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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Dec 2005

      Faux Lucid? I know how to wake myself up... but why do I?

      I posted this in the newbie forum, but it makes sense here as well.

      I just learnt about this lucid 'technique' stuff today. I've had some lucid dreams, but they aren't truly 'lucid'.
      I mean, in the past (looking back), I've had some dreams where I say 'Hey, this is jsut a dream!", but I'm still worried about, say, taking off my pants or punching someone. It's as if 'being aware about dreaming' is just a 'part of my dream'. It more as if a part of the dream is the fact that it IS a dream, similar to how a part of a dream is being in my old house.

      Also, when I was younger (5-13), the way I'd wake up from a dream is to crouch down and force my eyes open as wide as I could (without my hands). I guess opening my eyes hard enough affected the 'real world' me and opened my real eyes jsut a tad, enabling me to wake up.
      Anyways, as you can see, doing this (trying to wake up from a dream) requires me to know I'm in a dream in the first place.
      An example is, when I was around 8-ish, I was at my house and I walked outside in the dark. All of a sudden, my garage started to open. Frankenstein (original, no?) was inside and, as soon as the garage opened all the way, he started to chase me down my courtyard street. When I gained enough distance from him to crouch down, I did, and I opened my eyes as wide as I could. Boom, I was awake. Worked like a charm, every time. My question is, is this fake-lucidness? I mean, to do it, I would have to know I am in the dream first, or else I'd keep running or whatnot. If I knew I was in the dream in the first place, why didn't I just give Frankie a karate-chop? Maybe it was because I was young and afraid to result to such actions, which brings up my next point.

      Now, at the age of 16, whenever I come across distrubing images in a dream or something uncomfortable (a nightmare, if I must call it), I don't do the 'opening eyes' thing. It doesn't work anymore, as I've had some unsucessful attempts when I was 14-ish. Anyways, my 'new' method of forcing myself to wake up is.... get ready for it.... 'The sign of the cross'! Oh yes, crouching down and touching my forehead, chest, and both shoulders works like a charm. However, to do this requires me to know that I'm in a dream. I cannot remember any examples. Either way, if I came across a point in a dream where something becomes scary or disturbing (in grade 6, my teacher passed around a picture of a lady who got in a car accident and now looks like a real-life zombie. Scarred for life), I'm not sure if I know I'm in a dream or just do 'the sign of the cross' as a reflexive 'key out'.

      Anyways, is there any way that I, once wanting to not be in the dream anymore, result to other means of getting rid of whatever is bothering me instead of 'waking up'? Instead of forcingmyself to wake up, can my new 'reflex' be to summon a rocket launcher and use that?

      Also, in the past before I discovered this website and 'lucid dreaming', when I realized I was in a dream (sometimes it just happens. Maybe I'll try to figure out the cause in another thread), either I wake up (not a good thing to overreact or tell a lot of people that you are dreaming, I suppose) or bad things start to happen, such as disturbing faces coming at me and so forth. Right now, it seems as if this is a very apparent obstacle.

    2. #2
      Member TygrHawk's Avatar
      Join Date
      Nov 2004
      Phoenix, AZ
      Originally posted by LDreamer 21
      Anyways, is there any way that I, once wanting to not be in the dream anymore, result to other means of getting rid of whatever is bothering me instead of 'waking up'? Instead of forcingmyself to wake up, can my new 'reflex' be to summon a rocket launcher and use that?
      Absolutely! Once you realize you are dreaming, the next step is to realize that anything is possible. You can make anything happen that you want to happen -- make people or things appear or disappear, change your location, morph into someone/something else -- whatever. The key here is to truly believe that these things will really happen when you want them to happen. Yes, this will likely take some practice, and will likely not work perfectly every time (at least at first), but you can certainly do it. Just the fact that you have gained lucidity and know what it feels like is at least half the battle, so just keep working on it, and keep reading DV to see how others have used various techniques to achieve their goals in their dreams.

      One thing that you might try first is flying. For most people, this seems to be one of the easiest (and most fun) things to do while lucid. Start out by just trying to make yourself float off the ground. Controlling yourself once you're in the air might be tricky at first, but again, you should be able to get it with practice.

      Good luck, and let us know how it goes. If you have specific questions, please ask!


      Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...

    3. #3
      Join Date
      Dec 2005
      I can't really be my REAL self in dreams and say things like "Hey, remember that thing I read on dreamviews.com? I should try that!"
      I'm more of my 'dream'-me, teh version of me who is taking place in a dream. If I realized, in the past, that I'm dreaming, it's more of the 'dream' me realizing that I'm dreaming and, FOR EXAMPLE , getting naked and having sex with the first thing I see.
      The thing is:
      1. I'm usually precautious when doing such things because of the 'consequences', which just proves that I'm not the REAL me, i'm just the DREAM me.
      2. I won't have sex with anything unless I know her or if she's more attractive than the rest of the people I see. For example: "Hey, shes pretty, but I'd rather have sex with someone really hot. She's hot, but I'll keep looking. Da da da...." *wakes up dissapointed*

      Don't take me as a perv, because if it was the REAL me there, I'd be shooting everyone with jumping-powder and watching them launch helplessly into the air.

      .... while flying, of course.

    4. #4
      Member clockworkoranges16's Avatar
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      Sep 2005
      Lost in the Mountains
      The thing about dreams is that it is all a matter of degree. Sure you may understand that you are dreaming, but the full implications of what the means rarely come to you. I have had dreams where I am on some sort of "mission" and realize "i'm dreaming" so I fly and stuff but I don't ever say, "well, why should I do this if I am dreaming?"

      The trick is to try immediately to "enhance" your lucid state as much as possible. This takes practice, but every time you do it it gets easier.

      Try spinning, rubbing your hands, shout "I'm dreaming" as loud as yu can. While it sounds strange, these acts will A: increase the vividness of the dream and B: allow you much more control. Which makes for a much better lucid. Then you can do whatever you please.


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