The last night I just tried a new way to remember my dreams, and when I woke up I almost remembered my vivid dreams instantly. I actually had a lucid dream to, but not for very long because I didn't take my time to stabilize it.
Anyway the day before that I had did something that I don't usually do. When I came home from school I wrote down my events that day, my waking life so to speak, almost like a diary, but not really. I wrote downthe most important things like some conversations, events, thoughts etc.

Here is what I wrote:

This day I woke up around 6.46 am then I went down and ate breakfast.
My dad asked worried "How are you today ?". I just answered that I was really tired. After that I went up to my room and were stressed of not having enough time to write down my dreams in my dreamjournal then I got dressed. I rushed downstairs, told my mom that I were in a hurry because I didn't want to miss the bus. I walked quickly to the busstation, but the bus came 4 minutes later so it was cool. On the bus I met Tom Isgren my old classmate from Lindeborg school. I asked him what grade he got on the movie we made together, and he answered MVG. Then we talked about how much tests we had. When the bus arrived in Davidshall the clock showed 7.50 so it was plenty of time left before we started my next class. On my way to the lockers I were worried that I had forget if we were free or not, so I looked for a computer and I found one but it was broken. Then I saw Johan Holm, my classmate, and I got reliefed. On my way up for the stairs I saw the rest of the class sitting on the steps. At the fourth floor I met Felix and then Teodor came and then David. Then Angelica ran up and was very tired cause of the stairs and she said
"My god what I am tired, I went to bed at 3.00 am" and I said "Well, that explains why" and she laughed and she told me that she would laugh the whole day because when she are tired she do.
Then I had many lessons, Math, Swedish, and Biology (NO). When the schoolday was over I argued with Andriano about lucid dreaming, he tried to convince me that I was just dreaming that I were lucid, then I asked him "You've had a lucid dream right?" yes he said, then I asked "It has to be a proper lucid dream because you are aware of it otherwise you wouldn't remember it that well, but maybe you remember your normal dream to?" and then he said "Yeah, that's true but... are you saying that every dream is lucid?" blabla. then I went home, but I really convinced him there.
The bus were late as usual and when I came to Mobilia I met Astrit, my classmate from Kulladal school and then I took the 7 bus one station and went home. etc

This took me 10 minutes to write down , but when I woke up I remembered 4 dreams, and I usually just remember one, but I didn't had to recall them like laying still in the bed or something they just showed up like normal memorys when I woke up. I also use a voice recorder just to quickly record it when I wake up and then fall asleep again. Well, I hope this helped someone, and sorry if my english sucks

Sweet Dreams!