Damn, it's like I'm writing a good fantasy novel and then I stop halfway...some examples....

1. Arnold Schwarzenegger is about to put me in a massive head lock and kick my ass and maybe kill me, but I woke up before he entered the room.

2. My car was out of gas and there was some problem where you couldn't get gas anywhere, but I woke up before resolving the problem, so I was stranded at some gas station.

3. I was about to have sex with a hot girl and I woke up.

4. There was a major cop investigation and I was sequestered along with everyone else who was on the subway, but the dream ended before the cops found anything or anybody knew what the problem was.

I'm not saying my dreams aren't valuable. I can analyze nearly all of them and figure out what my sub-conscious is telling me. However, I'd like a more interesting dream world with conclusions!