• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jan 2010

      Journey to the Greener Pasture

      Welcome to GREENER PASTURE
      The land of the cows, grass, and... dung.

      ABOUT ME

      Well there isn't much that you need to know. I play an excessive amount of video games, that much is apparent in my dreams, and enjoy reading; for the most part, anyway. Other than schoolwork, which I have little to none of (CP classes are easy ), I just play my video games! Technically I'm part of "Book Club", but that's just a bunch of m friends and I screwing around. We rarely actually read the books. Err... I don't. I started attempting to LD two days ago (1/1/10) and I feel like the small amount of success I had will help me achieve better control. Right. TO VICTORY! And a bigger living space!

      The odd fascination with cows must come from some childhood blanket or something like that, because I honestly don't find them any more appealing than the next guy. Anyway, the name sticks, so thats what I go by. But if pressed, I'd tell you my name is to appease the cows who will come to rule the world in 2012. Thats right. Cow apocalypse. All that nonsense about planets aligning... pfft.


      [ ] - Solid, fully memorable dream
      [ ] - A obviously lucid dream
      [ ] - Fly
      [ ] - Summon an object
      [ ] - Summon a person
      [ ] - Teleport
      [ ] - Visit other "worlds" (Pandora, Midgar, Azeroth, Etc.)

      Eventually I can classify this stuff, but at this point I'm unsure of what I'm doing! So I'll just write my dreams down

      1/1 - The Man Who Built Whale Statues
      1/4 - Of Emails and Angry Cats
      Last edited by FourFangedCow; 01-04-2010 at 08:15 PM.

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Jan 2010
      The Man Who Built Whale Statues

      First entry! Yay! This one is particularly special because I had rarely recalled dreams before this point. A few odd things pop up, but it was a good experience. I tried doing some laying still and repeating a mantra.

      - XBOX 360 dashboard literally asked me something about lucid dreaming. I don't recall the words exactly.
      - Woke up in my own room, devoid of furniture and windows. Bed and door were both present in the correct places.
      - MASSIVE whale statue in the middle of my room. Made no sense to me.
      - Felt like I was controlling myself, however it seemed like I was doing it with a 360 controller.
      - Walked around the whale statue. Touched it.
      - Door was shut tightly, an attempt to force it was rewarded with awaking.
      Last edited by FourFangedCow; 01-04-2010 at 05:20 AM.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Jan 2010
      Of Emails and Angry Cats

      Normal dream, but extremely long and fuzzy. I woke up at 7 am, with no dreams, and went back to sleep at 8:10. Woke up after dreaming at 10:45. No preparation.

      - Theres a cat.
      - It hisses at me and opens it mouth, snarling.
      - My sister pets it, despite it trying to attack her.
      = MEMORY BLANK =
      - In a cafe, "L" shapped.
      - Was sitting at a table with an old, unattractive lady.
      - She said, "Are you on Email?" like Kevin from "The Office".
      - Told me to follow, which I did reluctantly.
      - Wrote my real email on a napkin and left.
      - I was wheeling two rolling bags.
      = MEMORY BLANK =
      - Back inside the cafe.
      - Sitting, don't remember where.
      - Reading a paper that was written by the old lady.
      - Had some writing about me, unsure what.
      = MEMORY BLANK =
      - Entered a car rental looking place.
      - Many separated counters with computers and people behind them.
      - Went to the end where there was a couch.
      - Sat down next to my family and the old lady.
      - My dad gave the dude behind the counter a gift bag.
      - Another guy, seemly stoned out of his mind, walked in and stood behind me.
      - My dad also gave him a gift bag.
      - The stoned guy leaped over the back of the couch and sat between my dad and I.
      - The two guys opened the gift bags at the same time, but I remember the stoned guys first.
      - He pulled out a Nerd Rope (candy). He said some random words and kissed some random person behind him.
      - The guy at the counter pulls out a video game, something about trains.
      - The stoned guy leaves.
      - My dad says something. Cannot recall what.
      - The old lady reaches into the stoned guy's gift bag and removes candy.
      - I do the same, as does my entire family.
      - We all eat it, it was some kind of Hi-Chew (Japanese candy, like a starburst).
      - The buy behind the counter says something like "This game won't run".
      - My dad says to use a disk cleaner.
      - I say, "Don't, one thing goes wrong and it'll fuck it up." Maybe because I've had bad experiences with disk cleaners. I was extremely surprised that I cussed around my parents. I never do in a waking situation.
      - He does it anyway. I look at the game box.
      - The back is divided into three sections, color coded. A bunch of processors listed.
      - I asked the guy what one he has, he points to two.
      - "Both?" I ask. He says he has both.
      = MEMORY BLANK =
      - I'm on the same couch, only its in my grandparent's house. I can tell because of the shape.
      - Same people are there, except one random girl.
      - My sister kisses the guy who was behind the counter and leaves.
      - The random girl kisses the guy who was behind the counter and stays.
      = MEMORY BLANK =
      - I'm in my grandparent's hallway with my mom and sister.
      - We're scrubbing it with bath towels.
      - I ask why. My sister says its because it's wet.
      - I offer to help. My sister gives me her towel
      - As I scrub, the carpet rises and gains color.
      - A huge, yellow cat begins to appear where I've scrubbed.
      - Woke up.
      Last edited by FourFangedCow; 01-04-2010 at 08:14 PM.


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