• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. #1
      Member Dew Dust's Avatar
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      Problems with dreamsigns

      Okay--this is tough--Basically, I have been keeping a dream journal for about a week and believe it or not, my dreams come across logically. I mean, at times there is some weirdness. But a majority of them simply reflect what I have done during the day or my thoughts on the day's events.

      It makes dream interpretation invalid since all I keep getting is a release of the events of the day

      And it makes obtaining a dream sign impossible since there is no set pattern--nothing unique or different that stands out.

      Is there anything I could do to help change this or I should just go with the flow of my mind?


      Adopted by: Irishcream and Tsen

    2. #2
      Member TygrHawk's Avatar
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      I don't think this is unusual. From what I've heard, many people dream mainly about recent events in their life, with nothing terribly unusual in the dreams.

      Keep journaling, with as much detail as possible, and you may eventually pick out some recurring things that you can use as dream signs.

      But my main advice to you would be to try to familiarize yourself with the "feeling" of being in a dream. This is the most common way that I become lucid. I just suddenly become aware that things don't "feel" right, even if there's nothing unusual happening in my dream. If you can learn to identify that feeling, then you can proceed to doing RCs whenever you feel it.

      Whatever you do, don't give up! There's a method that will work for you, you just have to find it.


      Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

    3. #3
      Senior Pendejo Tornado Joe's Avatar
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      But a majority of them simply reflect what I have done during the day or my thoughts on the day's events.[/b]
      Well, not sure if this will help, but if you find yourself doing something over again that you had already done earlier in the day, you should associate that with dreaming or at least do a reality check.
      For example, let's say you spent the day at the pool with certain friends. If you find yourself again in that same setting with the same friends, that should be your cue to do a reality check

      Also, do you often sit down at the end of the day and reflect on earlier events? If not, the act of reflection could be your cue to do a reality check or of dreaming.

    4. #4
      Member Dew Dust's Avatar
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      But my main advice to you would be to try to familiarize yourself with the \"feeling\" of being in a dream. This is the most common way that I become lucid. I just suddenly become aware that things don't \"feel\" right, even if there's nothing unusual happening in my dream. If you can learn to identify that feeling, then you can proceed to doing RCs whenever you feel it. [/b]
      I know exactly what you are talking about. But then that brings up another problem--training myself to become aware of that feeling.
      And thank you, TygrHawk, for your words of encouragement

      For example, let's say you spent the day at the pool with certain friends. If you find yourself again in that same setting with the same friends, that should be your cue to do a reality check [/b]
      Thanks for the tip. The problem though is like what I mentioned above--becoming aware. When I am dreaming--I am gone to dream world 8) I just don't 'realize' to do a RC even though I am constantly doing it during the day.

      I will try reflecting on the day's events and I will keep doing RCs during the day. Thanks!

      Adopted by: Irishcream and Tsen

    5. #5
      Member irishcream's Avatar
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      Where angels fear to tread...
      I do that all the time...constantly find myself in my favourite Cafe, knowing i went to sleep four hours ago, and i just don't get it!
      'all of the moments that already passed/
      try to go back and make them last.'

    6. #6
      Member Dew Dust's Avatar
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      I agree!!

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    7. #7
      Member jay dawg's Avatar
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      Thanks for the tip. The problem though is like what I mentioned above--becoming aware. When I am dreaming--I am gone to dream world 8) I just don't 'realize' to do a RC even though I am constantly doing it during the day.

      I will try reflecting on the day's events and I will keep doing RCs during the day. Thanks![/b]

      yeah i dont think people are making it very clear. RCs dont make you lucid. you become lucid and THEN do an RC just to make sure ur dreaming before u jump off a building and die.

      also, im having trouble with dreamsigns. i found some themes that keep happening in my journal. but now what? should i be telling myself during a wild that i will realize its a dream if i see the sign? or what
      420/24/7/365 herb?

      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mayhembrown)</div>
      i tried to fly but cudnt, so i went outside in the garden but still cudnt.. i then thought lets go and find a girl!

    8. #8
      ^_^ Infinityecho's Avatar
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      Getting rid of mental garbage

      Hi Dew Dust,
      I’m rather new to the forum, but maybe this might help:
      I used to use this technique to improve dream recall, but also found the technique useful for getting out all the mental crap from my head with regards thoughts of events during the day. Its visualization technique that while you lay in bed ready to fall asleep, you re-run in your head everything that you did during the day backwards, from the moment you laid in bed to sleep - back to the moment you first woke up during that same day. The idea is to remain objective while reviewing all events that happened to you during the day. Try not to get emotional involved in your re-cap. of the day, but rather remain a silent observer of everything you did that day. Once you review back to the beginning of the morning, visualize all the events being wrapped up in a balloon (like a helium one) that takes all the events away and than simply watch it float away up into the sky.

      I found this technique would get rid of all my mental garbage of the day, and prevent the mental garbage to follow me into my dreaming time allowing me to have richer dream events.
      Also this technique of remaining a silent observer like this had allowed me to not identify with the events (while having dreams), which allowed me to catch my obvious dream signs, and bingo! LD’s.
      Hope this helps,

    9. #9
      Member Dew Dust's Avatar
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      New York
      yeah i dont think people are making it very clear. RCs dont make you lucid. you become lucid and THEN do an RC just to make sure ur dreaming before u jump off a building and die. [/b]
      Ah, Good Point, jay dawg!!

      Once you review back to the beginning of the morning, visualize all the events being wrapped up in a balloon (like a helium one) that takes all the events away and than simply watch it float away up into the sky.
      I got to try this. Thanks Infinityecho. It might even help me with my insomnia that I experience when I am back to my job of teaching.

      found this technique would get rid of all my mental garbage of the day, and prevent the mental garbage to follow me into my dreaming time allowing me to have richer dream events.
      Also this technique of remaining a silent observer like this had allowed me to not identify with the events (while having dreams), which allowed me to catch my obvious dream signs, and bingo! LD’s. [/b]
      It does sound like a wonderful technique. I would rather have my weird dreams that dreams reflecting the day or as you say-- richer dream events

      Adopted by: Irishcream and Tsen


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