Since September 11th 2001, the very day the event happened, I've been seeing conspiracy theories pop up left and right - some of them laughable, like the theory that the planes were not planes at all but missiles with wings; but a few of them actually make you stop and think, and appear to make a bit of sense - Like the one about the... uhh.. um, well I can't think of any off of the top of my head right now but I'm sure they're out there. Yeah. They've got to be.

Alright, so there are no conspiracy theories that make even a lick of sense to me. Why? I don't know. Maybe I've just never heard of any. But here's your chance - You have the opportunity to present your case to listening ears. I want you to give me the best you've got, because I know you've got to have something better than "The buildings fell down too perfect"