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      Member SUBR0SA's Avatar
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      Red face Into the Dreaming

      So..where do I begin. This is basically an introduction post,just want to talk a litle about where I am coming from.
      I dream every night, I mean I know most people do but don't remember and I had times when I didn't but since I started writing down my dreams I seem to have great dream recall. I can recall almost every dream, even afternoon nap dreams.
      It's almost whenever I go to bed after a while I can kind of sense that "the dreaming" is near,as if my mind is already preparing for recording another dream by remembering earlier dreams,like accessing the drive where they are stored and warming up or something.
      Now,my dreams can be quite unsettling, they are usually strange and tense situations,stories which I am sometimes part of and at other times only an observer. Often intense,they sometimes leave me feeling weird all day.

      I used to be a lot into the fantasy,sci fi stuff as a teenager, later my curiousity got the best of me and I began experimenting with mind altering substances for some time before realizing that there is no fiction stranger than truth and no high greater than being alive.
      I have never practiced occultism but I have researched it as I have researched symbolism and religions,quantum physics and many topics surrounding consciousness,God,psychology,the human brain and mind,body and soul,stargates etc. There is some line, I learned, which blurs between the realm of truth and fiction.
      I can say that I lean heavily towards Christianity,even though there are many deviant versions of it of which I do not approve but I can say that the Judeo-Christian core resonates with me the most after many things I have learned about the New Age movement which lead me to believe that there truly is a struggle going on for human souls on a level beyond our waking and conceivable understanding.

      The human language in itself is a profoundly interesting phenomenon,as us the language of symbols which is deeply rooted into "the dreaming". Often in my dreams I encounter profoundly symbolic context which I simply would not be able to intentionally pull off consciously,even though I am pretty creative. At times I feel as if a great intelligence is trying to communicate with me through dreams by using this kind of symbolic language,waiting for a part of me to grow strong enough understand it,maybe even be able to talk back. I feel that by mastering the dreaming I could better understand myself,reality,dreams,God and the world.

      However,my dreams are often haunted with an eery presence,like a shadow,not really there but...dark and void,black,it makes me a little afraid at times,nothing I can't handle though. I often wonder if all the people I dream are projected by me or weather there is something else meddling with my head. I wonder if anyone else has that feeling? Any experiences?
      Last edited by SUBR0SA; 06-08-2011 at 02:23 AM.

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