As Ive been growing up Ive noticed Ive had a slow, but steady learning of dreaming in general since I was about 14 I guess. As Ive grown Ive noticed my dreaming was steadily increasing at 15 I was a regular dreamer, but I was pretty good at it. I kept a journal the year after and started writing down my dreams. From that I learned (started) to remember all of my previous dreams. I tried to write them down but there more broken and harder to remember. Ummm about a half a year after I started writing in my journal I started accidentally becoming lucid in my dreams. The more it happened I kinda formed a method that I used to stay lucid and I used that and now I can lucid dream whenever I want. Well the method is well of course at first to relax, but to.. not think about things I'll explain that good so youll remember when you become lucid. All you have to do is relax your mind, everything in the dream happens from think, so if you think nervously youll act nervously and that caused me to wake up many times, when you become lucid just dont think of anything but just do things and it becomes more of a state of know, from there you learn to stay lucid the more you become confident.

Something I'll point out, even in real life if you are confused you can make your own confidence and confusion erases in your mind.