Hi, welcome to my dream journal.

I don't read a great deal of other people's Dream Journals, so it would be selfish to get you to read mine. This journal is more for my own benefit, to improve my recall and to catalogue these experiences.

15th February 2005

I was in the distant future, in a kind-of post-apocalyptic China. There had been a nuclear war and the cities were ruins. It was an Ice-Age. I was with a group of American scientists, who were being escorted by envoys of the Chinese government, to recover some important artifacts essential for the survival of humanity. Our envoys were young Chinese children. Each scientist had one, who accompanied them and never spoke during the mission.

We travelled in a helicopter and were dropped off in the middle of the deserted city. It was full blizzard Artic snow conditions. We hurried inside. I can't remember exactly what the work we did was, but it was scientific in nature. There were 20 scientists and 20 Chinese children. One to accompany each scientist.

Once we were finished, our orders were to follow the Children outside. We had to journey many miles, each following a Chinese child, until we reached the pick-up spot with the transport vehicle.

The Chinese children rarely spoke, and only said "Follow me". They travelled at an un-natural speed, and I had to run very fast to keep up with my one. At times I almost lost sight of him in the blizzard. Before long, I lost sight of the rest of the team. All I had was this child to follow. But because he was a child, I wanted to protect him. The snow was so severe that I thought he might die. I myself was feeling cold and believed I was going to die. Eventually I became so worried that I picked the child up and carried him, following the directions he gave me.

But I dropped him and he lost consciousness. His face went blue and he became covered in snow. I started crying. I wanted him to live. I brushed as much snow from his face and cradled him, trying to wake him up. Eventualy he woke up. We continued our journey. Eventually we arrived at the transport (which was a bus).

I sat down and the bus (on auto-pilot) started moving. I looked around to see who had managed to get onto the bus in time. There were no scientist. Every other scientist was dead. But every child had survived. I suddenly became aware that the children were robots. And that the whole mission was a test to see which human would survive. Apparently, the logic of the 'story' was that the robot children would pretend to die, and only the human gave sufficient care to the child would be worthy enough for the robot to "come back to life" and show the scientist where the transport would be.

This is weird, isn't it??? It was very detailed and convoluted. When I woke up, I believed it had been a movie I had watched. Then as I woke up properly I was quite happy that my mind had created such a bizarre and original story. And it was weird that my identity was so different from what it is in real life (Im a computer programming student).