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    1. #51
      Member Specialis Sapientia's Avatar
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      Laughing man, I am not going to waste my time on something that is very clear and apparent. If you want to know how it works, research it for yourself. I am not going to spend many minutes more researching only to provide answers for you, which you dismiss anyway. It is a simple waste of time when you cannot admit your own faulty logic. It is so typical that when one branch of science contradicts a completely uneducated opinion it is "BIASED" and "WILD SPECULATION". What the fuck, how much prejudice do you have against scientist who actually works in the field, and does a terrific work.

      Why can't you just admit your own ignorance on this subject, and have more appreciation that you have learned something new today, instead of being argumentative like some teenager.

      I cannot be any more clearer on this.
      The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought, sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve. ~ Buddha

    2. #52
      Member Laughing Man's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Specialis Sapientia View Post
      Laughing man, I am not going to waste my time on something that is very clear and apparent. If you want to know how it works, research it for yourself.
      What a wonderful cop out.

      Quote Originally Posted by Specialis Sapientia View Post
      I am not going to spend many minutes more researching only to provide answers for you, which you dismiss anyway. It is a simple waste of time when you cannot admit your own faulty logic.
      Is this the point were you throw a temper tantrum and say I'm the one acting immature?

      Quote Originally Posted by Specialis Sapientia View Post
      It is so typical that when one branch of science contradicts a completely uneducated opinion it is "BIASED" and "WILD SPECULATION". What the fuck, how much prejudice do you have against scientist who actually works in the field, and does a terrific work.
      Apparently it is such a point. Everyone has a bias. Refute my arguments or stop the crybaby tactics.

      Quote Originally Posted by Specialis Sapientia View Post
      Why can't you just admit your own ignorance on this subject, and have more appreciation that you have learned something new today, instead of being argumentative like some teenager.

      I cannot be any more clearer on this.
      I have refuted the arguments presented towards me, all you have done so far is say 'nanny nanny foo foo I'm right and you're wrong.' Don't presume to have the gull to call me a teenager when you have clearly been acting like a spoiled child.
      'What is war?...In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, crimes, and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable' - John Bright

    3. #53
      stellar flotsam <span class='glow_808080'>cygnus</span>'s Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      Well, how about the fact that most biologists think we are currently going through another major extinction event?

      Given that there have been only 5 others as you say, it's a bit of a massive coincidence that this event should occur in the 10,000 years out of the 4,000,000,000 in the Earth's history that there has been human civilization.
      Quote Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
      Hysteria. There have been less then 100 species which have gone extinct...in the last 500 years.
      that's just nuts - i really can't take anything you say seriously, laughing man.

      you're not providing anything substantial - you're just flaming people who have reasonable things to say. i've taken a number of environmental science courses at a university and i can say that most of what specialis sapientia said regarding species extinctions is accurate. there is an entire field of study devoted to this kind of research - it's called conservation biology.

      are you denying that there is anything wrong with the way we relate to our environment? because from what i can gather from your posts you think everything is fine, the paradigm of modernity is just fine, and the environment is fine.
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    4. #54
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      Quote Originally Posted by cygnus View Post
      that's just nuts - i really can't take anything you say seriously, laughing man.

      you're not providing anything substantial - you're just flaming people who have reasonable things to say. i've taken a number of environmental science courses at a university and i can say that most of what specialis sapientia said regarding species extinctions is accurate. there is an entire field of study devoted to this kind of research - it's called conservation biology.

      are you denying that there is anything wrong with the way we relate to our environment? because from what i can gather from your posts you think everything is fine, the paradigm of modernity is just fine, and the environment is fine.
      Again, no retorts, no arguments, just baseless platitudes of 'you're wrong I'm right.' Come with facts and arguments, not appeals to emotion and asinine comments.
      'What is war?...In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, crimes, and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable' - John Bright

    5. #55
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Okay people, this guy is either completely obnoxious or he's just a plain troll. Just leave him alone.

    6. #56
      Member Laughing Man's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Xei View Post
      Okay people, this guy is either completely obnoxious or he's just a plain troll. Just leave him alone.
      How I present an argument does not diminish the argument itself. I could be the nicest guy in the world or a complete ass and the argument would still be the same.
      'What is war?...In a short sentence it may be summed up to be the combination and concentration of all the horrors, atrocities, crimes, and sufferings of which human nature on this globe is capable' - John Bright

    7. #57
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      I just got some news in a text message. Al Gore can't give his global warming speech today. His tongue is stuck to a flag pole.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    8. #58
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      Are you having cold weather in the US or something?

      It's the coldest for 30 years here and the whole country's covered in snow. I'm not going to be so as obnoxious as to claim that this discredits global warming, but the problem is that the MET office predicted a 'barbeque summer' which turned out to be one of the mildest on record and then a 'mild winter' which turned out to be one of the coldest on record. They've had billions to spend over decades to refine their climate models and they're still completely and utterly hopeless over long periods of time. As computer models are as far as I can see the only thing supporting AGW and the email leaks show that at least some of them are in complete disarray, I'm pretty apathetic about the whole thing.

    9. #59
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      SUV's On Jupiter?
      Are humans responsible for climate change on the outer reaches of the solar system, or is it the sun?

      Paul Joseph Watson
      Prison Planet
      Thursday, November 16, 2006

      Kofi Annan today slammed global warming skeptics as being "out of step" and "out of time," but how will altering human activity halt climate change when the evidence clearly indicates that the sun itself and not SUV's is heating up the entire solar system?

      "The U.N. chief lamented "a frightening lack of leadership" in fashioning next steps to reduce global emissions. "Let us start being more politically courageous," he urged the hundreds of delegates from some 180 member nations of the 1992 U.N. climate treaty," reports Forbes.(http://www.forbes.com/technology/ebu...ap3177037.html)

      But how do we square the fact that almost every planet in our solar system is simultaneously undergoing temperature change and volatile weather patterns. Does this not suggest that global warming is a natural cycle as a result of the evolving nature of the sun? Can Al Gore fill me in on this one?

      - Space.com: Global Warming on Pluto Puzzles Scientists (http://www.space.com/scienceastronom...ng_021009.html)
      In what is largely a reversal of an August announcement, astronomers today said Pluto is undergoing global warming in its thin atmosphere even as it moves farther from the Sun on its long, odd-shaped orbit.

      - Space.com: New Storm on Jupiter Hints at Climate Change (http://www.space.com/scienceastronom...04_red_jr.html)
      The latest images could provide evidence that Jupiter is in the midst of a global change that can modify temperatures by as much as 10 degrees Fahrenheit on different parts of the globe.

      - Current Science & Technology Center: Global Warming on Mars? (http://www.mos.org/cst-archive/article/80/9.html)
      A study of the ice caps on Mars may show that the red planet is experiencing a warming trend. If both Mars and Earth are experiencing global warming, then perhaps there is a larger phenomenon going on in the Solar System that is causing their global climates to change.

      - United Press International: NASA looks at a monster storm on Saturn (http://www.upi.com/NewsTrack/view.ph...9-022035-4126r)
      NASA says its Cassini spacecraft has found a hurricane-like storm at Saturn's South Pole, nearly 5,000 miles across -- or two-thirds Earth's diameter.

      - Science Agogo: Global Warming Detected on Triton (http://www.scienceagogo.com/news/199...runc_sys.shtml)
      There may not be much industrial pollution on Neptune's largest moon, but things are hotting up nonetheless. "At least since 1989, Triton has been undergoing a period of global warming," confirms astronomer James Elliot, professor of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Percentage-wise, it's a very large increase."

      - Associated Press: Study says sun getting hotter (http://www.lubbockonline.com/news/092897/study.htm)
      Solar radiation reaching the Earth is 0.036 percent warmer than it was in 1986, when the current solar cycle was beginning, a researcher reports in a study to be published Friday in the journal Science. The finding is based on an analysis of satellites that measure the temperature of sunlight.

      - London Telegraph: The truth about global warming - it's the Sun that's to blame (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main...ixnewstop.html)
      Global warming has finally been explained: the Earth is getting hotter because the Sun is burning more brightly than at any time during the past 1,000 years, according to new research.

      The simple fact is that throughout the ages the earth has swung wildly between a warm, wet, stable climate, to a cold, dry and windy one - long before the first fossil fuel was burned. The changes we are now witnessing are a walk in the park compared to the battering that our planet has taken in the past.

      This is not a defense of the oil cartels or the Neo-Con wreckers, who would have every motivation to ignore global warming whether it is man-made or not.

      Nor is it a blanket denial of the fact that the earth is getting very gradually hotter, but how do we reconcile global warming taking place at the farthest reaches of the solar system with the contention that it is caused by human activity? Have our exhaust fumes left earth's atmosphere and slipped through a black hole to Triton?

      The assertion that global warming is man made is so oppressively enforced upon popular opinion, especially in Europe, that expressing a scintilla of doubt is akin to holocaust denial in some cases. Such is the insipid brainwashing that has taken place via television, newspapers and exalted talking heads - global warming skeptics are forced to wear the metaphoric yellow star and only discuss their doubts in hushed tones and conciliatory frameworks, or be cat-called, harangued and jeered by an army of do-gooders who righteously believe they are rescuing mother earth by recycling a wine bottle or putting their paper in a separate trash can.

      Fearmongering about an imminent climate doomsday also hogs news coverage and important environmental issues like GM food, mad scientist chimera cloning and the usurpation and abuse of corporations like Monsanto flies under the radar.

      Global warming is cited as an excuse to meter out further control and surveillance over our daily lives, RFID chips on our trash cans, GPS satellite tacking and taxation by the mile, as well as a global tax at the gas pump.

      The extremist wing of the environmentalist movement, characterized by people like Dr. Erik Pianka, advocate the mass culling of humanity via plagues and state sanctioned bio-terrorism, in order to "save" the earth from the disease of humanity. Nazi-like genocial population control measures and the environmental establishment have always held a close alliance.

      The orthodox organized religion of global warming and its disastrous consequences for our freedom of speech, freedom of mobility and our right to remain outside of the system, needs to be questioned on the foundational basis that the phenomenon is solar-system wide and it is mainly caused by the natural evolution of the sun and not human activity.
      These two are old but still relevant
      Scientists blame sun for global warming
      Friday, February 13, 1998 Published at 19:25 GMT

      The Sun is more active than it has ever been in the last 300 years
      Climate changes such as global warming may be due to changes in the sun rather than to the release of greenhouse gases on Earth.

      Climatologists and astronomers speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Philadelphia say the present warming may be unusual - but a mini ice age could soon follow.

      The sun provides all the energy that drives our climate, but it is not the constant star it might seem.

      Careful studies over the last 20 years show that its overall brightness and energy output increases slightly as sunspot activity rises to the peak of its 11-year cycle.

      And individual cycles can be more or less active.

      The sun is currently at its most active for 300 years.

      That, say scientists in Philadelphia, could be a more significant cause of global warming than the emissions of greenhouse gases that are most often blamed.

      The researchers point out that much of the half-a-degree rise in global temperature over the last 120 years occurred before 1940 - earlier than the biggest rise in greenhouse gas emissions.

      Ancient trees reveal most warm spells are caused by the sun
      Using ancient tree rings, they show that 17 out of 19 warm spells in the last 10,000 years coincided with peaks in solar activity.

      They have also studied other sun-like stars and found that they spend significant periods without sunspots at all, so perhaps cool spells should be feared more than global warming.

      The scientists do not pretend they can explain everything, nor do they say that attempts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions should be abandoned. But they do feel that understanding of our nearest star must be increased if the climate is to be understood.
      Global warming - is the Sun to blame?
      Thursday, June 3, 1999 Published at 09:43 GMT 10:43 UK

      More research is called for to determine the Sun's effect on climate change

      By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
      Global warming may not be caused by humanity's fossil fuel emissions, but could be due to changes in the Sun.

      Research suggests that the magnetic flux from the Sun more than doubled this century. As solar magnetism is closely linked with sunspot activity and the strength of sunlight reaching Earth, the increase could have produced warming in the global climate.

      Prof. Mike Lockwood: "The man made greenhouse gases is accelerating as time goes by"
      The evidence for an increasingly energetic Sun comes from a new analysis of the magnetic field between the planets, carried out by scientists at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, near Oxford, UK.

      Solar Wind

      This magnetic field is caused by the Solar Wind, a stream of particles given off by the Sun which fills the solar system.

      The Solar Wind brings the Sun's magnetic field into space
      The scientists produce evidence that since 1964 the interplanetary magnetic field has increased in strength by 40%.

      Evidence from before the space age suggests that the magnetic field is 2.3 times stronger than it was in 1901.

      Scientists do not doubt that the increased magnetic field results from a more energetic Sun. Their problem is that the effect of these increases on the Earth is unknown.

      Not our fault?

      The research is published in Nature and in the same journal Professor Eugene Parker, of the Laboratory for Astrophysics and Space Research, University of Chicago, comments that it could explain global warming.

      He notes that the increased solar activity has occurred in parallel with an increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere. And it may not be a coincidence, he says.

      Professor Parker suggests that the Sun's increased activity caused the Earth's global temperature to rise and that in turn warmed the oceans.

      Warmer oceans absorb less carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. So a warmer Earth has more of the so-called greenhouse gases. Humanity's burning of fossil fuels may therefore not be the cause of global warming.

      Perilous plans

      Professor Parker adds that that more research must be done about the Sun's role in global warming before drastic action is taken here on Earth.

      "It is essential to check to what extent the facts support these conclusions before embarking on drastic, perilous and perhaps misguided plans for global action," he says.

      Measurements of the magnetic field are not the only evidence for the Sun's variable influence on the Earth. The planet went through a "little ice age" during the 17th Century, at a time when very few sunspots appeared on the surface of the Sun.

      And the so-called "medieval maximum" was a period of warmer than average global weather in the 12th Century. Astronomers believe that the Sun was slightly brighter at that time.
      Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth'? -- $30,000 utility bill
      Wednesday, February 28, 2007

      (2/27/07 - NASHVILLE, TN) -- Back home in Tennessee, safely ensconced in his suburban Nashville home, Vice President Al Gore is no doubt basking in the Oscar awarded to "An Inconvenient Truth," the documentary he inspired and in which he starred. But a local free-market think tank is trying to make that very home emblematic of what it deems Gore's environmental hypocrisy.

      Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.

      "If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn't care," says the Center's 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. "But he tells other people how to live and he's not following his own rules."


      The Center claims that Nashville Electric Services records show the Gores in 2006 averaged a monthly electricity bill of $1,359 for using 18,414 kilowatt-hours, and $1,461 per month for using 16,200 kilowatt-hours in 2005. During that time, Nashville Gas Company billed the family an average of $536 a month for the main house and $544 for the pool house in 2006, and $640 for the main house and $525 for the pool house in 2005. That averages out to be $29,268 in gas and electric bills for the Gores in 2006, $31,512 in 2005
      Gore’s Dual Role: Advocate and Investor

      NY TIMES
      Published: November 2, 2009
      WASHINGTON — Former Vice President Al Gore thought he had spotted a winner last year when a small California firm sought financing for an energy-saving technology from the venture capital firm where Mr. Gore is a partner.

      Former Vice President Al Gore, who has become a major voice around the world on the issue of climate change, spoke last month at a forum in Dubai.

      The company, Silver Spring Networks, produces hardware and software to make the electricity grid more efficient. It came to Mr. Gore’s firm, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, one of Silicon Valley’s top venture capital providers, looking for $75 million to expand its partnerships with utilities seeking to install millions of so-called smart meters in homes and businesses.

      Mr. Gore and his partners decided to back the company, and in gratitude Silver Spring retained him and John Doerr, another Kleiner Perkins partner, as unpaid corporate advisers.

      The deal appeared to pay off in a big way last week, when the Energy Department announced $3.4 billion in smart grid grants. Of the total, more than $560 million went to utilities with which Silver Spring has contracts. Kleiner Perkins and its partners, including Mr. Gore, could recoup their investment many times over in coming years.
      People, man-made climate change is a fraud being carried out by powerful people who stand to profiteer off of the ensuing laws and regulations that will make costs for small businesses become prohibitive, and run them out of business, while Al Gore is making hundreds of millions of dollars from a company that would not have existed without his relentless hype regarding global warming. People have come to believe a movie star rather than a true climatologist.

      Advocates say that more than 15,000 scientists agree that global warming is man-made, but the truth is that hardly a fraction of them are actually climatologists.

      The Sun is the cause of the earth, and the other planets, heating up just as it has always been the cause, long before humans were able to have the slight understanding meteorology that we have now. It is not just a stationary object, the Sun is constantly internally and externally fluctuating, and nobody has the capability to truly predict what the sun will do. We know that it is on its course to becoming a red giant hundreds of millions of years down the road, when it will eventually consume the majority of our solar system with its sheer size. However, presently the sun is at a warming period, which accounts for reports wherein other planets are observed in warm periods simoultaneously with the Earth.
      "La bellezza del paessa di Galilei!"

    10. #60
      not so sure.. Achievements:
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      @Laughing Man,

      Given that we have discoverd that often times a single tree can be an
      enviroment for a species that exists nowhere else and taking into account
      just how little we still know about the rainforest, the wide range of 35-150
      species doesn't even seem that unrealistic, especially considering how
      many full grown trees are cut every day.

      Also we are discovering new species every day.

      I agree with juroara on this issue. To me the rainforest and our oceans
      are the most fascinating spawns of life, with such a diversity and importance
      for the natural balance. I have been following the development especially of
      the oceans for quite a while and it makes me really sad, as to how they are
      treated and how we already caused so much permanent damage.

      Personally, I see much more urgency in these issues (and our use of natural
      ressources) than in global warming, which seems too jointed in with politics
      and lobbyism for me to full-heartedly believe it.
      Last edited by dajo; 01-11-2010 at 12:54 AM.

    11. #61
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      I don't care why some people feel the need to vehemently deny global warming, but the scientific FACTS are clear:












      Many of the effects are worse and coming sooner than we thought. It really mystifies me why some people think that caring about the environment is a BAD thing. It's like hating oxygen. Or hating the sole reason you're alive at all- this livable planet. Anyone with half a functioning brain knows that sustainable living practices are logical and beneficial for EVERYONE- not thoughtless greed and ignorance.
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    12. #62
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Deery, it's also happening on Mars and Jupiter.

      Are you aware of the back and forth between global warming and global cooling that has been going on since the 1800's? I have seen you go off in really nasty ways on people for believing what the mainstream tells them. What would you say you are doing with global warming?
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    13. #63
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
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      I've only just seen this but believe it or not I was visiting Jozef Medved, the Slovak environment minister at his house (family friend) over new year drinking some rather lovely French wine discussing this. He was there in place of the Slovak president. He was telling some interesting stories about what went on.

    14. #64
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Adam View Post
      I've only just seen this but believe it or not I was visiting Jozef Medved, the Slovak environment minister at his house (family friend) over new year drinking some rather lovely French wine discussing this.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    15. #65
      !DIREKTOR! Adam's Avatar
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      You don't believe me?

    16. #66
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Adam View Post
      You don't believe me?
      I'm just playing. I was there too. I just didn't tell you how you already knew me.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    17. #67
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      Quote Originally Posted by Universal Mind View Post
      Deery, it's also happening on Mars and Jupiter.
      It's also been shown that there's a marked, extreme rise in CO2 levels since the industrial revolution began. I don't think that Mars and Jupiter show that.

      Are you aware of the back and forth between global warming and global cooling that has been going on since the 1800's? I have seen you go off in really nasty ways on people for believing what the mainstream tells them. What would you say you are doing with global warming?
      Can you list examples of where I was so nasty to other people? Besides, global warming is not simply a mainstream dogma. It's supported by FACTS and EVIDENCE. Time will tell whether enough people will stand up to this and see the logic to do something about it. It's like saying that the Earth being round is a kind of religion perpetuated by the mainstream media, and I'm really having enough of it.

      Again, I really can't understand what your reasoning has to do with neglecting the environment and having a passive attitude towards deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and other real dangers that aren't going away unless people act on it. I'm sick and tired of the lies. The fact that I have to sit here, constantly debate and defend this obvious reality in the first place illustrates what discouragingly little hope there is for our future.
      Last edited by DeeryTheDeer; 01-13-2010 at 12:18 AM.
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    18. #68
      Member, whatever Luanne's Avatar
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      DeeryTheDeer, you know you won't accomplish anything by trying to prove something. That's way passed over a simple debate. Calm down, recycle, love and enjoy the trees (well, those that are left), boycott environmentally unfriendly products and be an example. Your options are that, or getting your spirit crushed by your 'anxious for proving' ego (which I understand, don't get me wrong, but find ineffective and self destructive ) and eventually becoming one of those who don't care.

      Think local to make it global. Or... you know... what Gandhi beautifully said.
      Come on! What if Martin Luther King said: "I kinda have a dream... nah, I don't wanna talk about it."

    19. #69
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      Some rocky planet with water
      A summary of 2010 in Brazil:

      12 days, 12 rains, 12 days with floods, countless people homeless, barrages coming down, water reservoirs risking coming down or leaking, cars breaking down in the middle of the streets due to overheating, summer diseases. Seriously. You ignorant ass conservatives stop deluding yourselves into thinking the world is fine. If you don't wanna survive, other people do.

      Some neighborhoods that were flooded still haven't dried up, after days.

      Stop being idiots.

      Saying quantum physics explains cognitive processes is just like saying geology explains jurisprudence.

    20. #70
      Eternal Apprentice Awakening's Avatar
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      pollution cigarette-equivalent packs examples

      Even if global warming is bullshit, there's still the pollution issue. Lots of breathing issues and premature deaths happens because of it.

    21. #71
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DeeryTheDeer View Post
      It's also been shown that there's a marked, extreme rise in CO2 levels since the industrial revolution began. I don't think that Mars and Jupiter show that.

      Can you list examples of where I was so nasty to other people? Besides, global warming is not simply a mainstream dogma. It's supported by FACTS and EVIDENCE. Time will tell whether enough people will stand up to this and see the logic to do something about it. It's like saying that the Earth being round is a kind of religion perpetuated by the mainstream media, and I'm really having enough of it.

      Again, I really can't understand what your reasoning has to do with neglecting the environment and having a passive attitude towards deforestation, overpopulation, pollution and other real dangers that aren't going away unless people act on it. I'm sick and tired of the lies. The fact that I have to sit here, constantly debate and defend this obvious reality in the first place illustrates what discouragingly little hope there is for our future.
      In case you didn't catch this the first time...

      Quote Originally Posted by Universal Mind View Post
      Just give it a few years. The global cooling scare will make its way back yet again. The extreme of the temperature scare has switched like seven times since the 1800's. At this point, I am not worried that the sky is falling. "Wolf" has been cried way too many times.


      I was a child in the 1970's, and the environmental activism fad of the era was this...


      Go ahead and call bullshit on Al Gore, the grand wizard of the global warming fad, because he is quite full of it. The temperature of the core of Earth is is in the low thousands.


      Now here's Al Whore with his true ignorance...

      The godfather of global warming obviously isn't such an expert on Earth temperature. By the way, global warming is happening on Mars.


      Don't listen to the bullshit. Tons of actual climate scientists, including the head of NASA, have called B.S. on global warming. If the hysterical crazies had been correct when I was your age, the Brazilian Rainforest would be gone and the world would already be out of oxygen. I'm serious. That is what I was taught in 10th grade chemistry. Since then, the first sub-3:45 mile has been run. But the oxygen is running out at an extreme rate?

      Also, always keep in mind that correlation does not prove causation. Lack of sight of that is what the propagandists manipulate with. The temperatures on Mars and Jupiter have gone up since the Industrial Revolution. They have gone up since I bought my first Subway sandwich. It doesn't mean anything. Planets go through cycles. However, humans always have some crazy environmental crisis to freak out about. The fact that the crisis changes every decade should tell you volumes.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    22. #72
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      Some rocky planet with water
      Quote Originally Posted by Universal Mind View Post
      Don't listen to the bullshit. Tons of actual climate scientists, including the head of NASA, have called B.S. on global warming. If the hysterical crazies had been correct when I was your age, the Brazilian Rainforest would be gone and the world would already be out of oxygen. I'm serious. That is what I was taught in 10th grade chemistry. Since then, the first sub-3:45 mile has been run. But the oxygen is running out at an extreme rate?
      Not true. All predictions, when you were younger, were for a far future. I was taught it too. Things about 2050. Seriously, stop being a hard-head, it won't benefit anyone. You're just refusing to see the world is not a beautiful fairytale.

      Saying quantum physics explains cognitive processes is just like saying geology explains jurisprudence.

    23. #73
      Consciousness Itself Universal Mind's Avatar
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      Apr 2004
      Quote Originally Posted by Kromoh View Post
      Not true. All predictions, when you were younger, were for a far future. I was taught it too. Things about 2050. Seriously, stop being a hard-head, it won't benefit anyone. You're just refusing to see the world is not a beautiful fairytale.
      You're joking, right? I'm refusing to see that the world is not a fairy tale? Have you completely forgotten who you are talking to? Have you forgotten all I have said about the threat of WMD terrorism, the dangers of socialism, the horrors of the war on drugs, the mind boggling way negative history keeps repeating itself, etc.? You are so dishonest.

      I was taught that the world would run out of the necessary amount of oxygen to sustain mammal life by 2010. I was taught that in 1988. I was there, and you were not even born yet. It was a 22 year prediction. I am in that "far future" right now. The time passed, and the prediction was a total crock of shit. Stop being an idiot.

      Did you catch this?

      Tell me your take on that mainstream "The sky is falling!" prediction. Was it correct? Talk to me.
      How do you know you are not dreaming right now?

    24. #74
      UnitedKingdom Xei is offline
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      To be honest there were about 10 times more reports of global warming in the scientific literature than global cooling at the time; the 'ice age coming' stuff was mainly contrived by the media.

      But you're right that in itself a rise (I wouldn't say extreme...) in CO2 is not evidence for AGW. There's also been a steady rise in the number of pop songs released per year over the last century.

    25. #75
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      Some rocky planet with water
      You know what temperature is it here? 27ºC. That's 80.6ºF. Let me tell you something. It's fucking 3:11 AM. 27ºC. There have been daily floods in my city. Don't tell me global warming isn't happening.

      Saying quantum physics explains cognitive processes is just like saying geology explains jurisprudence.

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