Hi zebra

Assignment 1
Post dreams to DJ and also
Post a dream here. Here it is
Drm1 June 14 00:36
Wnted a ld badly so dreamt that I was having a LD where I was sleeping and snoring. *Then suddenly I became aware that of my snoring and my surroundings. I became elated that this is what u mean by being lucid. I followed my snoring n breathing and I tried or looked sideways while snoring and it was pitch black but still I was able to see n snore. But then I realized this is not possible as in rem sleep ure paralyzed and then I was ejected from the dream within the dream. I got elated in the dream and wrote about it in the forum or maybe I thought I will write about it but then I got out of that dream too. So I cursed myself why I didn't do the *RC. And tried to remember the entire dream and wrote about it.*
Ok gnite. To dream 2 prolly. Bye.*
*Note to self: *RC.*
