I've kept a dream journal for a while, but it's been about a year since I've documented my dreams. I have a pretty good dream recall, and I think that this will help that even more.

Let's starts with the dreams I've had the past few nights. These aren't as clear as I'd like, but I'll do my best to recall the details.

The only scene I have is this one. I was standing at the shore of a small lake, and the sun was going down. The sky was mostly dark, except for a small patch of color on the horizon. There were lingering bits of orange, pink and yellow, but soon there was nothing but the moon in a starlit sky.

It was then that I realized that there was a man and a woman lying down at the edge of the shore. They held each other close until the sun was completely gone. Then the man broke free from the embrace and started convulsing. His figure grew and contorted. His limbs twisted in strange angles and his head expanded until it burst into the head of a daisy. His feet took the form of petals on a stem. What was left after the transformation was an intensely masculine figure with green skin, petals for feet and an enormous bloom where the head should be. The man and woman continued their embrace, and I awoke in a very confused state.

Last night's dream was frustrating, because it was so close to being a really great LD. I'm not sure what went wrong.

The pool opened up in my neighborhood on Monday, and in my dream I was walking back from a swim. The street I live on is a cul de sac, and as I turned on to my street I almost stopped in my tracks. There was music coming from the top of the street, and as I got to the end of the street I found twenty or thirty open, black instrument cases ranging in size from trumpets to baritone saxophones. They were just lying in the street, but since it is a cul de sac I didn't care to move them.

Just to the left of the cases was a very large circus tent that took up the rest of the end of the street. The music I had heard was coming from within the tent. I walked closer to it and saw that it was made out of blue plastic painter's tarp. I walked towards an open seam of the tent to peak in. Inside I saw a man in his mid twenties practicing his baton spinning act. His skin was a golden brown, and his hair was cut very short. His clothing was like something out of the Disney movie Aladdin. Pants the were baggy at the feet and close fitting at the waist. His chest was bare except for a light brown vest.

I closed the tent flap and made my way up to the house. The inside of my home had grown exponentially. The hardwood entryway was converted into a viewing space for a stage that was used for some sort of dance. there were about fifteen black folding chairs in the entryway facing the stage. The stage was relatively small, its center point of it was a metal structure comprised of 4 metal poles about ten feet tall, and connected at the top with similar metal poles. I would have liked to see the dance, but it was at this point that I noticed that the walls were covered in the same blue tarp as the tent outside. I made my way into the kitchen. All blue. My dad was there, and I told him that he couldn't do this to the house. He asked me why, and I told him, "Because I'm dreaming, and I'm in control."

It was at this point that I tried to stabilize the dream by saying aloud "Increase lucidity" out loud. Unfortunately, before I could do anything to actually make that happen, the dream disintegrated and I woke up.

I tried to a WILD, and it started to work, because I could feel that my whole body was in a parka and snow gear. I could feel the gloves on my hands, but it was then that my cat started meowing in real life, and I couldn't fall back asleep. So. Close.