I don't remember when this started happening. I started having dreams within dreams. I hated it and always tried to wake up from them, but in time my fears subsided and the dreams began to encourage and help me. I forgot some of the first dreams here, but I do remember some of the later ones....

It is amazing what being alone
on a high point in nature can do for you
It sort of brings into a broader overview

Opens the mind to higher and wider views
than can be contained
in the overtures preluding

one's smaller world views...
(just some thoughts brought on by the prevailing
winds within my mind at the time)...

And then I fell asleep....within my sleep.
And dreamed a deeper dream, and within

In this deeper dream, a girl took my hand, and had me sit upright. I knew I was sleeping and not really physically doing this, but it was alright. She said "This time, darling, you tell me what the dream is telling you"? I said "I think some people don't care about helping me, I think some people just want to tell me to follow some religion or ideology, and I think some people want to tell me what they think is important really is". She looked up at the sky and said "Why don't you forget about judging other people's intents and just focus on your own? You saw enough within the dream, to show you to try to find your own way, or didn't you?. Don't read into it what is not there, baby".

I felt myself get all embarrassed, and I felt a sort of wildfire run through my body.

After that, the dreams got even more confusing. Sometimes I panicked and was so unsure if it was dream or real, and even when I knew it was "real" by consensual standards, I was thinking it was not even close to the fullness of what reality can truly be. I thought that there could not be a reality beyond, and yet I had seen it, I had felt it, it had encompassed me. I felt close to the brink of insanity.

And then she came to me again. She said "You really do have to push this hard if you want to gain the next level, dear. You really do have to go beyond the normally accepted confines of humanity, you really do!".

I said "Look, I try to be nice, I try to care, I try to do right"....she looked me in the eye with a very piercing glare that just reverberated through and through me, and said "That is a start, alright, but only a start!"!

Then she said "I told you I would take you back in time. I will. You are now only a baby facing a new reality. When you were first born in this life, you were also a baby facing a new reality. I will eventually take you much further back in time than this as well! Do you trust me to do this?"? I just replied "Yes".

She smiled that sweet, sweet smile once again, and said "Concepts are only concepts, sweetheart, don't mistake them for realities"!