cross between a dung beetle and a stick insect, an armoured stick insect! It was somewhere on the roof and it was if it was going to fall on us.

      As I've only just started keeping my journal again, that's all the detail I could remember about the dream. I did, however, know that when it was happening I thought it was real - I remember thinking in the dream 'This is real.' I didn't even think that this might be a dream. After my failed WILD attempt I must have slipped into un-conciseness and fallen asleep, when I woke at 7:00am I remembered parts of another dream I had:

      I was in school, and a teacher I used to have was talking to someone, can't remember who, about a new 'Tolerance Training Policy' - this point stands out in the dream for some reason. I remember walking around a class room that didn't seem to end, and eventually got lost in it; the dream fades from here.

      So, so far my adventures in the Dream Dimension haven't been too exciting, but stay tuned, for this is only the beginning, the calm before the storm, the churning of the waves, the rumble of thunder before the lightning. . .well, maybe that's building it up too much. . .All the best, J.
      Spoiler for Some viewers may find the following image disturbing!:

      After a quick Google search, this bug came up, although I find it hard to look at and will probably be having nightmares now - imagine that but black, ew!.
      Last edited by Jakku; 12-16-2009 at 06:17 PM.

    4. #4
      Student of Lucidity Achievements:
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      Red face Night Two

      Night Two - Three Dreams (Non-lucid)


      It's my second night, and things have got a fair bit better since day one - I remember three dreams! The dreams seemed clearer than day one, although I still only remember them as things that happened, and don't really remember them as things I did. There sort of like an old memory, you know it happened, but you can't always remember the details. Anyway, the fact my recall's gone up and that I can remember more of the dreams is a good sign; here's the dreams in the order I remembered them:

      I was in a tree house, much like the one of a character on a Legend of Zelda game, makes sense if you've played it! And there was a French girl in it with me. She was trying to make me drink some liquid out of a glass, and I was trying to decline - eventually curiosity got the better of me and I took a sip. Sadly nothing cool happened, and all she said was "I've drank out of that glass! Ha ha ha!" then she jumped out of the tree house. Following her I appeared in a park near where I live, there was a giant log, that turned out to be a slide - so naturally I went down it! When I got to the bottom I paused for a moment, I heard a strange noise and water came bursting out of the log. Somehow I managed to avoid it, and the log turned into a log robot that had a strange man on it. All he was doing was smashing the giant log into the ground and making holes, however, a dog walker wanted to go past with his dog. The guy on the log said come back at 11pm, and the man said ok.

      A strange dream, strange how I could remember the small details, like the girl being French, saying come back at 11pm. Next dream:

      It started with me opening a barn door, inside were loads of people I knew of going crazy. They seemed surprised to see me, and a group of them got into a car hidden under some hay and smashed through the wall. Next thing I know I'm on a bus, with my friends. I was sat on the top floor, in a window seat and the stairs where right in front of me - should have RC'ed that! - and looking out the window I saw a traffic warden, I pretended to take a picture of him with my hands, and all my friends said how I shouldn't have done that, and that I would get in trouble. The bus stopped on the outskirts of my Town, and all my friends ran off, I don't remember seeing any of them but I asked if I had to get off now - it was no where near my house, and the said yes I had too. When I got off I saw my friend AM in the distance running, so I ran up to catch him, we often run so this is maybe why he was running. We went round a corner and saw two people I know running together who normally wouldn't be together - the dream faded.

      Another strange dream, lots of points I should have RC'ed at but didn't, that's something I really need to work, if anyone know how I could improve my chances of RC'ing please leave a message! Last dream:

      I was in a small room, discussing what wallpaper to use, when I saw a Spiderman costume on the bed in the room. I remember picking it up and closing my eyes, when I opened them I was on Britain’s Got Talent (Americas Got Talent for those of you across the pond) And I was dancing in this costume. Simon Cowel said how great I was - should have definitely RC'ed that one! - and that I was going to the top. I then remember the dream panning out like a camera to Piers Morgan on a life guard chair in the middle of the audience, he was the head judge. Piers said that his act was better, his act turned out to be a Jamaican looking man, much like the guy in the new Twilight film, with a yellow puppet like zippy on his arm singing. The crowd goes crazy and the dream ends.

      Overall strange rather than exciting, but ah well, it's getting there. After a long post there's not much else to say. . .All the best, J.

      Spoiler for Piers' Act?:


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