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    1. #1
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Animals - Starting off with animals, I read an article that was claiming that animals are overly vaccinated. Why? Because the research to how often they really need it has never been done. As a result, to cover the grey areas, they just get vaccinated every year.
      Many veterinarians also believe this.
      Any one know more about this? "cough" ---- Burns

      People I know a few people myself that have decide to forgo giving their kids vaccinations.
      Their main argument is that many contain too much Mercury.
      I have done a considerable amount of research into the mercury issue. (I certainly have a counter argument)
      There seems to be this new age group of parents that do this.
      It is all fine and dandy when the viruses that the vaccinations are meant to predict are all but eradicated. I don't believe any of them are completely eradicated.
      So in the event that an outbreak of one of these viruses comes back, it seems that they are setting up a volatile situation for their kids health, other kids health and the general health system at risk.
      Perhaps we too are overly vaccinated.?

    2. #2
      Crazy Cat Lady Burns's Avatar
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      Well, I don't know about vaccines for humans, but I CAN comment on vaccines in cats and dogs.

      Basically, every pet cat and dog should be vaccinated for rabies. This is not because we think the animal is going to contract rabies - though there have been plenty of documented cases of both species being exposed and contracting it, either via and outdoor wild animal or a wild animal such as an infected bat or mouse getting into the house. I don't know about other countries, but in most states in the U.S., if someone is bitten by an unvaccinated cat or dog, it is required by law that a police report is filed, the animal is quarantined for at least 10 days, and a subsequent rabies vaccine is given after the 10 day period if the animal doesn't show any signs of the disease. Because of the zoonotic potential of rabies (humans can get it), no risks are taken. Every state is different in their rabies laws, but most states (and cities for that matter) do require an animal to be up to date on the vaccine unless otherwise noted and discontinued by a veterinarian due to a medical problem.

      Most rabies vaccines are given annually, though there are a few that are licensed for 3 years. The hospital where I work used to use the 3 yr vaccine since we originally thought less vaccinating was better, but the 3 yr rabies vaccine is a killed virus, and therefore contains adjuvants to help increase the immune response. These adjuvants in killed vaccines where found to cause a specific type of cancer called a fibrosarcoma - which is extremely fast-growing. The tumors were found to contain an increased amount of aluminum which is from the adjuvant in the vaccine - therefore, the use of adjuvants in vaccines were linked to fibrosarcomas.

      Since then, we've switched rabies vaccine products to a recombinant form of live canarypox (not a killed virus) which doesn't contain adjuvants. But this product is only licensed for annual use, not every 3 years. But it's actually safer to use the non-adjuvanted vaccine annually than it is to use the adjuvanted vaccine every 3 years.

      Most killed virus vaccines contain adjuvants because a killed virus does not stimulate the immune system very well - which, as we all know, is the whole point of a vaccine. It stimulates an immune response by the body, creating an immunity against that specific virus. So adjuvants are added to create an appropriate immune response by the body to create immunity. Modified live vaccines disable the virus but it's not completely killed, therefore some of these vaccines do not contain adjuvants, but the risk of actually causing the disease you are vaccinating for is increasing, but still rare.

      It depends on where you live and potential exposure of your animal for what vaccines will be recommended. So your veterinarian should sit down with you and discuss your pet's lifestyle to determine what vaccines are recommended and what vaccines are not. It is the goal not to over-vaccinate but still provide the highest protection possible.

      For example, if you live near a woods or swampy area, your vet may recommend the Lyme disease vaccine for your dog, since the risk of coming in contact with ticks which transmit this deadly disease are far greater than a dog that lives in the city. Or if your cat goes outside unsupervised, it's recommended to have the feline leukemia vaccine up to date since your cat may by exposed to infected cats - but this vaccine is not recommended for indoor-only cats.

      So a specific vaccination program should be tailor-fitted to your animal, depending on risk factors, and medical history. Sometimes veterinarians will discontinue vaccines in geriatric animals due to their decreased immune system and lack of risk factors. It all depends.

    3. #3
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      Personally I would be cautious of any vaccine. Really a lot of it is kind of questionable. Now if you need one for some reason, I would probably get it. If its something that is not really needed I would avoid it.

      As for "to much Mercury", any mercury is to much. I would like to hear your arguement about it though. I have heard some crazy arguements before. Like how small amounts of mercury improves brain function.

    4. #4
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Well Burns I don't think you left any stone unturned.
      I am a little disappointed in my veterinarian. They don't ask personal question and such. They always want to X-ray - do this - do that. I would do almost anything for my dog....It is like they put you in a bad position. Vulnerable. So having some knowledge about this is great.
      Having moved, I am thinking about changing vets. My friend lived in the same township I now live and was very pleased with his vet.
      Too bad you were not closer burns. Although if we had met in person you might give ME the rabies shot.
      Thanks a bunch.

      Quote Originally Posted by Alric View Post
      Personally I would be cautious of any vaccine. Really a lot of it is kind of questionable. Now if you need one for some reason, I would probably get it. If its something that is not really needed I would avoid it.

      As for "to much Mercury", any mercury is to much. I would like to hear your arguement about it though. I have heard some crazy arguements before. Like how small amounts of mercury improves brain function.
      Improves brain function??
      That is the opposite of the arguments I have heard.
      This is more so an argument against mercury in vaccinations that give people reason to not vaccinate their children. Not against than general vaccinations in themselves. However given the fact that there is a possibility of some of these viruses resurfacing, if this became a common habit not to vaccinate your kid this could become, as I said before a dangerous situation.

      I need to get the numbers in my head straight before I jot them down. I will elaborate later.. K

    5. #5
      Crazy Cat Lady Burns's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Howetzer View Post
      Well Burns I don't think you left any stone unturned.
      I am a little disappointed in my veterinarian. They don't ask personal question and such. They always want to X-ray - do this - do that. I would do almost anything for my dog....It is like they put you in a bad position. Vulnerable. So having some knowledge about this is great.
      Having moved, I am thinking about changing vets. My friend lived in the same township I now live and was very pleased with his vet.
      Too bad you were not closer burns. Although if we had met in person you might give ME the rabies shot.
      Thanks a bunch.
      No problem - sorry to write a book, but there's a lot of information regarding vaccinations for their pets that people need to be aware of. Unfortunately, as I was telling you earlier, using the internet as a resource for information can be dangerous - you never know who wrote what and if the information is credible or not.

      Below are some credible links for both dogs and cats:

      AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association)
      AAFP (American Association of Feline Practitioners)

      2006 Canine Vaccination Guidelines
      2006 Feline Vaccination Guidelines

    6. #6
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      Its not just the opposite of the arguement you have heard, its the opposite of common sense. Thats why I said its crazy when people say that. I have heard the arguement though.

    7. #7
      - Neruo's Avatar
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      Lets all not vaccinate our children. Afterall, evolution is a lie, diseases don't mutate, so vaccinations, especially yearly ones, are just anti-christ propaganda.

      That is one side.

      The other is: Lets not vaccinate our children, because needles must be bad, and MRI sanncers always detect tumors Because they cause them!1111 *wears alluminium hat*.

      The other side is: Just have some reasonable trust with people who's job it is to make sure people don't die, unlike people that work with cows, that just want big fat cows they can sell.
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    8. #8
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      Burns, Thanks again for the links and info!

      Many people beleive that vaccinations are the cause of the alarming rate of babies that are being born with autism.
      It is astronomically alarming. 1000% growth in ten years :!:

      Now I agree that this is an alarming issue but I think they are barking up the wrong tree. They have chosen to point the finger at vaccines. Because some vaccinations have mercury in them and the fact that they seem to have a link between high levels of mercury related to autistic children. I am not sure what all vaccinations have mercury in them and different states have different vaccinations, polio, small pox, typhoid fever, etc. Some have been completly eradicated.
      But you have to ask, If you did not vaccinate your child and he or she came up with a particular disease, could you live with yourself.
      All I am saying is I do not think people should jump to conclusions.

      Here are some things I have thought about.
      • In autistic children the signs of this disease are evident at birth. Children naturally make eye contact. It is a bonding method I think. In autistic children they often stare of, as autism is a disease where the person does not obtain social skills. They have no desire to look at you.
      • So if this is the case, a vaccination is after the fact.
      • So if that is the case, perhaps the mercury level could be from the source of the mother??

      This made me look a little more into mercury poisoning.
      Some things I read:
      • In the last thirty years there has been approx. 200 hundred tons of mercury used in car switches crushed in demolition. Not until this past year they finally made the practice of crushing the cars with mercury switches illegal --(Just in the United States)
      • Millions of mercury thermometers have been disposed and destroyed over the years.
        So to have thermostats.
      • Coal smoke pollution is the leading producer of mercury pollution. As it rains this pollution is retained in the soil and water.
      • There are warnings about how much fish should be eaten due to mercury contamination.
        mercury builds up in our system.

    9. #9
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Howetzer View Post
      Here are some things I have thought about.
      In autistic children the signs of this disease are evident at birth. Children naturally make eye contact. It is a bonding method I think. In autistic children they often stare of, as autism is a disease where the person does not obtain social skills. They have no desire to look at you.[/b]
      I'm not sure that is totally true Howie. I have an autistic cousin, he is now about 30 years old. Up until he was three, he developed normally. For some reason though, he began to withdraw. It was really kind of a creepy thing.

      He lost most of the communications skills he had gained to that point and developed the 'stare' that is so common.

      The funny thing though, when he was in his late teens, they gave him a flip-book of flash cards, common everyday phrases and pictures for stuff you would need to buy groceries, ride a bus, and so forth. He CAN use these quite well to communicate.

      Autism is a really weird thing, on occasion, someone just snaps right out of it.
      I hope some day they DO find a way to prevent it and to help those that are afflicted.
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    10. #10
      Member becomingagodo's Avatar
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      Many people beleive that vaccinations are the cause of the alarming rate of babies that are being born with autism.
      It is astronomically alarming. 1000% growth in ten years icon_exclaim.gif[/b]
      2. Does the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine cause autism?

      Current scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis that measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, or any combination of vaccines, causes the development of autism, including regressive forms of autism. The question about a possible link between MMR vaccine and autism has been extensively reviewed by independent groups of experts in the U.S. including the National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Medicine. These reviews have concluded that the available epidemiologic evidence does not support a causal link between MMR vaccine and autism.[/b]
      according to focus magizine this is one of the biggest blunder of 21 century because vaccination droped massively and their was no change of autism level even worse as a result 550 children dried of mumbs e.t.c.

    11. #11
      Rotaredom Howie's Avatar
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      I was hoping you were one who responded seeker. For I know you have children. How do you feel about vaccines?

      I certainly am not claiming any of what I have posted to be 100% true. Just some things I have read.
      And you are right. I think that the article I read a while back said that it is becoming more evident in children, not necessarily most evident.
      either way with that kind of increase there is something going wrong!

      Thanks for the info becomingagodo.
      This is a topic that is a little emotional for me because my one best friend has had a child and they are denying the school their vaccination shots

    12. #12
      Generic lucid dreamer Seeker's Avatar
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      When we took our kids for their vaccinations, we were always given sheet with the statistics.. 1-100,000 chance of death, retardation, etc.

      We decided that the risk was acceptable. Think of where we would be without them...polio, German measles, meningitis. Ask anyone that lived in the 40's and 50's what kind of odds they would find acceptable for the polio vaccination. I bet it's about 1-100.

      Sometimes you have to roll the dice and believe that everything is going to turn out OK.
      you must be the change you wish to see in the world...

    13. #13
      Member TheNocturnalGent's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Seeker View Post
      When we took our kids for their vaccinations, we were always given sheet with the statistics.. 1-100,000 chance of death, retardation, etc.

      We decided that the risk was acceptable. Think of where we would be without them...polio, German measles, meningitis. Ask anyone that lived in the 40's and 50's what kind of odds they would find acceptable for the polio vaccination. I bet it's about 1-100.

      Sometimes you have to roll the dice and believe that everything is going to turn out OK.

      I still think it would be exceptable if one in 1000 would have complications. Polio virus is found in stagnent water, this includes gutters, puddles, storm drains, unfiltered swimming pools/covers etc. Very easy to get if your a kid.
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