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    1. #1
      Lurker Sullivan's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2005

      Are my dreams a sign of what's to come in the future?

      Since i bought a dreamcatcher, i noticed that i've been having some weired dreams... I dreamed about being pregnant and knowing it was a little boy. In the second dream i dreamed about giving birth.

      The thing is that im planning to get pregnant with my man and i keep getting these dreams in a lot of details.

      Are my dreams a sign of what's to come in the future?

      Have any of you had any simillar

      See ya

      Thank you.....


    2. #2
      Join Date
      Apr 2005
      Dreaming of infants is a very common dream motif.

      There was a horrible movie years back, but it had a good scene -- this old Indian is wondering through the wilderness and suddenly sees a hill with a strange clump of trees, and instantly knows it from an old dream as the place where he was to die. Well, of course he is now overwhelmed with regrets because he never quite believed that dream. He had fought in dozens of battles and had allowed a degree of normal fear to hold him back each time, but had he BELIEVED that he would not have died until he really did come to this strange hill, then he could have been totally fearless and crazy in all of his battles without the least apprehension for his safety.

      In Mythology we have the story of Cassandra who was under a Curse -- that she would be able to prophecize the future and always be right, but that nobody would ever believe her. So it is with all prophecy of the future -- nobody ever fully believes it.

      But whether your dream is prophetic or symbolic, in either case it is significant of your giving birth to a new potentiality.

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Aug 2005



      I used to LD all the time when I was younger and used to remember them vividly. Quite a few times something would happen to me in real life and I would get major Deja Vu.

      One I particularly remember was when I went to join my Dad in Durban,South Africa. when I walked into his office building for the first time (I had never even ben to SA before) I knew exactly where to go and could even remenber the dream. It actually felt like I was back in the dream, it was very weird and made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

      Saying that, my wife never remembers her dreams but even she dreamt about babies and what sex they would be when we were trying for kids, so i'm sure thats normal.

      Good luck
      White Lightning

    4. #4
      Join Date
      Aug 2005
      One of those freaked me out back when i was 7 and I can still remember it (then again I can still remember a recurring fream when i was 4). It was walking around a clump of desks in a weird fashion and then a kid in my class gave me a freezie (if you don't know what a freezie is well... think of a more hardened slushie in a tube-like thing) and I ate it. it was purple. The very next day or the day after (don't remember which one), the same thing happened and I was totally confused. That was probably my first deja vu.

    5. #5
      Member planecrash's Avatar
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      Aug 2005

      Re: Are my dreams a sign of what's to come in the future?

      Originally posted by Sullivan
      The thing is that im planning to get pregnant with my man and i keep getting these dreams in a lot of details.
      Maybe because you're thinking about it or planning to get pregnant, your subconscious is bringing the subject up in your dreams

    6. #6
      Member crossroad's Avatar
      Join Date
      Aug 2005

      Re: Are my dreams a sign of what's to come in the future?

      Since i bought a dreamcatcher, i noticed that i've been having some weired dreams... I dreamed about being pregnant and knowing it was a little boy. In the second dream i dreamed about giving birth.

      My fiance and I were trying to have a baby starting in September of 2004. She's not into the dream world as much as I am but I think because I discuss it alot, it s in her mind on a regular basis. Anyway, I remember numerous times she would tell me about dreams of being pregnant and even giving birth just like your having. She would also dream about the gender of the baby. On June 27 we had a baby girl.(real,not dream). sounds like normal dreaming since Im sure its a big part of your sub-conscious mind. Im curious though, has your partner had any of those dreams? :?: Reason for asking is that I never once had a dream about her being pregnant or giving birth or anything related. I was writing in my dream journal and had recalls almost every night through the whole experience and it was in my sub-conscious mind for sure, just never dreampt about it.
      c u at the crossroads


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