Hey there, you might as well only keep reading this is if you play electric guitar and know a bit about the instrument.

Basically I've played piano for about 8 years or so so I know a fair bit about music, but in the last year or so I've become quite interested in rock, bands like the Beatles, Pink Floyd, the Velvet Underground, My Bloody Valentine, and that kind of thing. I enjoy experimenting with sound and piano can only take me so far with the range of different noises you can get out of it, so I'm going to try picking up electric guitar.

I have no equipment at the moment, so what I really need is some suggestions as to what I should get. As I'm a beginner and there is a small chance I'll give up playing or not play that much, I'm looking at something around £100 ($200) if that's possible, but obviously I'd still want a quality guitar that I could go quite far and do a fair bit of stuff with. I'd also need an amp and anything else you think is necessary.

So yeah, any ideas are very welcome, please ask more questions if you think you need more info.
