As I try to discuss this more in depth, I was hoping some members could add their two cent to help me along.
evolve the post, if you will

My basic thoughts are just that, thoughts. Philosophical in nature, I do believe them to have substenance and merit.
The notion that our minds have evolved over generations and many different environments to make our mind a very complex sentient being.
But what comes with this is a state of perplexity and uncertainty. Like polar opposites, a duality of processing. As much as I would like to stay away from a religious parallel, almost good and evil.

Our minds are adaptable, ever changing. soaking up information (right or wrong) -( true or untrue) like a sponge.
We can enjoy many things. The issue at hand is why does it seem this growth to be two ways?
As we become more cultivated we have the ability to enjoy fine arts, appreciative a more sophisticated mind.
We can say we are more scholarly? Mannerly, intellectual and intelligent.

So as we grow, or for lack of a better word.. grow perversely, we can also see a higher level of corruption, desecration, or wrongdoing.
Some claim that these traits have always been with us. And while they may have I argue that they have too, evolved into a more complex nature.

Thoughts on the general topic.
If you could please just put a + or - in front of your idea ( sex - love - hate etc.) and then explain. I.E. Or further the existing one.

  • We have learned to communicate between the sexes better.
  • We have learned much more about the differences and needs between males and females.
  • More products and techniques have developed for the enjoyment of sex.
-Sex[list][*]A more perverse attitude seems present.
  • Fetishes. Would we have fetishes with out a complex ability to manifest things out of nothing?
  • Pornography. How this industry has grown over the web, how children are being exploited and how our culture views sex and young people.