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    1. #1
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      NonConformist's Un-boring Academy book!

      I'll post in this tomorrow, after I dream ^.^

    2. #2
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      You better

    3. #3
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      5/17 I was playing a video game & talking to someone over the Xbox about the PSN being down.

    4. #4
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      Keep working on the recall. Anything today?

    5. #5
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      5/18 There were 3 people with me, Adam Reed, and one was a girl in my history class, and she asked me if I knew who wrote this song and Adam said the only way he could find out was Google Chrome and translate it from English into Rhyming English. We were in a locker room when this was going on.

    6. #6
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      5/19 There was a kid pretending to be exactly like me, with the same haircut and clothes, the whole deal. It was quite weird.

    7. #7
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      I was in between a war with the Indians(from India) and rebels. What were they fighting about? Who knows. Basically, the Rebels helped me get into this huge palace where a party was going on. I was looking for my 2 friends Bahia and Jesenia. I wanted to help them leave. I was standing on a balcony looking for them for a while, when I spotted a group of women wearing red "Hajbs" as they are called, the head wrap thing. I walked over and yes, there they were. I told them that we needed to leave, and they said to make it less suspicious they needed to do the chores. The chores were to get all this ice that was in a pile on the ground into an ice box. I said I could do this, and I used my fingers on my right hand to basically do psychokinesis and take a rake and a shovel to pick up the ice. A steward came over and said "The ice doesn't taste as good when you do that." So we picked it up with our hands and did it manually. Then, a person came over and gave Jesenia some electronic parts and said "The radio will work tonight! The radio will work tonight!" She put those pieces into a circuit board and there were the rebel leaders talking. It was too loud, they were worried that others would hear, so we unplugged it and I woke up.

      I was at an orchestra concert, and my friend Phil was next to me. He and I both had pianos on our laps, and trumpets at our sides. There were alot over other people as well, but only the conductor and 2 others talked to us. I was practicing my trumpet, but really sucked at it.

      I was in english class, and we were getting our grades back from the test we just did. I got an 89/105, because there was another page in the test that for some reason I missed. I asked my teacher about it, and he said that someone had glued it together, that it was just my "dumb luck". Luck my ass.

    8. #8
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      5/21 A much better recall today, i'm impressed of myself. As I was writing these down, I could barely remember earlier dreams I had, but not enough to write down.
      I am an American spy infiltrating a Nazi SS HQ. As I walk through, I see rooms filled with SS watching propaganda, or doing military exercises. I see a poster with all the types of German tanks. There is a very important meeting going on. I walk in there and pretend to be doing the laundry in the back. As i'm doing this, a few SS turn to look at me, and then turn away. I leave before their suspicions rise. A little later after the meeting, an SS officer comes to speak with me. He says he's never seen me before, and I say "Ich kommt auf Poland," (I come from Poland) "but with American Parents." He replies, "Sure, I can understand that. A kid can be white and have a black dad." I think that was an analogy. After we talk, a very heavy SS man stared at me for a while. After that, I walk into a theater type place. An old woman walks by me. She falls down, and drops some papers she was holding. She is laying face down on the ground. There are workers everywhere staring at her, and I walk over and try to "help" pick up the papers the woman dropped. I look at the top of her head, it is squished in a little bit, and the side of her face has blood splatters. I waved 2 workers over to basically peel this woman off of the pavement. When they did, she started running again. An SS shot her several times in the back. I couldn't handle this, so I took a nearby flight of stairs to the right, where there were tables. There were 2 Aryan girls sitting at a table up here that caught my interest, I sat down, and I was looking around the auditorium. The left and right walkways were grey tile, like that in a horror movie, and there were tables in front of the stage, on top of carpet. Down the tile-ways, there were several Jews running and being shot. There were blood marks strewn up and down these walkways. Now i'm at a table center front, directly by the stage. The same 2 women are there, but there is a guy at the table also with us. He has short blonde hair, and glasses. He looked like a guy from Scott Pilgrim, one of the ones that Wallace makes out with during the first fight. He turned and asked me "How are we going to have sex without anyone noticing?" I said no, sorry, I don't do that. That guy turned into my friend Phil, and Phil pulled out an Old Timer/ Switchblade. I stood up, backed up, and picked up a chair. I heard someone say "Yeah! WWE Style!" Phil tried to stab me a few times but I didn't let him. He somehow maneuvered the blade around the hair, but dropped the knife. We both scrambled for the knife, but he got it, and the dream ended.
      #2 I was with Edward, and he got a new house. He went inside, looking for something. When I walked into the house, I was greeted by Sheldon's "old" family: Sheldon, his mom, and Mick, his step dad. They were fighting over something, and after a while of listening to them bicker, I was finally able to talk. I said, "Your a fucking family," as soon as I said that, they started nagging at me, "We don't say that in our house! Jesus says... (etc.)" After that settled down, I started over, saying that "Every family is dysfunctional, that's just the way it is. We have families so that they can teach us a life lesson." We all agreed that that was really deep, so I was satisfied and ended the dream.

    9. #9
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      5/22 Brianna, Heidi, Lynn and I are all at a hotel. We lied and told the manager that we had a flight tomorrow to get special privileges. I had ordered a huge sandwich, and the box appeared and it had alot of extra bread. A few pieces were normal size, but others were so big that they called it a bread blanket. It was getting late and we had to go home, but the hotel manager said we had to wait a bit. The crew from "Lost" was coming, and Disney would be filming, like right then. He asked us what we thought of Lost. Lynn said she said it was never going to end, and the hotel manager replied that they had been hinting toward the ending and it was getting really close. So we 4 walked back inside to a lounge room, and there were alot of girls in there and me. All of these girls were either in my grade or around my age. Lynn was talking in fluent German, (She is Korean, but we have German class together) and I couldn't understand her. All the girls were texting eachother and facebook messaging. When I proposed that we should start to leave, because it was 8:25, Brianna said that we have until 3AM. I looked outside and it started to pour down rain. This is where the dream ends.

    10. #10
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      I am going through this persons DJ on Dreamviews, except instead of reading it, I was actually experiencing it. The had many entries about taking advice from guides when it was wrong, such as an Astral Projection method which felt (to me) like it worked but then sent you into a black void.

      Kitty says: "Achoo..!"

    11. #11
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      Reality Checks (that I always do): Looking at my hand and checking if it looks as it should, and pinching my nose
      Triggers: There is a recurring girl with blonde hair in my dreams, if I see her, I'll attempt an RC.
      If I'm driving a car, I'll RC because I don't have a car.

      Kitty says: "Achoo..!"

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