Here I'm going to be posting some of my dreams (obviously). I won't put all of them in, probably just ones that I remember quite a bit of at least.
Some entries may be just documenting dreams that I have wrote down before, but starting now, I'm going to put a date on all my dreams.

Night of Feb. 26, to morning, Feb. 27

Dream #1.

I was at school, and it was first period. I remember before going into class, there were pictures of students on the wall outside the door. I was playing a computer game (most likely on a laptop). I was also filling out some sort of sheet while playing. Inside the game, I remember my friend dying (some sort of RPG). I stopped playing soon after that. Someone asked me if I always filled out sheets while playing games. Yesterday in class, we had got pieces of paper saying bells were going to go earlier. This indeed happened, and I left the classroom after they did.

Dream #2.

Well, this one is interesting. I was in a town by a lake, and everyone there was going to have a race, across that lake. The two teams were the girls and the boys. The girls were going to use rowboats, and the guys were going to ride fish. Nice. Well, all of us went out to fish for huge fish that we could ride. A friend caught me one, I remember it was only about 3 feet long, white, and we called it a "perch". Lol. Well, we had our race, and in the middle of it, my fish had some sort of black and white stuff coming out of a hole in it. I was beside my friend, and showed it to him. He showed me his fish, which had a black stopper over that hole, heh. Well, we finished our race, and I forget what our time was. Afterwards, I remember seeing girls training in a boat, as they were going to go next.

Dream #3.

I got lucid in this one, but I'll start from the beginning. I was going away on a trip, possibly a camp or something. I had brought my stuff that I packed, and we were waiting in a room, for a boat to take us out to the island where we were going. I had started to put some of my stuff on top of what I thought was my friend's stuff. I did this because the guy next to the stuff I thought was my friend's dad. As I started to pile it on, he just pushed it off, lol. I soon figured out that I didn't know him. Soon, we went off to the place where we were going. I don't remember much about what happened when we got there, but I became lucid there. Something had got my attention, and I just said, "Whoa, I'm dreaming". Well, I flew around the camp for a while, but eventually came down. I started acting normal, and I was sitting at a table, and some of the people I know from school were there. I told one of them that I was having a lucid dream. I explained some stuff about lucid dreams to him, and I remember telling him that this was my third one in two weeks. Later that night, a girl I knew from school was doing homework, and I explained some of the stuff to her lol. I woke up soon after that.

Three nicely remembered dreams in one night, yay.